Sunday, July 4, 2021

Massachusetts Police Standoff With Heavily Armed Men Ends In 11 Arrests…

 Weasel Zippers  CNN report is quoted which calls for other sources.

Breitbart: 11 Armed Suspects Arrested Following 9-Hour Armed Standoff on Mass. Highway

"Massachusetts State Police arrested 11 people on Saturday who allegedly claimed to be members of a group known as the “Rise of the Moors.” The arrests followed an hours-long standoff with the armed members on Interstate 95 near Wakefield, Massachusetts, after suspects reportedly said they don’t “recognize our laws.”

"Early Saturday morning, the Mass State Police Twitter account posted a series of tweets regarding a standoff with multiple armed suspects in two vehicles in I-95." . . .

. . . "The members of the group reportedly refused to comply with orders to put down their weapons and other verbal orders. The people told the officers they do not “recognize our laws,” police said, according to the AP report.

The colonel said the men told the officer they were members of the “Rise of the Moors...” group and were headed to Maine from Rhode Island for “training.” The men reportedly refused to put down their weapons and several members took off into the woods, the report states.

“You can imagine, 11 armed individuals standing armed with long guns slung on an interstate highway at 2 in the morning certainly raises concerns, and is certainly not consistent with the firearms laws that we have here in Massachusetts,” the state police commander said."...

About the Rise of the Moors

Who is the Rise of the Moors militia group that stopped traffic on the highway in Wakefield?

Exposed: "The Washington Post’s attempt to smear me and my work on critical race theory fails spectacularly.

 Christopher F. Rufo  "The fight over critical race theory has consumed American media. Conservatives have rallied against an ideology that seeks to divide the country into the racial categories of “oppressor” and “oppressed.” Liberals have defended it as a “lens” for understanding vague buzzwords like “systemic racism” and “racial equity.”

"I’ve been on the front lines of this battle. My investigative reporting has exposed critical race theory in American education, with disturbing firsthand reports about public schools forcing eight-year-olds to deconstruct their racial identities, telling white teachers that they must undergo “antiracist therapy,” and encouraging white parents to become “white traitors” and advocate for “white abolition.” These stories have reached millions of readers and helped spark a grassroots movement against critical race theory among parents in school districts across the country.

"They have also made me a target for the Left. In recent months, outlets including the New York Times, New Republic, MSNBC, CNN, and The Atlantic have attacked me on television and in print. No doubt the Washington Post believed that its 3,000-word exposé would undermine my reporting and cast me as a right-wing villain. The Post dispatched two reporters, Laura Meckler and Josh Dawsey, and spent three weeks preparing a hit piece that accused me of various intellectual crimes.

"There was just one problem: the Post piece rested on a bed of untruths. Meckler and Dawsey fabricated the timeline of events surrounding my involvement with President Trump’s executive order on critical race theory; botched a direct quotation from me about my work; erroneously claimed that a diversity lesson at a Cupertino, California elementary school never happened; and insisted that my reporting about the Treasury Department’s diversity programs was false."  . . .More....

The excellence of Rufo's arguments are validated by the nature of his detractors. In other words, if they are against him I am for him. Not to mention his superior logic and veracity."

Joe Biden's thought processes considered

 Al Jazeera: In Pictures: Americans celebrate Joe Biden victory Joe's loved in the Middle East and by their kindred spirits, the Democrats.

Further evidence (if you need it) of Biden’s increasing dementia  "Those of Joe Biden’s public behaviors that align with classic dementia symptoms are escalating. In the past few days, he strongly exhibited two symptoms: A type of belligerence that’s a cover-up for confusion and memory loss and a paranoid fear of those in charge of him.

"I used to spend a lot of time in the company of doctors. What always fascinated me were the tales they told of dealing with patients with early-stage dementia. The most interesting point they made was that elderly people, so as not to lose face or admit their own fears, are superb at deflecting the questions aimed at assessing their cognitive skills and memory.

"For example, one of the most common questions is “Who’s the president of the United States?” Rather than admitting that they don’t remember, people in early-stage dementia will get defensive or otherwise deflect. They might say, “That is incredibly insulting that you’d ask me that question,” picking a fight to distract from their memory loss. Others might go for flattery: “I can’t believe that a young man like you doesn’t know who’s president. That’s just a silly question to ask me.”

"Biden perfectly illustrated that type of angry, defensive, deflecting behavior when reporters on Friday asked him about Afghanistan: . . ."

Poll Explores What's on Everyone's Mind: Is Joe Biden Really Running the Show?  . . . "When asked "Do you believe President Biden is fully executing the duties of his office," a majority, at 56.5 percent said "No, others are directing policy and agenda," while 36.4 percent said "Yes, he is directing all policy and agenda.". . . 

Donald Trump Border Visit: Joe Biden Either ‘Incompetent’ or Actually Wants Open Borders

ICE Agents And Sheriffs Say Biden Is Preventing Arrest And Deportation Of Dangerous Criminals

The Biden Administration’s domestic terrorism strategy threatens to criminalize conservative speech and thought.

 The American Mind  

But when asked to specify how it will interpret “extremism,” the government has demurred. If the government fails to restrict its actions to countering violent offenders, the post-January 6 strategy will feed the impression that the Biden administration is simply using counterterrorism as a political cudgel.

 . . . "The National Security Council document, entitled the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, notes that “domestic terrorism can take many forms, inspired by a wide range of violent ideologies.” It emphasizes that “the definition of domestic terrorism in our law makes no distinction based on political views—left, right, or center—and neither should we.” And the document thus pledges “to confront domestic terrorism regardless of the particular ideology that motivates individuals to violence.”

"Despite these assurances, nobody on the political Right genuinely believes that the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism will be implemented in an “ideologically neutral manner” as the Biden administration promises.

"When it comes to political neutrality, the National Strategy has already gotten off to an inauspicious start. As everyone knows, the immediate impetus for the counterterrorism review was the January 6 unrest at the Capitol. Democrats have been smart to draw maximum attention to this tragic day and interpret it through the prism of “terrorism,” because we know from the political science literature on terrorism that terrorist activity tends to backfire politically on the perpetrators by eroding popular support and strengthening the executive to crush dissent.

"To help depict the events of January 6 as terrorism, Democrats and their anti-Trump media allies have repeatedly promoted the misimpression that the perpetrators killed somebody. The New York Times reported on January 8 that Capitol officer Brian Sicknick died in the melee from getting “struck with a fire extinguisher.” This account of his death was then cited in House Democrats’ February trial memorandum to impeach former President Trump." . . .

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Country singer Aaron Lewis disses libs, Bruce Springsteen in new patriotic song

 Fox News  . . . "At one point in the four-and-a-half-minute song, Lewis rips Bruce Springsteen. 

"Am I the only one /  Who quits singin' along / Everytime they play a Springsteen song," Lewis sings.

"Springsteen, 71, made headlines last November for saying he'd be "on the next plane" to Australia if former President Donald Trump won the 2020 election."

"If Trump is re-elected – which he will not be; I’m predicting right now he’s gonna lose – if by some happenstance he should be, I’ll see you on the next plane," Springsteen said in a virtual interview with the Australian press at the time.". . . 

Bruce Springsteen's Bourgeois House in Rumson, NJ

"The American singer-songwriter, also known as “The Boss,” Bruce Springsteen’s net worth is $300 million. His annual salary is reportedly $80 million."'

Is Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Really This Clueless?

 The Gateway Pundit  "Lloyd Austin always had the reputation while on active duty of being the affirmative action hire as he moved up the ranks. In other words, he got his job because of the color of his skin and not because of his performance. You want proof? Just watch his exchange today with Congressman Matt Gaetz regarding Bishop Garrison (start at 3:20):

. . . "Lloyd Austin is not a stupid man. He is educated and articulate. More articulate in fact than that dunderhead Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Milley (see Jim Hoft’s skewering of the clueless General here for his lame attempt to suck up to Austin). But Austin is either lying or is intellectually incurious. Who would give Garrison the position of Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense for Diversity and Inclusion without checking out his writings and public comments?

"Garrison is the anti-Martin Luther King. He does not give a damn about one’s character. For him it is all about the color of a person’s skin. That is the essence of racism." . . .

California Recall Date to Oust Newsom Has Been Set

 California Recall Date to Oust Newsom Has Been Set by Leah Barkoukis (

The state’s lieutenant governor, Eleni Kounalakis, announced Thursday that the special gubernatorial recall election will take place on Sept. 14, 2021.

Mass Immigration Turned California Blue, And Your State Might Be Next

 Mass Immigration Turned California Blue, And Your State Might Be Next (

The left weaponized mass migration to turn California into a one-party state. Now, the Democratic Party is working to subject the rest of the country to the same fate through open borders and amnesty.

 "It can be all too easy to forget that California, now a Democrat-mismanaged chronic cesspool, used to be a conservative stronghold. The state gave America Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan and voted for the GOP in nine out of ten presidential elections between 1952 and 1988.

"Clearly, a lot has changed. California hasn’t supported a single Republican presidential candidate in any of the eight elections since 1988. What’s more, the margin of support for Republican candidates has consistently shrunk, with Bill Clinton receiving 46 percent of the vote in 1992 (an election with three serious candidates) and 51 percent in 1996.

"In 2020, Joe Biden garnered more than 63 percent of the California vote, the Democrats’ best year in the state since Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected in a national landslide. Since 2007, Republican Party affiliation has plummeted from 33.8 percent to an abysmal 24 percent, now tying with no party preference.

"What happened? How did the state that gave us Nixon and Reagan become a Democratic stronghold in the span of a few short election cycles? Was the Democratic Party’s messaging just that effective? Doubtful.

"While it’d be reductionist to attribute California’s leftward trend to a single variable, there’s one that can not only be blamed for much of the shift, but is also integral to understanding the left’s strategy to sink Republican majorities across America."...

. . . "Such fears are well founded, with Sen. Ted Cruz only beating out Beto O’Rourke by 2.6 percent in the 2018 Senate election in an uncharacteristically close race. While many have expressed concern over the possibility that those who have moved to Texas from failed Democrat states might turn it blue, studies have found that such voters tend to be overwhelmingly supportive of the GOP

Instead, a cross-reference of data from the Statistical Atlas (which displays counties with a higher foreign-born population in the lighter color) and election results show that O’Rourke secured landslide victories in counties that had the largest shares of immigrant voters.

UPDATED: North Korea defector criticizes Gwen Berry, calls her ‘spoiled’

Park added that there are “people dying to come to America at this very moment” and Berry is taking her freedom for granted. 

 North Korea defector criticizes 'privileged' Gwen Berry (

"A human rights activist who escaped oppression in North Korea called US Olympian Gwen Berry “spoiled” for turning her back on the American flag — saying she doesn’t know how good she has it.
"Yeonmi Park, who defected from the hermit kingdom in 2007, told “Fox & Friends” Thursday that Berry’s decision to snub the Stars and Stripes as the national anthem played is “unthinkable.” 
“ 'In North Korea, people who are actually oppressed don’t even know they’re oppressed,” Park told the outlet. 
“The fact that she’s complaining about oppression and systemic racism — she does not understand that she’s so privileged.”
"The defector said if Berry committed the same actions in North Korea, she’d be killed. 
“If she was North Korean, not only herself will be executed, [also] eight generations of her family can be sent to political prison camp and execution,” Park griped.". . . 

.:.So she's been listened to, and listened to, and now she's shown to be a racist, spewing all manner of hate tweets.  Fine person to listen to.  Yet they all do it, the entire political and sports power hierarchy, even as she complains about not being "heard."  Her case shows the corruption of the establishment as they bow down to this bounder.  In a sane world, her racist tweets would mean they wouldn't give her the time of day.

"For the rest of us, we hear her loud and clear, to the point of nausea, given that, like Colin Kaepernick, she's a has-been athlete, and her last champion performance was in June 2018, three long years ago, an eternity in much of athletics, which is continually seeing new talent emerge.  What is it about has-beens that compels them to draw attention to themselves by non-athletic means?

"For just a little contrast, take a look at the athlete who legitimately beat Berry on the athletic field and was able to stand respectfully, if not rather refreshingly enthusiastically, for the playing of the National Anthem. 

"Here is what should have been news rather than bad-tweet hypocrite Berry, who got all the attention."...

"Did anyone see the formidable DeAnna Price, who made the second-farthest hammer throw in history on that day?  This is the person whom Berry overshadowed with the press attention she sought with a cheap stunt disrespecting the U.S. flag and national anthem:"...

Friday, July 2, 2021

Texas Soldier Who Shot BLM Protester Indicted On Murder Charge - Multiple Videos Reveal That He Is Acting in Self-Defense And Is Innocent

  Defiant America  "A Travis County grand jury has indicted an active-duty former Fort Hood Army sergeant on charges of murder, deadly conduct and aggravated assault in the 2020 shooting death of an armed Austin protester.

"Perry, who was stationed at Fort Hood, was working for a ride-sharing company and just dropped off a customer when he turned onto a street filled with people protesting police brutality.

"He stopped his car, honked, and seconds later, police said Perry drove his car into the crowd, The Texas Tribune reported.

" 'But videos show that he was under attack contradictory to the police reports!

"The man who defended himself against BLM rioters was indicted today a year after the incident is yet another example of how illegitimate our justice system is.

"Army Sgt Daniel Perry was driving Uber when rioters mobbed his car and pointed a gun towards him

"Below is the video that is widely shared by the mainstream media:

Kirstie Alley blasts coming culture of 'pedophilia' -

  Washington Times

"In a tweet that didn’t take long to gather massive social media steam, Kirstie Alley, Hollywood’s female braveheart—brave, ‘cause she’s openly conservative—wrote: “People are becoming so ‘open minded’ that” soon enough “they will support pedophilia” as simple shows of love to children. That ain’t hyperbole.That’s where the left indeed is headed. More from her tweet: “Down the road they will support pediphilia [sic] as people ‘just loving children.’(Snip)“Drag Queen Story Hour is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools and bookstores,” the site states. “DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids". . . 

Democrats hasten the demise of the American experiment

 Democrats Freak Out In With Rage Ohio Over Bill That Will Protect Women In Women's Sports [VIDEO] | DJHJ Media  Skindell is a champion of LGBTQ causes"

Deranged Ohio Dems Jeer, Bang Desks Over Trans Athletes Ban. But the Rep Who Kept Her Cool Got the Last Laugh – PJ Media  "In one of the more disgraceful stunts you’ll ever see in a legislative chamber (it’s a very low bar, I know), Democrat lawmakers in Ohio thew a childish temper tantrum, attempting to drown out a female Republican representative as she introduced an amendment that would protect girls’ sports from transgender athletes.

Rep. Jena Powell, a conservative and staunch defender of women’s athletics, was in the process of introducing an amendment to a bill that would allow college athletes to profit from their names and likenesses when the melee broke out.

“The ‘Save Women’s Sports Act’ is a fairness issue for women to be able to achieve their dreams and athletics in our state,” Powell began. “It is crucial to preserving women’s rights and the integrity of women’s and girls’ sports. Across our country, female athletes are currently losing scholarships, opportunities, medals, education, and training opportunities.” Unfortunately, some Democrats in the chamber apparently couldn’t stand to hear an articulate conservative woman defending women’s sports—and calling for a ban on biological men pretending to be women, ruining their sports, and denying them opportunities.

The amendment, attached to SB 187, reads: “No state institution or private college to which division (B) of this section applies shall knowingly allow individuals of the male sex to participate on athletic teams or in athletic competitions designated for only participants of the female sex.”

Shortly after Powell began her speech, Democrats began pounding on their desks and shouting “booo!” and “out of order!” in an attempt to disrupt her.

Here’s Rep. Michael Skindell losing his mind and embarrassing his family in public:

"Democratic State Sen. Michael Skindell was reportedly identified by The Post Millenial as one of the representatives that banged ferociously and appeared to “boo” Powell."

Lifesite news reports: “The ‘Save Women’s Sports Act’ is a fairness issue for women to be able to achieve their dreams and athletics in our state. It is crucial to preserving women’s rights and the integrity of women’s and girls sports. Across our country, female athletes are currently losing scholarships, opportunities, medals, education and training opportunities,” Powell said, as some begin banging.
"As Powell attempts to continue her speech, someone can be heard banging even harder on their desk, apparently screaming “boo.”

"Powell and others are visibly shocked." . . .

. . . “The Save Women’s Sports Act is a fairness issue for women to be able to achieve their dreams in athletics in our state, and it’s crucial to preserving women’s rights and the integrity of women’s and girls’ sports,” she said. “Across our country, female athletes are currently losing scholarships, opportunities, medals, education, and training opportunities.”

Ohio Dems disgrace themselves trying to keep males competing in girls’ sports - American Thinker  . . . "Joshua Arnold of the Family Research Council describes the disgrace at the state capitol:

As State Rep. Powell began, "across our country, female athletes are currently losing scholarships, opportunities, medals, and training opportunities," Democrats began banging on desks. One man repeatedly screamed, "point of order." Powell courageously pushed through to offer the amendment despite Democrats' rude interjections. The amendment succeeded in a 54-40 vote, and the Ohio House voted 57-36 to pass Senate Bill 187 through to the Senate.