Saturday, July 3, 2021

UPDATED: North Korea defector criticizes Gwen Berry, calls her ‘spoiled’

Park added that there are “people dying to come to America at this very moment” and Berry is taking her freedom for granted. 

 North Korea defector criticizes 'privileged' Gwen Berry (

"A human rights activist who escaped oppression in North Korea called US Olympian Gwen Berry “spoiled” for turning her back on the American flag — saying she doesn’t know how good she has it.
"Yeonmi Park, who defected from the hermit kingdom in 2007, told “Fox & Friends” Thursday that Berry’s decision to snub the Stars and Stripes as the national anthem played is “unthinkable.” 
“ 'In North Korea, people who are actually oppressed don’t even know they’re oppressed,” Park told the outlet. 
“The fact that she’s complaining about oppression and systemic racism — she does not understand that she’s so privileged.”
"The defector said if Berry committed the same actions in North Korea, she’d be killed. 
“If she was North Korean, not only herself will be executed, [also] eight generations of her family can be sent to political prison camp and execution,” Park griped.". . . 

.:.So she's been listened to, and listened to, and now she's shown to be a racist, spewing all manner of hate tweets.  Fine person to listen to.  Yet they all do it, the entire political and sports power hierarchy, even as she complains about not being "heard."  Her case shows the corruption of the establishment as they bow down to this bounder.  In a sane world, her racist tweets would mean they wouldn't give her the time of day.

"For the rest of us, we hear her loud and clear, to the point of nausea, given that, like Colin Kaepernick, she's a has-been athlete, and her last champion performance was in June 2018, three long years ago, an eternity in much of athletics, which is continually seeing new talent emerge.  What is it about has-beens that compels them to draw attention to themselves by non-athletic means?

"For just a little contrast, take a look at the athlete who legitimately beat Berry on the athletic field and was able to stand respectfully, if not rather refreshingly enthusiastically, for the playing of the National Anthem. 

"Here is what should have been news rather than bad-tweet hypocrite Berry, who got all the attention."...

"Did anyone see the formidable DeAnna Price, who made the second-farthest hammer throw in history on that day?  This is the person whom Berry overshadowed with the press attention she sought with a cheap stunt disrespecting the U.S. flag and national anthem:"...

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