Wednesday, August 4, 2021

American soccer fans cheer the Canadians who sent the ugly Americans off in defeat

 After a number of woke Olympics warriors went down to ignominious defeat this week, many Americans jumped to social media to celebrate their demise, Team USA or no

. . . "The article voiced many of the jibes typical of those launched at Rapinoe and her teammates after the losses to Sweden and Canada. For instance, another Conservative blog called Rapinoe’s loss “Karma.”

"Social media kicked into high gear, as well.

"Author Nick Adams posted several tweets revealing his satisfaction that Rapinoe and Team USA lost:

Instead of holding America up to the world as a shining example of equality & opportunity for women around the world, they tore us down. Many American sports fans will never forget this. The result? I’ve never seen a team squander more love & goodwill in my life as a sports fan.

 The Internet Celebrates the Collapse of the Left’s Woke Olympic Icons

I do love it when Megan Rapinoe loses because even though she’s ON Team America, she’s not FOR Team America 🇺🇸
Broke 2M. Keep it going. Every time you share this you crush another Woke narrative
. . .

Do not forget back in 2019: Jay Inslee Wanted Megan Rapinoe To Be His Secretary Of State

Choosing someone who hates this nation to represent us in world diplomacy. No Democrat is as pathetic as a West Coast Democrat!

Daily Caller  "Democratic Washington Governor and 2020 presidential hopeful Jay Inslee announced Saturday that, if elected, he would choose Megan Rapinoe to be his secretary of state.*

“ 'My first act would be to ask Megan Rapinoe to be my secretary of state,” Inslee said at the progressive Netroots Nation conference in Philadelphia, according to The Hill. “I haven’t asked her yet, so it could be a surprise to her.” (RELATED: The Real Reason For The U.S. Soccer Pay Gap Is Buried Inside A Guardian Analysis)

"Inslee went on to say that he believed Rapinoe’s message was so inspiring to people because it was the “antithesis” of President Donald Trump’s foreign policies. (RELATED: Megan Rapinoe Defends Decision To Protest During The National Anthem)

"Rapinoe, the soccer star who co-captained the U.S. National Women’s Team to a repeat World Cup victory, has been making headlines of her own lately as she continues to protest the national anthem and attack Trump. (RELATED: Allie Long, Megan Rapinoe Drop American Flag During World Cup Celebration)

"She and teammate Allie Long caught backlash immediately following their World Cup win when video showed them dropping an American flag on the ground while they posed for postage photos. Fellow USWNT member Kelley O’Hara quickly rushed in to grab the flag off the ground."

Shoen below: *The governor explained that he wanted a secretary of state that leads with “love rather than hate.” But not love for country.

As Breitbart News reported:  

"Rapinoe has emerged as one of the most potent symbols of the anti-Trump resistance after she declared that she did not want to go to the “fucking White House” even if her team brought home its fourth World Cup title.

"The co-captain has refused to put her hand over her heart and sing the national anthem and made headlines before the World Cup when she kneeled during the national anthem in support of Colin Kaepernick." . . .

June 2019: Gov. Jay Inslee makes a strong bid to be craziest member of the Democrats' presidential field   

"Yep, kicking around a ball is good preparation for the responsibility of guiding America's foreign policy.  And disdain for our flag embodies just the kind of attitude that will instill respect for our country overseas."

A number of leftist Olympics warriors went down to ignominious defeat this week

 "A number of leftist Olympics warriors went down to ignominious defeat this week after focusing on divisive political protests and promoting the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization.

After spending years protesting against America, the U.S. Women’s National Soccer "Team took an early loss against Sweden on July 21, right after the Tokyo Games opened.

"On Sunday, the team was knocked out of gold medal contention entirely due to a humiliating loss to Canada.

"However, instead of finding a Team USA loss devastating, many patriots back home reacted gleefully when the team, led by spoilt anti-American protester Megan Rapinoe, went down to defeat in Japan.

“Little Ms. Purple Hair and her team of woke warriors fell flat on their faces,” read an article on the website of American conservative commentator Wayne Dupree.

“Maybe it would have been smarter for Team USA to focus more on the actual sport
 Images of the U.S soccer team protesting America and promoting BLM have angered many patriots

“I mean, if there was a medal for being ‘Social Justice Warriors,’ team USA would have taken every gold medal in the joint.”

"For instance, another conservative blog called Rapinoe’s loss “Karma.”The article voiced many of the jibes typical of those launched at Rapinoe and her teammates after the losses to Sweden and Canada.

"Social media kicked into high gear, as well.

Our nation's leadership is a few wheels short of an 18-wheeler

Image by Mogey.

 Biden’s Approval Rating Is Dropping FastThe inevitable decline has only begun. 

"Let’s talk about the mythical Mr. Fernandez, who’s your Latino everyman in modern America. Let’s say Mr. Fernandez is a carpenter, or a plumber, a second-generation Mexican-American who lives in, say, the barrio in South San Antonio.

"His neighborhood is a borderline slum, but he owns his house in it. There’s a rented house next door which is usually overpopulated with illegals. He wakes up to trash in his yard often. He worries that MS-13, or something similar, will take over the streets, with the crime attendant in that. The public school his kids go to and the emergency room at the hospital nearby are usually overpopulated, to varying degrees, with illegals or their children.

"Mr. Fernandez doesn’t have anything against the illegals, but that doesn’t mean he’s willing to sacrifice his own quality of life for them. And he bristles at the idea that public policy ought to be made in order to coddle them because that’s the key to getting his vote." . . .

America ‘pretty much screwed’ because of Biden’s immigration policies  "Thomas Feeley says the president’s policies are enabling the border crisis on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ "

Bashing the Bamster's Big Birthday Bash

In referring to Barack Obama, must "he" and "him" be capitalized?

Obama Birthday Bash to Smash All Known Woke Values  . . . "As planned, some 475 invited guests and at least 200 worker bees will swarm the Obamas' waterfront estate on Martha's Vineyard, a tony little island off the coast of Massachusetts.  In addition to their vax cards, I suspect the worker bees and even the guests will have to show a photo

ID.  Apparently, birthday invites are more vulnerable than ballots in Obama world." . . .

. . . "Beyond caring about appearances — the birthday party makes that clear — Obama no longer has a need for his presumed "father" or his living African relatives.  They have felt the sting.  The best man at Obamas' wedding, Malik Obama, voted for Donald Trump in 2016.  Don't expect to see him or the other kin at the bash." . . .

Doocy vs. Psaki: Is Obama "Setting The Wrong Example" By Holding A Large Party During COVID Pandemic?    I'll make it easy for you; Psaki refers us to someone else,

Valerie Jarrett Asks For Donations To Obama Library Ahead Of His Martha’s Vineyard Birthday Bash   . . . "“My dear friend @BarackObama is turning 60 tomorrow,” she posted. “For his birthday gift, I’m asking you to chip in $6 or $60 to help us bring the Obama Presidential Center to life in Chicago.”
Lol. Friends, I know there's a pandemic on and many of you are being evicted, but why not chip in to help a very rich man buy a building to celebrate himself?


Annette LeBlanc 

"You are seriously out of touch asking for people’s  hard earned money during such difficult times, for a multi-millionaire who owns 30 acres of waterfront property

Somebody will pay up; I recall a donor contributed millions to Oral Roberts' skyscraper after that TV evangelist told us God would take him to Heaven if the money was not contributed. Perhaps Obama should have charged extra for people to enter the open-aired monuments he spitefully declared must be closed during his last shutdown. TD

LOL: Obama Scales Back Superspreader Birthday Bash After Criticism  . . . "As my PJM colleague Stephen Green noted, according to the CDC’s latest guidance for large gatherings, people should instead “host a video chat party with family and friends to share in the celebration” or even hold “safely distanced drive-in or drive-through celebrations.”

"Perhaps the Obamas were thinking their guests could loot and burn down his house chanting “Black lives matter!” so they could achieve that unique COVID immunity that occurs only during protests of injustice.

"NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio was unavailable for comment." . . .

Bill Maher Describes Cancel Culture As a ‘Purge,’ Says it ‘Belongs in Stalin’s Russia’

 Legal Insurrection

“Change is not synonymous with progress. Newer doesn’t automatically mean better.”

"HBO host Bill Maher slammed cancel culture on his show this past weekend.

"Maher brought up cancel culture due to Olympic officials losing their jobs “for offensive jokes.”

"The majority of the offensive jokes happened years, some decades, before the Tokyo Olympics.

"Thanks, Maher, for reminding people that thinking cancel culture exists is not a conservative position:

Remember when your teacher used to try to scare you, they’d say, ‘You know, this is going to go down on your permanent record?’ No longer an empty threat now. This is called a purge. It’s a mentality that belongs in Stalin’s Russia. How bad does this atmosphere we are living in have to get before people who say cancel culture is overblown admit that it is, in fact, an insanity that is swallowing up the world?

That is not a conservative position, my friends. My politics have not changed. But I am reacting to politics that have. And this is yet another example of how the woke invert the very thing that used to make the liberals liberal. Snitches and bitches? That’s not being liberal. The Associated Press is a real news organization, yeah? So why am I reading this headline: ‘Olympic surfing exposes whitewashed Native Hawaiian Roots.’ Yeah, the Olympics added surfing this year. Good. Surfers deserve to be recognized as athletes. I’m sorry, what I meant to say is no, that’s cultural appropriation…

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The ugly Americans: they lost "and it's glorious"!

Take A Knee, Then Take A Seat

. . . What the left has done to the country is disgusting, and there’s no easy road back. . . .

"Look at me!"

"It was a weird position in which to find myself – actively rooting against the United States Olympic team. Not the whole team, though I’ve been rather open about my indifference on that subject, but the women’s soccer team. Or should I say, the wymxn’s soccer team? Who knows, and who cares? They lost and it’s glorious.

"There are some members of the team you feel sorry for, the few who don’t kneel during the national anthem, but not many. The rest of them? Meh.

"Led by Megan Rapinoe, the Americans lost to Canada in the semi-finals, ending their chances at a gold medal. Excellent. I love the country, I don’t support those to take it for granted or those who would protest against it while in the midst of representing it. If it’s so awful, don’t play for it.

"When I woke up Monday morning and heard the news I felt the mixed feelings you might expect: happy they were out of gold contention and sad it had come to this. What the left has done to the country is disgusting, and there’s no easy road back. You can’t convince people you’ve been insisting are victims, who’ve based their identity on the victimhood, that they are, in fact, the perps." . . .

Megan Rapinoe Insults Canada After They Handed Her Another Loss, but Canadians Fire Back  "Rapinoe’s swipe at Canada’s skill as a soccer-playing country ventured into bad sportsmanship territory, which is par for the course of Rapinoe who isn’t exactly known for spreading around positivity and fair-mindedness.

"Canadians, normally known for being overly polite and nice, had a few things to say to Rapinoe in return.

 Public Celebrates as Woke Athletes Fail at Olympics  . . . "A number of leftist Olympics warriors went down to ignominious defeat this week after focusing on divisive political protests and promoting the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization.

"After spending years protesting against America, the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team took an early loss against Sweden on July 21, right after the Tokyo Games opened.

"On Sunday, the team was knocked out of gold medal contention entirely due to a humiliating loss to Canada.

"However, instead of finding a Team USA loss devastating, many patriots back home reacted gleefully when the team, led by spoilt anti-American protester Megan Rapinoe, went down to defeat in Japan.

“Little Ms. Purple Hair and her team of woke warriors fell flat on their faces,” read an article on the website of American conservative commentator Wayne Dupree.

"Maybe it would have been smarter for Team USA to focus more on the actual sport of soccer than the sport of ‘liberal wokeness,'” the article continued.

US wokesters come out second to Olympic patriots

"Many Americans are ignoring the Olympics this year based on the wokester politics of certain loudmouth Olympic athletes, some just itching to turn their podium moments into anti-U.S. protests. It's disgusting, given that they've chosen to compete under the U.S. flag. It not only comes off as the height of ingratitude, it indicates contempt for the American people as a whole, who love their flag and country. Who needs that crap? Many just say no, and not just 'no' but 'hell no,' and watch the Olympics to cheer the other team, a new phenomenon, which has been evident in all the delight at the gold- and silver- medal loss of the wokester women's U.S. soccer team, and its offensive captain, Meghan Rapinoe."

Wow. The women's soccer team really blew it AGAIN. Losing to Canada ? Probably SORE
KNEES from all their KNEELING. I love it when America wins the Gold---but the "bronze" lining here is we won't see as much of the purple hair chick MEG
during the "off season"

What if the ladies had represented themselves differently? What if they had understood how lucky they were to represent the USA?  "Instead, they went woke and let Megan be the face of the team.  "In the end, they lost me and lots of other fans."

Monday, August 2, 2021

The GOP Should Revolt Against Lame Duck Pelosi’s Dictatorship

Maybe she will expel the Republicans. Great. In her regime, the GOP can’t do anything anyway. It cannot even pick its own committee members.

 Townhall  "The ridiculous mask kabuki that Lame Duck Dictator Nancy Pelosi is attempting to impose upon the Party of Freedom is the perfect opportunity for the GOP to demonstrate that

it is not a flock of hapless, wriggling invertebrates. A little spine shown right about now would go a long way, not only to winning back Congress in 2022 by an even bigger margin than currently anticipated but to fixing the institution that power-mad harridan has grievously damaged. It might mean accepting that Republicans will be booted from the House for a bit, but who cares? We have zero input anyway. Make a stand.

"Here you go, GOP. Here’s your game plan. Get together. Throw your grody face-thongs into the trash. Walk into the People’s House. Refuse to obey her erratic and bizarre commands to submit." . . .

. . . "Maybe she’ll “fine” you. Great. Have lawyers on standby to go to court for an injunction against her unilateral attempt to alter your pay as legislators. Courts exist to solve disputes, and you have a good case. Can she also dock your pay for…not voting as she sees fit? Why or why not, Democrat ambulance chasers? Let’s have that fight." . . .