Incompetence + Arrogance = Woke
. . . Is there a connection between their wokeness and the general lack of interest in the NBA, Major League Baseball, NFL, and the Tokyo Olympics? Is the public sense not just that they do not wish to be talked down to by such privileged and spoiled 20- and 30-somethings, but also that the level of play of professional and amateur sports seems on the decline as well? Or is it that these woke, young athletes can handle sports or social hectoring, but not both—and it shows in their performances and in the lack of mass appeal?
Hollywood is the worst offender. Almost daily a mega-star joins the outrage twitter chorus to remind us of her exemplary virtue or his singular outrage over “social injustice.” They belong to this strange collection of celebrity-obsessed multi-millionaires whose homes, lifestyles, modes of transportation, and fashion are Versailles-like—yet whose daily lives never quite match their sanctimonious barking." . . .
We do not become "Karens"; we become "Joy Behars" .
UK Guardian |
controversial organization, “Black Lives Matter.” At the Army/Navy game, players take a knee instead of saluting the flag.
"At all the military service academies, “woke” instructors are teaching mandatory “critical race theory” courses. Non-minority midshipmen and cadets must confess their own “white privilege” and agree that all institutions are racist, and a person’s denial of racism proves they are racist.
"Also imagine military officers accepting denials of promotions if they do not fit the desired diversity quotas. To overcome this disadvantage, some promotable officers start book clubs for subordinates to study best sellers like White Fragility.
"Oh, wait – Navy Captain Hallock N. Mohler, Jr. already announced a book club for Second Fleet sailors' “voluntary” reading, naming White Fragility as its first selection." . . .