The claim that border patrol agents on horses whipped Haitian migrants illegally crossing the border spread like wildfire, pushed by the media and Democrats. But it was a lie, not just disputed, an outright hoax.
On top of all the other evidence, the photographer who snapped the now-viral photo confirmed there was no whipping:
The photographer behind now-famous images depicting Border Patrol agents on horseback appearing to chase migrants with whips says things are not exactly what they seem when it comes to his photos. . . .
. . . "Not only were whips not used, the reason horses were used is because that’s how border patrol patrols in terrain that is rough. Horses were not even used in an agressive manner, there’s no indication anyone was injured.
"The whip lie should have died within hours, but it’s still going on, and its being spread by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the head of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, all of whom explicitly or implicitly compared it to slavery.". . .
"In August, a slew of healthcare groups gave their employees deadlines to take COVID-19 vaccines or face termination. Although these mandates on paper allowed for religious and medical exemptions, in multiple cases, when exemptions proved hard to come by, employees facing threats of termination resorted to lawsuits to hold onto their jobs.
"How did these lawsuits turn out, and who eventually submitted to the will of the other: the healthcare group or the plaintiffs?". . .
“Joe Biden claims the U.S. Constitution empowers a president to mandate vaccines. He is wrong. Under the Constitution, states, not the federal government have that power,” Brooks said in a statement, challenging anyone to “identify a provision in the U.S. Constitution that unambiguously gives Joe Biden or the federal government the authority he arrogantly claims.”. . .
Who is ignorant enough to allow our lives and livelihoods to be in the hands of AOC, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Rashida Tlaib, Eric Swalwell, Chuck Schumer, Mazie Hirono, Kamala Harris, and all others who hate this nation and control Joe Biden? The Tunnel Dweller
Democrats continue the push to persecute the unvaccinated "Americans discovered on Wednesday that, on Saturday, Democrats had slipped something awful into their $3.5-trillion ironically named "Build Back Better Bill." If the bill becomes law (and the only thing currently stopping it is that Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin are saying "no"), employers can be charged as much as $700,000 per unvaccinated employee. This is madness.
. . ."As the Democrats get more shrill and more vindictive, increasing numbers of people are going to assume that Democrats are acting from either insanity or malevolence. Either is a terrible choice for a once free country's political leadership.
"That's my summary of what's going on here. Tucker's is better:"
[George Mason economics professor Garett Jones] asks whether immigrants bring cultural attitudes, religious beliefs, a work ethic, etc. that will kill "the golden goose of first-world prosperity." Phrased otherwise, do immigrants make "the countries they move to a lot like the countries they came from?"
"Great news! For the millions of U.S. immigrants who really wanted to immigrate to Haiti, but couldn't get in ... Guess what? The country you're living in is about to become Haiti.
"This will also come as good news to the GOP's top-dollar donors, whose sole political thought is: HOW DO WE WIN THE BLACK VOTE? (Next goal: Reverse the rotation of the Earth.)
"Apparently, it's absolutely humiliating for people who live in 100% white neighborhoods to belong to a party that appeals to white people.
. . .
"With hordes of Haitians pouring across our border -- because a certain lying conman didn't build a wall -- this weird compulsion of the donors will only get worse. Before Republican geniuses start proposing "enterprise zones" for Haitians, maybe they should take a look at Haiti.
Haitian President Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier (1957-1971) began his regime by killing off or exiling the educated elite for being too light-skinned, then expropriated the peasants' small parcels of farmland, leading, like night into day, to mass starvation.
"Result: Haitian peasants adored him! Even after a regime of mass murder and widespread starvation,"...
"Online, red pill is especially used among anti-feminist and white supremacist groups to refer to “waking up” to the truth that women and liberal politics are oppressing men and white people.
"Red pill comes from the popular and influential 1999 sci-fi action film, The Matrix. There’s a scene early on in the movie in which the main character, Neo, is offered two pills: a red one and a blue one. The red pill represents an awakening, but one that could be difficult and painful. Neo’s world will be changed uncomfortably if he takes the red pill, but he’ll be made aware of the truth of the world. The blue pill represents comfort and security. If he takes the blue pill, he’ll continue to live in blissful ignorance.
"The concept has a precedent in the 1990 science fiction film Total Recall. In that film, one character offers another a red pill, said to be a symbol of his “desire to return to reality.” There’s no blue pill presented, however."....
However, MRC applied this 4.6 percent drop in Biden votes to the most closely-contested states and concluded that a knowledge of the Biden-China corruption scandal among Biden voters alone would have turned Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin red, giving Trump a 289-vote margin in the Electoral College and handing him the presidency.
Biden's will to resist China is faltering | TheHill..."Apparently, this administration’s thinking, like that of its predecessors until the Trump team, is that talking straight to China will offend its sensibilities and be seen as provocation. As Biden put it, “We are not seeking a new Cold War, or a world divided into rigid blocs.' ” ...
“This dispute originated in June 2020 when a non-black student asked Plaintiff to grade his “Black classmates” differently than other students. Plaintiff rejected this request….
“This dispute originated in June 2020 when a non-black student asked Plaintiff to grade his “Black classmates” differently than other students. Plaintiff rejected this request….
. . ."In the weeks and months after the death of George Floyd a vicious and malicious cancel culture purge swept academia, with professors who expressed views not in complete sync with radical campus opinion being subjected to firings and attempted firings, harassment and intimidation, and defamation.
"In many if not most of the cases, Presidents, Deans, and other administrators were aiders and abetters.
"But of all the cases, the attack on Prof. Gordon Klein at UCLA’s Anderson Business School was perhaps the most insane – truly other-worldly.
"Prof. Klein’s alleged offense was that he insisted on treating black students equally. He refused a request by a white student to allow black students preferential treatment on final exams. Because such a racial preference would violate UCLA’s anti-discrimination policies (and maybe even the law), Klein refused. Students then launched a defamatory campaign against Prof. Klein, and the cowards who run UCLA’s Anderson School capitulated, denouncing and suspending Klein. He eventually was reinstated — because he did absolutely nothing wrong — but not before his reputation and career were severely damaged.
"We covered Prof. Klein’s situation initially in these posts:
"Prof. Klein has just filed a lawsuit in California state court, and among the things he wants, is for UCLA administrators to be held personally liable.
"In the Complaint, Prof. Klein alleges, among other things:". . .
Newsom Survives CA Recall – But What Happens Next? - Liberty Nation. . . "The narrative from the very beginning of the Newsom campaign was that this was a “Republican recall” and that the forces of Trump were hard at work in the Golden State. Quite how true this rhetoric has been remains to be proven. Democrats understand that Donald Trump is a divisive figure for their voting base and one that can ensure a loyal turnout. Rather than running on the governor’s record – as cited in his victory speech – it seems Newsom et al. were positioning themselves as the anti-Trump vanguard.". . .
Democrats Repeat the Mistakes of 2016 › American Greatness (Conrad Black)..."The Democrats are still outwardly pretending Trump has gone and that his support has evaporated. They also pretend they can hobble him with vexatious litigation and, if necessary, destroy him again by raising the Trump-hate media smear campaign back to ear-splitting levels.
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), even as she finds the ground shifting beneath her feet over the administration’s incontinent spending ambitions, is seeing her effort to promote the January 6 trespass at the U.S. Capitol as an outrage on the scale of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 overshadowed by the Afghanistan disaster and the cascade of other blunders and improvidences of the Biden Administration.". . .
Photo added by TD; Romney and CNN; the perfect match
. . . "Romney’s also been trying to cozy up to liberal Hollywood.
"The Biden administration has created crisis after crisis and instead of focusing on fixing those issues, Romney has been spending his time helping liberals make a movie aimed at attacking Republicans.
"The movie, called “Veep,” is an inaccurate Hollywood film aimed at painting Republicans as evil conspiracy theorists.
"The main topic of the movie is former Vice President Dick Cheney, who served under President George W. Bush.
"Romney said, “Leaving Americans behind and leaving our Afghan friends behind, who worked with us, would put upon us and will put upon us a moral stain. This is the result of very ineffective decisions by the prior administration and the current administration. This did not have to happen. It was preventable.”
"Portland's black residents are reportedly feeling "drowned out" by the ongoing Black Lives Matter protests in the city that are being led by mostly-white, violent Antifa extremists.
"The African-American community in the Oregan city is feeling silenced amid the nightly riots and violence caused by radical-left protesters, the Associated Press reported Monday.
"According to the AP, the "voices of many black Portland residents" are being "lost" in the "chaotic and often violent protests," supposedly against racial injustice.
"Some in the black community feel the overwhelmingly white crowds of Black Lives Matter protesters — and particularly those committing vandalism — are co-opting the anti-racism movement.". . .
"A teacher at Marysville Middle School was ordered to take down a pro-police flag in her classroom over claims it is a"political symbol."
"However, messages supporting BLM and LGBT pride flags are allowed, and celebrated, in the school.". . .
. . . "The incident follows the anti-police sentiment that swept the nation last year following the death of George Floyd while he was in police custody, and the resulting defund the police movement.". . .
" 'If it was about "Saving Lives" the democrats would lock down the border and stop firing nurses!" Rob Gunne