"It is the way of the new vision: D.I.E. — Diversity, Inclusion, Equity. Instead of equal opportunity, equal results. A vice president of no consequence or attainment whose two resumé qualifiers are that she is female and remains darker skinned even after a three-week visit to Florida. A president who ran on a 50-year record of failure and racial bigotry. . ."
Source: The American Spectator . . ."That really is how we ended up with Biden as president. No one sensible conceivably thought that after 50 years of his manifest mediocrity and plentiful plagiarism in public life, this charisma-less character suddenly was going to push Teddy Roosevelt or Thomas Jefferson off Mount Rushmore. Biden inevitably was going to be a candidate, instead, for a Mount Flushmore, perhaps accompanied by a Millard Fillmore, a Franklin Pierce, or a James Buchanan. He had nowhere to lead us because, although even a pencil must be lead, Biden’s presidential candidacy, with Kamala and Nancy in the wings and “The Squad” as backup, was a Peter Bruegel the Elder painting to rival the best “Blind Leading the Blind” paint-by-payola-numbers art works among the coveted Hunter oeuvre of collected high-bribe etch-a-sketch offerings.
"Biden so obviously was going to lead us nowhere — not into the Promised Land, not out of Egypt, not even around a desert for 40 years. Like the mediocre colonel who submitted a mediocre application for promotion, his only letter of recommendation could read: “His men would follow him anywhere — but only out of curiosity.”*
"And yet the Democrats selected him from among their primary bounty of choices, a box of chocolates without fillings in the center … and without chocolate. And now the rest of America is surprised to see the Guernica they got? Why the surprise? How the surprise? It never could have been otherwise. He had no vision for half a century — and yet now he suddenly was going to see a future when he still was promoting 33 rpm vinyl records in 2020? One year ago Politico had him at +16 and Fox News at +20. Harvard-Harris still had him at +15 in June. It made no sense. And then came Afghanistan — the hammer.
"Afghanistan was so dramatic that it pierced through the combined Left Media and Social Media walls protecting Biden from public view. People finally got their glimpse of the man they had seated in the Oval Office.". . .
*Emphasis added with some glee. TD
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