Accordingly, and as I know from talking to such people, they are often shocked beyond belief to discover that the Western nations they fled to -- and which they mistakenly assumed were Christian nations -- share in Islam’s well-documented aversion for the Christian cross.
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Raymond Ibrahim; American Thinker . . ."The worst incident occurred in November 2016, when a manager actually called her away during surgery to berate her about her cross: “I said ‘I cannot leave the patient,’ but the manager insisted. I was so embarrassed. Theatre [operation room] is a pressured environment, and I was astonished that senior staff were prepared to potentially endanger a patient’s life in order to intimidate me to remove it [her cross].”
"In the end, because “she refused to take it off, Mary was moved to clerical duties and became subject to what she describes as a sustained campaign of bullying that left her unable to work.” She took her case to court and only recently, according to a January 8 report, won. Ruling in her favor, the judge found that management had forced Mary to work in a “humiliating, hostile and threatening environment” and that when Mary complained, their response had only been “offensive and intimidating.”
"And all because she wore a small cross necklace. As Andrea Williams, who represented Mary in her lawsuit, explained:
From the beginning this case has been about one or two members of staff being offended by the cross -- the worldwide, recognized and cherished symbol of the Christian faith. It is upsetting that an experienced nurse, during a pandemic, has been forced to choose between her faith and the profession she loves. Why do some NHS [National Health Service] employers feel that the cross is less worthy of protection or display than other religious attire?. . .
. . ."Islam, beginning with its prophet, who “had such a repugnance to the form of the cross that he broke everything brought into his house with its figure upon it,” has been responsible for destroying countless crosses, past and present. Islam, however, is at least honest and open about its hatred. As for the so-called “left,” perhaps it is high time to take the sage advice first uttered by the one behind the cross: “You will know them by their fruits.”
In "Saving Private Ryan", Pvt Mellish knew well the significance of his dog tags.