What happens when the elites don’t give a f**k - American Thinker . . ."Are you fed up with over-paid spoiled rotten Hollywood types and sports stars who, because they get paid mega bucks for scant work or no work at all, think their beliefs are more important than yours?
"Are you gagging at the censorship wrapped in the canard of ‘Covid misinformation”? Have you had it with the cancel culture?
"Well, that’s the result when those in power -- in government, in education, in entertainment
"and, in sports - just don’t give a f**k.*
"Yes, that’s not a proper word for “polite society.” But it is being acted out, and explicitly stated. Examples abound.
"In government, Vice President Kamala Harris -- the not-serious laughing pantsuit -- has been empowered to solve the invasion on our Southern border. What has she done? Since her appointment over ten months ago, she has visited the area exactly once. Why? Because the left doesn’t care. They don’t care if kids are killed, or girls are raped, or if killer drugs come across the border. And if at least 50% of Americans abhor this invasion? So what! About sovereignty - and safety, Kamala doesn’t give a f**k. ". . .