What to do about those Trump people? Easy: Accuse them all of being white supremacists. That will stick. So the talking points were distributed, and in the blink of an eye, all Trump supporters were and are white supremacists.
Patricia McCarthy "The Trump presidency sent the left into paroxysms of hysterical terror. How could that self-made billionaire beat their beloved and prototypically corrupt Hillary? Everyone knows they cheated in 2016, too, but they seriously underestimated Trump's popularity.
"Thus, the Russia hoax , begun during the campaign, was escalated. It was an entirely fabricated story they were certain that it would take Trump out hopefully before his inauguration. That didn't happen, so they kept it up for years until the truth of their grand plan emerged.
"In the meantime, they perfected their systems of perpetrating election fraud by 2020. The fix was in. The perpetually nasty Biden was installed by a cabal who knew well that he was suffering from dementia but thought they could manage him as they moved ahead with the Obama agenda: destroy America as founded. Eric Hoffer was prescient when he observed long ago that "nowhere at present is there such a measureless loathing of their country by educated people as in America."
"Along the way, though, far too many of the American people refused to go along with their carefully crafted plans. Millions never believed the Russia hoax or any of the other invented tales of suspect criminality with which the left tried to malign President Trump. They knew better, in part because common sense still prevails in some quarters outside the D.C. swamp and both coasts. What to do about those Trump people? Easy: Accuse them all of being white supremacists. That will stick. So the talking points were distributed, and in the blink of an eye, all Trump supporters were and are white supremacists. The defund the police campaign relied on the false meme that all cops are white supremacists, even those who are black. Larry Elder, a beloved California conservative, was labeled "the black face of white supremacy" as he ran to unseat the loathsome Gavin Newsom. That was the L.A. Times!". . .