Friday, March 4, 2022

Putin hopes to expose Biden's crime wave in Ukraine

Lastly, one more bad thing that will almost certainly come out of this. Just like my high school days, when bullies sense weakness, they immediately attack. China is watching closely. If Putin takes Ukraine, outplays and humiliates Biden, China will absolutely invade Taiwan. 

Wayne Allyn Root; WND  There are so many complex reasons for Russian President Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine. And so many outcomes yet to be determined – sadly, all of them bad for the USA.

"First, let me tell you a personal story that explains the psychology of Putin. I grew up the only white Jewish kid attending an almost all-black middle school and then a 90% black high school. Needless to say, I was the favorite target of bullies.

"I know liberals haven't a clue about this, but whoever is in the minority in life gets tortured, intimidated and unfortunately, gets their a– kicked. A lot. That's a fact of life.

"Therefore, I got tortured, intimidated and beaten up on a daily basis. The bullies at my school stole my lunch, beat me in the bathrooms and chased me home after school.

"Most weak kids never change. I'm one of the lucky ones. A tough gang member took pity on me and taught me how to fight and defend myself. After a summer of brutal hand-to-hand combat training with my newfound tough friend, I vowed never to be intimidated again. I showed up at school ready to defend myself.". . .

. . ."No bully ever touched me again. As a matter of fact, many of those tough guys and bullies became my buddies. I gained their respect.

"The lesson is "peace through strength." Only by being tougher than the other guy can you avoid conflict.

"That perfectly describes former President Donald J. Trump. I can picture Trump telling Putin, "If you attack Ukraine, we will bomb Russia to oblivion. Don't try me." And Putin never did. Putin behaved while Trump was president." . . .

Trump knew how to handle Putin, while Biden has no clue | Israel National News - Arutz Sheva  . . ."We know three things about Putin and Ukraine, and whether Zelensky is going to end up killed or locked in the Gulag for the rest of his life, and whether more Ukrainians next will die at Putin’s initiative than have been slaughtered since Stalin mass-murdered as many as seven million during the Holodomor with the active and criminal assistance of New York Times Russia bureau chief Walter Duranty:

1. None of the present mess happened when Donald Trump was president.

2. Vladimir Putin played by the rules of international comity throughout the Trump years.

3. Biden came in, demonstrated his and Antony Blinken’s foreign affairs chops in Afghanistan, and the whole house of cards came crashing down.

"This was predictable from an incompetent who, in but one year, has presided over a complete breakdown of the social order. America successfully was rehabilitating from four Obama years of rot and decay, and Biden has proven transformative, introducing chaos marked by America suffering a severe nationwide collapse in urban law and order, a parallel breakdown at the southern border, historic inflation and economic dysfunctioning, a racial-based social cacophony that has undone racial harmony that reigned only a few years before, a cultural collapse in public education that sees children brainwashed to worry about personal pronouns and whether they are incorrectly gendered bodies while being taught lies in history and corrupted math.". . .

Has Lia Thomas No Shame? UPDATE: Not according to SI

 National Review

The SI piece refuses to delve very deeply into the controversy, making the profile a thinly disguised puff piece.

"Lia Thomas, the male swimmer currently dominating female Ivy League swimming, is utterly shameless. And so is Robert Sanchez, the writer who profiled Thomas in an exclusive interview for Sports Illustrated. Sanchez writes:
In her first year swimming for the Penn women’s team after three seasons competing against men, Thomas throttled her competition. She set pool, school and Ivy League records en route to becoming the nation’s most powerful female collegiate swimmer.

"It is true that Thomas “throttled” the competition. But the rest is a lie. Thomas is not “en route to becoming the nation’s most powerful female collegiate swimmer” because Thomas is not actually a female swimmer

"Thomas tells Sanchez, “I want to swim and compete as who I am.” Very well. But athletes should also compete according to what they are — male or female. To ignore this biological distinction is to make a mockery of female sports.". . . 

'Sports Illustrated' Profile of Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas – PJ Media   "How can you write more than 4,000 words about transgender swimmer Lia Thomas and not mention that Thomas’s rank when swimming as a man was 462? The Sports Illustrated profile of Thomas mentions right at the top that when swimming as a female, Thomas is ranked number one in the NCAA.

"Somehow, it kinda slipped SI author Robert Sanchez’s mind that Thomas, when swimming as a man, was a mediocre swimmer. And that omission illustrates the problem with SI’s profile of Lia Thomas.". . . 

Gender dysphoria is real and those afflicted with it deserve our sympathy and support. It’s a shame that those who wish to have a serious discussion about the issues surrounding transgenderism are automatically branded as haters if they don’t toe the trans line on athletics.

"Haters", "Racists"; how can those two words shut down the use of wisdom and reason? TD

And Beto is still talking [about] the lights going out

Our family suffered some through the power outage, but it will take more than that for us to elect that silly sitcom personality to office. TD

Silvio Canto, Jr.   . . ."So the stage is set.

"At this point, it looks as though Gov. Abbott has a stronger hand — i.e., job growth and the number of relocations to Texas. 

"On the other hand, Mr. O'Rourke avoids specifics and speaks about the lights that went out a year ago.  And does not mention President Biden.

"At the moment, Gov. Abbott leads Mr. O'Rourke by 8.8 points.  Over the next few weeks, the governor will likely be endorsed by his fellow Republicans, Mr. Alan West and Mr. Don Huffines.  It should give him an uptick in the approval polls.  Who endorses Mr. O'Rourke now?  I don't know, but don't expect V.P. Harris or Sen. Bernie Sanders to visit Texas anytime soon.

"By the way, the GOP did well in south Texas, the most Hispanic area of the state: "Republicans celebrate in Texas, as Democrats gird for November."

"Gov. Abbott is saying the GOP will carry the Hispanic vote in November, and that looks like a better bet after Tuesday's primary.  And, once again, Beto is still talking about the lights that went out 13 months ago.". . .

2019: Mark Steyn: Beto O’Rourke ‘A Parody Of Rich White Privilege’ | The Daily Caller

Conservative pundit and author Mark Steyn called former Texas Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke “a parody of rich white privilege” in a party obsessed with diversity and identity politics.

On top of that, O'Rourke descends to lying about opposition;  RELATED: Beto O’Rourke: ‘Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt,’ Trump Tried To Collude With Russia)   

Democrats put the "Dem" in Demagoguery  

Beto spoke on the need for reparations:

Beto’s Apology Tour (  We await his apology for the border wall.

One place he did not visit was on Wednesday was the border wall, which he has repeatedly criticized Abbott for supporting.

Parody material: Beto Criticized For Jumping Up Onto Elderly Woman To Deliver
Campaign Speech | The Babylon Bee
   "Has Democratic candidate/heartthrob Beto O'Rourke gone too far? Despite being a white male, Robert Francis has started to win the hearts and minds of the Democrats, in part because of his impassioned speeches about things---not because of what they actually say (even Beto's not 100% sure what his speeches are about), but because of his charisma as he leaps up on tables, barstools, and countertops to implore his fellow Americans to vote for him or something.". . .

Kamala serves up another incoherent word salad - American Thinker

Imagine the effect of a Harris visit on the heads of Poland and Romania. Will they be reassured about America's leadership role?


Thomas Lifson"Has there ever been a pairing of a POTUS and a veep where neither one could be counted on to answer a straightforward question without becoming incoherent?  The fact that we now live on a knife's edge with the potential for nuclear war greater than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis makes the subnormal leadership capacity of the Executive Branch all the more alarming.

"Watch and wince as Kamala is asked a question that any briefing book would have covered: will the administration sanction Russia's oil and gas sector?

"Her answer:

As it relates to what we need to do domestically as well as what we need to do in terms of this issue generally, we have, as the president said, reevaluated what we're doing.. . .

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Russia destroys the holocaust memorial at Babi Yar in Ukraine

SHOCKING: Russia Claimed It Was Invading Ukraine To 'De-Nazify' The Country.. Bombs Holocaust Memorial 5 Days In To Invasion (

Russia began intensifying its bombing campaign of Kyiv yesterday after the early phase of its assault was benign, according to military experts.  After bombing a communications tower in the capital, Russia began dropping bombs on a holocaust memorial, damaging a Jewish cemetery that was built to mourn over 30,000 holocaust victims in the country.  The Associated Press Reports

The Babi-Yar Gallery (1 of 26) (

I didn't choose any sides in this war previously because I just didn't care about it but since Russia decided to bomb a Holohoax memorial, I now back Russia wholeheartedly! Go Russians!

 The Babi Yar Massacre (

Over the next week, 33,771 Jews were murdered at Babi Yar. Over the following months, Babi Yar remained in use as an execution site for gypsies and Soviet prisoners of war. Soviet accounts after the war speak of 100,000 dead and while research does not substantiate such a number the true figure will likely never be known.

Babi Yar, Kyiv's Holocaust memorial to victims of Nazis, damaged in Russian bombing attack (

Just now, a powerful barrage is underway. A missile hit the place where Babyn Yar memorial complex is located! Once again, these barbarians are murdering the victims of (the) Holocaust," Andriy Yermak, Zelenskyy's chief of staff, wrote in a tweet.

So many in the Middle East love seeing all this: babi yar massacre - Bing images

Babi Yar - Wikipedia   

Babi Yar.A film of Jeff Kanew.2003 A brief portion of the film.

LIKE A BOSS...Gov DeSantis Tells Students To Take Off Their Masks: "Honestly, it's not doing anything. We've gotta stop with this Covid theater!"

 100%FedUp    "From almost the beginning of the pandemic, Governor Ron DeSantis stood toe-to-toe with Dr. Fauci and the CDC, fighting back against COVID-related mandates in his state. He became somewhat of a role model for other governors when bucking the “science,” peddled by the flip-flopping Dr. Fauci.

"When states across America were locking down their citizens and stripping them of fundamental human rights, Governor Ron DeSantis gave citizens in his state the choice to decide if they wanted to wear masks (or not) and if they wanted to be vaccinated (or not).

"At the peak of the pandemic, hypocrite Democrat leaders like Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who imposed some of the most draconian lockdown rules of any governor in America, escaped her own authoritarian rules and fled to sunny Florida where citizens were allowed to live freely and make their own health-related decisions.". . .

. . ."AOC, who chastised others for not following mask rules in the Communist state of New York, was recently seen in southern Florida enjoying a MASKLESS vacation with her fiancé.". . .

About the Biden administration

AfterMath - Home (

Biden Digging a Grave for Dollar Hegemony | RealClearPolitics

Or was Biden deluded by crackpot "modern monetary theory," the fool's gold that claims printing money ensures prosperity?  In the end, it doesn't matter whether Biden was deluded or diabolical. Come November, Americans will rightfully blame him for willfully damaging their lives.

 Biden chooses appeasement over sound war-preventing diplomacy - American Thinker

. . .When combined with denunciations of Putin, the policy in essence amounts to replacing "speak softly and carry a big stick" with "act weakly while carrying a big mouth" — which served only to embolden Putin.

 State Department: Biden “Has Not Forgotten” Americans Abandoned In Afghanistan Despite 182 Still Being There | Weasel Zippers

Russia's Army Fights Wars, Ours Learns About Trangenderism – PJ Media   A priority of Democrats

Biden Admin Dubs Transgender Individual Rachel Levine ‘First-Ever Female
Four-Star Admiral’ Of USPHS Commissioned Corps | The Daily Wire

Biden Administration EEOC Pushes Transgender Ideology (   You can read the entire guidance document here.

Ben Shapiro - LOL: Here Are The CRINGIEST Gaffes From Biden's SOTU Address -Video

FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Advances Equality for Transgender Americans | The White House

Tell me a story, Uncle Joe - American Thinker 

Uncle Joe, please, tell me how you propose we can lower costs to end inflation.  Seems as if your own actions set us on a vicious cycle of escalating those costs!  We no longer have energy independence — remember that from a mere 14 months ago?

White House Deploys Jill Biden to Reboot Joe Biden's Image (

First Lady Jill Biden joined President Joe Biden on Wednesday for a trip out of Washington, DC, taking the stage for an unusually defensive speech about her husband.

. . .The first lady’s speech appeared to be an attempt by the White House to reboot the president’s image, as recent polling shows 54 percent of Americans do not think Biden has the mental sharpness to serve as president.

"She painted a picture of Biden as a heroic historical figure who saved America from the “four years of chaos” of former President Donald Trump.". . .

Ben Shapiro Reacts to Biden's State of the Union Address

Biden Declares Half The Country The Enemy

Joe Biden is more devoid of achievement than any president since Warren Gamaliel Harding - Washington Times  "In predicting what we can expect to be the achievements of President Biden, let us consider what his modern Democratic predecessors have achieved. There is a pattern in the president’s predecessors’ achievements that is revelatory. Briefly, consider what they did.". . . 

Did Biden really make his case?

But in Tuesday night's official GOP response to Biden, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said that, while "standing in solidarity with the brave people of Ukraine," Americans "shouldn't ignore" Biden's prior moves such as "Waiving sanctions on Russian pipelines while limiting oil production here at home; focusing on political correctness rather than military readiness; reacting to world events instead of driving them."

 Carl P. Leubsdorf (  "President Joe Biden gave two distinct State of the Union speeches. The first one was better.

"Biden drew repeated bipartisan applause with a vigorous denunciation of Russian President Vladimir Putin's unprovoked Ukraine power grab and a vow that "freedom will always triumph over tyranny."

"But the night largely lapsed into familiar partisan divisions when he returned to domestic issues, defending his administration's progress in spurring the economy and fighting the COVID pandemic, outlining steps to curb inflation and again touting his stalled environmental and social legislation.

"As a result, it's an open question if Biden was able to strengthen public perception of his leadership at a time his negative poll numbers suggest Democrats are headed for substantial losses in November's elections.". . .

HERE THEY ARE! The Top 5 Most BIZARRE Moments At Joe Biden's SOTU Speech [VIDEO] (

   The Democrats spent so much time jumping up to clap for the most unpopular “president” in modern history that, amazingly, none of the geriatric, lifetime politicians weren’t wheeled away on a stretcher.

Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report

 House Democrats played the race card Monday, saying Americans are showing compassion for Ukrainians because they are white. I guess it's just a matter of time before Ukrainians use their white privilege to get out of Kiev alive. They've just been voted the Eastern Slavic Image Award for not looting.

 Argus Hamilton (  "President Biden gave his State of the Union speech to a joint session of Congress and the country in the House Chamber of the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday. The table was set for high drama. Millions of Americans tuned in for the latest update in the ongoing war between President Biden and the Teleprompter.

 Vladimir Putin was advised not to destroy a city until U.S. attention turns to the NCAA basketball tourney's March Madness starting in mid-March. Urologists say some men get vasectomies just so they can sit home on the couch and enjoy the first two rounds. Talk about being unseeded for the tournament.

 President Biden's funniest moment in the State of the Union was when he called the Ukrainian people the Iranian people. Critics tallied ten enjoyable gaffes during the president's speech. Near the beginning, tears welled up in Biden's eyes until the voice in his earpiece shouted not Onion, Union!

 U.S. satellite photos showed a forty-mile-long Russian army convoy stalled while heading for Kiev Tuesday. Meanwhile live on the air, cable news channels showed a guy in Kiev riding his bicycle in the middle of a street through a bunch of Ukraine tanks. Cyclists think they own the road even in a war.

 U.S. Navy and Royal Navy subs sailed into the Black Sea to keep a check on Russian Navy ships that are shelling Ukraine from the South. Just one trigger-happy idiot on either side could ignite a nuclear war. It's moments like this that I'm glad Alec Baldwin doesn't have control of the Red October.". . .   Full article

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

If Only Putin Had Invaded Mexico

Ann Coulter  "
As World War III looms in Europe, we must put narrow partisan differences aside and tap the brain power of the greatest minds among us. It is time for the Biden White House to call upon … Jared!

"Speaking of the best and the brightest, our foreign policy mandarins must have felt like it was Christmas Day when a senile dementia patient became president. Finally! No meddling politicians to get in the way of our beautifully designed plans worked out at the Council on Foreign Relations. Although Joseph R. Biden is technically, in a strictly legal sense, “president,” it’s progressives running his domestic policy, and think-tank geniuses running his foreign policy.

"Things are going great!

"Let’s review the consistent position on Russia from our ruling class, informed by the whiz kids of international affairs.

"OBAMA ERA 2009:

"Throughout President Obama’s “reset” of the relationship with Russia — which had “deteriorated alarmingly” under President Bush, according to The New York Times — foreign policy experts were thrilled to have an American leader finally acknowledging the end of the Cold War.

'A Times article cheerfully reported that “Mr. Obama has resolved not to let the ghosts of the 20th century get in the way of his goals in the 21st.” The paper editorialized, “We are relieved that Washington and Moscow are talking about cooperation.”

"In a May 20, 2009, column titled “Cold War Leftovers,” Stephen Sestanovich expressed delight that “the cold war really is over.” More than two years later, on Oct. 28, 2011, British historian Geoffrey Wheatcroft informed Times readers: “Putin’s Russia, though obnoxious enough, scarcely represents a strategic threat.”

"Evincing our shared humanity, the Russkies loved Obama. “After relations with the United States curdled in the final years of President George W. Bush’s tenure,” the Times cooed, “many people [in Russia] were relieved by Mr. Obama’s election.” Indeed, “Russia’s leaders … could not say enough good things about President Obama.” Sting was right: The Russians DO love their children, too!

"Obama didn’t sanction Russia for placing spies on U.S. soil, and barely did for annexing Crimea. Peace reigned.". . .

. . ."Unlike the experts and journalists whose deep study has led them to a sophisticated take on Russia (that flips back and forth with the politics of the moment), my position on Russia has been as unchanged as the Rock of Gibraltar, at least since the end of the Cold War. Coincidentally, it is exactly the same as my position on Taiwan, Haiti, Uganda and North Korea. It is this: Tens of millions of illegals are pouring across our border and must be stopped."

Ann Hart Coulter is an American conservative media pundit, author, syndicated columnist, and lawyer. She became known as a media pundit in the late 1990s, appearing in print and on cable news as an outspoken critic of the Clinton administration. Her first book concerned the impeachment of Bill Clinton and sprang from her experience writing legal briefs for Paula Jones's attorneys, as well as columns she wrote about the cases.

Kamala Harris Slammed Over ‘Terrifying’ Explanation Of War In Ukraine: ‘She Is The Michael Scott Of Politics’

 Ryan Saavedra  "Vice President Kamala Harris faced mockery online on Tuesday over an explanation that she gave on the radio about Russia’s invasion into Ukraine.

" 'If you’re watching any level of news, even social media, you've seen everything that’s going on right now in the Ukraine,” the host said. “Break it down in layman’s terms for people who don’t understand what’s going on and how can this directly affect the people the United States.”

“ 'So Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.”

"One of the most comical responses to Harris’ remarks came from Harry Khachatrian, a writer for the Washington Examiner, who tweeted out a clip of a viral moment from a 2007 Miss Teen USA pageant where the contestant badly fumbled through a response:

 Tammy Bruce, Fox News: “I thought this was a parody. With everything we know about the incompetence & absurdity of Kamala Harris this is remarkable.”

Kellyanne Conway: “Embarrassing. No wonder staffers smarter than her have quit.”

'Keying Your Own Car': What was the Point of Rashida Tlaib's State of the Union Response?

Townhall  . . ."She obviously did not agree with Joe Biden’s rebuttal of defunding the police, which is ironic since he did support that concept in 2020. Tlaib noted that we cannot police

"See my smile?"

away poverty, mental illness, or homelessness. That care should be at the core of the new policing mindset. Access to jobs, education, and “real opportunity” will be the cornerstones in new community safety, she says.". .

..."Tlaib even quipped that her big smile is due to her family’s ties to labor unions, her father was part of the UAW, and dental care.". . . 

One moderate Democrat, Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey, said Tlaib’s decision to speak was “like keying your own car and slashing your own tires”.

Tlaib said: “Despite some sensational coverage, it’s simple: I’m giving a speech about supporting President Biden and his Build Back Better agenda for the people.”

 "Eyeroll. Also, forgiving college debt will only birth more Donald Trumps. The populist backlash would be immense, as white, and well-to-do college liberals will be the ones who benefit. For generations, we’ve had Americans work and go to college. They’ve worked their way through school. Most people don’t want to hear it, especially when it’s a bunch of snowflakes who blow close to $200k on worthless degrees." 

Formal Squad SOTU response: You're darned right we should defund the police -- and ban even more domestic oil production – HotAir

Still, the ambitions of the progressive wing and their desire to push even more radically to the Left after the next election comes through loudly and clearly. Republicans will waste no time packaging that up for ads in competitive districts, which may be expanding already after Biden’s flop last night.