Sunday, March 6, 2022

Ted Cruz Warns of 'Dangerous' Censorship from Biden's 'Woke' FCC Nominee

| Neon Nettle

"My principal concern with Ms. Sohn is that she has expressed a significant willingness to use government power against political enemies and to use government power as a tool of censorship," Cruz said.

"Republican Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has warned the Senate that approving Democrat Joe Biden's "woke" nominee to lead the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) would be "dangerous" for free speech.
"As the Senate Commerce Committee voted on a party-line basis to move the nominee to a full vote in the U.S. Senate, Sen. Cruz raised the alarm about the threat of censorship from putting Gigi Sohn in charge of the FCC.
"Speaking before the Committee after the vote, Cruz warned that Sohn has a history of advocating for censorship of conservatives.
"Cruz argues it would be "dangerous" to allow Biden’s pick to become FCC Commissioner.
""[I have] significant substantive concerns with this nominee,” Cruz told the Senate.". . .

Controversial Nomination of Sohn to FCC Reported to Senate Floor in a Tie Vote ( . ."The Chamber added that Sohn’s advocacy for “overly aggressive and combative regulation of the communications sector” evidenced by her support of the 2015 Open Internet Order, “which regulated broadband like a public utility under Title II of the Communications Act…led to the decline in private sector broadband investment for the first time outside a national economic slowdown.' ”. . .

This new reality makes the Biden administration’s nomination of Gigi Sohn to the FCC all the more troubling given her track record of disregard for our sensitive secrets and outright hostility to intellectual property, which could dangerously empower America’s enemies namely Russia and China, if she is confirmed.  She is an utterly inappropriate choice, and the administration should withdraw her nomination straight away.

 Biden Pushes Pro-Censorship Partisan Leftist Gigi Sohn for FCC Commissioner (  . . ."But the FCC is a double-edged sword. Just as the commission can protect consumers from tech censorship, it can also use its regulatory might to pressure tech companies to submit to a partisan left-wing agenda.

"There is a convention that the five commissioners should remain relatively nonpartisan, even though they are allocated along party lines, with three commissioners from the party occupying the White House and two from the opposition.

"The Biden administration has broken that convention, sending a far-left radical, Gigi Sohn, to the Senate for confirmation.

"Sohn was the co-founder and CEO of the leftist advocacy group Public Knowledge, which recently called on cable and satellite providers to drop the conservative One America News Network (OAN).". . .

What's a university for, if not to question 'the science'?


American Thinker

But here we have a topic that could not be more vital — our medical response to a virus — and the subject is off limits, as if the very notion of interrogating it introduced a ripple in the placidity of doctrine, heresy into an unchanging belief system. 

. . ."But then, finally, out of the hitherto silent thousand-member faculty, a sponsor materialized.  Kirsch then contacted the university for instructions as to how to proceed with the event, only to encounter yet another obstacle.  He was reminded that MIT's COVID policies for campus gatherings were still in place, "which currently include mandatory masking and the requirement that all event attendees must be vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19."  Foiled again.

"I'm not going to go into the details of Kirsch's concerns about the mRNA jab.  He lists them in some detail in his Substack newsletters (which gives any would-be debater a leg up on the event).  I am deadly serious about the fact that we are at a crucial period in our history.  At this moment, we are defining what scientific inquiry is and is not — and what educational institutions are fundamentally for.

"Rodney Stark, in The Victory of Reason, writes that "[s]cience is a method utilized in organized efforts to formulate explanations of nature, always subject to modifications and corrections through systematic observations."  In other words, contrary to what we've been hearing, science isn't a thing, but a process.  And it certainly isn't static.  There should never be a definite article before the word science.  That's adherence to dogma, not rational inquiry.

"Further, the university should be aggressively seeking out controversial subjects, not shielding itself from them.  In the words of mathematician and philosopher Jacob Bronowski, "it is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship what is known but to question it.' ". . .

Saturday, March 5, 2022

BIDEN ECONOMY: Gas Pumps Go Dry At Walmart Gas Station in Scottsdale, Arizona Amid Soaring Gas Prices (VIDEO) (

 The Gateway Pundit

 "A patriot in Scottsdale, Arizona, documented the beginning of a gas shortage in Maricopa County.

DeWitt: So I’m actually here in Scottsdale, Arizona at the Walmart gas pump stations. The gas is actually $3.72 which is fairly cheap right now for March 4 in Maricopa County because gas prices are through the roof. But as I was getting ready to pump gas, I kid you not, the gas pumps went dry. I was actually getting ready to pump my gas, I put my card in and everything, and then all of the pumps shut off simultaneously. People were getting really upset people were frustrated. There were lines out here. And there were probably 30 to 40 cars for people waiting. I probably waited about 30 to 35 minutes just to get to the gas pump because actually some of the gas pumps were already starting to go down. But they actually had to come out and put up this like yellow caution tape to keep people from coming in. Guys, this is absolutely crazy. This is happening all over the place. So make sure that you guys are looking out.       Video

Russian Marines Mutiny When Ordered to Attack Ukrainian Beach, Assault Canceled: Report

"The Federalist Papers "Reports in Ukrainian media suggest that a Russian attempt to land troops near the coastal city of Odessa ended in failure, with Russian marines refusing to attack in an act of mutiny.

"The Ukrainian newspaper Dumskaya claims to have contacted parents of Russian marines assigned to the 810th Naval Infantry Brigade whose sons told them that they refused to assault the Bay of Odessa.

"The Russian troops, reportedly conscripts, were afraid to fight Ukrainian forces, many of whom are experienced in warfare from Ukraine’s years of armed strife in the Donbas region, the newspaper said.

"Ukraine’s former ambassador to Austria, Olexander Scherba, indicated that a Russian naval landing at Odessa was aborted in unclear circumstances on Monday night.

“Last night a large group of RU warships was about to launch landing on Odesa beaches,” he tweeted. “They approached the coast. RU was about to shell the beach. UA was about to shoot back, when they suddenly withdrew. Reports that marines from Crimea refused to attack Odesa.”. . .

Ted Cruz Shows He's a Leading Voice in Speaking Out Against Russia and in Favor of Energy Independence

 Rebecca Downs

President Joe Biden's executive order issued on his first day in office canceled construction of the Keystone Pipeline. Yet the Biden administration allowed construction of Nord Stream 2, which was blocked under former President Donald Trump's administration. . .

"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) continues to remind us he's been a leading voice in speaking out and taking action against Russia, particularly in the area of energy independence. On Friday, he introduced the Energy Freedom Act, which will secure such energy independence by making energy projects and pipelines far easier. 

"The senator certainly has his grievances, as laid out in a press release. "In the past year with Joe Biden as president, the United States has lost its status as a net petroleum exporter, after achieving that goal in 2019 for the first time since 1949. Why? Because on day one of his administration, President Biden issued illegal and hostile orders aimed at American oil and gas producers, which have increased energy prices and directed profits to other oil exporting countries," Cruz reminded.

"These policies have poured billions of dollars into countries such as Russia and Iran, which use those funds to attack our allies and undermine the national security of America. President Biden has imposed more restrictions on U.S. oil companies than he has on Russian oil," he also explained. "With Iran, he has looked the other way as the regime busted through sanctions and raised their exports to more than one million barrels per day for the first time in almost three years.". . .

Gee, What Could Putin Possibly Have on Biden That Would Make Joe Keep Buying Russian Oil?

 Lefty news bootlicker CNN decided to squash the Hunter Biden laptop story. Twitter booted the New York Post from their site for reporting it. The Bidens clearly have their Bolshie friends in news and social media covering for them.

Gee, What Could Putin Possibly Have on Biden That Would Make Joe Keep Buying Russian Oil? – PJ Media

. . ."A 2020 Senate committee report stated the following:

  • Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and widow of a former Moscow mayor, sent Hunter Biden $3.5 million for his investment firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners. The report found no reason for the payments.
  • There was “potential criminal activity relating to transactions among and between Hunter Biden, his family, and his associates with Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh and Chinese nationals.”
  • “Records also note that some of these transactions are linked to what ‘appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.'”

"Pay-offs and Eastern European prostitutes. Who likes prostitutes so much he suggested they form a union? Who spent tens of thousands of dollars on prostitutes for their “services?” Who seems to be bulletproof because he kicked back 10% of his scheme to his daddy?". . .

"Hunter and the “big guy” are hip-dip in Russian money.

"Hunter has lost three laptops. One of them, as he told a prostitute (after making a sex tape), contains “videos of me doing crazy f***ing sex!” that could be used to blackmail him because of his dad. He believes that laptop was stolen by Russians he had been getting hammered with on an 18-day bender.

"Another Hunter Biden laptop shows Joe Biden met with Burisma, a Ukrainian company that paid Hunter $50,000 worth of cheddar every month to sit on their board, even though he has no experience in the energy sector and can’t speak Ukrainian.". . .

Knucklehead Of The Week: Cackling Kamala, Queen Of Clumsy Communication -


With President Biden’s disastrous State of the Union speech on Tuesday night, a very strong argument could be made to declare our esteemed Commander-in-Chief as the week’s top knucklehead – again. But that would be akin to beating a dead horse… with our apologies to dead horses. So, we’re going to cut Sleepy Joe a break this week and opt instead for that stellar sidekick of his: the one and only, Vice-President Kamala Harris.

The Blue State Conservative   . . ."This is how Kamala Harris thinks, apparently. ‘Laymen’s terms’ means that we assume everyone is about five years old. It’s worth noting that she really didn’t come across as if she was talking down to anyone, she seems to legitimately think everyone is just stupid. It’s also worth pointing out that she didn’t come across as sarcastic either. This is how Harris handles herself with people; she’s extremely clumsy. She has the social skills of a rock.

"Only a few hours later during Biden’s State of the Union address, we saw one of the more terrifying scenes in recent memory. All in one screen, we saw our senile president stumbling through his speech, and behind him on the dais were his Constitutional successor: Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi… shutter the thought. During Biden’s speech, he struggled several times to make his points, and ultimately Kamala just couldn’t help herself.

"As Biden was attempting to explain his position on Vladimir Putin and Ukraine, he stated “Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he’ll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people.” As far as Sleepy Joe is concerned, there’s no doubt his thinking was ‘Iranian, Ukrainian, whatever.’ But Kamala Harris picked up on the gaffe and could be seen mouthing the word, “Ukrainian,” obviously trying to correct Biden’s mistake. Vice-President Harris, you see, is very smart, and she knows all about that country in Europe called Ukraine, and she knows how you’re supposed to refer to the people who live there.". . .

Whoopi & the professor

Meanwhile, her insensitivity toward the Jewish people notwithstanding, it occurs to our Dutch correspondent that visceral hatred of whites has entered the mainstream. . .

 American Thinker   "Thoughtcrime can lead to thought experiments.  All it takes is a willingness to go where others are loath to go. What is race?  What is an atrocity?  When is a racist atrocity neither racist nor an atrocity?  The answers may not be as cut-and-dried as you may think.

"In what seems like eons ago, what with the Ukraine warfare that has since erupted, Whoopi Goldberg denied racism had anything to do with the Holocaust.  She uttered this blasphemy on the Jan. 31, 2022, showing of The View.  Cavalierly dismissing so monumental an atrocity with the "man's inhumanity to man" platitude fell woefully short of doing it justice.  To make matters worse, she claimed both Jewish victims and Nazi victimizers were white.". . .

. . ."Decent human beings do not conflate complexion and race.  One tribe can in fact perpetrate a racist atrocity against another tribe even if the two tribes share the same skin color.  Conversely, one tribe cannot fall victim to a racist atrocity, no matter the skin color of the other tribe.  Ben Philippe, a black English instructor at Barnard College, has brought this peculiar phenomenon to the fore.  In a segment of his book entitled Sure, I'll be your Black Friend, he matter-of-factly describes a scene in which he gasses white people: ". . .

How 'Social Justice' is Killing the Military

 Brent Ramsey and Michael D. Pefley  . . ."The least racist people in America are in our military. It is obvious to all who have served, because one’s identity or race is irrelevant when people are trying to kill you and your teammates. No one cares about race when bullets are whizzing past your head.   

"So why has President Biden declared white supremacy as America’s number one threat?  Why has the secretary of Defense created a Counter Extremism Working Group to uncover extremism in the ranks? ". . .

. . ."The Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff defended the CRT program and testified to Congress that he wanted to understand “white rage.”  The United States Military Academy has been teaching CRT along with white rage seminars as reimagined Shakespeare.  Ta-Nehisi Coats spent two days at West Point in 2018 speaking about race. Coats’ toxic views published in the Atlantic in 2014 hold that all whites are racist and calls for trillions in reparations for all blacks.  According to a spokesman of Congressman Crenshaw’s office, more than 500 whistleblower complaints have been submitted about conditions in the services.  If 500 have already come forward, how many thousands have been intimidated into silence?  One scared officer reported anonymously to STARRS that he was threatened with “firing” if he even talked to STARRS.  Why is the military denying his First Amendment rights?

What is Indoctrination Doing to our Armed Services? 

"Military members are voting with their feet.  Three West Point cadets recently left the academy because of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, increasing and troubling wokeness, and promotion of leftist ideas.  The Army and Navy are now offering $50,000 bonuses for joining in select fields, which is a sign of low recruitment.  Is this the Great Reset of the U.S. military?  China and Russia are openly laughing at us and accelerating their imperialistic plans.

"STARRS was formed to protect the U.S. military and our Republic from racism and radicalism. We never thought that the phrase in our oath about protecting against domestic enemies would reference this “woke” threat to our country and our way of life.  We shouldn’t reimagine our combat warriors into social justice warriors.  That is the definition of insanity."

Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN (Ret) is STARRS Director at Large and Col. Michael D. Pefley, USAF (Ret) is VP of Communications for STARRS

Enes Freedom was cut for exposing how US corporations became foreign agents of Communist China

The ongoing saga of the NBA’s love affair with a repressive state took an interesting turn last month when Enes Kanter Freedom was cut from an NBA roster. Thus has been eliminated the only player in the league with the sand to complain about the Uyghur genocide and forced labor in clothing and shoe manufacture in China

 American Enterprise Institute

Many other athletes share Enes Kanter Freedom’s convictions, but not his courage — which is why Beijing made an example of him. The Chinese regime might have the power to silence its critics at home. But for the NBA to help a totalitarian dictatorship reach into this country and punish one of its leading critics is a disgrace.

 Enes Kanter Freedom Is Cut, and Chinese Media Gloat about PRC Influence on the NBA | National ReviewStill awaiting comment from Antifa; crickets

The final straw might have been the television ad Freedom produced with Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.) calling out the corporate sponsors of the Beijing Olympics — which they correctly call the “Genocide Games” — including NBA sponsor Nike. “Stand for freedom. Defund the dictators,” Freedom declared. NBC refused to air the ad unless they removed the corporate logos, but Freedom said that defeated the purpose. “I wanted to air this ad on TV to raise awareness of China’s gross human rights abuses … [and] the hypocrisy of the US companies that are silent and enabling to CCP’s brutal behavior.”

"When he became a US citizen in November, he changed his last name from Kanter to Freedom. Now, for exercising his newfound freedoms, he might lose his basketball career. “I’m 29,” he told me. “I’m healthy. I can play another six years. So, hope that’s not the case.” But he adds, “If that is the reason that I am not going to be able to play basketball again, then you know what? Oh well. I can look back at least and say I did the right thing.”

"Many other athletes share Enes Kanter Freedom’s convictions, but not his courage — which is why Beijing made an example of him. The Chinese regime might have the power to silence its critics at home. But for the NBA to help a totalitarian dictatorship reach into this country and punish one of its leading critics is a disgrace.". . . 

And it all goes on... Georgia isn’t in line with the MLB’s values. But Cuba and China are? | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

"Bella ciao"; Try to get this out of your mind

The first words say goodbye to a sweetheart. The rest tells why he has to leave.

Bella ciao " "Goodbye beautiful") is an Italian protest folk song from the late 19th century, originally sung by the mondina workers in protest against the harsh working conditions in the paddy fields of northern Italy.

"It is generally accepted that the song was modified and adopted as an anthem of the Italian resistance movement by the partisans who opposed nazi-fascism between 1943 and 1945 during their fight against the occupying forces of Nazi Germany allied to the fascist and collaborationist Italian Social Republic, although some historians argue that there is little to no evidence that this song was actually sung by Italian partisans.

"Versions of "Bella ciao" continue to be sung worldwide as an anti-fascist hymn of freedom and resistance.". . .

This song has become an anthem in Ukraine

Sing “We will lay down our souls and bodies for our freedom …”  (From the Ukrainian National Anthem).  The National Anthem of Ukraine translated to English | EUROMAIDAN PRESS | Euromaidan Press  

Bella ciao  The lyrics in English:  Partisan version

One morning I awakened,
oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao! (Goodbye beautiful)
One morning I awakened
And I found the invader.

Oh partisan carry me away,
oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
oh partisan carry me away
Because I feel death approaching.

And if I die as a partisan,
oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
and if I die as a partisan
then you must bury me.

Bury me up in the mountain,
oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
bury me up in the mountain
under the shade of a beautiful flower.

And all those who shall pass,
oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
and all those who shall pass
will tell me "what a beautiful flower."

This is the flower of the partisan,
oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
this is the flower of the partisan
who died for freedom

Friday, March 4, 2022

Trump Was Right: Europe’s Reliance on Russian Oil and Gas Emboldened Putin

 Legal Insurrection

The Democrat propagandist media has cranked its spin cycle up to eleventy as Bumbles Biden shambles off to his Delaware basement while Ukraine’s president stands shoulder to shoulder with his fellow Ukrainians as they fight the Russian invasion of their  country.

If these weren’t such dark times, it would be rather amusing how completely wrong Democrats and their media stenographers continue to be about President Trump.  They are busily swooning onto their fainting couches over Trump reportedly stating that he thought the war-mongering Putin was “smart” to take “over a country for $2 worth of sanctions.”

The Democrat propagandist media has cranked its spin cycle up to eleventy as Bumbles Biden shambles off to his Delaware basement while Ukraine’s president stands shoulder to shoulder with his fellow Ukrainians as they fight the Russian invasion of their  country.

"If these weren’t such dark times, it would be rather amusing how completely wrong Democrats and their media stenographers continue to be about President Trump.  They are busily swooning onto their fainting couches over Trump reportedly stating that he thought the war-mongering Putin was “smart” to take “over a country for $2 worth of sanctions.”. . . 

America was almost energy independent under Trump. Biden ended that. Now you’re begging a shady country to give us more oil instead of drilling again in the 🇺🇸. REOPEN KEYSTONE