Monday, April 11, 2022

Is this the end of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency?

Democrats; the party chosen by an uninformed, poorly educated electorate. TD

 Mail & Guardian Online.  "Do the Ukraine war and the action of the US, EU and UK spell the end of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency? Even with the peace talks recently held in Turkey or the proposed 15-point peace plan, as the Financial Times had reported earlier, the fallout for the dollar still remains. For the first time, Russia, a major nuclear power and economy, was treated as a vassal state, with the US, EU and UK seizing its $300-billion foreign exchange reserves. 

"Where does this leave other countries, who also hold their foreign exchange reserves largely in dollars or euros?

Supply chain worries

"The threat to the dollar hegemony is only one part of the fallout. The complex supply chains, built on the premise of a stable trading regime of the World Trade Organisation principles, are also threatening to unravel. The US is discovering that Russia is not simply a petrostate as they thought, but that it also supplies many of the critical materials that the US needs for several industries as well as its military. This is apart from the fact that Russia is also a major supplier of wheat and fertilisers.

"Seizing Russia’s funds means that the faith in the US as the world’s banker and in the dollar as the global reserve currency is in question. Why should countries maintain any trade surplus and bank it abroad if that surplus can be seized at will through sanctions imposed by the West? 

"The promise of a dollar as the world’s reserve currency was that all surpluses in dollars were safe. With the seizure of the Afghan central bank’s $9.5-billion, and allocating $7-billion out of it, the US has shown that it considers the dollar reserves of another country, held by the US’ central bank, as its money. " . . .

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Biden, Who Viciously Smeared Justices Thomas and Kavanaugh, Proclaims KBJ Subjected to ‘Most Vile Accusations’

 Legal Insurrection

“I knew the person I nominated would be put through a painful and difficult confirmation process. But I have to tell you, what Judge Jackson was put through was well beyond that. There was verbal abuse. The anger. The constant interruptions. The most vile, baseless assertions and accusations.” – Joe Biden


"On Thursday and with the help of three purported Republican Senators (Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski), President Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed to the highest court in a 53-47 vote, becoming one of the most radically left-wing Justices and the first one who cannot define what the word “woman” means in our nation’s history.

"In remarks made on the South Lawn of the White House during a Friday victory lap ceremony, Vice President Kamala Harris declared that America lived up to her ideals “through the confirmation of the first black woman to the United States Supreme Court.”

"Shortly thereafter, Biden spoke and the word “history” was thrown in numerous times, just so people would remember that it was supposedly only through Joe Biden, who openly bragged during his 2020 presidential campaign about being able to work alongside segregationist Senators in the 1970s, that the nomination of a black woman to the Supreme Court was made possible.". . .

I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I knew the person I nominated would be put through a painful and difficult confirmation process. But I have to tell you, what Judge Jackson was put through was well beyond that. There was verbal abuse. The anger. The constant interruptions. The most vile, baseless assertions and accusations. 

Liar and demagogue: Biden’s obsessive lies – small and large – are big trouble for America (

It would be bad enough if Biden only told personal tall tales. But his reality distortion field now extends to national policy. He routinely insists “all the economists” back his plans, writes off inflation as a temporary spike, insists the border surge is just “seasonal,” even calls his disastrous Afghan bugout a “success” (while falsely claiming his generals didn’t object).


McConnell: If I'm Majority Leader in the Senate, McCarthy the Speaker -- 'We'll Make Sure Joe Biden Is a Moderate'

 Breitbart  "Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that Republicans would “make sure Joe Biden is a moderate” if they retake Congress in the midterm elections.

"Anchor Dana Perino said, “I want to ask about the midterms next anyway. You have a great way of transitioning, sir. Inflation, gas, and groceries. this is on everybody’s mind. What would be different for Americans if Republicans win back the majorities in the House and Senate this year?”

"McConnell said, “Well, our agenda next year, if we are fortunate enough to be in the majority, will be focused on exactly what you and I have been talking about. Crime, education, beefing up the defense of our country. The president’s request for the Defense Department, this year’s request, doesn’t even keep up with inflation. We’ve got a war going on in Ukraine. We’ve got big power competition with the Russians and the Chinese. We need to meet the demands of the international situation. So all of those will be on our agenda.”

"He added, “We will not have the presidency for two more years. Obviously, we will have to work with the administration to see what we can agree on, but … let me put it this way. Biden ran as a moderate. If I’m the majority leader in the Senate and Kevin McCarthy is the speaker of the House, we’ll make sure Joe Biden is a moderate.' ”

Bill Maher Declares ‘the War on Jokes Must End’

 PJ Media  "Bill Maher has once again proven himself to be a voice of reason on the left. In the latest episode of his HBO show Real Time, Maher took a slap at cancel culture, declaring “the war on jokes must end.”

“I know we’re all sick of talking about ‘the slap,’ but I’m sorry, one more thing needs to be said. Comedians have been under attack for quite some time, and I need to stick up for my tribe. The war on jokes must end,” Maher said.

Related: As if the Left Hasn’t Hurt Comedy Enough, Now We Comedians Brace for Will Smith Copycats

"Maher called out Will Smith for initially laughing at Chris Rock’s joke about his wife, then “conforming” to a different view that didn’t align with his genuine reaction. According to Maher, this is a sign of “how cancel culture works.”

“ 'I’ve seen the same syndrome happen in comedy clubs. Woke hecklers who literally have to wait for the laughter to die down before they yell, ‘That’s not funny!'” Maher said. “This war on jokes must end. Will Smith didn’t get kicked out of the Oscars for going Ike Turner on Chris, but Kevin Hart got kicked out of hosting it for a joke.”

“ 'The people who can’t take a joke now aren’t old ladies in the Bible Belt — they’re Gen Z at elite colleges. Colleges, where comedy goes to die,” Maher quipped. He then noted that late legendary comedian George Carlin gave up a “lucrative career” in nightclubs to do the college circuit because, Carlin said at the time, “I gotta go to colleges. I belong with people who are open and will let me be myself and experiment.”. . .

“Oh, George. It’s a good thing you’re dead,” Maher mused. “Because today, the seven words you can’t say on TV are, ‘Jada, Can’t wait for G.I. Jane 2.'”

Give Obama his proper worship or regret it


Even Liberals Are Calling Out Obama's 'Selfish' and 'Reckless' Behavior Amid Delta Variant Surge (

“Imagine for a moment that Donald Trump was throwing a massive birthday party for himself and 475 conservative friends in Martha’s Vineyard next weekend?” Morgan said. “What do you think the reaction would be from liberals, given that America is currently in the grip of a very dangerous new phase of the coronavirus pandemic with the Delta variant of COVID that has seen infections rise 148% in the past two weeks and hospitalizations by 73%?”

From 2013, when Obama was President:  Jonah Goldberg: Obama Showing His Vindictive Streak

"Shutting down the government in an effort to use a budget fight to get rid of Obamacare is not the strategy I would have recommended for the GOP. And while Republicans can be blamed for starting the shutdown, it’s increasingly apparent that President Obama and the Democrats deserve the lion’s share of blame for not only prolonging it, but for making it as painful as possible.

"Obama has always had a bit of a vindictive streak when it comes to politics. I think it stems from his Manichaean view of America. There are the reasonable people – who agree with him. And there are the bitter clingers who disagree for irrational or extremist ideological reasons.

"In his various statements over the last week, he’s insisted that opponents of Obamacare are “ideologues” on an “ideological crusade.” Meanwhile, he cast himself as just a reasonable guy interested in solving America’s problems. I have no issue with him calling Republican opponents “ideologues” – they are – but since when is Obama not an ideologue?

"The argument about Obamacare is objectively and irrefutably ideological on both sides – state-provided health care has been an ideological brass ring for the left for well over a century. But much of the press takes its cues from Democrats and sees this fight – and most other political fights – as a contest pitting the forces of moderation, decency and rationality against the ranks of the ideologically brainwashed.

"What’s unusual is the way Obama sees the government as a tool for his ideological agenda. During the fight over the sequester, Obama ordered the government to make the 2 percent budget cut as painful and scary as possible.". . .

The Disney I Used to Know

Watching the downfall of Walt Disney’s iconic legacy stirs some powerful emotions, and for many of us, a great sense of loss. I understand the frustration and anger parents feel at such a betrayal, but as I look on at the justifiable uprising, all I can feel is profound sadness. . . . 

Townhall  . . ."Moms are hungering for anything good, true, and beautiful because there is a serious lack of it in the world today. Everything that used to support us as parents are now going against us. As Stephen Covey states in his best-seller Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families, “In the past, it was easier to raise a family…because society was an ally, a resource.  People were surrounded by role models, examples, media reinforcement, and family-friendly laws and support systems that sustained marriage and helped create strong families…Success was much more a matter of ‘going with the flow. But the jet stream has changed—dramatically.  And to ‘go with the flow’ today is family-fatal.”

"Covey is so right, and the fatalities are stacking up.  We’ve seen firsthand how the deceptive “inclusion and diversity” cancer has infiltrated every aspect of our society promoting the very opposite of what the words imply. The “inclusion and diversity” mantra promotes exclusion and creates divisiveness. That is why moms are pushing back. It is why we’re taking time from our busy days and full schedules to write letters, make phone calls and stand outside Disney theme parks with flags and signs.  We’re tired of being ignored. We’ve lost too much, and we’re not willing to lose anymore.". . .   Full article...

The Internet Never Forgets – Photos Resurface Of Lady Gaga Wearing Disney Porn Shirts - USA SUPREME  Lady Gaga has never been afraid to shock when it comes to her fashion choices, but even by her stan
dards her outfit is pretty outrageous… and not in a good way.

The singer’s outfit can only be described as an incredibly explicit.

The shirt, which depicted an X-rated Disney cartoon orgy, showed off her midriff and added a provocative touch to an otherwise sophisticated look.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Won’t Get Fooled By Groomers Again?

Weirdos Who Want To Sexualize Kids Should Be Stigmatized As Groomers (

Are we really quibbling over whether ‘groomers’ is an OK word to refer to people who delight in sexualizing kids and hiding it from parents?

Carlson: Dem Opposition to Parental Rights 'Not Really About Trying to Groom Little Kids -- Overall, It Is Even Worse than That' (

So if you were to show up on a playground and show nude pictures to third graders or videos about masturbation or oral sex, we would arrest you, but Biden wants to change this. Why? Because he wants control over your family and your values and your beliefs.

He wants to determine what your kids learn about the deepest and most important issues there are. So, it’s not about sex, it is about your mind and that’s what they want control of.

So, Pete Buttigieg’s husband has made this explicit. Here he is in a documentary financed by Jeff Bezos, of course, forcing kids to pledge allegiance to something called a pride flag.

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said not only women menstruate, but also trans men and nonbinary people, responding to an earlier comment she made referring to "menstruating people."

" 'Trans men & non-binary people can also menstruate,*" Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, along with a screenshot of a Daily Mail headline that said: "AOC calls women 'menstruating people' while explaining the female body."

" 'Some women also *don’t* menstruate for many reasons, including surviving cancer that required a hysterectomy. GOP mad at this are protecting the patriarchal idea that women are most valuable as uterus holders," the New York Democrat continued.". . .

        *Because they were born biological women, TD

Dennis Prager is mocked on Bill Maher when he describes the now mainstream leftist belief that “men can menstruate”

This is from Nov 2019.

Queer Theory and Critical Race theory ideology are so radical and incoherent, one risks looking crazy pointing them out. @wesyang

Will Joe Biden Bring the U.S. Down With Him?

 Will Joe Biden Bring the U.S. Down With Him? – PJ Media

"Joe Biden does not seem steady on his feet or clear in his mind, and at this stage the same might be said for the country he nominally governs. His unforced errors, some of which have an oddly deliberate ring to them, may have rendered the November midterms and the 2024 presidential election entirely moot. Whether the nation can remain socially, politically, and economically intact even for the next few months is an open question. Biden is a fool, but there is cunning in his folly. A frugal mind may be capable of great wiliness, and blunders may curiously work in an unintentional way to promote intentional policy. Many of Biden’s gaffes and much of his political mischief fit seamlessly into the Democrat plan for the nation. The result may not be wise, but as poet Thomas Gray wittily wrote, “where ignorance is bliss,/’Tis folly to be wise.”

"There are two sorts of gaffes or blunders which Biden is prone to make: the kind that are plainly indicative of cognitive decline, and those that dovetail neatly into Democrat, neo-Liberal policy to being in a new world order associated with the Great Reset. This entails the extension of NATO, regime change in Russia, the collapse of the American middle class, and the installation of oligarchic rule in the U.S.

"The elements of the master plan are obvious.

  1. The situation on the southern border is an avowed catastrophe, for which the clueless Kamala Harris has taken much of the blame. She has been roundly condemned for failing in her duty to attend to the security breach, which was her remit, when it should have been obvious that abandoning border security was the purpose all along. Doing nothing, she did her job. Biden’s recent announcement ending the Title 42 Illegal Immigration Rule, which forced the return of more than half of illegal immigrants, is proof positive of the Democrats’ abiding intention to destabilize the nation.
  2. When it comes to energy, the disaster compounds. Biden’s Executive Order on the first day of his assuming office canceling the Keystone XL pipeline project, and his suspending oil and gas leasing on public lands and waters, has ensured that American energy independence has become a thing of the past, that energy prices would soar, and that rampant inflation would devastate the domestic economy. Skyrocketing gas prices are merely the canary in the coal mine. Blaming Russia is a patent “red” herring.
  3. As for foreign policy, Biden was asleep at the helm, or just as likely he was steering it hard to port rather than sagely to starboard. The U.S.-backed plan to sanction Russia, :. . .
Between now and January 2023, how much damage will Democrats do to the America we first grew up in? TD

Considering the media's behavior, it's no wonder so many politicians are corrupt

"Dingy" Harry Reid honored by Biden and Obama at service

. . ."Basically, the media and other Democrats don't care about facts — only winning.

Harry Reid Gives Shameful Response to His Attack on Mitt Romney's Taxes' 

It's one thing to try to gain a political advantage by pointing out certain undesirable aspects of an opponent's background or record. But when a Senate democratic leader spreads baseless allegations without a shred of evidence, and uses the Senate floor to do so, that's one step too far.

When asked about it three years later, you would think Reid would apologize or at least show the proper level of contrition that matches the irresponsible and undignified act of using the Senate floor to spread false allegations about a politician from the opposing party.

But Reid has no regrets. "I don't regret that at all," he told CNN's Dana Bash on Tuesday in the interview clip above. "Romney didn't win did he?" 

Toon added by TD

. . ." The media knew how dishonest and corrupt Reid was, but he was lauded when he died as a great man, just like how they lauded the former KKK leader who filibustered the Civil Rights Bill, Robert Byrd.

Corruption Scandals Led to Harry Reid’s Abrupt "Retirement"

Harry Reid honored by Biden and Obama at service

"Why are known liars like Brennan, Clapper, and Panetta still used by networks as news sources?  The answer is that the media don't give a damn about the truth — only power for leftists.

"When Atlantic writer Anne Applebaum was asked why they buried the Hunter Biden laptop story, she said it just wasn't interesting.  What a joke!  A story of corruption and bribes from foreign countries, drugs, sexual escapades with prostitutes, sharing kickbacks with Joe Biden, having a joint account with Joe Biden, and paying bills for Joe Biden, and then pretending it is not interesting?

"This from people who willingly spread lies about Russian collusion for years, based on a fictional dossier, paid for by the corrupt DNC and Hillary campaign, in order to destroy Trump. ". . .

Commentary: The Scandal Obama Still Won’t Acknowledge

 Tennessee Star

"Barack Obama has long bragged about his supposedly scandal-free presidency, a claim that conveniently ignores a host of ethical problems, from Hunter Biden profiting off access to Obama’s White House to the IRS harassing conservative activists. But the biggest scandal of Obama’s presidency is still coming into focus: his administration’s spying on a political opponent, Donald Trump, based on nothing more than a dirty trick deployed by Obama’s former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

"On the speaking circuit these days, Obama lectures Americans on dangers to democracy. But he presided over the most significant one in recent memory: an utterly bogus investigation that hobbled Trump’s campaign and presidency. Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan, had informed him by at least July of 2016 that Hillary was pushing a Trump-Russia collusion claim. Obama could have instructed his agencies to steer clear of this nonsense. But he didn’t.

"John Durham, the Justice Department special counsel who is examining this debacle, has shown in his filings the ease with which Hillary got friends in the Obama administration to investigate Trump. Christopher Steele, her chief opposition researcher, was peddling the Trump-Russia hoax across the Obama administration in the months before the election.

"Obama has never rebuked Hillary for prodding his administration to spy on her opponent. His surrogates still speak of it as a warranted investigation, even as more and more evidence accumulates to discredit it. The anti-Trump partisans at the FBI swallowed Steele’s lies whole, using them as the basis to secure FISA warrants on Trump officials. Trump has said that Obama “wiretapped” his campaign. Obama did. Those FISA warrants gave the Obama administration the power to intercept communications at Trump Tower.

"The collusion in the 2016 election was not between Trump and Russia but between Hillary and the United States government under Obama. The final Durham report will presumably detail the full extent of that collusion. In some cases, it can be plausibly argued that the Hillary campaign simply duped government officials. Durham, for example, has established convincingly that FBI counsel James Baker took a meeting with lawyer Michael Sussmann without knowledge of his work for Hillary’s campaign.". . .

BLM Founders’ Mansion Marxism

The attention and outrage prompted Cullors to blast those raising concerns as (big surprise) “racist and sexist.” She insists, “The fact that the right-wing media is trying to create hysteria around my spending is, frankly, racist and sexist.”


The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Patrisse Cullors is yet another example of Marxist greed.

"The booty is enormous!”

"So savored Leon Trotsky, rubbing his covetous hands and salivating at the Russian Orthodox Church’s cache of “fabulous treasures.” He and Vladimir Lenin greedily eyed up the gems.

Lenin was furious when the Church wouldn’t give him and his minions its valuables.

"He instructed Trotsky and the Politburo to make sure that all churches were “cleansed.” By November 1922, the mass heist from the churches included 828,275 pounds of silver; 1,220 pounds of gold; 35,670 diamonds; and much, much more. Lenin grinned impishly at the “hundreds of millions” of rubles before him.

"Communism paid off handsomely for the comrades. They took whatever they could get their gluttonous hands on. The Party apparatchiks lined their pockets and grabbed properties from Moscow to the Black Sea. Vladimir Putin, trained by the KGB, knows the gig. When not killing Ukrainian men, women, and children, he’s floating on his $700 million mega-yacht moored off the coast of Italy, where he wines and dines with “crazy rich Russian” oligarchs.

"This was and is Marxist greed. It’s endemic to Marxists. They bitterly complain about wealth, capital, and property, but that’s obviously a mere projection of their own private feelings. As soon as they seize power, they greedily reward themselves and then attack anyone who criticizes their avarice.

"I thought about this when reading the latest report of abuses by the self-identified Marxist founder of Black Lives Matter, Patrisse Cullors. I’ve written about Cullors’s multiple purchases of expensive properties and her undisclosed financial disclosures. The current leadership of BLM remains furious with Cullors and has demanded investigations and even ousted her as executive director of Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation.

"I wrote about Cullors’s growing accumulation of cash in the fall 2021 print edition of The American Spectator. The New York Post has been hot on that trail, laying out in detail (with photos) the new homes grabbed by Cullors and her wife in the last few years — “a real estate buying binge, snagging four high-end homes for $3.2 million in the US alone.” Cullors and her wife also had their eyes on a posh Bahamas beachfront resort, where their neighbors would be Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods. Not exactly the Proletariat.". . .

And remember, Patrisse Cullors and her BLM co-founder are proud Marxists. “We are trained Marxists,” says Cullors of herself and Alicia Garza. “We are super-versed [in] ideological theories.”

 Race obsession, all over - American Thinker   "It's become abundantly clear that the people most loudly accusing America of being a bastion of "systemic racism" are either ignorant or self-serving cowards.

"In the case of television personality Jon Stewart, it's a bit of both.

"Case in point is a recent episode of Stewart's show, The Problem with Jon Stewart.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Revealed: The monstrous Russian general behind the attack on a Ukrainian railway station that was branded a 'crime against humanity'. . .

 . . . after it killed at least 50 civilians - including five children - who were fleeing Kremlin's atrocities

Russian general linked with deadly railway station attack that killed dozens of Ukrainian civilians | Daily Mail Online   "A fearsome Russian general has been linked to the deadly railway station strike that killed dozens of fleeing civilians that was branded a 'crime against humanity' within the international community.

"Western officials believe Captain General Aleksandr Dvornikov, a Russian commander who oversaw devastation in Syria, is likely to have ordered yesterday’s fatal air strike on the station in Kramatorsk.

"Graphic images on Friday from the eastern Ukrainian city showed bodies strewn across the floor, lying amongst luggage and children's prams outside the city's busy station.

"Some had already been put into green body bags, while other photos showed smoke rising from the building as firefighters rushed to the scene. Ukraine claims around 300 were injured by the blast.

"The wreckage of the large Tochka-U missile was left lying on the grass outside the station showed white Russian text written down the side of its casing reading: 'For (our) Children' - a revenge message from the suspected pro-Moscow soldiers that launched it.". . .

. . ."It comes as France branded suspected Russian missile strikes on Ukrainian refugees at a railway station a 'crime against humanity' after at least 50 people including five children were killed in yet another atrocity that has sparked international condemnation.". . .