Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Epstein & 48 Other People Connected To Clintons Who Committed Suicide Or Otherwise Died Under Mysterious Circumstances

 Epstein & 48 Other People Connected To Clintons Who Committed Suicide Or Otherwise Died Under Mysterious Circumstances |

NEW YORK, NY. (THECOUNT) — "Jeffrey Epstein is being called “the latest in a long list,” of Clinton family associates and acquaintances to die untimely deaths or to otherwise commit suicide.

"In 2016, a Las Vegas local CBS affiliate posted a full list of Bill and Hillary Clinton associates alleged to have died under mysterious circumstances which to many are now adding Epstein.

"Add to that, FBI agents are mourning the death of Salvatore “Sal” Cincinelli, one of the Bureau’s top financial crimes supervisors who reportedly died in a suicide last week.

"Cincinelli, 41, who apparently shot and killed himself on a crowded nightclub dance floor, was investigating the Clinton Foundation.

"Before that add Seth Rich, the DC staffer murdered and “robbed” on July 10. Wikileaks found Assange claims he had info on the DNC email scandal.

"Here is the full list of all the unfortunate souls:". . .

Joe Biden, as expected, was despicable in Buffalo

 . . .and Biden, instead of trying to heal wounds, spouted falsehoods and calumnies to score political points.  Biden is despicable.

Andrea Widberg

Where Biden veered into loathsomeness was when he decided that an appearance just a few days after a terrible mass murder would be the perfect opportunity to score political points.  In this context, it's important to note that Biden, to date, has ignored most mass shootings — and there have been many of late, possibly because the left's COVID response and racism have broken apart America's social fabric and further weakened damaged personalities.  To merit his attention, the narrative requires a crazy White person killing non-White people.  The innumerable Black, Hispanic, and Asian mass shooters do not exist in Biden's narrow ideological framework.

. . ." More than that, though, we know that the Buffalo shooter chose his target because of New York's hostility to concealed carry.  He picked a location that was, for him, the equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel.  He knew he would be able to kill at will because no one could oppose him.  When people are allowed to carry weapons for defense, there are no mass shootings.  Sadly, some people may die, but the shooter is always stopped before he can rack up the high numbers."

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Elon Musk Says He Knows Who The “Real President” Is, And It’s Not Joe Biden

 Video: Elon Musk Says He Knows Who The “Real President” Is, And It’s Not Joe Biden (  "Elon Musk eviscerated the president of the United States in an interview Monday.

"Musk suggested the president is non compos mentis and is just a figurehead for whoever tells him what to say.

"Asked to comment on President Biden’s policy evolution from the Trump Administration, Musk joked it’s impossible to know what Biden is doing.

“ 'It’s hard to tell what Biden’s doing, to be frank,” he said. “The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter. The path to power is the path to the teleprompter.”

“ 'If someone were to accidentally lean on the teleprompter, it would be like ‘Anchorman’ — ‘UUASDF123′,” he added, to laughter from the audience.". . .

Welcome to Bidens new press secretary


Biden's new press secretary can't fill even Psaki's shoes   

"When you watch the full version of the press conference, you can see that Jean-Pierre does all right when she is allowed to offer canned answers to predictable questions from friendly journalists.  It's when she gets the tough questions that you can see how inadequate she is for the job.  Admittedly, I certainly couldn't do better, but then again, that's not my job.  It's hers.

If press secretaries reflect an administration, Biden has just the right person in Jean-Pierre.  She's driven by identity politics and otherwise knows nothing. 

Peter Doocy Leaves Karine Jean-Pierre Gasping for Air After Simple Question on Inflation – RedState   . . ."Jean-Pierre answered again, probably hoping the third time was the charm. She said:

“Look, it’s not a huge mystery why one of the wealthiest individuals on Earth, right, opposes an economic agenda that is for the middle class that cut some of the biggest costs. Families face fights, inflation for the long haul. Right. And that’s what we’re talking about. That’s why we’re we’re talking about lowering inflation here and adds to the historic deficit reduction the president is achieving by asking the richest taxpayers and corporations to pay their fair share. That is what we’re talking about.”

"Does any of that sound familiar? If you have been keeping up with the feud between Bezos and the White House, it should. Jean-Pierre’s response was almost word-for-word the text of a statement released by the White House in response to Bezos’ criticisms. She was reading from the actual statement at the podium in an attempt to address Doocy’s question. In fact, during most of the conference, she had her eyes buried in her binder, reading off her notes to respond to questions."

That Buffalo Shooter, Tool of the Democrats

 FBI investigates parents of alleged Buffalo shooter (

. . ."The suspect had faced scrutiny in June of 2021 when New York State Police had investigated Gendron after reports of statements “indicating that he wanted to do a shooting, either at a graduation ceremony, or sometime after.”

"His concerning behavior had allegedly included showing up to school wearing a hazmat suit, but the former student who recalled the incident suggested it may have “had something to do with protecting himself from the coronavirus, but she didn’t rule out the fact that he was making a joke.”. . .

The Buffalo Shooter’s Ideas and Beliefs in One Easy Thread Helps Paint a Larger Picture – RedState  "Two things inevitably follow a mass shooting. For one, the shooter becomes a celebrity. I don’t like it any more than you do but there’s something about evil that great that draws people into wanting to know more. Why did they do it? What drove them there? What kind of lens did they see the world through? All of these questions course through the minds of anyone who hears about killers.

"The other inevitability is that it will immediately be looked at by politicians, media figures, and activists as tools. One should never let a crisis go to waste, and true to form, everyone from gun control advocates to race-baiters will show up in full force, ready to make the deaths of innocents about their favored cause.

"On Twitter, as I write this and you read it, the Buffalo shooter is the subject of a lot of the national conversation and there are a lot of people pointing fingers at their political opposites for the blame. This is going on despite the fact that the shooter made information readily available online about his beliefs and intentions.

"Grabien founder Tom Elliott decided to take a moment and post a very easy thread that shows the Buffalo killer’s thought process about everything from how we wanted to execute the shooting to what his beliefs are and where he got them from.". . .

There was Another Mass Shooting in America. You Didn't Hear About It Because the Suspect is a Chinese Communist (

The Buffalo mass shooting is being labeled a “hate crime,” due in part to the racial motivation of an 18-year-old with a bizarre radicalized worldview that purportedly includes an authoritarian leftist past and white nationalist bent. The suspect Payton Gendron has described himself as being “mild-moderate authoritarian left.” These inconvenient facts have not stopped departing Congresswoman Liz Cheney from getting in a petty cheapshot that House GOP leaders purportedly ‘enabled white nationalism.’ 

People Are Pointing Fingers At A Certain SCOTUS Justice And Her Clerk In Relation To SCOTUS Leak - This Is An Act Of Treason -


. . ."Protesters gathered at the fenced-off Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. on Monday night.

"The leak is likely the product of an ideologically leftist law clerk seeking either to halt a nixing of the abortion ban or to engender support for court-packing, Alan Dershowitz told Fox News.

The leaked draft, written in February, was reportedly crafted by George W. Bush-appointed Justice Sam Alito.

"We’re seeing one name floating around Twitter in relation to the leak. Note, we can neither confirm nor deny if this is legit or not but thought it was worth sharing "…

The Democrats' push for reparations will only make things worse

The government has made it too easy to receive government subsidies and they have been remiss in ignoring the challenges of legal and illegal immigration.  Instead of making amends for detrimental policies, legislators are revisiting reparations that perpetuate black victimhood and stoke racial divisions.

 Kathleen Brush  "Under the guise of remedying historical sins, the government is stoking racial divisions at every corner.  First, there was CRT, then equity, and now a revival of considering reparations.  The first time the government tried to pass H.R. 40 to sanction a study and develop proposals for reparations for African-Americans was in 1989.  The timing coincided with stagnating outcomes for African-Americans.

"Now the House is trying again.  Then as now, the inquiry would prove more fruitful if the examination focused on government policy decisions rather than investigating ties among stagnation, slavery, and post-slavery discrimination.

"The government's failure to contemplate the combined impact of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, and the Great Society (1964–1965) counts among the grossest acts of U.S. government negligence.  This combo is the root cause of racially disproportionate outcomes that take the greatest toll on African-Americans.". . .

Reparations This Black Conservative CAN Support | The Black Sphere

Monetary reparations will only fuel racial tensions that are not there and don’t need to be fueled. Reparations are the brainchild of the Democrats and stoked by Barack and Michelle Obama.

. . ."And it involves even more wrongs done to Blacks at the hands of Democrats. But you don’t need to go back 150+ years to find plaintiffs. It wasn’t Africans selling conquered tribes to the New World.

"No, these wrongs were done to Blacks by scurrilous Leftist Democrats, who knowingly took advantage of Blacks. These wrongs were done after Blacks were emancipated and began building wealth.

"For example, look at this story that showcases exactly how Democrats operated.

Los Angeles County officials may return a beachfront property that was seized from a Black family nearly a century ago.

Manhattan Beach used eminent domain in 1924 to force Willa and Charles Bruce, the city’s first Black landowners, off the land where they lived, KABC-TV reported Friday. They also ran a resort for Black families during a time when beaches in the strand were segregated.

"Eminent domain has been a convenient way for elitists to strip people with little power from their property. All for the greater good.

"Willa and Charles Bruce, LA’s first Black landowners lost their land to a park. As if LA doesn’t have enough parks? They took this land because they knew it would be worth millions.".

Monday, May 16, 2022

Democrats! Gotta love 'em.

What happens to a culture dominated by Democrats?

[California Democrat Eric] Swalwell's Response to Laguna Woods Shooting Shows Just How Over the Edge Dems Have Gone – RedState  . .  .“Sorry @housegop that the parishioners hog-tied your boy. #SorryNotSorry,” Swalwell said.

"Imagine — this is a member of Congress. What is wrong with him? Dr. Cheng heroically gave his life to help others and five others were wounded, and to Swalwell, it’s just an opportunity to try to use against Republicans, even if there isn’t any sense or logic to such claims. Add that to the attack on Tucker Carlson and the GOP that the left launched over the Buffalo shooting and that’s how far gone they are at this point. They will use anything and anyone to attack their opponents.

"Did Swalwell also just refer to an adult Asian man as a “boy”?

?People let him have it for how he was treating the tragedy. They also let him know that they haven’t forgotten his relationship with Fang Fang.". . .

Eric Swalwell & Fang Fang - The Loftus Party

California Democrats set the standard to which all other Democrats aspire.TD

 Pro Abortion People Are Ghouls – And This Woman Is Someone’s Daughter… | Weasel Zippers Is this girl ok with spending her last day on earth between two slices of bread? TD

"Taken at the Pro Abortion Planned Parenthood Protest at the AZ State Capitol, more insane footage coming up, stay tuned"

 Pelosi: Current Supreme Court ‘dangerous’ for families, freedom | The Hill

“Who would have ever suspected that a creature like Donald Trump would become president of the United States, waving a list of judges that he would appoint, therefore getting the support of the far right and appointing those anti-freedom justices to the court?” Pelosi asked.

 Democrat politicians support protesting outside justices' homes - American Thinker 

 Bernie Sanders Says “We’ll See” When Asked If Pro-Life Americans Are Welcome In the Democrat Party | Weasel Zippers "pro-lifers" are not welcome in the Democrat party. Nothing has changed since. Bernie Sanders is yet again running for POTUS, in 2024, and so not wanting to rankle voters Bernie Sanders is naturally being a self-serving coward."

Nancy Pelosi reveals the Democrat campaign for the midterms - American Thinker  . . ."Pelosi actually ended up confirming what we always knew about the Democrat mindset, i.e., they have disdain for democracy when they lose electoral contests.

"Pelosi may have explicitly called President Trump a “creature,” but the subtext of her remarks was that all those who voted for Trump are also sub-human. Her fury is because she views them as impediments to her monopoly of power.". . .

Put a Fork in Portland – PJ Media   . . ."The difference between my hometown, the Motor City, and Portland is that Portland’s death was intentional. Whereas Detroit was murdered by a perfect storm of crotch-kicks from the auto industry and a racist, corrupt mayor, Portland was killed by its own citizens and the Democratic Party.". . .

MSNBC guests and their macabre obsession with abortion - American Thinker

Transgender Infusion Takes Over School Systems: Enter the Pronoun Pin | The Kevin Jackson Network (

The new push is “pronoun pins,” the latest stop on the road to inclusivity. Available to all OES employees, students, and their families, there are three pin messages: He-Him, She-Her, and They-Them—and they come in a handful of different colors. “OES teachers want students to know that their classrooms are spaces where students have voice and agency,” says Appel. “A teacher wearing a button declaring their own pronouns creates an inclusive classroom for kids who are working on their identity.

How Joe Biden Came Up with 'Ultra MAGA' Is Hilarious and Sort of Tragic

Still, Biden doesn't believe the polls. He's said that, which partially explains this endeavor. Also, of course, the most left-wing think tank, the Center for American Progress, would have such an analysis about the MAGA voters.  

 How Joe Biden Came Up with 'Ultra MAGA' Is Hilarious and Sort of Tragic (  "If this is true, and it probably is, then it perfectly fits with a particular characteristic of this Biden White House. They're awful at crisis management. They're awful at prioritization. The Afghanistan withdrawal fell apart. Americans were trapped. Joe Biden then delivered a speech about…COVID vaccinations. It's as if he feels that since he's president, these crises will just resolve with time. Only someone who isn't mentally capable has that thought process. You can't just wish things away. 

"Leadership is more than delivering a speech, Joe. You're not a good president. We all know that—but holy hell, we weren't expecting you to be this incompetent. Everyone around you sucks. And not by a little bit—by A LOT. Your vice president has a case of the giggles every time she's in front of the camera, spews word salads, and has a work environment so toxic that all her staffers are running for cover. Your cabinet secretaries don't do anything either. No one wants to tackle the energy crisis because that would mean increasing domestic oil and gas production, which will upset the progressive left of the base. You don't know what to do about inflation. You thought it was transitory. Remember that? So, you kicked your feet up and hoped time would solve the issue. 

"Meanwhile, scores of America's working families have seen their paychecks get smaller and smaller. And if you allocated the time and resources that you devoted to coming up with the term "ultra MAGA," maybe we could be closer to solving this mess. Instead, all you did was basically give the GOP a badass name for the base. Oh, and the journey for Biden in coming up with this moniker is hilariously tragic…sort of. Maybe you could be second-hand embarrassed by it. I would be since it took…six months of research. I'm not kidding. Also, the White House tried to say that Biden came up with this term on the fly during Psaki's May 10 press briefing, which is not true. Even without the resources allocated for this project, Biden is too slow to come up with this (via WaPo): ". . .

Biden used the term "ultra-MAGA" after 6 months of research. Now Republican have put it on T-shirts. (

. . ."President Joe Biden's use of the term "ultra-MAGA" reportedly followed six months of research into the best ways to target Republicans.

"And it only took days for Republicans to put it T-shirts for fundraising sales.

"The House Republicans' campaign arm is offering "ultra-MAGA" shirts with former President Donald Trump's likeness and a US flag. MAGA, which stands for "Make America Great Again," was Trump's 2016 campaign slogan

" 'House GOP's giving away 1,000 'ULTRA MAGA' shirts! Offer ends at Midnight or when we run out," the offer says.". . .

The Buffalo Shooter’s Ideas and Beliefs in One Easy Thread Helps Paint a Larger Picture –

 Attention, ladies of The View:

But before we come to the conclusion that this kid was just an extremist conservative as the media would have you believe, we can see the shooter made it very clear that he’s actually more of a socialist and “wants no part” of conservatism. In fact, his views evolved from communism and he said he’d define himself as a leftist populist.

RedState  "Two things inevitably follow a mass shooting. For one, the shooter becomes a celebrity. I don’t like it any more than you do but there’s something about evil that great that draws people into wanting to know more. Why did they do it? What drove them there? What kind of lends did they see the world through? All of these questions course through the minds of anyone who hears about killers.". . .

. . ."Grabien founder Tom Elliott decided to take a moment and post a very easy thread that shows the Buffalo killer’s thought process about everything from how we wanted to execute the shooting to what his beliefs are and where he got them from.". . .

Buffalo supermarket shooting details and video - TheBlaze  'Pure evil': At least 10 killed in mass shooting at Buffalo supermarket. Sheriff says shooting is a 'straight-up racially motivated hate crime.' "

 Joe Cunningham Dishes Up Reality to CNN's S.E. Cupp on Buffalo Shooting and Leftist Rhetoric – RedState  "As I noted on Saturday, the talking points immediately went out among the left to blame the Buffalo mass shooting on Tucker Carlson and people on the right.

"CNN’s S.E. Cupp continued that on Sunday with a bad take on the shooting.". . .

. . ."But where has Cupp been when dealing with inflammatory rhetoric from the left? Or other attacks that might not fit her narrative? Our own Joe Cunningham pointed out that she’s predictably silent.

. . ."How about when it came to a Bernie bro targeting the GOP baseball practice? Crickets.". . .

. . ."Floyd Corkins attacking the Family Research Council? Nothing.

. . ."How about something very recent and pertinent to the leftist pushing pro-abortion rage — the firebombing of a pro-life group? I checked various search options for anything related to that and found nothing from Cupp, who claims to be pro-life. I scrolled through her timeline and didn’t see any posts about the left trying to intimidate SCOTUS into doing their will in regard to Roe. Indeed, the only post I found that even referenced the protests was a post she retweeted that claimed that reports about Justice Alito having to leave his home were wrong."

Meanwhile in California:

"A church in Southern California was the target of a mass shooting Sunday afternoon with initial reports of four wounded, one person killed and a suspect in custody. According to photos of emergency response vehicles at the scene and a block location given by police, the shooting appears to have taken place at the Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods.

"UPDATES At END. Shooting took place during a meeting by the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church that shares space with the Geneva church. Suspect is reported to be a “68-year-old Asian man.”

Did Fauci and Collins Receive Royalty Payments from Drug Companies?


Image from Reality Bites by Broc Smith.

Did Anthony Fauci & Francis Collins Receive Royalty Payments From Drug Companies? | National Review
"Open the Books is a nonprofit government watchdog organization dedicated to investigating and disclosing the many ways in which government spends — and wastes — our money.

"It has a new report out that should raise eyebrows. According to information garnered from Freedom of Information Act Requests, between 2009-2014, both Anthony Fauci and former NIH director Francis Collins received royalty payments from pharmaceutical companies. This may present a conflict of interest since they had a great deal of influence in deciding what research the government funds. From the report:". . .

. . ."But Collins and Fauci, as far as I know, were administrators, not researchers. Yet OTB found that they received royalties from drug companies:". . .

The WSCA brings real women back to swimming!

Thanks to the enthusiastic embrace of transgenderism, our society is now wandering in a dark cave where reality is rejected and people are encouraged to believe they can be anything they want to be by simply saying what they wish to be. There was a time when it was recognized that a rejection of reality was a sign of insanity but no more. 

 American Thinker  "On May 13, 2022, the World Swimming Coaches Association (WSCA) made history by proclaiming that men calling themselves women should not compete against biological women. Their official position is that women cannot compete fairly against men and that’s that. The WSCA goes on to promote the idea that trans athletes should have their own category, and they insist that they want respect for all athletes.

"That is as it should be. No one should be made to feel unwanted or that they cannot compete in a sport which they love. The Special Olympics, Invictus Games, and Paralympics are all events based on biological factors. Creating a Trans Olympics would give a fair chance of participation to any athlete who does not wish to compete against his or her own sex.". . .

Image: Female swimmer by rawpixel.

. . ."Men calling themselves women have been stealing the thunder of real women, children who have not even entered adolescence have been pressured into believing they are the opposite sex, and men calling themselves women have received awards that were intended for real women. The official position of the WSCA gives me hope that we are starting to emerge from the darkness back into a world where men are men and girls are girls."

“Sexual harassment, that’s rape, that’s incest, that’s inappropriate touching. What did my son do? He’s a little boy. He told me that he was being charged with sexual harassment for not using the right pronouns.”