Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Democrats' push for reparations will only make things worse

The government has made it too easy to receive government subsidies and they have been remiss in ignoring the challenges of legal and illegal immigration.  Instead of making amends for detrimental policies, legislators are revisiting reparations that perpetuate black victimhood and stoke racial divisions.

 Kathleen Brush  "Under the guise of remedying historical sins, the government is stoking racial divisions at every corner.  First, there was CRT, then equity, and now a revival of considering reparations.  The first time the government tried to pass H.R. 40 to sanction a study and develop proposals for reparations for African-Americans was in 1989.  The timing coincided with stagnating outcomes for African-Americans.

"Now the House is trying again.  Then as now, the inquiry would prove more fruitful if the examination focused on government policy decisions rather than investigating ties among stagnation, slavery, and post-slavery discrimination.

"The government's failure to contemplate the combined impact of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, and the Great Society (1964–1965) counts among the grossest acts of U.S. government negligence.  This combo is the root cause of racially disproportionate outcomes that take the greatest toll on African-Americans.". . .

Reparations This Black Conservative CAN Support | The Black Sphere

Monetary reparations will only fuel racial tensions that are not there and don’t need to be fueled. Reparations are the brainchild of the Democrats and stoked by Barack and Michelle Obama.

. . ."And it involves even more wrongs done to Blacks at the hands of Democrats. But you don’t need to go back 150+ years to find plaintiffs. It wasn’t Africans selling conquered tribes to the New World.

"No, these wrongs were done to Blacks by scurrilous Leftist Democrats, who knowingly took advantage of Blacks. These wrongs were done after Blacks were emancipated and began building wealth.

"For example, look at this story that showcases exactly how Democrats operated.

Los Angeles County officials may return a beachfront property that was seized from a Black family nearly a century ago.

Manhattan Beach used eminent domain in 1924 to force Willa and Charles Bruce, the city’s first Black landowners, off the land where they lived, KABC-TV reported Friday. They also ran a resort for Black families during a time when beaches in the strand were segregated.

"Eminent domain has been a convenient way for elitists to strip people with little power from their property. All for the greater good.

"Willa and Charles Bruce, LA’s first Black landowners lost their land to a park. As if LA doesn’t have enough parks? They took this land because they knew it would be worth millions.".

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