Sunday, September 4, 2022

So was it presidential historian Jon Meacham who wrote Biden's Mussolini Meltdown speech?

Monica Showalter 

. . .To take a perhaps better analogy, given that this is Joe Biden, he's kind of like the emperor with no clothes, susceptible to court flatterers and willing to go naked for them, which is something he always does anyway. It all works so well until it doesn't and a little kid calls him out.

"Well, now Biden has to live with himself, revealed for all to see as a phony, while the "Mussolini" meme will become the defining historical image of his miserable presidency.

"But it also reveals a lot about Biden's motivation. Despite his obvious unfitness for the job, given his dementia, and despite his obvious illegitimacy, given his electoral fraud, he wants to hear flattery. The gushing he wants to hear from his courtiers is not that he is Ordinary Scranton Joe, as his earlier spinners have put it, but that he is grand, that he is greater than his own history, that he is, somehow, a great man.

"It's a vainglory unlike any other.

"There's never been a greater disconnect than that vision Joe has of himself, and the miserable reality that defines him. His bad judgment about this is what's leading him to the crazed dictator images that he's presenting to the world now. He tops Jimmy Carter now in the reality that he's a small, bitter, pathetic, little man.  He's a clown now, a mouse whose ambitions were only to become a rat."

Will the person or persons who wrote that vile speech please step forward? - Thomas Lifson

. . .One thing is certain: they did Biden no favor.  Anyone who saw, heard, or read the speech now knows without a doubt that Joe Biden is an even nastier piece of work than previously known.  He and his speechwriting pals are a blight on our political scene, more than any previous President and staff.  Biden is the most anti-American president in US history, which is saying a lot given Obama’s disdain for America and its people.  May the nation survive the traitors who hold power today.

Washington's stab in Seoul's back shatters US 'values': Global Times editorial

 Global Times

Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger once said that "it may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal."

. . ."This may be the "new understanding" among some in South Korean public opinion sphere, but it is actually just the way the US is. No matter what beautiful words it uses, the so-called values are just rhetoric used by the US to fool its allies to maintain hegemony. For the US, "shared values" has always meant the unconditional obedience of allies to the interests of the US, rather than bargaining chips that allies can use to deal with the US. Washington has firmly put the right to interpret "values" in its own hands. Only those who follow it have "shared values" with it, while those who go against the US don't.

"As the South Korean media concluded, behind Washington's smiles is the "America First" policy that has become "more cunning and more vicious." History has also repeatedly shown that the US has a quite strong desire for preserving its interests. From a certain sense, the rhetoric of values is designed specially to serve Washington's interests. ". . .

7 Country Singers Who Are Fighting Back Against Biden

  Analyzing America

"There are numerous conservative country music artists, but the following 7 country stars have been outspoken and actively pushed back against Joe Biden and radical Democrats who are destroying America.

"This elite group includes Kid Rock, John Rich, Jason Aldean, Granger Smith, Toby Keith, Trace Adkins, and Brantley Gilbert.

"Here’s a look at each artist:

"It’s widely known that Kid Rock is a personal friend and probably the most outspoken supporter of Donald Trump. Kid Rock has also produced a song titled “We the People” that attacks Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

"The son features the chorus “let’s go Brandon,” which is a euphemism for “f*** Joe Biden.”

"Speaking about Trump, Kid Rock said, “We ended up becoming buddies. Spend a lot of time [together] at the golf course now. It’s really weird to get phone calls from him and stuff. It’s kind of mind-blowing.”. . .

Californians Asked to Conserve Power Amid Brutal Heat Wave

 Californians Asked to Conserve Power Amid Brutal Heat Wave (

. . ."California’s “Flex Alerts” urge conservation between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m., the hours when production of solar energy declines. The grid operator urges people to use major appliances, charge electric cars and cool down their homes earlier in the day, then turn up thermostats to 78 degrees (25.5 Celsius) or higher.

“ 'The No. 1 most effective conservation measure is to set thermostats to 78 or higher” because air conditioners are the biggest users of electricity in the summer, Anne Gonzales, a spokeswoman for the grid operator, said in an email.

“ 'We have traditionally asked for 78 degrees, because it has a good effect on our demand, and is still comfortable to allow consumers to easily participate,” she said. “We always ask consumers to set it higher, if they can, and if health permits.”

"Keeping temperatures too low can cause air conditioners to run constantly, added Jay Apt, professor at the Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering.

“If you set that puppy too low, it’s going to run all the time,” said Apt. “That’s going to do two things, the first is that it is going to use an awful lot of energy and the second is that it’s not going to give recovery time.”

"The goal is to allow units to cycle on and off, said Apt, and 78 degrees is a rough estimate for the sweet spot that can vary depending on a building’s insulation.

"In California, customers of Pacific Gas & Electric, the nation’s largest utility, can volunteer to let the company control their internet-connected thermostats during heat waves. The program automatically adjusts the thermostat schedule so it uses less energy during times of peak demand.". . .

CNN’s Brian Stelter Touts Biden's Mental Health: He Can Ride A Bicycle And Produce Memes!

 Neon Nettle

Joe Biden's Bike Fall Breaks the Internet, Inspires Flood of Memes (

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Suspended Public School Teacher Who Refused Using Preferred Pronouns Wins HUGE Settlement In Court

  The Blue State Conservative  . . ."Teacher Pamela Ricard was awarded $95,000, thanks to the support of the liberty advocacy legal group Alliance Defending Freedom. They rightly defended Ricard’s right to freely exercise her faith and express her own viewpoints after she was suspended for three days last March by using only the student’s enrolled name

"NBC News writes this about the settlement:

Pamela Ricard sued Geary County Schools in March, saying she was reprimanded and suspended for three days last year “for addressing a biologically female student by the student’s legal and enrolled last name.”

A school counselor at Fort Riley Middle School had told Ricard that the student preferred an alternative first name, and a classmate told Ricard that the student preferred he/him pronouns, the lawsuit said. 

Ricard began addressing the student as “miss,” using the student’s last name, to avoid using the student’s preferred first name. Ricard believed addressing the student as “Miss (legal/enrolled last name)” respected the student while also upholding Ricard’s religious convictions, the lawsuit said.

"NBC added that at the time the district did not have an official policy on the matter of using preferred pronouns. They quoted the lawsuit, noting the absence of a “formal policy regarding student preferred name and pronoun use at the time Ms. Ricard was suspended” did not preclude them from reprimanding her “under generic school district policies related to bullying by staff.' ” . . .

A Handy Guide To The New Gender Pronouns Everyone Must Use (

. . ."Almost nothing you do as a non-cisgendered person or person with nontraditional sexual orientation has any effect on me. So go for it.

"However, when you require me to intuit which gender of pronoun I must use to refer to you at any given moment, that does affect me. Especially if there are legal consequences, as in some cities such as New York (of course). We libertarians get particularly choleric when people try to use government force to curtail our freedoms, like speech. Telling me how to speak is just as bad as trying to shut me up.". . .

Some of the Americans, allies trapped in Afghanistan


Some of the Americans, allies trapped in Afghanistan (  "Thousands of Americans and Afghans who once worked for the US remain trapped in the country after the Biden administration’s troop pullout let the Taliban takeover Kabul in a matter of days.
"The US has evacuated 7,000 from Kabul since the militant group seized control of Afghanistan five days ago, but there are still between 60,000 and 80,000 who need to get out — including more than 10,000 Americans.

"Here are just a few of the scores of people who have been pleading for help to escape:". . .


 #DarkBrandonRises - American Thinker

“Imagine thinking this was a good idea.” @joerogan

. . ."I assume the culprits are all too ashamed to admit they had a hand in this laughable, yet destructive regime. (Heck, I don’t blame them, I’d feel the same way).

"But then, Friday morning, I skimmed Twitter, and came across the hashtag #DarkBrandonRises, which was being used to share content in support of Biden’s freaky address. Below is some of what I found:

Republicans were not ready for 'Dark Brandon'-

 What we are seeing is their collective shock of having a Democrat call them out, sometimes by name, for their bulls***, fascist or otherwise. This is strong leadership and I am here for it.


Anyone who is Pro-Democracy isn’t triggered when the President calls out Fascists. Anyone who is Pro-Democracy wants a President to call out Fascists.


If you’re offended and angry at President Biden’s speech tonight, you should know you’re a facist [sic] and he was speaking directly to you.


Joe wasn’t my first choice, but damn if he isn’t giving me goosebumps now. *Whose side are you on?*

"Some of the users even shared the sinister image from above like it was a good thing.". . .

Biden's 'Democracy' Speech Reminded How Dems Have Eroded It

 The Federalist

Biden and Democrats are guilty of all of the sins against democracy he blamed on Trump and ‘MAGA Republicans.’

. . ." ‘There Is No Place for Political Violence in America. Period. None. Ever.’

"Where was this belief just two months ago when radical abortion activists violently attacked more than 80 churches and life-saving pregnancy centers and threatened to harm Republican-nominated justices following the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision?

"Where was this energy when climate rioters led an insurrection at the Department of the Interior in October 2021?

"Where was this plea for peace in 2020 when rioters, looters, and vandals inflicted billions of dollars of damage on the nation’s cities? It took Biden months to condemn those attacks. In the meantime, his VP pick Kamala Harris raised money for a fund that paid to bail out those rioters and eventually murderous felons to walk the streets again.

"Where was this exhortation when Democrats such as Hillary Clinton, Cory Booker, and Maxine Waters repeatedly called for violence against Trump and his supporters?". . .

CNN Host Roasts Biden For Using Marines As Props… | Weasel Zippers Even CNN!

The Tesla-driving Stephen Colbert

 I have had contempt for this man beginning the night he bullied President George W. Bush during the 2006 correspondents Dinner, knowing Mr. Bush could not respond. TD

Todd Schowalter Productions.

 ·in Quora: "Colbert has always been political, but the Colbert Report used sophisticated and clever humor that was layered and always pretty fresh. He appealed to a more sophisticated crowd back then. Many conservatives knew he was mocking them but he did it in ways that were original and clever. Very few conservatives were dumb enough to treat his character as sincere. Conservatives are used to dealing with entertainment that constantly mocks them and can laugh at themselves if the jokes are good and delivered cleverly.

"But Colbert simply appeals to the least common denominator on network tv. He didn't have the foresight to see that constant jokes about a President who leaves no subtext to be gleaned (and is therefore almost impossible to satirize) make for boring tv that is only entertaining to a small subset of people obsessed with Trump. He became the “Angry About Trump Show" and boxed himself in to now catering to an audience who want political hack slop fed to them every night."

Tucker Carlson Rips Stephen Colbert as an Unfunny 'Karen' ( . ."Carlson aired footage of a number of Jan. 6 rioters engaged in bizarre behavior. He concluded Colbert’s inability to find a joke in it is proof he has “zero sense of humor.” Carlson commented, The guy’s not a comedian. You watch a comedian and think, “That guy’s hilarious I would love to meet him.” Imagine eating a meal with Stephen Colbert. Chances are you’d somehow offend him over the course of a typical dinner by something he finds offensive. What are the chances of that? 100%. Stephen Colbert is a Karen, he’s a brittle middle-aged woman who’s always lecturing you about something. In fact, he’s Elizabeth Warren.

Dear Mr. Colbert: Me so stupid. You so funny! (By Asian Michelle Malkin)

Asians are also convenient, "uncool" punching bags. Unlike offended Muslim fanatics (see "The Mohammed Cartoons"), they're not going to issue fatwas, threaten beheadings or blow themselves up. Coward Colbert and his cable news persona would never dare offend the jihad-friendly brigade at CAIR; the only jabs he takes are at "Islamophobe" conservatives who worry about the poisonous spread of sharia law.

Elitist Tesla Owner Stephen Colbert is Fine Trading $15 Gas for a “Clean Conscience” ( 

Friday, September 2, 2022

‘Full Monty Mussolini’: Biden’s Primetime Speech Mocked, Slammed On Social Media

 ‘Full Monty Mussolini’: Biden’s Primetime Speech Mocked, Slammed On Social Media | The Daily Caller  "President Joe Biden’s Thursday evening speech targeting supporters of former President Donald Trump was mocked on social media, with many users poking fun at the stage.

"The speech, held in Philadelphia, marked continued attacks on supporters of Trump, reiterating earlier attacks in which he claimed Republicans embraced “semi-fascism” at an Aug. 25 fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee in Maryland, and also attacked “MAGA Republicans” during a Tuesday speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Biden called “MAGA Republicans” a threat to democracy and doubled down on his rhetoric calling supporters of former President Donald trump “extremists.”

The Pious Theatrics of the Treasonous Left -

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  

"Hillary Clinton, unlike Donald Trump, didn’t possess the power to declassify top secret documents as Barack Obama’s secretary of state. But the ruling class shrugged at her careless handling of them. Former FBI Director James Comey pompously and unilaterally declared that “no reasonable” prosecutor would bring a case against her. Now, this same elite is hysterically shrieking over an alleged foot fault of even less significance — that Trump, while enjoying the power to declassify documents, didn’t follow the exact protocols for doing so. This, we’re told, is a sufficient reason for a nation-roiling criminal trial against a former president.The pious theatrics over this trivial technical dispute — from the solemn chin-wagging on MSNBC to the empty hype on the Drudge Report — are impossible to take seriously unless you accept the partisan premise underlying them, namely, that Trump is a uniquely illegitimate president. Out of this demented partisanship has come such breathless headlines as: “Was Trump Selling Access to Top Secret Documents?”

"Once again, the least patriotic Americans — the liberals who cheer boycotting of the flag and want America to surrender its sovereignty to the United Nations and global leftists — are accusing the most patriotic president since Ronald Reagan of treason. They still haven’t apologized for the wildly tendentious Mueller probe, which upended American politics for almost two years, and now demand a national ordeal over this feeble matter.". . .