. . .To take a perhaps better analogy, given that this is Joe Biden, he's kind of like the emperor with no clothes, susceptible to court flatterers and willing to go naked for them, which is something he always does anyway. It all works so well until it doesn't and a little kid calls him out.
"Well, now Biden has to live with himself, revealed for all to see as a phony, while the "Mussolini" meme will become the defining historical image of his miserable presidency.
"But it also reveals a lot about Biden's motivation. Despite his obvious unfitness for the job, given his dementia, and despite his obvious illegitimacy, given his electoral fraud, he wants to hear flattery. The gushing he wants to hear from his courtiers is not that he is Ordinary Scranton Joe, as his earlier spinners have put it, but that he is grand, that he is greater than his own history, that he is, somehow, a great man.
"It's a vainglory unlike any other.
"There's never been a greater disconnect than that vision Joe has of himself, and the miserable reality that defines him. His bad judgment about this is what's leading him to the crazed dictator images that he's presenting to the world now. He tops Jimmy Carter now in the reality that he's a small, bitter, pathetic, little man. He's a clown now, a mouse whose ambitions were only to become a rat."
Will the person or persons who wrote that vile speech please step forward? - Thomas Lifson
. . .One thing is certain: they did Biden no favor. Anyone who saw, heard, or read the speech now knows without a doubt that Joe Biden is an even nastier piece of work than previously known. He and his speechwriting pals are a blight on our political scene, more than any previous President and staff. Biden is the most anti-American president in US history, which is saying a lot given Obama’s disdain for America and its people. May the nation survive the traitors who hold power today.