Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Hammer Time

Pelosi Got Hammered  . . ."What is absolutely certain is that neither the U.S. federal government nor its media propaganda organs give a fig about crime or political violence unless it can be used to slander MAGA Republicans.  Pro-life organizations and churches are firebombed, and the FBI does nothing.  Conservative volunteers and Republican campaign workers are brutally beaten and shot on the street, and the corporate news is silent.  A cowardly neighbor severely wounds Senator Rand Paul in a sneak attack, and Democrats (including Nancy Pelosi's daughter) cry with laughter and jubilation.  A Democrat stalwart, brainwashed by the endless corporate news promoting the lie that Russia stole the 2016 election from Hillary, nearly succeeds in assassinating an entire baseball team of Republican senators and representatives (again including Rand Paul), and the Democrat-Media Complex hides behind calls for unity, while simultaneously casting blame on the victims.". . .

. . ."Then there are all the elements of the Paul Pelosi Break-In timeline that don’t quite add up, courtesy of my friend and colleague Matt Margolis. Matt also had one very sharp commenter named Jonathan with ten questions the media seems to be ignoring:

1. How did David know the house and arrive there?
2. Was there forced entry and did alarm go off?
3. No video? What about body cam of SFPD
4. Why was assailant not tased?
5. Did Paul go out Friday? If so, where? And when did he return?
6. What was David doing prior to breaking in?
7. Why SF General? There are at 4 hospitals that are closer?
8. Why did he refer to David as a friend?
9. Whose hammer?
10. Did David come from Berkeley or has he been living in SF and if so, where?

The attempt on Kavanaugh was just as real, but it was caught before the perfectly sane and ideologically motivated leftist could do any damage, so it lacks the emotional impact of the attack on Pelosi, whose skull was broken.  But it was bona fide political violence, the kind the media clowns and Democrat pols are now raving about, except that it comes from the left.

 The attack on Paul Pelosi and Democrats' hardball politics  . . ."The Democrats have violated all that was once considered sacrosanct.

"They imposed lockdowns that destroyed their livelihoods.  They mandated vaccines, which caused people to either be rendered unemployed or suffer potential health consequences.  They left the border open to cause peril to citizens due to criminal illegal aliens, drug-smuggling, and human-trafficking.  They demonized the police to enable the crime wave.  They caused inflation and sky-high fuel prices.  They are sending billions to Ukraine while their citizens are suffering.  Joe Biden used his influence as V.P. and perhaps even as president to enrich Hunter Biden and himself.

"All of this must be investigated and the guilty should be punished.

"The question remains: will the GOP actually act, or will they follow the Bill Barr style of functioning — i.e. say the right things, and engage in heated arguments during hearings and on Fox News, but do very little in terms of action?" 

What We're Learning About the Man Who Attacked Paul Pelosi  "
I regret to inform the meme makers, the narrative builders, and all those involved in the herculean effort to make Paul Pelosi’s attack suspect into a stand-in for the right-wing boogeyman, the after-party has been canceled.
"The pathetic human known as David DePape was, until recently, a public backer of Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ causes. At least, that’s what we can surmise by surveying his “home” in Berkeley. DePape had a “Black Lives Matter” sign in the window and an LGBTQ rainbow flag, emblazoned with a marijuana symbol, hanging from a tree outside his house.

“DePape was charged with attempted kidnapping, and with retaliating against a federal official by threatening or injuring a family member.” CNBC reported.The US government will now control and hide the evidence – and shape the national media narrative.

 Release Paul Pelosi's 911 Call   "There are now no fewer than two–and possibly three–investigations taking place into the attack on Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Officials claim to want to quell the speculation about the attack on Pelosi’s husband, but they could clear a few things up by releasing the actual 9-1-1 call and police body cam video. Instead, local police, Capitol Police, and the FBI say  “we’re not revealing any other details at this time.' ”. . .

What should become of the FBI?


"Current polls show a growing mistrust of the FBI among nearly half of America due to a spate of investigative activities that appear politically one-sided. Some pundits and politicians have piled on with invidious characterizations of the entire bureau as “fascist,” “Gestapo-like,” “thoroughly corrupt,” and a tool of the Democratic Party that should be completely disbanded.

"While the hyperbole is not helpful, the public’s frustration is certainly understandable following disclosures by special counsel John Durham of abuses stemming from the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, the shocking search of a former Republican president’s home over a document dispute, the highly tactical home arrests of pro-life protesters and other conservatives, and the unjustified early morning search of journalists’ homes for the politically embarrassing diary of President Biden’s daughter — to name just a few. 

"A prominent over-rotation proposal fronted by some in the media and on Capitol Hill is the complete dissolution of the FBI and distribution of its mission to other federal law enforcement agencies. This is a feel-good sound bite, but it will never happen. It is irresponsible to feed it as a possibility to that half of the country that traditionally admired the FBI but now is deeply concerned. Here’s why.". . .

Are These Biden’s Mysterious ‘6 Republican Senators’?

 I & I Editorial Board

"For all of President Biden’s problems with getting numbers right, there’s one he keeps repeating. Is it accurate? Who knows. But we think we have a clue who he’s talking about.

On at least four occasions, Biden has claimed that “six Republican senators, who I know, came to me since I’ve been president and said, ‘I know you’re right, but I just can’t vote with you because I’ll get defeated in a primary.’”

"And, to heighten the suspense, Biden always says something like: “I promised I would never say their names, and I will never reveal who they are.”

"Biden uses this anecdote when he’s bashing “MAGA Republicans,” by which he presumably means “conservative” Republicans. “The vast majority of Republicans aren’t the MAGA Republicans,” he’ll say.

"This came to a boil when, in his September speech in Philadelphia, he said that Trump supporters espouse “semi-fascism” and represent “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

"Biden’s claim about those six senators makes little sense. He never says what specifically these six Republicans agree with him about. His claim that the “vast majority” of Republicans don’t support Trump is false.  According to a recent Issues &Insights/TIPP poll, 54% of Republican voters said they’d pull the lever for Donald Trump if he were the nominee. That compares with just 34% of Democrats who say that about Biden.

"Keep in mind that this poll was taken after the FBI’s raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.

"What’s more, Biden’s attempt to marginalize “MAGA” Republicans has utterly failed. Another I&I/TIPP poll found that most voters — by a two-to-one margin — felt Biden’s characterization of MAGA Republicans “increases divisions in the country.”

"Ok, but who are the six Republicans Biden keeps hinting at to make his case that MAGA Republicans are extremists? Of course, there are liberal Republicans in the Senate. Everyone knows that

"But we think we’ve found a big clue as to who the six are.". . .

Monday, October 31, 2022

The whole world seems to have a theory about the Pelosi attacker

 No one deserves to be assaulted. Unlike Nancy Pelosi’s daughter who celebrated my assault, I condemn this attack and wish Mr. Pelosi a speedy recovery. Rand Paul

Oxane 'Gypsy' Taub, who once protested naked in front of San Francisco City Hall (above), was convicted in 2021 for child abuse after stalking and harassing a 14-year-old boy. She said in an interview from prison that longtime former partner DePape has been 'mentally ill for a long time'

Muslim getting psychiatric exam after threatening to 'cut the throats of unbelievers'

 WND Staff

But religious instructions actually are found in the Quran

"A man who ran amok, screaming, "We must cut the throats of disbelievers" – as his religion instructs – isn't a criminal threat, as might be assumed.

"He's a patient in need of psychiatric help, according to a report from Islam expert Robert Spencer.

"He has reported at his Jihad Watch website that the situation developed when a Muslim who made the threat to "cut the throats" was delivered by French authorities for a psychiatric exam.

" 'Where did he get the idea that Muslims must 'cut the throats of disbelievers'? Could it have been from the Quran, which directs Muslims to 'strike the necks' of disbelievers (47:4; cf. 8:12)? Yet he is being sent for a psychiatric exam, because French authorities are dogmatically convinced of the proposition that Islam is peaceful and benign, and thus could not possibly be his motivation," Spencer explained.

"Citing a report from FredalanMedforth, Spencer noted the situation happened this way:". . .

The Democrat Gaslight Machine


Biden says price of gas 'over five dollars' when he took office, data shows $2.39  . . ."The most common price of gas in America is $3.39, down from over five dollars when I took office," Biden said. "We need to keep making that progress by having energy companies bring down the cost of a gallon of gas that reflects the cost of paying for a barrel of oil."

"The national average price for a gallon of regular gas in the week ending Jan. 25, 2021, just after Biden took office, was $2.39, according to data review by Fox News from the Energy Information Administration.

"The average price for a gallon of regular gasoline didn't hit $5 until June 2022.". . .

"The following video is truly satisfying to behold, and underscores why the Regime is so desperate to shut down the handful of vanguard truth-telling sites like Revolver News.
"In the following clip, the smug, know-it-all MSNBC reporter asks loaded questions to potential voters about January 6, only to discover, to her poorly hidden shock and consternation, that they weren’t buying the lies!". . .

How 'Political Gaslighting' Undermines the Truth | The Swaddle  "To “gaslight” someone is to manipulate them into questioning their perception of reality. If this sounds vaguely familiar, it’s because it is — political gaslighting is fast becoming the defining feature of our times. 
"The process of political gaslighting makes use of certain techniques. “[It] utilizes deceptive and manipulative use of information with the motivation to destabilize and disorient public opinion on political issues,” Farah Latif, a communications expert from George Washington University in the U.S., noted in a paper.
"In reality, this translates as creating false, alternate narratives not based in reality; calling them irrational or undermining their sanity for questioning the gaslighter’s narrative; covering up lies to make them sound convincing, and so on. Gaslighting makes use of words and power — two things that feed off inequality. Latif adds that political gaslighting becomes a strategy to “garner support for or against an ideology, viewpoint, or policy.” . . .
The subversion of reality and twisting of facts on a mass scale make it difficult for citizens to agree on what the truth is. If denying the reality of the scale of death, what caused itmisleading the public about management, and emphasizing a “positive” outlook on an unfathomable tragedy seems like a familiar form of political gaslighting — it’s because it is.  
Tony Branco

Volkswagen leaves glued green fanatics to stew in their own excrement

 Monica Showalter  "Greenie glue activists were at it again in Europe, gluing themselves to things of value to protest fossil fuels.

"This time, they were in for a surprise.

"Apparently viewing new German cars as the equivalent of museum-quality art -- hey, some people do -- they glued themselves to the floor of the Volkswagen Autostadt's Porsche Pavillion in Wolfsburg, Germany to protest, similar to the way many other green activists have been gluing themselves to art masterpieces in Europe's museums for the same reason". . .

. . ." What happened here is that the efficient German staff, undoubtedly acting in clockwork fashion, advised the protestors of the pavillion hours and when the protestors wouldn't leave, locked up for the night -- with the protestors inside. Unlike the museum staffers, who called the cops on them and had them hauled off, these practical no-nonsense Germans decided instead to ... leave them there. 

"It was cold, dark, and since they were glued to the floor, uncomfortable, as they couldn't go to the bathroom. If they had to go, they had to ... do it in their suits, it seems.

"Which seems like fitting punishment, given that these protestors, who called themselves Scientist Rebellion, didn't seem to plan much of anything, and certainly didn't seem to understand the connection between fossil fuels and heated rooms."

Sunday, October 30, 2022

CNN Embarrasses Itself with Documentary Series Slamming the Founder of the Network that has Humiliated It

If broadcast journalism schools had any credibility left (they don’t), CNN’s Murdoch series would be required viewing to teach students how not to write and produce a documentary.

  Peter Barry Chowka  "Launched in 1980, CNN, the country’s oldest cable news network, has been on ratings life support for years. Tonight, Oct. 30, 2022, at 10 PM ET/PT, promises to witness another of the Cable News Network’s major low points – and possibly a potentially terminal blow – for this formerly influential and once passingly credible TV news outlet.

"Tonight’s prime time offering is the final installment of a seven-part, seven-hour-long “documentary” series about the Murdochs – Rupert Murdoch and his family – who founded and control CNN’s major competition and nemesis, the Fox News Channel. Fox News first appeared on the scene in October 1996. In 2001, Fox News first beat CNN and MSNBC (which also launched in 1996) in the ratings. If you can’t beat ‘em, then attack them has been the MO of CNN since then. For most of the next two decades, Fox News has been far and away the ratings leader in the highly competitive, and highly remunerative, cable television news landscape."

"As Fox News’s influence has grown, CNN has struggled without success to restore credibility and reassert its prominence. In the past five years, since President Donald Trump outed the mainstream media as fake news, CNN has gone bonkers. Not only its opinionated prime time hosts (Chris Cuomo, ignominiously fired last year; Don Lemon, demoted to co-hosting CNN’s low rated morning show; and aging former new kid on the block Anderson Cooper) but its total news day has reflected a chronic anti-Trump, anti-MAGA bias. The “Russia Collusion” hoax and its purveyors (remember Michael Avenatti?) found a permanent home at CNN, even after the Mueller Report confirmed over four years ago that there was no there there. For the past two years, CNN has been unwilling to get beyond its hyped-up wall-to-wall coverage of the MAGA January 6, 2021 “Insurrection” and what it hopes is a troubled future for President Trump.

"Earlier this year, CNN’s top dog, Jeff Zucker, the one-time broadcast network TV wunderkind who ran CNN into the woke ground, was forced out (a.k.a. “resigned”) after admitting that he was engaging in a relationship with a female CNN executive that he failed to disclose. Meanwhile, ownership of CNN was shifting again to another large corporate entity, Warner Bros. Discovery. The latter installed Chris Licht as CNN’s CEO. A veteran mainstream TV executive, Licht was fresh from executive producing leftist Trump-hating comedian Stephen Colbert’s late night CBS show.". . .

. . .In contrast to CNN’s disastrous CNN+ experiment, Fox News in 2018 launched its streaming video channel Fox Nation. Four years later, the service is thriving with a wide variety of original programming, documentaries, and replays on demand of Fox News Channel shows. Of particular note are the documentaries and long form interviews on Fox Nation hosted by Tucker Carlson, whose M-F 8 PM program on the Fox News Channel has become appointment viewing for conservatives and people interested in the unvarnished reality that surrounds us

Nothing could better symbolize the deflating bubble of green madness that gripped Germany than the following from Lawrence Richard of Fox Business: A German energy company is dismantling a wind farm to allow for an adjacent coal mine to expand its operations, officials said. The German coal mine Garzweiler, operated by energy company RWE, admits the situation appears to be "paradoxical" — sacrificing one energy source for another — but defended the decision as necessary to strengthen supplies amid the ongoing energy crisis, Oilprice.com reported. "We realize this comes across as paradoxical," RWE spokesperson Guido Steffen said in a statement. "But that is as matters stand. It’s not “paradoxical” at all, it is practical. Germany needs reliable energy now that the comfortable reserve capacity supplied by massive Russian natural gas imports is no longer available to pick up the slack when the wind isn’t blowing, or is blowing so hard that the windmills need to shut down. The practical necessity of hydrocarbon-based power (I like to call it “organic power,” not “fossil fuel” because it is based on organic chemistry) is obvious now that freezing to death is in prospect for huge numbers of Europeans this winter. Dr. Johnson’s immortal epigram could be updated to substitute freezing to death for hanging” “Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to freeze to death in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.”

 Thomas Lifson   "Nothing could better symbolize the deflating bubble of green madness that gripped Germany than the following from Lawrence Richard of Fox Business:

A German energy company is dismantling a wind farm to allow for an adjacent coal mine to expand its operations, officials said.

The German coal mine Garzweiler, operated by energy company RWE, admits the situation appears to be "paradoxical" — sacrificing one energy source for another — but defended the decision as necessary to strengthen supplies amid the ongoing energy crisis, Oilprice.com reported. 

"We realize this comes across as paradoxical," RWE spokesperson Guido Steffen said in a statement. "But that is as matters stand.

"It’s not “paradoxical” at all, it is practical. Germany needs reliable energy now that the comfortable reserve capacity supplied by massive Russian natural gas imports is no longer available to pick up the slack when the wind isn’t blowing, or is blowing so hard that the windmills need to shut down.

"The practical necessity of hydrocarbon-based power (I like to call it “organic power,” not “fossil fuel” because it is based on organic chemistry) is obvious now that freezing to death is in prospect for huge numbers of Europeans this winter.  Dr. Johnson’s immortal epigram could be updated to substitute freezing to death for hanging”

“Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to freeze to death in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.”. . .

Barack Obama Gets the Detroit Style Heckling Treatment Campaigning for Democrats

"Something big for the GOP might be happening in Michigan after former President Barack Obama was here on Saturday campaigning for his fellow Democrats and he was heckled.

"With Gretchen Whitmer.

"In Detroit.

"Obama was speaking front and center to a bunch of people who will vote for anyone with a (D) after their name even if they only know the state they live in is one of confusion (those confused about whom I speak might want to read up on Joe Biden and John Fetterman).

"Now, I’m starting to look around and wonder if the 2022 election cycle might turn Michigan purple instead of staying blue because the little things are adding up. I covered some of what I’m seeing the other day right here. New Ad Eviscerates Gretchen Whitmer Claim of Michigan Schools Only Being Closed for Three Months. From that article…

Reporter Caught on Hot Mic Confirming Media Not Telling Truth About Pelosi Attack

Defiant America..."Paul Pelosi, the husband of Nancy Pelosi, was hospitalized after being attacked in his home (the House Speaker was not there) by a man reported to be a former Castro nudist and hemp jewelry maker named David Depape. That doesn’t sound very “MAGA” but the lib media will no doubt try and make the attacker into a Trump fan one way or another.

"There’s something really weird about this Paul Pelosi attack story. Nothing is adding up. But one thing we do know is that the so-called “intruder” is some hippy-dippy dude from Berkeley who sells hemp bracelets and used to belong to a nudist colony. So, they’ll be really hard-pressed to blame this on a Trump supporter.

"But we might never know the whole truth!

"It appears we are not getting the real story, according to a conversation a mainstream media reporter had with his boss.". . .

. . ." It would be very interesting to find out more about this “stuff” the media are not reporting.

1-Cops weren’t called for a break-in but were there to check
2-PP and the guy were fighting for the hammer
3-Assault didn’t happen until cops got there
4-Guy found with his underwear
5-Called the attacker a friend on the police dispatch
6-And now this reporter asking if it’s okay to report something…

Police Chief Claims Unknown Person Let Officers Into Home Of Paul Pelosi On Night Of Attack – These Cameras Can Reveal Who Was The Third Person (Photos)

Boom: Elon Musk THRASHES ["congenital liar"] Hillary Clinton On Twitter Over Paul Pelosi Scandal, More To Story “Than Meets The Eye”  "New Twitter owner Elon Musk isn’t wasting any time using his influence to set the record straight on leftist lies. In one of the biggest, and most outlandish stories of the week, we have been told by Democrat operatives in the media and political circles that Paul Pelosi’s home was broken into and the husband of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was violently assaulted in a fit of MAGA rage.". . .


Biden Shamelessly Lies About Gas Prices…

 Weasel Zippers


It's Happening! Elon's Twitter Just Fact-Checked Joe Biden's Official Presidential Account    . . ."A few moments ago, less than 24 hours after Elon Musk took over as Chief Twit of Twitter, a fact-check has been placed on one of Joe Biden’s @POTUS tweets because… he’s lying. Biden tweeted, “Let me give you the facts. In 2020, 55 corporations made $40 billion. And they paid zero in federal taxes. My Inflation Reduction Act puts an end to this.”

"Not so fast, homie. Twitter took the opportunity to add context that said, “Out of the 55 corporations the tweet referenced only 14 had earnings greater than $1 billion and would be eligible under Biden’s tax law.” LOL". . .