Friday, November 11, 2022

5 Reasons Why Republicans Failed in the Elections

 The American Spectator

Lessons from the red wave that wasn’t.

. . ."Why did expectations beat Republicans so decisively on Tuesday?

5. Dems Vote on 30 Election Days, Republicans Vote on 1

"The math of encouraging our side to vote on one day while the other side uses over a month in some cases to ensure that its people cast ballots predictably gifts the other side an advantage. Democrats bested Republicans in early and mail-in ballots by 44 percent to 30 percent in New Hampshire, 69 percent to 21 percent in Pennsylvania, and 49 percent to 29 in Michigan. In Florida, where Ron DeSantis went out of his way to encourage early voting and Republicans administered an educational beatdown to Democrats, the GOP won the early and mail-in vote by 43 percent to 37 percent. Principle does not require conservatives who lament turning Election Day into Election Month from instructing supporters to not mark ballots on all but the last day of voting; stupidity does.

4. Hyper-politicized Is the New Normal

"The people who politicize late-night comedy, sports, awards shows, and story hour at the local library, who boycott this cereal for where it advertises and that fast-food chain for the causes one of its owners once supported, naturally all vote. So long as this total-politics mindset — which its beneficiary, Joe Biden, ironically addressed Wednesday in saying that Americans “don’t want every day going forward to be a constant political battle” — prevails, kiss off the idea that in-power Democrats will take the foot off the gas during midterm elections. ". . .

3. Dobbs Animated the Abortion Demographic. . .

2. The Faustian Bargain on S0-Called ‘Election Denial’. . .

1. Democrats Made It About Trump, and Trump Cooperated. . .

Guess How Much Beto ‘the 3 Time Loser’ Burned Through?

Babylon Bee: Republicans Cheer As Beto O’Rourke Digs Giant Sinkhole For Democrats To Pour Their Money In

. . ."Following O'Rourke's failed Senate candidacy and hilariously futile Presidential run, Democrats are still coming out in droves to throw their money into the void. "It's really inexplicable at this point," said O'Rourke's campaign manager Art Mullinax. "We will make it close, then inevitably lose. But not before we get some great profiles written about Beto being the second coming of JFK and blowing through a hundred million dollars from donors. Looks like we might need a bigger sinkhole!". . .
. . ."At publishing time, Republicans were rejoicing to hear that Governor Newsom had bought TV ads in Texas and Florida in which he feeds money from Democratic donors directly into a shredder.". . .

Not parody:
  The Blacksphere: Kevin Jackson

"It takes a lot of money to run a campaign. Especially a high profile campaign. Especially THREE high profile campaigns. And you can bet Beto scammed every dollar he possibly could."

"Shockingly, Beto has burned almost $200 MILLION in just four years. And not once has he been declared the winner. That must sting pretty bad considering Beto exploited the deaths of 19 children and 2 teachers in his quest to unseat the popular GOP Governor Greg Abbott.

"Sadly, that wasn’t the first time Beto tried to use a mass shooting to his advantage. In 2019, Beto was polling around 5% when a gunman shot and killed 20 people, while injuring 26 others at an El Paso Walmart. Not only did Beto come out and directly blame President Trump for the shooting, but he also promised to enter people’s homes and take their guns by force. Add in the fact that we are under attack at our southern border, and you can guess how that went over in Texas.

"Beto also promised to legalize marijuana and expand Medicaid. But it wasn’t enough to fool Texas voters. We’ve seen Beto in action before, and you know what they say. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well, there’s no way Beto’s going to fool Texas twice.

"One would think Beto got the message loud and clear when he lost to Senator Ted Cruz in 2018. And then there was that embarrassing run for president, when Joe Biden was actually picked from a crowded pool of candidates. If someone actually picked Joe Biden over me for any job on this planet, I would never show my face again.

"Yet, Beto somehow got the idea that the third time would be the charm, so he threw his hat in the ring against Abbott in a race that spent record-breaking amounts. In fact, its crazy to consider just how much money Democrats wasted trying to get Beto a seat at the table."

2020: A big hand for Beto O'Rourke and his amazing waving arms | Beto O'Rourke | The Guardian

It’s Official: Beto O’Rourke Set $164 Million In Democrat Dollars On Fire   "Serial Democrat candidate Robert Francis O’Rourke is no stranger to losing so it’s no surprise that his third attempt in four years to win an election, intended to unseat Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, was a massive failure.

"Possibly more surprising than that is, despite O’Rourke’s horrific losing streak, Democrats and their allies in the corrupt corporate media keep propping him with cash and press coverage designed to sustain him in future races.". . .

Thank you for serving and being willing to run towards the gunfire


Thursday, November 10, 2022

The Bidenflation Thanksgiving Bust: Prices Soar for Turkeys, Potatoes, Biscuits, Butter, and Gravy


"Putting the big bird on the table at Thanksgiving is going to cost a lot more this year.

The price index that tracks Turkey and non-chicken poultry is up 16.9 percent.

The prices of other Thanksgiving staples are up as well.

  • The index that includes pies is up 18.6 percent.
  • Ice cream is up 13.3 percent.
  • Canned fruits, which include cranberry sauces, are up 18.7 percent.
  • Fresh potatoes are up 15.6 percent.
  • The index for rolls, biscuits, and muffins is up 13.6 percent.
  • Butter prices are up 26.7 percent.
  • Salad dressing is up 19.7 percent.
  • Gravy and sauce prices are up 14.6 percent.
  • Overall food at home prices are up 12.4 percent.

At least you’ll get some relief when it comes to washing it all down. The price of wine is up just 3.2 percent.

Want to work off those extra-holiday pounds?  The cost of the personal care services that includes personal trainers is up 5.7 percent. Practically a bargin in our age of Bidenflation."

‘Strangest election I’ve ever seen’: Stephen Moore at a loss over ‘angry’ voters choosing more of the same

Righteous outrage builds over Arizona’s ‘national disgrace’ of a voting process


— Mark Finchem #JustFollowTheLaw (@RealMarkFinchem) November 10, 2022


BPR  "Reacting on the Fox News Channel to the GOP’s underperformance in the 2022 midterms on Tuesday, economist Stephen Moore described what happened as perhaps the strangest election he’s ever seen in his long career.

"Trace Gallagher introduced the segment by pointing out that polling suggested that the Democrats would be on the receiving end of a red-wave rout over the cost-of-living crisis.

" 'What’s your assessment?” he asked Moore, the FreedomWorks financial expert and former Trump advisor."

Ron DeSantis understands that the culture war is a winner

Suddenly, the people who were completely on board with the wonders of so-called transgenderism are less enthusiastic when it’s their beautiful teenage daughter insisting that she’s a guy named Albert and, by the way, please slice off her breasts. 

Andrea Widburg   "I have argued consistently that fighting against the “transgender” movement is a winner for conservatives. Once people have children, they become very protective of them and do not want their son’s weird, pierced, blue-haired kindergarten teacher to convince him he’s really a girl and, oh, by the way, don’t tell your mommy and daddy that. Ron DeSantis’s decisive victory in Florida indicates that the policy is a winner (with Glenn Youngkin’s 2020 Virginia victory suggesting the same).

"Today, the culture war’s importance got in my face in two ways. First, Gateway Pundit ran a post about one of the local winners in the Miss America contest in New Hampshire. This was at the town level. Next, there’ll be a state-wide contest, with the final winner going to the Miss America show. I have no interest whatsoever in the Miss America contest, but I do find interesting who is now “Miss Greater Derry”:

Pen Piper:   
Can anyone spot a difference between Brian and the other Miss America winners?

Conrad Black on Joe Biden

The Bidenization of America   

Those responsible for the elevation of this regime still cling to the theory that the dangers of reelecting Donald Trump justified drastic, unconstitutional means to install an alternative.   

"Day by day, as the Biden Administration crashes into utter shambles and a cloud of dust reminiscent of 9/11, the Bidenization of America becomes more stark and horrifying. 

"I can remember no more pitiful words from a senior American government official in 65 years than Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s complaint that the Taliban government in Kabul was disappointing in its lack of “inclusiveness.” (To be sure, that is not all it lacks, and that could hardly have been a surprise.) 

"Nor can I think of any diplomatic initiative by a senior American government official more certainly doomed to ludicrous failure than environment ambassador John Kerry’s recent trip to China requesting the collaboration of the People’s Republic in this administration’s hell-bent-for-leather assault on what it is trying to identify as climate change. 

"Completing this unprecedented trifecta of total foreign policy failure is the revelation in the New York Times, of all places (and for which it deserves credit, given the Times‘ full-body immersion in Biden’s election), that the opening cannon in Joe Biden’s “over the horizon” reassertion of America’s righteous presence in Afghanistan was not the drone-killing of two ISIS “planners” of outrages, but rather the killing of 10 complete innocents, including seven children.". . .   

Joe Biden Is a Total Failure   "As cant and emotionalism subside, it is becoming possible to give a clear and fair assessment of the performance of the Biden Administration and of the president himself: a total failure. 

"The shortfall of 500,000 in the expected net new job figures for August shows that stagflation is upon us: employers are afraid to hire employees as they normally would coming out of the COVID recession because they don’t know if they will be able to afford them. Hourly pay scales are increasing at 7.5 percent, new car prices at 10 percent, rental accommodation at 12 percent, and new homes at 20 percent, all well ahead of the official rate of inflation, contrary to the smug assurances of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and even some Federal Reserve spokespeople, that inflation was a mere bubble. 

"Historically, the only sustainable way of fighting stagflation has been to counter inflation with increased supply and achieve that goal and the corresponding non-inflationary increase in demand through the encouragement of demand in the tax system. The present administration is committed to raising taxes and to colossal spending increases, which will exacerbate both stagnation and inflation. 

"After 13 years of negligible interest rates, there isn’t much that’s useful left in the toolbox. The inflation of the sort that is already building up historically has been attacked by reducing demand and sharply increasing interest rates. Any such policy now would produce a disaster that would be a fiscal and monetary replication of the debacle in Afghanistan. Not since Herbert Hoover prescribed higher taxes, higher tariffs, and a shrinkage of the money supply as the remedy for the Great Depression has an American administration more poorly judged the policy prescriptions necessary to fight deteriorating economic conditions. 

"Biden’s answer to the surge in violent crime rates across urban America is pious lectures about guns, which incites both the anti-gun Left and the huge number of Americans (who consider their guns security against what otherwise would be a riptide of crime) to believe that guns are about to be confiscated unconstitutionally. The answer to crime rates is not in the suppression of access to guns for responsible citizens, as criminals always have guns; the answer is in greater numbers of better-trained police personnel and longer sentences for violent criminals.". . .   

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Beto Humiliated: People of Uvalde Give Him an Ugly Election-Night Surprise

 Western Journal.

Now, scenes like this one — where Beto harassed Abbott and other officials during a news conference about the Uvalde massacre — look ghoulish and pathetic:

"In the final weeks of his third failed attempt to seek higher office in four years, former congressman/serial loser Beto O’Rourke collapsed his campaign down to one issue — in fact, one proper noun: Uvalde.". . .

. . ."If there was anywhere in Texas he should have cleaned up on Election Day, then, it was Uvalde County. But not only did Beto lose there, he lost there by a wider margin than he did statewide.

"As of 9:10 a.m. Eastern, The Associated Press had Gov. Abbott leading O’Rourke by 54.9 percent to 43.8 percent. In Uvalde County, however, Abbott was beating O’Rourke by a 22-point margin.

"As Tony Plohetski of the Austin Statesman noted, this was in spite of the fact the shooting “sparked calls for change in Texas government and gun reform'.”

The little red engine that couldn't

"Additionally, this election probably marks the end of the Trump era." Andrea Widburg

The red wave that wasn’t: An election post-mortem  "Well, that was disheartening, dispiriting, and demoralizing. We went into the party with a president with some of the lowest approval ratings in history and Americans (at least according to the polls) focused like lasers on issues that could be chalked up to Democrat policy failures; namely, inflation and crime. . .

Additionally, this election probably marks the end of the Trump era. As Thomas Lifson wrote, a large part of DeSantis’s appeal to conservatives is that he didn’t give in to COVID madness. Of course, blue state governors who killed their elderly and destroyed their economies also won re-election. The problem for Trump is that his voting base is the side that rewards liberty—and Trump, sadly, paved the way for Fauci, Birx, and the rest to steal that liberty.

Voters rewarded Republicans in statewide races who battled COVID lockdowns and vaccine mandates

Biden gets boost from holding off red wave and will run in 2024 | Daily Mail Online

‘The Election Denial Put People Over the Edge’: Fox’s Marc Theissen Says Voters Rejected ‘Chaos’ of Trump  . . .“Florida was the silver lining in what was otherwise a very, very dark night,” Thiessen told America’s Newsroom anchors Dana Perino and Bill Hemmer Wednesday morning.

“ 'Voters did us a favor,” he said, in three ways: by re-electing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) “by historic margins,” giving the Republicans control of the House “which means that we can stop the miasma of spending,” and sending the GOP “a wake-up call.”

"Polling had shown that voters were “angry about the direction of the country, and yet they voted for the status quo,” he added. “Why is that? It’s because the Republican party did not give them a viable alternative to vote for,” even though voters were “begging” for one.". . .

Georgia election official says 'safe to say' Senate race will go to run-off | Daily Mail Online

Newt Gingrich Has a Take on Why Election Night Turned Out to Be Such a Disappointment   . . ."In the end, though, Gingrich offered that perhaps President Joe Biden's strategy of going after his Republican opponents and threatening that democracy was on the line worked. "Much as I think it's despicable," Gingrich made clear about such a strategy, "the Biden strategy of demonizing Republicans, and attacking Republicans, and defaming Republicans, I think did have an impact and will probably become the definition of the Democratic Party."

"Doocy and Gingrich did agree that there was that red wave in Florida with Gov. Ron DeSantis' (R-FL) win, as well as that of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), which had Gingrich predicting DeSantis "will almost certainly become the rallying point for everybody in the Republican Party who wants to move beyond President Trump," adding that "will certainly make for a remarkable race." Both DeSantis and Trump could end up running in 2024, with Trump potentially announcing on November 15.". . .

Republican Voters Deserve Answers and Accountability  . . ."Those promising great success in order to consolidate power, in a drapes-measuring move, hoping to land a leadership position in a new Republican majority may be the worst offenders who owe the Republican electorate the most answers. 

"Among them are the leadership of the Republican National Committee, including Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, the chairs of the National Republican Congressional Committee — Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) — and National Republican Senatorial Committee — Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), and the House Republican Leader — Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).". .

.As the dust settles after Election Day, it's time for Republican voters to get answers about what happened. 


But all will be well under Joe. 

Challenges to a McCarthy Speakership Are Mounting

 Katie Pavlich


"As Americans continue to wait for full election results and whether Republicans actually take a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, challenges to Leader Kevin McCarthy are mounting after a red wave failed to show up Tuesday night.". . .

. . ."Republicans and conservatives aren't holding back after a failure to secure the House with any kind of significant margin. ". . .

‘The Obama Coalition is Gone’: Obama Campaign Manager [and MSNBC's joyless Joy Reid] Laments Republican Romp in Florida

Mediaite  "Obama 2012 campaign manager David Plouffe delivered a dark analysis for the Democrats in response to the GOP winning in Florida on Tuesday night: “The Obama coalition" is gone.”

"Incumbent Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) won over former Gov. and Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL) and incumbent Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) won over Rep. Val Demings (D-FL).

"Here’s how the exchange on MSNBC went down between anchor Alex Wagner, former Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) and Plouffe:

. . .PLOUFFE: Well in Florida it’s catastrophic so obviously we saw great erosion in ’20 in the presidential race. And let’s remember Barack Obama won in 2012, basically tied the Cuban vote, got over 77 percent of the Hispanic votes. The Obama coalition in Florida is gone. We got to rebuild it now. . .. 
Tony Branco

"Wait, that’s not what I meant. Why does Joy Reid still have an on-air job? She’s almost as much of a gaffe machine as President Joe Biden. (“Almost” is a key word in that sentence.)
"She put that on display once again Tuesday night as she mourned the victories of Gov. Ron DeSantis and Sen. Marco Rubio, both of whom easily won re-election last night.". . .
She would fit in on "The View".

We like Mr. Jones today

 Silvio Canto, Jr.   "His Dallas Cowboys have not won the Super Bowl since 1996 or the first Clinton term.  

"So it's been too long for Cowboys fans yearning for another big game in February.  Nevertheless, Mr. Jones scored a few political TD's by putting his money in the right place.   
"This is from CHRON:    
Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones recently made a sizable donation to the reelection campaign of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, according to a Bloomberg report published Tuesday.   
Jones was one of three prominent business executives that donated $500,000 to Abbott in the final pre-election fundraising window, which runs from Sept. 30 to Oct. 29, writes Bloomberg's Shelly Hagan. The two other executives named in Hagan's report are Ken Fisher of independent money management firm Fisher Investments and Midland Energy founder Syed Javaid Anwar. Citing public political contribution data dating back to 2000, Hagan reports that Jones' donation to the Texas governor marks the billionaire's largest donation to a state-level candidate in at least 22 years. ". . .