Friday, December 30, 2022

The Reason EV Owners Probably Don't Charge Their Cars in This Major US City

 Townhall  "Electric vehicle owners in Los Angeles may have to think twice before deciding to charge their cars downtown, as many of the city’s charging stations are overrun by homeless encampments.

"According to conservative commenter Alexandra Datig, “the closer you get to downtown, the charging stations have homeless ‘attendants’ who live on the same sidewalk as the stations.”

 "Videos she has posted on Twitter show not a single charging station being used."

Santos, Biden and Hillary; "Two years ago, our biggest worry was annoying tweets. How far we've come."


George Santos takes the cake, but why does Joe Biden get a pass for his lies?  "Why do they do it? Who needs to lie like this? I am thinking, of course, of Representative elect George Santos. But also of the whole lot of them. Of politicians as a species. Why do they feel the need to make stuff up?

"It must be admitted that Santos is emerging as the undisputed top of his class of fibsters.

"To date he claims to have attended a prestigious Bronx prep school which has no record of him ever being there. He claims to have graduated from Baruch College, despite never having enrolled there. He claims to have worked for Citigroup and Goldman Sachs but never did. When confronted with the fact that he´d never worked for either company he blamed a “poor choice of words.' ”. . .

Why could Biden not have just said “I sometimes drive a car. I guess this thing’s just the same but bigger?” or some similar scintillating chat. Why does he have to put himself at the center of things? Because he needs to be one of us and also better than us. Both above the people and of the people.

Hillary Clinton was similar. Most of her lies were either ways to make herself look braver and more respected than she was or just attempts to appear relatable to normal earthlings.

Comments to the post:  "I feel bad for the people living in Santos' district. They had a choice between Santos and a person who was too incompetent to get background on his opponent BEFORE the election."

 "No. The cakes go to Senator Blumenthal falsely claiming to have fought in Viet Nam. Second place goes to Senator Warren, getting affirmative action preference falsely claiming to be Native American."

George Santos can't seem to explain his wealth

I probably don’t agree with Democratic Congressman Ritchie Torres on many things, but he’s clearly asking the right question here. Where did all of that money come from? Jim Geraghty suggested one of the more unpleasant possibilities yesterday.

. . ."In case you missed it previously, watch as Tulsi Gabbard absolutely grills Santos about all of his lies as he attempts to explain that it’s really not a big deal.". . . 

Democrats will make hay out of this after they figure how to gat past Biden, Hillary, Warren, Blumenthal, and Schiff, to name just a few. TD

. . .So, apparently, if a Democrat congressional hopeful lies, it makes no difference, because if that person is a Democrat, it isn't lying.  It is...okay, a form of truth, because that person is a Democrat, and engaged in more important matters.

"After all, there was Senator Joe Biden (D-Del.) and his lies.  And Vice President Joe Biden (D) and his lies.  And finally President Joe Biden (D) and his lies.  Surprisingly — not! — no Democrat outrage, fist-pounding demands that Biden be removed, is unfit for office.  Lies be damned, he was elected.  And re-elected.  And re-elected again.  And again.  And...

"So please stop complaining about Representative-to-Be George Santos and his lies.  In Congress, he'll be in familiar company.  After all, who better to call out liars than another one?"

Decry the double standard all you want, but griping about corrupt Democrats doesn’t advance a Make America Great Again agenda; cleaning up our own backyard before worrying about the Democrats is the path towards restoration.

Joe Biden’s 25 Worst Moments of 2022

Issues & Insights: Biden Should Be Fired So Americans Can Have Jobs

. . .On his first day at work as president, Biden killed 70,000 jobs by pulling the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. In doing so, he might “have set a single-day record for the number of jobs killed by an American president.” He then went on to shut down other gas and oil projects and rejoined “the American job-whacking” Paris Climate Accords. His wished-for overhaul of the energy sector would murder a million jobs and cost the economy more than $7 trillion dollars in just two decades, says the Heritage Foundation – and it wouldn’t even achieve “the administration’s climate targets.” . . .


"President Joe Biden spent his second year as president notching key legislative victories with a 50-50 margin in the United States Senate, but he also demonstrated his ignorance on key issues facing the country.

"Biden also continued his record of awkward and embarrassing moments as well as alarming incidents demonstrating his cognitive decline as he turned 80 toward the end of the year, the oldest United States president ever to hold office.

"Here are the top 25 worst Biden moments of 2022: " More to come in 2023 and 2024

It's good to be Joe Biden: Vacation edition   . . ."Whatever “running the country” may be doing, overworking him is not one of the problems it’s causing.

"Let’s fast forward to this past week, shall we? Nothing much happening in the country to furrow his brow over besides Christmas, Congress squabbling over the ONEPOINTSEVENTRILLIONDOLLAR Omnibus bill, death, and destruction through the upper Midwest and North East"…

Biden’s Biggest Screwups Of 2022 That Prove He’s Mentally Ill  "Anyone who thinks the Democrats didn’t want a demented, mental patient in the White House is living in a fantasy world. This is exactly what they wanted.  
"Biden’s Top 10 Blunders Of 2022 That Prove He’s In Cognitive Decline
"It’s no secret President Joe Biden is no longer in his prime physical and cognitive state.
By: Jordan Boyd, The Federalist, December 30, 2022
'The 80-year-old isn’t just a serial liar. He’s a chronic gaffe machine who puts the country at risk pretty much every time he opens his mouth. The president is so bad at giving speeches that Generation Z made some of his most notable verbal stumbles into a TikTok trend.
 'Contrary to corporate media claims, these blunders aren’t just byproducts of Biden’s childhood stutter, they are signs of a bigger problem. Here are 10 gaffes from the grandpa in the White House that should make every American question whether he’s just a figurehead.

Hunter Biden's babymama petitions court to 'benefit' kid with Biden name

Monica Showalter  . . ."What she seems to be saying with this petition is that she knows what the Biden family is famous for, which is influence-peddling, trading off the family name for big-dollar gains, through no-show jobs, board seats, painting sales and other emoluments, all because of that proximity to "the big guy," to use Hunter's term found in his emails from his abandoned laptop.

"Name who what?"

"Hunter Biden certainly has paved the way on this, but so have the other Biden family members, such as Biden's brother James, who has come under federal scrutiny for his use of the family name for corrupt activities, too. It's very profitable to be a Biden, and Biden will give his "word as a Biden" to seal that sort of deal, as that's the family business, and for that matter, the Biden priority as president.

"The money-for-nothing aspect of it is amazing.

"Hunter's a former Navy officer who was thrown out of the Navy for cocaine use and was seemingly unemployable on his own merits. Somehow, that never hurt his capacity to make money -- through no-show jobs on the boards of energy companies such as Ukraine's corruption-plagued Burisma, drawing $50,000 a month for that, along with various enterprises linked to red China's oligarchs, and now through his blow-pipe paintings based on his suddenly discovered artistic ability. He is reportedly earning him as much as $500,000 a pop for those oeuvres, from anonymous buyers, an amount even elite artists do not make.". . .

Ocasio-Cortez Appears On 'The Price Is Right,' Guesses Everything Is Free

Did you have to be told this was parody? Really? May we guess you think there are more sexes than male and female? That a "pregnant male" is actually a thing? That Joe Biden is a competent president? I'll guess you diligently take notes during a KJP press briefing. TD

 Babylon Bee

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We have been notified by that this story is not true. After reviewing the evidence, we would like to retract it. Ocasio-Cortez did not actually appear on The Price Is Right and guess that everything is free. In fact, it appears that this entire story was completely made up. Everything else on our site is still true, however. We apologize for any confusion.]

"HOLLYWOOD, CA - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was pumped to attend a taping of The Price Is Right in Hollywood this week. The special guest introduced herself as a U.S. representative and rising star of the Democratic Party. Things got interesting when the game began and every time it was her turn to estimate the price of an item her answer was "free." 

"Items included a set of Italian leather handbags, an all expenses paid trip to the Bahamas, and a brand new 2019 BMW 330i, at all of which Ocasio-Cortez shouted, "FREE!"

"When host Drew Carey asked if Ocasio-Cortez understood the game's rules, she told Carey not to cat-call her and then responded, "Don't hate me cause you ain't me."

"She went on to guess that diamond earrings, a set of jet skis, and even a giant pile of cash were all free. Carey unveiled a package containing world-class healthcare and she said, "Definitely free." She was at one point puzzled by a stack of croissants but eventually guessed that they also were free.

"Ocasio-Cortez was never able to advance to the game proper, and as the credits rolled she appeared visibly upset. A hot mic picked up comments she made in frustration, claiming that the game was rigged by capitalism and that "everybody knows giant piles of money are free, that's like basic economics 101.' "

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Biden's U.S. Military Equipment From Afghanistan for Sale on eBay

 Frontpage Mag

"Our national security is in the best of hands. Not Biden. Maybe whoever in Afghanistan has an eBay account.

"German researchers who purchased biometric capture devices on eBay found sensitive US military data stored on their memory cards, The New York Times has reported. That included fingerprints, iris scans, photographs, names and descriptions of the individuals, mostly from Iraq and Afghanistan. Many worked with the US army and could be targeted if the devices fell into the wrong hands, according to the report.

They cost under $200.

"Where did it come from before eBay? That’s a good question. And officially there’s no answer. But one seems to have come most recently from Afghanistan.

Metadata on the device, called a Secure Electronic Enrollment Kit, or SEEK II, revealed that it had last been used in the summer of 2012 near Kandahar, Afghanistan."Where was it sitting all this time?

"Exactly how the device ended up going from the battlefields in Asia to an online auction site is unclear. But the data, which offers detailed descriptions of individuals in addition to their photograph and biometric data, could be enough to target people who were previously unknown to have worked with U.S. military forces should the information fall into the wrong hands.

"The how likely involves our “allies” or the Jihadis who overran the place after Biden’s humiliating retreat. Sure it could be a decommissioned military device, but those are supposed to be destroyed.

Modern clothing styles

Impotent Buttigieg Huffs and Puffs at Flailing Southwest Airlines

 Athena Thorne

Related: Secretary Buttigieg to Spend $1 Billion to Combat Racist Highways

. . ."We once had a family friend who could only afford to drive an old beater. One day, the engine died for the umpteenth time at a stop light, and our friend struggled to restart it when the light turned green. Sweat formed on his brow as he frantically pumped the gas and turned the ignition, but to no avail.

"All the while, an irate driver trapped behind the stalled car began leaning on the horn. At last stressed beyond endurance, our friend got out of his car and walked to the open window of the car behind him. “I’ve got an idea,” he said. “Why don’t you go get my car started, and I’ll sit back here and honk the horn at you?”

"What a perfect metaphor for useless posturing and interference from ignorant politicians as they hector industry professionals who are already making every effort to dig out of a crisis."

Athena Thorne is an award-winning author, coastal conservative, and Americanist who loves to spot patterns in the big picture.

Tony Branco

'YOU WILL BE IMPEACHED' Mayorkas PANICS as Kennedy EXPOSES 'true number' at border

PJ Media  From the comments: "Mr Kennedy was extremely generous when he initially blamed the Whitehouse for this mans actions, but his response is pathetic , he needs to go , simple as he is useless and is clearly lying and going round in circles to avoid these questions" .

"Kennedy knows how to get to the heart of the matter along with having a great sense of humor. Mayorkas deserves to be impeached if he is that proud of being on Biden's administration."

CROWDER CONFRONTS: Lying Journalist Caught!!

 CROWDER CONFRONTS: Lying Journalist Caught!! (Follow up) | Louder With Crowder

"Social media post sets off in-store confrontation"

JuiceLand Employee Harassed by Right-Wing Comedian   "A clash between conservative personality Steven Crowder and an employee at the MLK location of JuiceLand has the internet up in arms. It started with Facebook comments, but within days multiple social media platforms have become embroiled in the situation.
A JuiceLand. Not the JuiceLand in question. (Photo by John Anderson)

"According to screenshots posted by the Crowder camp in a YouTube video, the JuiceLand employee (whose name we have redacted for safety purposes) commented the following on a Facebook thread discussing Steven Crowder’s visit to Austin: “From a friend ‘I heard he was alt right after he got meme’d, apparently he [Steven Crowder] goes around and makes inflammatory statements just to cause a fuss. He’s an irl off-net troll.’ ”

"The commenter continued, “All gender history aside, destroyed documents aside, I would just remove the signs and slash his tires. He won’t be doing much ‘self entertaining’ when he’s calling and paying for a tow, four new tires, and thinking about never going out and making himself vulnerable again.”

"In another post, the account allegedly tied to the same individual reads, “Stay in contact with me, I know the few people who really mean business around here. I worked with some on the Robert E Lee statue we had on campus. That was us.”

"We have yet to obtain the original posts, and the employee’s social media accounts appear to be deleted. From what we can gather online, the following is the basic rundown.". . .

Black Lives Matter Lauded Fidel Castro, Domestic Terrorists

  Civis Americanus  . . .Black Lives Matter Eulogized Fidel Castro and Praised Domestic Terrorists

I came across the following eulogy for the murderous Cuban dictator Fidel Castro while looking for more information on "Mama Assata," as BLM calls the convicted cop-killer and domestic terrorist Assata Shakur, AKA Joanne Chesimard.  This is straight from BLM Global Network itself and not from any of its detractors.

"The first thing to note is the call for "revolution," which uses civil rights as a means rather than an objective.  This reinforces the position that the only real difference between BLM icon George Floyd and Nazi icon Horst Wessel is that Floyd was Black and Wessel was Caucasian.  Both were violent thugs; Floyd was convicted of a gun-armed robbery, and Wessel belonged to extremist paramilitary organizations.  Both were later killed unlawfully, Floyd by Derek Chauvin, who, with the benefit of hindsight, had a badge and a gun he should not have had, and Wessel by communists.

"What follows is even worse than anything I and many others had previously imagined despite BLM's long track record of encouraging civil unrest, credibly alleged misuse of 501(c)(3) tax-exempt resources to influence the 2020 presidential election, anti-Semitic hate speech, and anti-Semitic denial of the right of Israel to exist.". . .

 BLM Supports Cop-Killers, Carjackers, Terrorists, and Hijackers; Do You Still Support BLM?

What a difference a day makes! Dramatic before and after photographs show how flood of migrants crossing El Paso border has reduced to a trickle after Title 42 was extended

 UK Daily Mail

  • Photos show a stark difference in the amount of migrants crossing the border
  • Title 42, which is a Covid-era public health policy, was extended on Tuesday
  • It allows border agents to immediately expel migrants, many of which believed they stood a better chance of crossing into the US and remaining if it was canned
  • Supreme Court ruled 5-4 to keep Title 42 in place hours before it was set to end

"Migrant surges at the US-Mexico border already appear to be dropping off since the extension of Title 42 on Tuesday, law enforcement officials have said.

"Just 24 hours after the Supreme Court’s announcement, several of the large groups which had gathered at the border in El Paso, Texas, had dispersed.

"Before and after photographs also show a stark contrast with the chaotic scenes that have played out through December.

"The Supreme Court ruled by a 5-4 vote to keep Title 42 in place just hours ahead of its planned end at midnight on Tuesday. 

"The Covid-era public health policy, which allows border agents to immediately expel migrants, will now remain in place for at least several more months.". . .

More on that one point shortly, but for now consider what celebrating Tuesday’s order represents — applauding the judiciary acting as legislators. That is most assuredly not a conservative response. Yes, our borders need protecting. Yes, the Biden Administration, Congress, Democrats, and Republicans have failed. And yes, the damage to the country and ordinary Americans is great. But the answer is not five justices sticking their fingers in the morass.

 Margot Cleveland is The Federalist's senior legal correspondent. She is also a contributor to National Review Online, the Washington Examiner, Aleteia, and, and has been published in the Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Cleveland is a lawyer and a graduate of the Notre Dame Law School, where she earned the Hoynes Prize—the law school’s highest honor.. . .