Thursday, February 16, 2023

Will Vigilante Justice Replace Corrupted Criminal Justice?


John Green  "The Constitution is our pact of civilized behavior.  From it we've derived a system of institutionalized justice, which we call our criminal justice system.  It's intended to include checks and balances to protect defendants from biases and ensure fair adjudication of their charges.  Those safeguards include the following:

  • a presumption of innocence
  • a right to due process
  • a right to legal defense
  • a right to a trial by one's peers
  • a right to trial before an impartial judge

"Given our presumption of innocence, absolute justice can't be guaranteed because conviction depends on the presence of evidence.  Instead, we have agreed to accept equal treatment under the law.  We agree to abide by the law in exchange for a system that treats us equally and is administered by officials who swear an oath to defend our constitutional protections.

"Then Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, and Merrick Garland came along as the country's top law enforcement officials and flushed it all.  Under them, the application of justice has become decidedly unequal.  Perfection was never possible, but now the claim of equal treatment has become laughable.  The foundation of our legal system is being eaten away by government termites — whose lust for power far exceeds their wisdom to wield it.

"The presumption of innocence seems like a quaint idea from the past.  Was New York attorney general Letitia James presuming innocence when she made a campaign promise to initiate a criminal investigation of Donald Trump before she even entered office or saw any evidence of wrongdoing?  Or was she promising to operate her office using the Beria methodology?  Clearly, she had her target and was promising to find the crime.  Yet she faces no accountability for this flagrant violation of her oath.

"Was due process followed when the FBI destroyed evidence of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified documents — at Clinton's request?  Did the FBI have a legal predicate when it launched an investigation of an incoming president — based on fabricated evidence provided by his political opponent?  How about when they raided the homes of reporters — with armed agents — to recover Ashley Biden's diary?  Had a crime even been committed?

"Is our right to competent legal representation being undermined when attorneys face disbarment for taking legal actions challenging election practices?  Will this trend prevent conservative defendants from hiring competent lawyers in the future — when those lawyers fear cancellation for representing an unfavored client?

"Was a conservative from Montana tried by a jury of his peers — when that jury comprised mostly Democrats from Washington, D.C.? Was Derek Chauvin — a police officer accused of murdering a black man — tried by an impartial jury when one of his "peers" was a Black Lives Matter–supporter?". . .

Super Bowl Wokeism: Are You Sick of It, Too?

America, for the overwhelming most part, has bestowed liberty and justice for all.

 The American Spectator  "They had someone sing the “Black National Anthem” before the Super Bowl.

"Are you sick of it? #MeToo.

"Here’s how sick of it: I actually had the pre-game show on my TV just so that I could walk out of the room the moment they started singing that nonsense. I then came back in for “America the Beautiful” and “The Star-Spangled Banner.” And I stood for both.

"Aren’t we supposed to be One Nation under G-d, Indivisible?

"We have one national anthem: the Star-Spangled Banner. Thanks to our crack public education system, most Americans don’t understand all its words: hailed, ramparts, o’er. So what? Learn them. Look them up. That’s why G-d gave us Al Gore to create the internet. And that high note? That highlights the word “free.” So do your best when you sing it and celebrate those who can hit it. But that is our song. That is our theme, the theme of One Nation. Listen to a stadium of hockey fans sing it. Sounds pretty darn good, huh? Listen here as Canadians honor it.

"There is nothing wrong with cherishing one’s unique ethnic heritage: Irish, German, Polish, Scottish, African, Italian, Jewish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Armenian, Mexican, Cuban, Venezuelan. Cherish your heritage. Learn that history, too. Learn the vernacular associated with your forebears: Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, Armenian, Hebrew, Yiddish, Tagalog, Mandarin, Gaelic, Whatever. Learn your history, your family tree, how you got here.

"But make English your official language. We should not need language choices on the phone when we call the utility company or on election ballots. We are One Nation. We always had One Language. We have One National Anthem.

"When I call the utility company, why should I be given choices of languages? Are you sick of it? #MeToo. My grandparents came here speaking Yiddish. They knew a bit of Russian, a bit of Polish, but not a word of English. To their last days, they spoke their English with accents they never could shake. But they learned English soon enough and knew and understood English. The utility company did not offer them a Yiddish option. They did not get ballots in Yiddish. So they learned English. Their children all excelled in unaccented English. Their grandchildren? Heck, I am an Orthodox rabbi, and I am proficient in English.

"I love the Star-Spangled Banner, both the banner itself and the anthem. When it is played on TV, I stand, even though no one else is in the room except for G-d and me. I stand for that anthem that stands for this country that has afforded so much opportunity to my grandparents, my parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, siblings, and children. This is a great country. And that’s all we ever asked for: opportunity. Just give us a chance. Not reparations. Not handouts. Not “entitlements.” Just a chance. We’ll take it from there.". . .

MAgical Thinking at the New York Times

Cops, the only people who seem to really believe "black lives matter," risking their lives to bring safety to dangerous neighborhoods, were viciously slandered and kneecapped at every turn. Again, especially by the Times.

Ann Coulter   "Ancient primitives -- or as we now call them, "Indigenous people whose land we stole" -- believed in talismans, voodoo, rain dances and other versions of "A preceded B, so A caused B." Today, we consider such reasoning classic fallacy. Except at The New York Times.

"First, you need to understand that the Times is no longer a newspaper, but more of a shaman. The paper used to report news. Anyone reading it for information these days might as well pull into a gas station and expect the nice man in a crisp white shirt to dash out and pump his gas.

"Much like a Starfish tuna factory, the news comes in, then has to be cleaned, chopped up, soaked in oil and tightly packed into a tin can. If you peered into the Times' back room, you'd find hundreds of woke scriveners repacking the news to fit the narrative.

"Second, an urgent cleanup operation was needed to explain the paroxysm of violence that followed 2020's anti-cop mania pushed at places like the Times. It simply could not stand to have people imagine that revering criminals while anathematizing the police would have any effect on the crime rate.

"No, that wouldn't do. The facts had to be retrofitted into an alternative narrative. What was the best backup explanation? The pandemic!

"Attributing the massive crime wave to the pandemic solved two problems that would have arisen had the Times simply reported the facts: the upsurge in black crime, and the Times' active encouragement of such.

"Unfortunately, doing a rain dance to bring rain is quantum mechanics compared to the Times' cause-and-effect theory about "The Pandemic" inciting the post-George Floyd violence.

"Here are the facts.". . .

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Police Knew About MSU Shooter, Progressive Prosecutor’s Soft-on-Crime Approach Kept Him on the Street

 Legal Insurrection

“The initial charge was a felony that carried a potential penalty of five years in prison, according to the records.”

"While you hear the leftists and Democrats scream about gun control, remember this. Their policies kept the Michigan State University 
gunman on the street.

"Anthony McRae killed three people on Monday night and injured five others. He killed himself off-campus.

"McRae shouldn’t have been on the street, but Ingham County’s progressive prosecutor at the time, with ties to George Soros, went soft on him in 2019:

Anthony McRae was arrested in Lansing and charged in June 2019 with carrying a concealed pistol without a concealed carry permit, according to Ingham County court records obtained Tuesday by The Detroit News. The initial charge was a felony that carried a potential penalty of five years in prison, according to the records.

At about 3 a.m. June 7, 2019, an officer encountered Anthony McRae in Lansing where the officer asked him if he had any weapons on him. McRae acknowledged he had a gun but he didn’t have a concealed weapons permit, according to court records. McRae also had a magazine in his right breast pocket, according to the court records.

“He advised the handgun was registered to him,” a court document about the incident said. “He bought it late March at Capital Discount. He was currently trying to obtain a concealed weapons permit.”

In October 2019, Ingham County prosecutors added a second charge against McRae: possession of a loaded firearm in a vehicle, a misdemeanor.

That same month, October 2019, McRae agreed to plead guilty to the lesser misdemeanor charge, and prosecutors dismissed the felony charge.

Police and McRae

"Why is it that it’s always people the police or feds know about?". . .

Violence — The calling card of the Democrat Party

. . .Carol Siemon was the prosecutor at that time. Judges and law enforcement complained about “her soft-on-crime policies.”

I found a few instances of her being soft on violent people. This one shook me to the core.

In 2020, she allowed a man who bludgeoned two women to death to plead to second-degree murder, which carries a minimum range of 30-50 years, because Siemon “doesn’t believe in life-without-parole sentences.” First-degree murder carries that sentence.

Siemon allowed that plea despite the man planning to kill four women. He killed two of them.

The plea ticked off the victims’ parents. The sheriff asked the state attorney general to take over.

It all changed in the hands of Ingham County Circuit Judge Rosemarie Aquilina when she rejected the deal and allowed the defendant to “withdraw his guilty pleas, saying Siemon was trying ‘to be creative to get around the judge and the Legislature, and quite frankly, the law’ in what the judge described as ‘textbook first-degree, premeditated’ murder cases.”

Another major transport disaster, and Pete Buttigieg is AWOL

Monica Showalter  "What does it take to get Pete Buttigieg fired from a job?

"Seems the Biden administration's transportation secretary is presiding over yet another transport disaster, this one with a series of train derailments, one of which has left a cloud of toxic fumes over an Ohio town, prompting its full evacuation. And once again, he's AWOL.

"But not that he's hiding or anything. He can always be found where there's a podium and a camera, as he was here, yesterday:

. . . "With one disaster after another, it's reasonble to wonder why this guy is in the job he's in, particularly since his predecessors were all anonymous characters whose work never led to the kinds of problems we see on Buttigieg's watch. When the supply chain problems were getting at their worst, he was on a self-declared two-month maternity leave and apparently no one noticed.

"The man is not just a do-nothing incompetent but an absolute disaster, talking up racism, greenie nonsense, plans to tax people for driving cars, bike lanes, and other irrelevant things, but not keeping the nation's transport system in working order. In his own way, he's as incompetent as Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, whose open-border policies have created that disaster. Mayorkas may be facing impeachment for that dereliction of duty in Congress. Maybe Pete should be added to that list, too." 

As Inflation Continues To Roar, This Story Has Not Aged Well

Issues & Insights

If these three “leaders” were in the private sector, they’d have each been out on their ear long ago for their epic stupidity. Instead, they are still calling the shots. And we keep paying the price.

"Two years ago today, the New York Times ran an article headlined: “Biden and Fed Leave 1970s Inflation Fears Behind.”

"That story has not aged well. Neither have the troika of ideologues and imbeciles behind the rebirth of ‘70s-era inflation.

"On Tuesday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that prices climbed 0.5% in January, which is up from December’s 0.1% hike. Prices were up 6.4% over the year before, which is higher than economists had been predicting and comes amid warnings that inflationary pressures are building again.

"This all comes one week after President Biden reassured the nation that “here at home, inflation is coming down.”

"And it comes two years after the New York Times reported how Biden, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell were all in agreement that spending $1.9 trillion to stimulate an economy that was already roaring back from the COVID lockdowns would not set off an inflationary spiral.

“ 'Administration and Fed officials argue that workers not getting enough stimulus help is a larger concern than potential spikes in consumer prices,” the Times wrote on February 15, 2021.

"The story quotes Yellen saying “I have spent many years studying inflation and worrying about inflation. But we face a huge economic challenge here and tremendous suffering in the country. We have got to address that. That’s the biggest risk.' ”. . .

Sen. Kennedy Dishes on Info They Got in Briefing on Those 'Objects'

 "President Biden arrived back at the White House aboard Marine One helicopter Monday after he spent all weekend at Camp David. Joe looked quite thrilled as he spoke to reporters while he walked across the South Lawn. He was holding the over-stuffed teddy bear he just won for shooting the balloon."  Argus Hamilton

So what Kennedy said about the confusion here is right on the money — they need to provide us with answers, and swiftly. But Joe Biden is still hiding out and ducking the question.
RedState  . . ."Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said that Joe Biden owed the American people an explanation. He said Justin Trudeau has spoken to Canadians and “surely” we’re not in a situation where Trudeau is a “more decisive and forceful leader” than Biden, Cotton said.

"Unfortunately, that’s exactly where we are. While White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claims that Joe Biden is the “best communicator” the White House has, he’s missing and can’t be found. The reason? Because they’re likely afraid that if he’s asked about aliens he’ll say something that will get them in trouble or something else ridiculous.

"The person who seemed to offer the most information about the briefing was Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA). Kennedy said up until a couple of weeks ago he was given the impression that this was a new thing. He said the briefing made clear to him that this has been going on for “many years,” since at least 2017.

“ 'Many people, intentionally or otherwise, have been given the impression that [until] a couple weeks ago, our skies were clear, and then all of a sudden we have spy balloons and other unidentified flying objects raining down on us like confetti,” Kennedy said. “That’s not accurate. These objects have been flying over us for years, many years.” He said, “They’ve known about them” meaning I guess whoever briefed them indicated they knew, but that except for the Chinese spy balloon, they didn’t know what they were. “What’s different about the last two weeks is that we started shooting them down,” he exclaimed.

"Kennedy continued, noting that the Biden team is unable to find the remnants of the three “objects” they allegedly shot down, all they can find is the remnants of the Chinese spy balloon. “They’re lost. They can’t find them. The remnants are in very difficult terrain,” he explained.". . .

U.S. tracked spy balloon after it lifted off from China, officials say  . . ."U.S. intelligence officials were tracking the spy balloon that was shot down earlier this month since it lifted off from the south coast of China, U.S. officials said Tuesday. 

"According to U.S. officials, after takeoff, the spy balloon drifted east in the direction of Guam and Hawaii and then went north to Alaska and entered U.S. airspace on Jan. 28. Given the path, it's possible that the balloon was blown off course by weather, but U.S. officials said that once it came south over the continental United States, it was being controlled by China. 

"The tracking of the balloon was first reported by The Washington Post

"China has insisted the balloon was for weather purposes and that it veered off course. A State Department official said in a statement last week that the balloon contained equipment that was "clearly for intelligence surveillance," including "multiple antennas" that were "likely capable of collecting and geo-locating communications." . . .

BOMBSHELL: Ex-MSNBC Host Had to ‘Get Permission’ from Network to ‘Criticize Hillary Clinton’

 Trending Politics  "Former MSNBC host Krystal Ball revealed to popular podcaster Joe Rogan that the left-wing network told her to stifle any criticism of Hillary Clinton. After she had ripped Hillary, Ball said she was called into the office and told to get commentary on Hillary Clinton approved by the network president.

“ 'I did a monologue when Hillary Clinton was building up to run for president,” Ball said. “I did this whole thing that was like, ‘She sold out to Wall Street. People are gonna hate this lady. She’s like the terrible candidate for the moment. Please don’t run’.”

“ 'Afterwards, I get pulled into an office and you know, ‘Great monologue, everything’s fine. But next time you do any commentary on Hillary Clinton, it has to get approved by the President of the network,’” she said.". . .

. . .“Of course, it was her husband, former President Bill Clinton, who did much of the deregulating that got us into trouble including ending the Glass-Steagall prohibitions on mixing traditional banking with speculative investment banking,” she noted.

“More to the point though, in a time when we badly need to be inspired, rallied, and made to believe that America can once again be true to the American dream, we desperately need someone who is mission driven,” she continued.

“We need someone who is clearly passionate, who is living and breathing and feeling in their bones the plight of the worker and the middle class, and who is unafraid to stand up to the Wall Street titans. That person is not Hillary Clinton. It is Elizabeth Warren,” she added.

“Despite all her talents, Clinton is not the woman to address the deep inequality, corporate political capture, and middle class rot afflicting our country. So although I deeply admire and respect Secretary Clinton, I must say: Don’t run Hillary. Don’t run,”

Evolutionary Biology Research Group Wants to Replace 'Mother' and 'Father' With 'Egg Donor' and 'Sperm Donor'

In Heaven's name; why are we choosing to be like this? TD


"There are some days you wake up and think, ok, we’ve reached peak idiocy—this endless assault on language and the nation’s obsession over gender identity has plummeted to its low point, and people will soon come to their senses and we can stop the insanity.

"Unfortunately, that day is not today.

"A group of U.S. and Canadian “researchers” from the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) Language Project has decided that the words “male” and “female” should instead be referred to as “sperm-producing” and “egg-producing,” while “father” and “mother” should be labeled “parent,” “egg donor” and “sperm donor” in the scientific field.

"I thought one of the main points of progressivism was to uplift women and ensure their equality in society—but now these brilliant intellectuals want to refer to them as merely “egg donors.” Is that really progress, folks?

"The University of British Columbia describes their project as a grassroots effort launched by like-minded scientists who started a conversation on Twitter regarding “potentially harmful terminology.”

"What it really sounds like is that a bunch of elitist woke professors decided over Starbucks oat milk lattes that they wanted to degrade our language even more, and started what can only be described as the exact opposite of a grassroots (or bottom-up) effort.

"Ignore the dangers of possible war with Russia or China, forget the crushing inflation we’ve endured, move on from the devastation wrought on our children by the country’s peripatetic COVID response; no, here’s the real critical alert:

Amid a growing disciplinary commitment to inclusion in ecology and evolutionary biology (EEB), it is critical to consider how the use of scientific language can harm members of our research community. [emphasis mine]. . .

Tyre Nichols, Race Baiting & The War on Police (Update II)

 Bookworm Room

The death of Tyre Nichols was horrid and unnecessary, but racial and anti-police politics, not justice, appear to be front and center in this case.

"Tyre Nichols’ death was likely caused by a single rogue officer who used excessive force. Part of the problem is societal — why do so many black men think it appropriate to resist arrest? Likewise, societal problems are the racial and anti-police politics now dominating America. What is happening to the arresting officers is not about justice. All but one of the arresting officers appear to have done nothing more than try to lawfully arrest Nichols,  Lastly, and despicably, race hustlers in this nation are trying to paint the death of Nichols as caused by racism and white supremacy.". . .

. . ."Tyre Nichols was a 6’3″, 145 lbs., 29-year-old off-duty FedEx employee with no criminal record at the time of his death. He was also the father of a 4-year-old son. We don’t know whether he was married to his son’s mother.

"On January 7, Memphis police allegedly stopped Tyre Nichols for the misdemeanor crime of reckless driving. This is a traffic offense, and we do not know how this escalated from a simple ticketing offense to an arrestable one, though that would not be unusual. Reckless driving is often the initial charge laid against a driver who appears to be impaired and who needs to be taken off the streets for the public’s safety. We still do not know if Nichols was, in fact, impaired as the official autopsy has not been made public, nor do we know any of the facts the police relied on to make their initial stop and attempt to arrest Nichols.

"There was already an attempt to arrest Nichols ongoing when the police officer wearing the bodycam in the first video (below) arrived on the scene. At no point then or during the second arrest attempt did Nichols appear to be armed or appear to present a direct threat to the officers.

"Once the video begins, we see that Nichols refused to comply with officer commands, actively resisted arrest, and then ran away, all despite police attempts to subdue him, including with pepper spray and a taser. The events of this first arrest attempt are shown in the video below. The officers involved solely in this first arrest attempt have not been charged with any crime.

"Update:  That is no longer true.  Virtually anyone who touched Nichols at any time, including during the first attest and the medics who rendered treatment, are being suspended and charged, though it is not clear at the moment what crimes they are being charged with.". .  .

Babylon Bee meets Pothole Pete Buttigieg

 Babylon Bee

Pete Buttigieg Promises To Investigate Ohio Railway Chemical Spill For Signs Of Racism     "EAST PALESTINE, OH — Residents of a small Ohio town have been forced to evacuate after a deadly spill of vinyl chloride and butyl acrylate chemicals from a train derailment caught fire and destroyed surrounding farmland, waterways, and livestock. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was quick to respond, promising to investigate the tragedy for signs of racism.

" 'First of all, I want to reassure the citizens of East Palestine that I am still very gay," said the Transportation Secretary. "Also, I will do everything in my power to uncover the possible racist source of this deadly environmental disaster. Yes, East Palestine is a small Ohio Town full of white people, but we need to know how this may affect BIPOCS. I will leave no stone unturned."

"Buttigieg has also not ruled out the possibility of foreign governments behind the incident. "Considering this happened in East Palestine, we shouldn't rule out a possible war crime perpetrated by the state of Israel," he said."

"EAST PALESTINE, OH — Residents of a small Ohio town have been forced to evacuate after a deadly spill of vinyl chloride and butyl acrylate chemicals from a train derailment caught fire and destroyed surrounding farmland, waterways, and livestock. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was quick to respond, promising to investigate the tragedy for signs of racism.

"First of all, I want to reassure the citizens of East Palestine that I am still very gay," said the Transportation Secretary. "Also, I will do everything in my power to uncover the possible racist source of this deadly environmental disaster. Yes, East Palestine is a small Ohio Town full of white people, but we need to know how this may affect BIPOCS. I will leave no stone unturned."

"Buttigieg has also not ruled out the possibility of foreign governments behind the incident. "Considering this happened in East Palestine, we shouldn't rule out a possible war crime perpetrated by the state of Israel," he said."  Related: Ilhan Omar Withdraws Support For East Palestine After Learning It’s In America

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Isn't it Time For Adam Schiff to be Expelled From Congress?

 Ron Paul Institute

. . ."In the latest release, thanks to the excellent reporting of independent journalist Matt Taibbi, we see outgoing Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), continuously pressuring Twitter to validate his fantasies of “Russian bots” manipulating US politics.

"The short version of what Taibbi reported comes from around the time then-Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) was about to release his Committee’s findings about the FBI misuse of the FISA Court to spy on the Trump presidential campaign. The FBI, it turns out, relied exclusively on the widely-discredited “Steele Dossier” – paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign – as justification to spy on the Trump campaign.

"When pressure grew to release the Nunes findings, Twitter exploded with users demanding that Congress “release the memo.” That’s where then-ranking Member Schiff and his staff began relentlessly pressuring Twitter to show that the accounts demanding the release of the memo were actually Russian agents, out to help their supposed favorite, Donald Trump. Schiff was not alone. Fellow “Russiagate” hoaxers like Sen. Feinstein (D-CA) and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) also pressured Twitter to find Russians behind the demand to release Nunes’ findings.

"Over and over, Twitter – which was hardly sympathetic to Trump – told Schiff and his colleagues there was simply no evidence of Russian involvement. As much as some Twitter employees may have liked to report the opposite, to their credit they refused to participate in the scam.

"Even after Twitter had informed Schiff and his fellow hoaxers that there was no Russian involvement, Sen. Blumenthal released a statement he knew was not true: “We find it reprehensible that Russian agents have so eagerly manipulated innocent Americans.” Again, this was right after he had been informed by Twitter employees - who were by-and-large strongly opposed to Trump - that there was just no evidence to back up such a statement.". . .