Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Fighting Sixty-Ninth: Irish New York Declares War

 The Fighting Sixty-Ninth: Irish New York Declares War - Long Island Wins "When Confederates fired on Fort Sumter, it was not clear what New York’s best-known regiment would do. The New York State Militia’s “Fighting Irish” 69th Infantry Regiment was one of the most controversial, and beloved, military units in the United States. But its loyalty to the Union and its willingness to submit to Lincoln’s control were in doubt.

"Today we think of militias as paramilitary groups attached to extremist political movements. Historians like to compare Civil War-era militias to today’s National Guard: part-time soldiers under state control who could be federalized in times of national emergency. Upon closer examination, however, we find that the militia units of 1861 were not exact counterparts of either.

"The 69th New York was formed in 1849. The city was flooding with refugees from the Potato Famine and exiles connected with the failed 1848 revolt against British rule. Irish immigrant leaders saw the formation of an Irish military unit as a way of focusing a dispirited community on a future in which they would be able to challenge their overlords.

"The leadership of the regiment would come from a cadre of recent nationalist exiles associated with the Young Ireland revolutionary movement who believed that Irish in their homeland and in the growing diaspora needed an armed force to win respect.". . . 

. . .

The evidence against Hunter and Joe Biden that is already public is voluminous. It’s not clear what they are still hiding.


CHINA COUGHS UP THE DOCUMENTS: Releases Proof of MILLIONS OF DOLLARS of Payments from China Firm to Hunter Biden - And They're Just Getting Started! | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft    "As The Gateway Pundit has reported – the connections and business dealings between Communist China and the Biden Crime Family are numerous.
"Colorado Attorney Kevin Evans says the Biden Department of Justice is hiding hundreds of documents on gifts Joe and Hunter Biden received from China.
"Evans sued the DOJ in March after he said the agency failed to comply with his Freedom of Information Act request for records about the overseas business relationships of Joe Biden’s son and brother James Biden.
"The Gateway Pundit reported on the giant diamond gifted to Hunter Biden from Ye Jianming, then the chairman of CEFC China Energy Company. The Gateway Pundit reported in
October 2020 that this diamond was estimated to be worth $80,000. Hunter claimed it was worth $10,000.". . .

Why are There so Few Christians in the West?

 The Postil Magazine

A concern for both Catholics and Protestants. The caveat, however, is that the Scriptures speak of a "falling away" in the last time and that God has ordained the paths of nations and the Church. "The church", meaning all believers in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ; those basing their salvation on that alone. The Tunnel Dweller

"Christianity has become a minority religion in Europe, the place of its influence: how did this come about and what is the future of Christians in the West? Why are there so few Christians in the West?

” ' For many walk, of whom I have told you often (and now tell you weeping), that they are enemies of the cross of Christ; Whose end is destruction; whose God is their belly; and whose glory is in their shame; who mind earthly things” (Phil 3:18-19). Do these lines of St. Paul, written two thousand years ago, not apply to our present world? Let us add this question asked by Christ: ” But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?” (Lk 18:8). These words challenge us, when the question of God seems to be of little interest to Westerners, when they are in the minority in believing in God and even less in practicing what the religion of their fathers prescribes for them, even though no one here can ignore the existence of Christianity, even though many people are unaware of what it actually is and what it teaches.

"Many books have been written on the reasons for the de-Christianization of the West, its secularization and the fall in the number of practicing Catholics. External and internal causes are usually put forward. Among the former, we can largely mention the long movement of emancipation of man from his traditional dependencies (God, nature, culture), with the nominalist revolution and the affirmation of sovereign reason from the Renaissance onwards; thus, without denying faith at first, God was progressively put aside. At the personal level on the one hand, the rise of individualism, to the detriment of holism, caused a dissociation between spiritual life, belonging to the private sphere, and public life. [In politics, holism refers to a society where the group, the whole, predominates over the individual, the part.]

"At the political level, on the other hand, a clear separation between the temporal and spiritual orders was established, giving total primacy to the former. With the French Revolution and the disappearance of “Christendom,” the movement accelerated and sometimes took on a strong anti-Christian tone, as in France with the secular laws that led to the 1905 separation. At that moment, God’s sovereignty over the city was largely destroyed—there yet remained to destroy the sovereignty of the natural moral law and the heritage of culture so that the will of man would no longer have any obstacle. We are there today, gender theory and Wokism being the final stages of the deconstruction of the classical anthropology shaped by Christianity.

"On the side of internal causes, by oversimplifying, two types of explanations clash. The “progressives,” who had hoped that the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) would mark a clean break with the past, believe that the decline of Catholicism is due to the Church’s still reactionary positions, positions that are not understood by our contemporaries; they therefore advocate an opening to the world and its demands, especially moral ones (contraception, abortion, same-sex marriage, abolition of celibacy for priests and desacralization of the office, ordination of women, etc.). Some “traditionalists” defend the exact opposite point of view: Vatican II caused a rupture in the Church’s Magisterium and in its liturgy, a rupture caused by a rejection of the past and an excessive openness to the world, which manifested itself in a generalized stampede that explains the sharp drop in religious practice and vocations; the remedy would be a “forgetting” of Vatican II and a certain return to the pre-conciliar Church. Between these two somewhat caricatural extremes, there are all kinds of nuances, including those who consider internal causes to be negligible.

"External justifications have certainly played a major role in the decline of Christianity in Europe. As for the internal causes, the “progressive” explanations are far from reality. . . ."

BLM, Eco-harpies, Trans Loons, and Femi-nags Are All Marxists, But Christianity Is the Cure – PJ Media  . . ."The leaders of the left-wing fringe groups — referred to as “sleepers” or “sleeper cells” — wait for a triggering event to spring into action. A perfect example would be the death of Saintly George Floyd. (Emphasis mine, TD)

"If the true goal of BLM is to help black people, why would they destroy black communities around the nation? They wouldn’t. The actions of BLM — with the help of Antifa — were focused on two goals: to get rich; and to destroy as much of America as possible. What could be more Marxist than that?....

"A  Milwaukee, Wis., thug named Sylville Smith pulled a gun on cops in 2016 and was shot by a black policeman. Race played no part in this incident, yet “protestors” began burning down a black neighborhood in Milwaukee. Smith’s younger sister, unaware that Marxists were behind the violence, urged rioters to go burn down the suburbs where white people lived instead. The Communist News Network (CNN) dutifully edited the tape to try to show the angry little lady as a peacekeeper and not the violent racist she is. The violent Marxists on the ground did their job, as did the sneaky, lying tovarishes at CNN.

Expel Them Again

 Ann Coulter

But according to MSNBC, the only reason Jones and Pearson were expelled was because the "predominantly white, predominantly male" lawmakers refuse to "coexist with representatives who are female or young or black" -- as Nicole Wallace put it. (Nicole: Relax. You've got the job.)

"The vote to expel two Democrats from the Tennessee House of Representatives last week reminds us of one of the immutable laws of politics: Whenever Democrats accuse anyone of racism, demand to see the videotape.

"Hey -- remember the 2016 racist bus attack on three black coeds at the University at Albany that caught Hillary Clinton's attention? They claimed a group of white men shouting racial epithets started hitting them, but no one on the bus cared! Foolishly, in retrospect, they didn't check to see if the bus had cameras. It did. Rallies, hysteria, a Hillary tweet ... and then it turned out they were the ones beating up a white girl.

"Or how about the Princeton professor who claimed she'd been the victim of a vicious racist policeman in 2016? "Many women who look like me," she wrote on Twitter, "have a much more frightening end to such arrests." After a hue and cry, the police released the officer's dashcam footage. The officer had been almost comically polite to her, despite her going 20 mph over the speed limit, as well as driving on a suspended license.

"In 2015 in Connecticut, another BIPOC lady professor decided that, instead of simply paying a small traffic fine, she'd wreck a cop's life. In a blizzard of letters to government officials, she accused the policeman of racism and demanded that "action be taken against the officer." The police released a recorded transcript of the entire interaction -- and guess what? The officer never said any of the racist things she'd alleged. He, too, was a model of professionalism.". . .

Tucker Carlson exposes the pretenders in US Politics - American Thinker

. . ."Tucker reminded everyone that Obama may have been a pioneer in the field of pretender politicians. Obama pretended to be an “African-American Baptist pastor from Chicago with deep roots in Mississippi” while campaigning for the midterms last year. A few months later in December, Obama spoke in his normal accent. It would be unfair to credit Obama for this inglorious practice; Hillary has been doing this much before. Tucker showed a clip of Hillary in 2007, sounding like a "politically aware gospel singer from the segregated South' ".

Speaking of pretenders:

 What were they thinking at Bud Light? - American Thinker

. . ."The result of that strategy should not have been unexpected.  Bud Light sales are in the toilet.  Overnight.  A viral video shows Bud Light sitting untouched in a store’s cooler.   ðŸ¤£ This is real! I went to my local store, and she said they haven't sold a 12-pack or 30-pack of Bud Light this whole week! #BudLightWentWoke #budlight:. .

50 Shades Of Justin Pearson ( "Hilaria Baldwin. Hilary Clinton. Elizabeth Warren. Justin Trudeau. 

"There is a long list of white Democrats who love, love putting on rhetorical “blackface” to try appearing less white, more ethnic, and more authentically authentic.

"Hilaria Baldwin (neé Hillary Hayward-Thomas) famously “became” Spanish after a single semester abroad in Spain, despite not actually being Spanish and living her whole life in the United States.

"Justin Trudeau is a subject matter expert in all forms of blackface, as he demonstrates whenever he dons Indian (feather and dot) mufti. Sandy Cortez, theater kid from Westchester, was rebranded as a “fiery Latina” to win her seat in Congress. 

"Who is the audience for these clickbait performances? Well, the usual suspects of course: Middle-Aged Liberal White Women. These lonely ladies gobble up fake ethnicities, feel-good cultural stereotypes, and white guilt like they’re gobbling chocolate-covered antidepressants. “50 Shades of Patriarchal Oppression” is their titillation of choice.". . .

Biden takes the dollar down -

The world views America as just another banana republic following the indictment of President Trump. Not that the world really cares. It mocks us because we are doing what we have clucked our tongues at other countries for doing. Our self-righteousness amuses them.

  Don Surber (  "When Barack Hussein Obama said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up,” it was not a warning; it was a guarantee. Likewise, when former DOD chief Robert Gates said Biden has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” this was not a criticism but a selling point. If you want America to fail, there was no better man to endorse for president in 2020. Cackling Kamala was the best woman for the job.

"The dollar is dying because of this. Let me explain.

 "The Biden administration with its drag queens and tokens allows the deep state to run things while the Big Guy pockets the bribes and falls up steps. He auctions off foreign policy to the highest bidder, which is turning the greatest empire of the 20th century into a bloated country being overrun by drug dealers and sex traffickers.

"Oh he had help. Obama, Clinton and the Bushes enabled companies to export jobs to the point where America can no longer feed and clothe itself. My mother supported five children by working at a pill company. 60 years later, those jobs are in India and Red China.

"But Biden has hastened our demise in a manner that will permanently disable our nation and leave our economy to the whims of Chairman Xi.

"On Wednesday, Michael Maherrey reported, “China and Brazil recently finalized a trade deal in their own currencies completely bypassing the dollar, but that’s not the only bad news for the world’s reserve currency.

" 'Last week, a Russian official announced that the BRICS* nations are working to develop a new currency, yet another sign that dollar dominance is waning.". . .

*A summit in August is scheduled for the BRICS nations — Brazil, Russia, India, Red China and South Africa. Iran and Saudi Arabia likely will join them, as Chairman Xi got those two nations to agree to resume diplomatic relations.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Pentagon Leak Traced to Video Game Chat Group

  PJ Media

Maybe the Pentagon should hire some of these guys to improve our cyber security. If they can break in to steal fighter jet or tank specs, perhaps they can design ways to keep them secret.

"At least some of the Pentagon’s top secret documents on the war in Ukraine were leaked on a private chat room on the platform Discord, according to the online intelligence site Bellingcat.

“ 'After a brief spat with another person on the server about Minecraft Maps and the war in Ukraine, one of the Discord users replied, ‘here, have some leaked documents’ — attaching 10 documents about Ukraine, some of which bore the ‘Top Secret’ markings,” Bellingcat analyst Aric Toler wrote.

"That user had found those documents on another Discord server

"Other leaked documents were posted to a Discord server named “Thug Shaker Central” — perhaps as early as mid-January.

“ 'Posts and channel listings show that the server’s users were interested in video games, music, Orthodox Christianity, and fandom for the popular YouTuber ‘Oxide,'” Toler wrote.

Related: Leak of Classified Documents on Ukraine, China, and the Middle East a ‘Nightmare’ Says Pentagon

"Apparently, finding highly classified documents is easy on gamer sites.

"Guardian:". . .

Why are trannies so violent? |

 The Aspen beat

"There has been a spate of high-profile violence lately by women who think they are men and, especially, by men who think they are women.

"In Nashville, a woman pretending to be a man slaughtered six in an elementary school, including three 9-year-olds. Beforehand, the shooter had written a “manifesto” that evidently justified her shooting spree on the grounds that the school – a Christian grade school – failed to endorse her perversion. (We don’t know for sure what the manifesto says because the cops won’t release it – which suggests that it does indeed say that.)

"Some of the “news” media were instructed by their bosses not to reveal the sex part of the story. It came out anyway, but in the meantime I’m sure the bosses felt virtuous in censoring it. Think about that. The “news” media feels virtuous when they censor facts that are newsworthy, but only if those facts reflect badly on Democrat constituencies.

"In Colorado Springs last November, a “non-binary” man – meaning he couldn’t decide whether he might actually be a woman – shot and killed five and wounded another 19. In a high school outside Denver, a woman pretending to be a man killed one and wounded eight others. Last week, again in Colorado Springs, a man pretending to be a woman plotted a killing spree but fortunately was apprehended before it happened.  

"The person who was arrested for threatening to assassinate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was a man pretending to be a woman. That time, the “news” media was mostly successful in burying that fact.

"They all seem unremorseful, along with the rest of the trans “community.' ”. . .

Joe Biden, the Puppet


Ron Wright  "President Biden's policies are detrimental to the United States' strategic interests and outright violations of federal law and the Constitution.  Joe Biden is a puppet of the Chinese and Ukraine (here).  Hunter Biden, the princeling, was  “raking in millions from the Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian oligarchs for no credible business purpose other than gaining access to Joe Biden [The Big Guy].”

"The World Economic Forum (WEF), the Deep State, the Radical (Marxist) Left, self-interested and corrupt politicians, the ruling elite, the leftist media complex, big tech, and multinational corporations manipulate Biden.  In so doing, “These actors have robbed the public treasury of billions of dollars in broad daylight.  These actors seek and are driven by retaining and gaining more power and money.”

"A conspiracy with mutual interests through deception and disinformation is destabilizing our country in a move toward a totalitarian state.  Under the guise of Democratic Socialism.  Democratic Socialism is a rebranding of the New World Order or Globalism, Marxism, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism.  As VDH calls it, “Our French Revolution."

"The conspiracy sought to delegitimize, impede, sabotage, and unseat a duly elected President by using faux impeachments, abuse of power by public officials, bribery, thefts by fraud, money laundering, perjury and the obstruction of justice, violations of civil rights, the attack on and subversion of the rule of law and equal justice, the violation of the inalienable rights of the people and the defilement of the US Constitution in an ongoing criminal enterprise as defined in Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).". . .

Trump Claims Biden Administration Hijacked By 'Vicious, Smart' Progressives | National Review   . . ."In an interview with Tucker Carlson for Fox News, Trump projected that Biden will not be capable of running for president a second time, alluding to his observable deteriorating mental and physical condition.

“ 'I don’t think he can,” Trump told the host. “There’s something wrong.”

"Noting Biden’s absence from press events and general checked-out attitude, Trump said “it’s not him” driving much of the agenda being imposed at the federal level. He’s “surrounded by vicious smart people, radical left people,” he added.". . .

Report: Ukraine Forced to Alter Spring Offensive Plans After U.S. Document Leak


"News reports claim that the Ukrainian military has changed plans for its much-anticipated spring offensive following an alleged leak of classified U.S. documents. “Ukraine has reportedly been forced to alter plans for its coming counter-offensive because of the leak of highly-sensitive US intelligence,’ the UK newspaper Telegraph reported Tuesday.

"The change in the Ukrainian military plans comes in response to the supposed leak of U.S. Defense Department documents containing classified information regarding the war in Ukraine, as well as sensitive intelligence on China, Russian and other countries. The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday described the intelligence breach under President Joe Biden’s watch as possibly “one of the most significant leaks of highly classified in recent history.”

"The U.S. Defense Department has yet to confirm the veracity of the documents.

"If the leaked intelligence is genuine, it could have a significant military impact on the ongoing war in Ukraine, media reports suggest. “First things first: this is the biggest leak of secret American information on the war in Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion 14 months ago. Some of the documents are as much as six weeks old, but the implications are huge,” the BBC reported. “Pentagon officials are quoted as saying the documents are real,” the broadcaster noted.

"The leaked intelligence could have ‘deadly consequences for the Ukrainian soldiers, the British TV channel Sky News reported Tuesday:

A leak of highly classified US documents could have deadly consequences for Ukrainians at war with Russia, a US official has said." . . . 

The Left Has Killed Our Great Cities ›

  American Greatness

The fact that Chicagoans have elected not a reformer, but a deformer, suggests that inner-city residents still don't get it—or they don't care.

Can Chicago Survive Brandon Johnson?

"Mark down Tuesday, April 4, as the night Chicago died. 

That’s when we learned that Second City voters narrowly elected Brandon Johnson as their next mayor. This is a city that was flattened during the reign of Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who lost in the first round of voting for Chicago mayor because she didn’t finish in one of the top two spots. Lightfoot, elected in 2019 after a career as a federal prosecutor who then held several appointed positions in Chicago, shut down the city for more than a year during COVID-19. She also bankrupted small businesses, allowed rioters to burn down whole neighborhoods, presided over the worst crime wave in 50 years, and let the schools go to hell. 

"Now, the voters have selected Johnson. Elected to the Cook County Board of Commissioners in 2018, Johnson narrowly won the mayoralty of America’s third-most-populous city on April 4 over Paul Vallas, a former Chicago schools CEO and a Democrat who presented himself as a political moderate compared to the far-left Johnson. 

"The incoming mayor may turn out to be a worse mayor than Lightfoot. Johnson’s occupation is an organizer for the teachers’ unions. The unions spent several million dollars on the race. They got their man. 

"What this means is that Chicago’s municipal government will now be a fully owned subsidiary of the Chicago Teachers Union. (Can you imagine what the union contracts are going to look like?) This is a city where, in roughly two dozen schools, zero children can read or write at proficiency level. ". . .

Reversing The Destruction of a Generation

American Greatness    If the world is going mad, don’t accept it.

. . ."It is a small wonder that America’s youth are adrift. Every institution in America has succumbed to compassion run amok, perhaps willfully unaware that effective compassion comes with obligations, and healthy societies must embrace hard but simple truths. Competition builds courage and character. Punishment deters crime. Demanding tolerance for everything breeds intolerance. Enforcing immutable standards is the only equitable way to offer equal opportunity. When collecting benefits is easier than working, people will quit working. It is impossible for all identifiable groups to attain equal outcomes in all things. Every individual endures challenges, anxiety, insecurity, disadvantages, crushing disappointments, and capricious good fortune, regardless of their origins.

"And, of course, this brutal truth: we need dangerous good men to protect everyone from dangerous bad men.

"Which brings us back to Andrew Tate. In a world where young men are told from the day they were born they are toxic, racist, sexist oppressors, and the only acceptable path for them is to embark on a lifetime of apologizing and going to the back of the line, they will rebel. Becoming a fan of Andrew Tate may be an unhealthy choice, but it’s a predictable reaction to an unhealthy and hostile society.

"Rejecting the narrative of doom, division, hedonism, perversion, resentment, intolerance, cowardice and utter madness that defines far too much of American culture today does not, however, require young men, or anyone else for that matter, to go to Andrew Tate’s extremes. America is blessed with tens of thousands of rebel influencers offering messages of sanity and hope—Jordan Peterson, Heather MacDonald, Chris Rufo, Candace Owens, Vivek Ramaswamy, Michael Shellenberger, and the redoubtable Thomas Sowell, to name just a few.

" 'One of the most cowardly things ordinary people do,” wrote C. S. Lewis in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, “is to shut their eyes to facts.” Embrace hard but simple truths, reject the lies, and make some noise. If the world is going mad, don’t accept it. Take away the accouterments of madness, one by one. Save your child, save yourself, save America."

America’s Path to a Police State -

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

                                    There is no way back for the Democrat Party. 

"Show me the man; I will find you the crime!” These words historically have been attributed to Lavrentiy Beria, the pederastic murdering thug who led the NKVD for Stalin before it transmogrified into the KGB.

"The philosophy was clear. The socialist state has no need for principles such as “innocent until proven guilty.” Common criminals are not the issue. The priority is to protect the ruling elite from those citizens who wish to exercise their “unalienable rights” and be led by a political elite that actually represents the will of the electorate.

"Those who believe in “government of the people, by the people, for the people” must be neutralized. Those citizens must be targeted by the law enforcement and intelligence organs of the state, each one investigated for who they are until a transgression can be found or a crime simply manufactured.

"As the son of those who suffered first Nazi occupation, then Communist oppression, I never thought this day would come.

"My father was an anti-Communist student on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain, betrayed by the infamous double agent Kim Philby and sentenced to life in a Communist political prison, which he was liberated from by the Hungarian freedom fighters of 1956.

"Never ever would I have believed that America, the nation of which I have chosen to become a citizen, in whose highest political institution I have served as deputy to the president, would become a country of political prisoners and KGB tactics. But it has.

"From a pro-life pastor whose home was raided by the FBI on a misdemeanor charge that had previously been dismissed by a local court, to the Jan. 6 protesters who were held for years in jail before even being arraigned, to a former president who had his home ransacked by armed federal agents as his attorneys were ordered to stand outside, we have become that nation.

"And today is the ultimate empirical evidence that we have descended into the political gutter. . .Full Article...

Was Anyone Actually Victimized By Donald Trump’s 34 Alleged Felonies? (