Thursday, April 13, 2023

Biden takes the dollar down -

The world views America as just another banana republic following the indictment of President Trump. Not that the world really cares. It mocks us because we are doing what we have clucked our tongues at other countries for doing. Our self-righteousness amuses them.

  Don Surber (  "When Barack Hussein Obama said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up,” it was not a warning; it was a guarantee. Likewise, when former DOD chief Robert Gates said Biden has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” this was not a criticism but a selling point. If you want America to fail, there was no better man to endorse for president in 2020. Cackling Kamala was the best woman for the job.

"The dollar is dying because of this. Let me explain.

 "The Biden administration with its drag queens and tokens allows the deep state to run things while the Big Guy pockets the bribes and falls up steps. He auctions off foreign policy to the highest bidder, which is turning the greatest empire of the 20th century into a bloated country being overrun by drug dealers and sex traffickers.

"Oh he had help. Obama, Clinton and the Bushes enabled companies to export jobs to the point where America can no longer feed and clothe itself. My mother supported five children by working at a pill company. 60 years later, those jobs are in India and Red China.

"But Biden has hastened our demise in a manner that will permanently disable our nation and leave our economy to the whims of Chairman Xi.

"On Wednesday, Michael Maherrey reported, “China and Brazil recently finalized a trade deal in their own currencies completely bypassing the dollar, but that’s not the only bad news for the world’s reserve currency.

" 'Last week, a Russian official announced that the BRICS* nations are working to develop a new currency, yet another sign that dollar dominance is waning.". . .

*A summit in August is scheduled for the BRICS nations — Brazil, Russia, India, Red China and South Africa. Iran and Saudi Arabia likely will join them, as Chairman Xi got those two nations to agree to resume diplomatic relations.

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