"We do need a new Party, but we cannot win with a separate party, a third party. What must happen is that the true conservatives in the GOP must wrest control of it from the squishes." A Third party gave us the Clintons for decades. TD
A Think Toon by David Hitch |
American Thinker "You can't have a Republican Party if you don't have a coherent and cohesive agenda. What do Republicans stand for? We can't answer that question and get all Republicans to agree, judging by the way they vote with Democrats sometimes.
"But with Democrats, you ask them what they stand for and they will all agree: Climate change mandates, avoidance of fossil fuels, trans rights, gay rights, drag rights, abortion, "social justice", pedophilia, free stuff, socialized medicine, anti-capitalism, dissolution of the Constitution, gun confiscation, the abolition of private property, defunding police, liberality in prosecuting criminals, legalizing all recreational drugs, DEI, SEL, ESG, CRT. Democrats are all in for lewdness, looseness, and loudness.
"The Left have a concrete agenda and it does not involve freedom, liberty, and self-sufficiency. It does not involve being left alone and leaving others alone to pursue happiness except when it is they doing the pursuing of said happiness. Republicans are not allowed to pursue happiness if Democrats have anything to do with it. Progressivism will seep into every conservative crack, like laundry scum. They are not content doing their own thing. They want to do ours as well.
"Republicans are notoriously squishy. People like Linsey Graham, who waxes hot and cold when it comes to being a conservative, are the ones hurting our brand, such as it is. Romney & Co. (the RINOs), have given conservatism not just a bad name, but another name: Cowards.". . .