Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Bret Baier Confronts Trump Over Derogatory Remarks He’s Made About Top People He Hired In His Admin

 The Daily Wire

Comment to this post: "This is my biggest complaint with Trump. He claims to know people, but he obviously doesn’t. He trusts the wrong people, and he often throws the wrong people under the bus as well."

"Former President Donald Trump pushed back on claims that he rips on a lot of top people who he hired in his administration by saying that for every one bad example there is, there are ten good examples.

"Trump made the remarks in response to a question from Fox News anchor Bret Baier, who noted that Trump said in 2016 that he was going to “surround myself with only the best and most serious people.”

“ 'Well, I did do that,” Trump told Baier. “That’s tremendous. Look, we had the best economy we’ve ever had, the world has ever seen.”

"Baier responded:

"This time, your Vice President Mike Pence is running against you. Your ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, she’s running against you. Your former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, said he’s not supporting you.

"You mentioned National Security Adviser John Bolton. He’s not supporting you either. "You mentioned Attorney General Bill Barr. Says you shouldn’t be president again. Calls you ‘the consummate narcissist’ and “troubled man.” You recently called Barr a “gutless pig.”

The Wit and Wisdom of John Kennedy, R-La. -

  Don Surber (substack.com)

 . . .“My Democratic friends just can't accept the fact that the American people chose Donald Trump to be president — it's called democracy. My advice to them, and I say this gently: Fill out a Hurt Feelings Report and let’s move on.”

"When I was 7, America elected a fellow named John Kennedy president. He had been a senator and he was witty. His daddy was rich as he made money the way John Hancock did, by smuggling. Hancock smuggled tea. Kennedy’s dad smuggled hooch.

"In 1958, Kennedy began a speech to the Gridiron Club — a journalist organization when newspapers ruled the land — by saying, “I have just received the following wire from my generous daddy: ‘Dear Jack — Don’t buy a single vote more than necessary — I’ll be damned if I am going to pay for a landslide.’”

"Looking back as an adult, I realize he was not joking. He was bragging. But he was so charming that I secretly have wished for a Republican John Kennedy. Ronald Reagan came close. Donald Trump too. Maybe the John Kennedy we need is the senator by that very name from Louisiana. He uses humor and common sense to make his point and his points are always good ones.

Early in his days in the Senate, the Republican John Kennedy said, “This is Washington, D.C. Politics is in everybody’s blood, kind of like herpes.”

"He was a Louisiana Democrat until he decided he wanted to win election to an office bigger than state treasurer. He converted to Republican but skipped the testicle-removal ceremony. In 2016, his state sent him to the Senate. He wound up on a boring committee that overlooks banks and the like.

"At a hearing on October 9, 2017, he said something that shocked the Advocate, Louisiana’s biggest newspaper." . . .

Tucker Carlson’s 'Wannabe Dictator' satire master class the left desperately had to ignore. -

  American Thinker   The walls are closing in on the fascist far left’s echo chamber; that’s the reason they couldn’t allow their outrage show over Tucker Carlson’s takedown of their dear leader.

If you’re one of the 30 million people who have viewed Ep. 4 of Tucker on Twitter entitled Wannabe Dictator (or on RumbleYouTube, or Odysee) you would have been treated to a master class in the deadpan satire that is the hallmark of Mr. Carlson as he mocked the left while having a rollicking good time doing it."  . . .

. . ."The walls are closing in on the fascist far left’s echo chamber; that’s the reason they couldn’t allow their outrage show over Tucker Carlson’s takedown of their dear leader.

"If you’re one of the 30 million people who have viewed Ep. 4 of Tucker on Twitter entitled Wannabe Dictator (or on RumbleYouTube, or Odysee) you would have been treated to a master class in the deadpan satire that is the hallmark of Mr. Carlson as he mocked the left while having a rollicking good time doing it."

Monday, June 19, 2023

The fruits of Barack Obama


Obama tells GOP presidential candidate Tim Scott just how he's allowed to be black - American Thinker    . . ."Which has got to leave a sour taste in Scott's mouth, given that he's the only black man in the presidential race, and what's more, he's actually lived firsthand through the era of real racism as a child growing up in the South.

Obama, by contrast, is only half black, from late-to-the-party immigrant stock, meaning, he's never had one whit of commonality with Scott, who has lived through Jim Crow racism under southern Democrats firsthand.

"Obama is coming off as a sanctimonious white liberal in his pronouncements, and in some ways he is just that these days, living like a billionaire, and flying around in private jets on some kind of permanent vacation to all his many mansions.

"Scott, by contrast, pulled himself up by his bootstraps and earned everything he's ever got. 

"Which must seem like a threat to the Democrats." . . .

List: 200 reasons why Obama is ‘worst president in history’ | Washington Examiner

"A sampling of the 200 pulled from the book:

  • Blaming Bush and Congress for his woes. “During Obama’s first term, he blamed Bush for the economy, for the botched Operation Fast and Furious, for the massive deficits, for our plummeting national wealth, for our problems in the Middle East -- for just about everything that went wrong.
  • War on coal and oil. “Obama forced more than 200 coal-fired plants to shut down over a five year period.”
  • Cut funding to fight aids. “This inexplicable decision had a devastating effect on Africa, where most AIDS deaths occur.”
  • Nominating John Brennan as CIA director. Brennan has gone on to be President Trump’s critic.
  • DACA via executive order. Obama went around Congress to give amnesty to some 800,000 younger illegal immigrants.
  • Assault on the press. The Committee to Protect Journalists, said of Obama’s media attacks, “In the Obama administration’s Washington, government officials are increasingly afraid to talk to the press. Those suspected of discussing, with reporters, anything that the government has classified as secret are subject to investigation, including lie-detector tests and scrutiny of their telephone and e-mail records.”

Obama-Appointed Judge Rules In Favor Of School That Sent Student Home For ‘Only Two Genders’ T-Shirt | The Daily Caller    . . ."I don’t complain when I see pride flags and diversity posters hung throughout the school, do you know why? Because others have a right to their beliefs just as I do,” Morrison told the school board." . . .

Fresh evidence Obama ordered up the phony Russiagate scandal (nypost.com)

  "On learning that the FBI was set to close its investigation into Flynn after finding no evidence of wrongdoing, Obama and Biden suggested finding ways to keep it open, with Biden bringing up the (dead letter) Logan Act."



Why Hollywood's woke movies do so badly at the overseas box office

  Thomas Lifson, American Thinker   "The movie industry has plenty of problems, but some of the biggest ones are related to the pushing of politically correct woke themes on a public that doesn't want to be lectured to when it lays out close to twenty bucks per person for a theatrical release, not counting popcorn.

"But it seems that this problem is even worse when it comes to the overseas market, which is absolutely essential to the success of big-budget "tentpole" films, which have little hope of recovering budgets that ran well into the hundreds of millions of dollars for production and marketing.

"Currently, the best example of this phenomenon is Disney's live-action remake of The Little Mermaid.  It is full of wokery such as "'drag queen' Ursula, King Triton the environmentalist, mixed-race mermen, and 'affirmative consent' slipped into prince's love song."

"Based on a tale by Hans Christian Andersen, a man from Denmark, where Caucasians accounted for virtually one hundred percent of the populace, the live-action remake nonetheless has an African American actress in the starring role despite demands for other demographic groups such as gays, blacks, and Asians to be portrayed solely by members of those groups. ". . .

" Mickey Kaus passed along a tweet from an overseas man-in-the-street interview on politically correct American films flopping in South Korea.  I have spent a lot of time in East Asia and find the lack of political correctness of many (but not all) people there quite refreshing.

"See what you think.  It's less than a minute long....

If Joe Biden's economy is as great as he says it is, why have 401(k)s plunged 20%?

If Joe Biden's economy is as great as he says it is, why have 401(k)s plunged 20%? - American Thinker 4

Well, lucky us. Let's just say that these things don't happen in a healthy, growing, economy, such as we saw in President Trump's. 

 "Joe Biden and his minions have been unwavering in their claims to have been the great engineers of a stunning economic recovery.

"Here's the dotard's yawping:

Look, here's where we are. We have the fastest growing economy in the world, the world, the world. We have 8.6 million new jobs just since I got in an office. Unemployment rates down to 3.6%. We've reduced the deficit last year by $320 billion, this year going to reduce it by $1.7 trillion dollars, trillion dollars.

"But according to Fox Business:". . .

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Even Democrats can’t support Joe Biden for 2024.

 Key Dems Decline To Back Biden For 2024 (thepalmierireport.com)

"Even Democrats can’t support Joe Biden for 2024.

"Jerry Nadler and Carolyn Maloney, two Democrats who chair powerful committees, declined to say they’d back Joe Biden in 2024.

From Breitbart:

The prospect of President Joe Biden running again in 2024 is being increasingly stymied by senior establishment members of the Democratic Party lining up against him, a report Wednesday details.

AP outlines Reps. Jerry Nadler and Carolyn Maloney, two establishment liberals who chair powerful committees and are competing for a Manhattan-area House seat, declined to back the president when asked in a televised debate whether the incumbent should run again.

Nadler, who chairs the House Judiciary committee, said: “Too early to say. Doesn’t serve the purpose of the Democratic Party to, to deal with that until after the midterms.”

Maloney, who chairs the Oversight committee, said, “I don’t believe he’s running for reelection.”Biden’s approval continues to sink lower and lower.

"His average approval is currently 39.5%.

California’s War Against Prosperity

 American Greatness

The Golden State’s abundant resources and innovative people are not reflected in the way it is governed.

Instead, the state legislature has never considered a regulation it didn’t like. With accelerating frequency and intensity, and specifically with respect to “saving the planet,” California’s regulatory state has made it impossible to live a middle-class lifestyle.


'According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, small businesses are the backbone of the U.S. economy, generating 44 percent of all business activity. Take them out of the equation, and the economy collapses. But that is exactly what’s happening. The cards are stacked against small businesses in America today, and nowhere is it worse than in the state of California. 

'Here, the rules are rigged to make it more difficult for small, independent contractors and independent businesspeople to survive, much less thrive. Excessive regulations invariably favor large companies because the cost of complying is far easier for a company with a billion dollars in annual revenue than it is for a company with a million dollars in annual revenue.

" 'This obvious fact is well understood by corporate monopolists whose rollup and consolidation of industry after industry in America has only accelerated in recent years. This excerpt from a January report by S&P Global, sums up the trend: “In 91 of 157 primary industries, the five largest U.S. companies by revenue combine for at least 80% of total revenue.”

'The report goes on to explain how monopoly power is a double-edged sword. On one hand, “growing monopoly power stifles competition and productivity in the U.S. economy.” The counterargument is that “very, very productive firms end up dominating the industry.” From the perspective of the ordinary American worker, either as an employee of a monopolistic corporation, or as an independent proprietor trying to compete in markets getting swallowed up by the giants, both of these arguments are true, and both are bad news." . . .

Glossary of the Perfect Wokeist - Social Justice: An elegant name for communism.


The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  "As the debate continues to rage over Los Angeles Dodgers’ honoring of the “good works” performed by the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” — a group that has spent the last four decades denigrating Catholic religious nuns by dressing in drag and performing obscene gestures at Gay Pride parades — most of the criticism is directed at Dodgers management for caving to pressure from the LGBTQ tyrants. Few seem to notice the role that the LGBTQ enablers have played from their privileged perches within the Catholic Church itself.

"It is time to call them out. It is time to point to the dissident priests, bishops, and religious sisters who have promoted the perversity of such groups as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. It is time to name the growing number of feckless, faithless Catholics unwilling to defend the Christian biblical principles that offer them the only hope for the salvation of their souls and for the soul of the nation. It is time to admit that until faithful Catholics are willing to risk everything to tell the truth about the idolatrous aims of the left-wing LGBTQ movement and its enablers — replete with its demonic transgender ideology — groups like the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will continue to be celebrated as heroes. (RELATED: My Religion Is Not Your Costume)

Catholic Sister Defends the Dodgers

"Pope St. John Paul II once wrote, “[F]reedom which refuse[s] to be bound to the truth [will] fall into arbitrariness and end up submitting itself to the vilest of passions, to the point of self-destruction.” Groups like the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have already “submitted” themselves “to the vilest of passions” by denying the truth of natural law and promoting the big lie on the goodness of depravity. But what is worse is that there are those leaders within the Church who have helped them promote that lie.

"Sister Jeannine Gramick is one of the key Catholic figures defending the Dodgers. A religious sister of the Order of the Sisters of Loretto, Gramick has been a strong supporter of the big lie for several decades now from her position as the founder and leader of New Ways Ministry — a dissident LGBTQ group founded in 1977. The ministry claims to be Catholic but was severely censured by the late Pope Benedict XVI because of its heterodox views on the intrinsic sinfulness of homosexual acts.

"Last week, Gramick wrote an open letter to the Dodgers lauding its decision to give the Community Hero Award to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Describing herself as a “Catholic nun for more than 60 years” who has “ministered to and with the LGBTQ Catholic community for more than 50 years,” Gramick “applaud[s] the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence for their financial assistance to those in need. I support them because of all their good works.” (READ MORE: MLB’s Cultural Revolutionaries)" . . .

UPDATED: Heather Mac Donald on the scapegoating of Daniel Penny


AfterMath - Home (terrellaftermath.com)

John Dale Dunn... ."Mac Donald asks:

Meanwhile, hardworking taxpayers are treated simply as ATMs for funding the rights revolution.
When government abdicates its responsibility to maintain public safety, a few citizens, for now at least, will step into the breach. Penny was one of them. He restrained Neely not out of racism or malice but to protect his fellow passengers. He was showing classically male virtues: chivalry, courage and initiative. 

A homicide charge is the most efficient way to discourage such initiative in the future. Stigma is another. 

"Ms. Mac Donald brings us the benefit of her research:

Contrary to the anti-white narrative, white on black homicides are almost nonexistent. Blacks commit 87 percent of all non-lethal interracial violence between blacks and whites and whites and blacks; blacks are roughly thirty-five times more likely to commit violent offenses against whites than whites are to commit violent offenses against blacks.

Existing while black is more dangerous than existing while white, but not because of white supremacy. In the first eighteen months of the pandemic, black juveniles were shot at 100 times the rate of white juveniles. (That shooting spike began only after the George Floyd race riots.) Had any of those black juvenile gun victims been shot or killed by whites, we would have heard about it. Instead, the rule for deciphering crime reporting is as follows: if the race of a crime suspect is not provided, the suspect is black. That rule applies when the victim is black and even more so when the victim is white. 

If a crime suspect is white, however, that fact will usually be reported and it will always be the lead in any story in the rare instance when the victim is black. 

"Ms. Mac Donald is a genius and an inestimable analyst of the current social scene and domestic political environment, with particular expertise in matters of law enforcement. "  

Jonathan Turley: The utter failure of Merrick Garland | The Hill  . . .Garland remained largely silent as the FBI cracked down on conservative groups across the country in the wake of the Jan. 6 riot. He said nothing as his subordinate prosecutor Michael Sherwin bragged on in a television interview how they sought to unleash “shock and awe” on those who supported the election challenge to ensure that certain “people were afraid to come back to D.C.”

"While most of us supported the tough punishment of rioters, the Justice Department was criticized for its draconian treatment of people charged with relatively minor offenses such as trespass and unlawful entry into the Capitol.

"The controversies continue to pile up, from the seizure of the phone of a member of Congress to alleged disparate treatment in investigations of pro-life over pro-choice groups. Some of these and other controversies are legitimately debatable; others are not.

"Garland could have taken steps to assure the public that there is not a two-tiered system of justice but repeatedly refused to do so. For example, Garland has continued to refuse to appoint a special counsel in the investigation of Hunter Biden. By doing so, Garland has removed the president’s greatest threat in the form of a report that would detail the scope of the Biden family’s alleged influence peddling and foreign contacts." . . .

Biden Bizarrely Touches Someone Again, Then He and Jill May Have Been Trolled by Audience Members


The man is a useful tool for those who hate this nation and its founders. TD

"I truly think that Joe Biden is just getting weirder and weirder.

"It used to be that he might do or say one crazy thing a day. Now he has a whole raft of things, and if he goes to more than one place … watch out. He’s likely going to say/do a lot of weird things. We noted some of the weirdness earlier on Saturday in his meeting with Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA). Fetterman added to that, wearing a hoodie and shorts when he met with Biden. But Biden also made a weird comment when he was asked if he thought the 2024 campaign was going to be a nasty one. As I noted, there’s a reason that most Americans have doubts about his fitness for office.

"Biden continued with the strangeness at his stop at a union event in Pennsylvania. We’ve seen his sniffing and behavior with women and girls. Some wondered about how he touched Eva Longoria on Thursday and made a weird remark about her being 17 when they met. But he even has odd behavior with men, too. He’s obsessed with men’s biceps. He’s made comments before about guys and their muscles. He did it again here, even feeling up the worker’s arm.". . .

"Not only is Biden weird, but it sounds like he and Jill might have been trolled during remarks they were making. First, there was Joe, when he tried to convince people that billionaires only pay eight percent in taxes, as though that’s an official rate, which is not the case. Some may pay less, some may more depending on their circumstances.

But Biden has repeated this before (and misspelled eight) because, in my opinion, he wants to stir up hate against the rich—so he can levy more taxes and spend more. But then he got a question he may not have been expecting. Someone asked him, “What do you pay, Joe?” . . .

Armed IRS Agents Shut Down Montana Gun Store in a 'Soviet-style Intimidation' Raid

 Armed IRS Agents Shut Down Montana Gun Store in a 'Soviet-style Intimidation' Raid (townhall.com)

"You’re not imagining this, folks. Armed federal agents are being weaponized to go after the Democrats’ political enemies, including industries they find disreputable. The liberal media’s echo chamber will work overtime to drown out these stories. They attempted to gaslight us on gas stoves. However, that pales compared to the Russian collusion hoax and how the Department of Justice has become the Democratic National Committee’s Stasi force. 

"The FBI is out of control, engaging in censorship schemes with social media companies, procuring illegal wiretap warrants, and seems hell-bent on protecting the Biden family even after their sources have compiled incriminating evidence of corruption. So, it’s not far-fetched to hear federal agents raided a Montana gun store, shut it down, and seized sensitive documents about private citizens (via The Blaze):

Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) is demanding answers after he says a group of armed IRS agents raided and temporarily closed a Montana gun shop in Great Falls Wednesday. 

"This event is another example of President Biden weaponizing federal agencies to target and harass hardworking Americans for exercising their constitutional rights," Rosendale said in a letter to leaders of the Internal Revenue Service and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. . . .