Monday, June 19, 2023

If Joe Biden's economy is as great as he says it is, why have 401(k)s plunged 20%?

If Joe Biden's economy is as great as he says it is, why have 401(k)s plunged 20%? - American Thinker 4

Well, lucky us. Let's just say that these things don't happen in a healthy, growing, economy, such as we saw in President Trump's. 

 "Joe Biden and his minions have been unwavering in their claims to have been the great engineers of a stunning economic recovery.

"Here's the dotard's yawping:

Look, here's where we are. We have the fastest growing economy in the world, the world, the world. We have 8.6 million new jobs just since I got in an office. Unemployment rates down to 3.6%. We've reduced the deficit last year by $320 billion, this year going to reduce it by $1.7 trillion dollars, trillion dollars.

"But according to Fox Business:". . .

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