Saturday, November 18, 2023

Holocaust 2.0: The Face of Absolute Evil. . .

Things aren’t much better—or saner-- across the Atlantic in the New World. North Andover, Massachusetts, officials approved the flying of a Palestinian flag on a pole in the Town Commons. Until December 7. (A date that still lives in infamy.) Solidarity. Students at various “elite” American universities have been observed chanting, “There is only one solution—intifada revolution.” 

 Holocaust 2.0: Crimes of the centuries - American Thinker  First: "1938: Kristallnacht.

"1939: The Nazi German government prohibits Jews from working as nurses, veterinarians, holistic practitioners, and dentists. Germany invades Poland. Thousands of Jews are transferred via freight car from Germany to Poland. German authorities require Jews residing in certain areas to wear white armbands adorned with a Star of David. England declares war on Germany.

"1940: The Battle of Britain rages over the English Channel. An ever-fewer number of British pilots fight valiantly against the powerful Luftwaffe in the skies above the English Channel, eventually repelling the Luftwaffe and leading England’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill to proclaim of the remaining RAF lads, “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” 

"In other rightfully famous speeches, Churchill vowed that the English would “...defend our island, whatever the cost may be,” and would “never surrender.”

"Speaking of Hitler, Churchill said, “If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour.’”

"They so braced themselves-- and stood up to Hitler. And, with America’s help, they prevailed.


. . ."2023: It appears England is lost. Truly massive throngs of pro-Hamas, anti-Jew protesters overtook London recently, usurping roadways and overwhelming bridges and thoroughfares." . . .

  The Face of Absolute Evil Hamas  "Hamas murders 700 Israelis, rapes women, kidnaps children, and mutilates bodies in the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust."

Some of the innocent Israelis murdered by Hamas monsters

"I Killed 10 Jews with My Own Hands!" - Audio Released of Excited Hamas Demon Calling His Mom and Pops to Brag About Killing Jews (AUDIO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft   . . ."The Israeli Defense Forces on Tuesday released a ghoulish call from a Hamas terrorist to his mom and pops from inside Israel. “Mahmoud” had just slaughtered 10 innocent Jews and he was so excited he had to call home to tell his mother about it. He used the dead Jewish woman’s phone."

Prestigious American universities including Cornell, Harvard, and MIT raked in $13 billion in ‘undocumented contributions’ from Middle East and other foreign donors.

 AH HAH! Rampant anti-Semitism on U.S. college campuses secretly being funded by authoritarian Middle East regimes    "NY Post (h/t Marvin W) Over 200 US universities including elite institutions Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology have been accused of raking in $13 billion in “undocumented contributions from foreign governments,” according to a new report.

"The report also notes growing incidents of antisemitism on campuses during the 2014-2019 period during the donations — which have since come to a head. Since the Oct. 7th Hamas terror attack on Israel, and the Jewish state’s retaliatory strikes on Gaza, there have been a growing number of appalling instances of antisemitism on college campuses.
"Some of the disturbing incidents include Pro-Palestinian students surrounding a Jewish peer on campus at Harvard during a demonstration and a Cornell professor who said he found the attack by Hamas “exhilarating” and “energizing.”
" 'A Cornell student was arrested recently for allegedly making antisemitic threats and numerous colleges have reported swastikas and anti-Jewish propaganda, racist emails and threats made against Jewish students prompting increased security and police patrols." . . .
"A sizable portion of the funds were said to be donated from authoritarian regimes around the globe including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China and the UAE, the report from the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) claimed.
"The huge windfall of cited money was not recorded with the US Department of Education between 2014 and 2019, the NCRI said.
"Carnegie Mellon University received the most from foreign entities in that time span at $1.47 billion while Cornell University scooped up $1.29 billion, Harvard University notched $894 million and MIT collected $859 million, according to the report." . . .

In spite of repulsive pro-Hamas words, after repeatedly falsely accusing Israel Defense Forces of war crimes, the BBC is forced to apologize

 Bare Naked Islam  

"A BBC presenter falsely claimed twice on air that Reuters had reported that the IDF had targeted medical teams as well as Arabic speakers in hospital siege, instead of what Reuters actually reported, which was that the IDF had included medical teams and Arabic speakers on its team. Later, another presenter offered a muted apology on behalf of the network, stating, “And now, an apology from the BBC.

 MUSLIM STUDENTS say: “Whoever has a rifle, shoot a Jew, or give the rifle to Hamas to shoot a Jew”

FRANCE takes legal action against Pakistani Muslim woman joking about Israeli baby who was cooked in an oven by Hamas  "RAIR Foundation The video featured the Paki Muslim woman jokingly discussing the recent murder of an Israeli baby by Hamas, humorously speculating about the “accompaniments” and “spices” used on the baby’s leg, even declaring, “Each time I come across the story of the baby that was put in the oven. I wonder if they put salt pepper, did they add thyme, and what kind of fat did they roast it in? And what were the side dishes?" . . .

This should be shown on college campuses: Families Murdered in Their Homes | Hamas Massacre (

7 dangerous TikTok challenges for kids that parents must know about: 'Extreme and risky'

In addition to "Devious Licks," here are six other examples of challenges that have popped up on the platform in recent times. 

 FOX News Digital   Vandalized bathrooms, smashed floor tiles and stolen safety signage — no, this destructive scene is not connected to a riot. 

"These events are part of a TikTok challenge known as "Devious Lick" that has grabbed hundreds of thousands of views online. 

"Ever since the Chinese-created app exploded during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been known for its challenges that go viral — and it is no stranger to dangerous trends.

"Experts acknowledge that young people during their formative years often make questionable decisions.

" 'Adolescence will always be attracted to something that is a bit dangerous and risky," said Pamela Rutledge, PhD, a media psychologist who is based in Newport Beach, California.  

"Even so, experts warn parents about some of the platform’s most egregious scenarios — and say they need to keep tabs on what their children and teens are accessing today." . . .

. . ."It appears Christie, in particular, opposes Trump because he has caved to the media line about all the attacks and political prosecutions of him.
 "But is he really so stupid that he believes CNN and other networks have him on because they like him? 
 "He is a useful idiot that the media uses as a tool to attack Trump. The media loves Mitt Romney and George W. Bush now for their Trump-hate, too, but they sought to destroy those two men earlier as well. 
 "Trump had excellent foreign and domestic policies that kept us prosperous and safe. The media has been used for seven years to destroy him with propaganda, lies, and endless investigations.
 "The choice for president becomes easier every day." . . .

'Idiocy’: Douglas Murray on TikTok users praising Osama bin Laden's ‘Letter to America’    . . . “The parents of these kids of young people have completely failed, they’ve completely failed to educate their children in any way whatsoever,” Mr Murray told Sky News host Rita Panahi.
“These children have become these empty-headed, empty vessels in which any ignorance it seems can pour. “I’m amazed by this like there aren’t many things I feel like I can still be amazed by. “The staggering idiocy of these people is just legion.”

The Gold Medal Winner for Presidential Lies


Obama proclaimed that he would bridge the gap between black and white Americans. Actually, he increased it in ways that set racial relations back 50 years.

"In its efforts to portray Donald Trump as the most despicable person ever, the Left slanders him daily in ways unprecedented in American history. If Trump makes an exaggeration, which he is prone to do, he's called a liar. When Trump achieved anything of note in office, the Left cherry-picked minor aspects that could be criticized and elevated beyond their stature. 

"Those on the Right recognize the more profound, universal truths that Trump espouses. Hence, they attend his rallies by the tens of thousands. Hardly anyone is eager to attend a Joe Biden rally. Why?

"An Administration Built on Lies

"Joe Biden, beyond his word salad bumbling, is an incredible liar, covering for Barack Obama, his master. Virtually everything that Biden and his press secretary say is a lie. Unsurprisingly, public confidence in the presidency and today’s sycophant journalism is at an all-time low.

"His agency heads constantly lie: Merrick Garland, Alejandro Mayorkas, Christopher Wray, Pete Buttigieg, Antony Blinken, take your pick.

"The precedent for the Biden Administration’s lies is the administration of Barack Obama, for whom Biden served as vice president. Obama taught Biden the best of lying techniques.

"To Lie and To Serve

"A brief look at presidential lies since 1968 puts Obama’s lies in context." . . .

West Coast, Messed Coast™: We Found 'Em! Here's Where Gavin Newsom Hid the Homeless From Xi


AF Branco

Victoria Taft  "We found Gavin Newsom's hidden homeless! Welcome to the West Coast, Messed Coast™ update where the news is decidedly fulsome and authoritarian. Paul Pelosi's hammer attacker is tidily put away, the I-10 torcher called from inside the building, the tolerant left moves to close crisis pregnancy centers, and an Islamic professor is arrested in the death of a Jewish protester. Hoo whee, there's a lot going on. Let's get started. 

"And they pretended not to notice where the homeless went.

"So where did they go? The San Jose Mercury News has at least partially answered the question. It turns out the homeless "people were just forced to go to the alleys,” said Javier Bremond, a human rights organizer with the San Francisco advocacy group Coalition on Homelessness. “And a lot of people are under the freeway.”

"An APEC representative from Thailand told the Mercury News he was still shocked at the number of homeless street addicts that remained after the so-called cleanup. “I didn’t believe it at the time until I witnessed it myself... it’s sad to see, especially since I lived here before. It was a romantic city.”

Under the bridge

"PJ Media's Stephen Green, Vodkapundit, has been covering the fire that destroyed part of I-10 in Los Angeles. He discovered that "Some unknown arsonist is believed to have started Saturday's blaze..." The situation is complex but goes something like this: California leases space underneath freeway overpasses. The entity that leased the space "filled the underpass with wooden pallets and containers of alcohol-based hand sanitizer." . . .


BREAKING: Speaker Johnson Releases J6 Footage, and the Left Is Gonna Flip Out –

  PJ Media

"This is the stuff that Nancy Pelosi and her J6 House Select Committee didn’t want you to see. This is the stuff that blows up the narrative of a violent insurrection and a so-called attack on Democracy."

"Moments ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) publicly released footage from the events of Jan. 6, 2021.

" 'To restore America’s trust and faith in their Government we must have transparency,” Johnson said in a post on Twitter. "This is another step towards keeping the promises I made when I was elected to be your Speaker."

"Johnson provided a link that will be continuously updated "with thousands of hours of footage."

" 'When I ran for Speaker, I promised to make accessible to the American people the 44,000 hours of video from Capitol Hill security taken on January 6, 2021,” Johnson said in a statement on X/Twitter. "Truth and transparency are critical. Today, we will begin immediately posting video on a public website and move as quickly as possible to add to the website nearly all of the footage, more than 40,000 hours. In the meantime, a public viewing room will ensure that every citizen can view every minute of the videos uncensored."

"Democrats have long sought to hide this footage from the public, only giving us access to cherrypicked or altered footage, and you can bet that there’s plenty of footage here that will destroy the narrative that Democrats and the media have pushed for two and a half years. 

" 'This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal defendants, public interest organizations, and the media an ability to see for themselves what happened that day, rather than having to rely upon the interpretation of a small group of government officials,” Johnson continued. "I commend Chairman Loudermilk and his team for their diligent work to ensure the thousands of hours of videos are promptly processed to be uploaded to the committee’s public website. Processing will involve blurring the faces of private citizens on the yet unreleased tapes to avoid any persons from being targeted for retaliation of any kind and segregating an estimated 5% of the videos that may involve sensitive security information related to the building architecture." . . .

Friday, November 17, 2023

Biden’s claims about his close relationship with Israel and Israeli leaders belie his abject disdain for the Jewish state

"Our foreign policy, then, is based on compelling Israel to make suicidal concessions––or as England told the doomed Czechoslovakians in 1939, “go forthwith to the very limit of concession”–– and then demonizing our ally for refusing to commit national suicide and accept the mendacious, appeasing narrative that the West endorses in order to serve its own interests."

Commentary "The trouble began only three weeks after Inauguration Day, when the administration announced plans to rejoin the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The Council has made Israel-bashing a primary focus, racking up over 100 condemnations of that one country in 17 years—roughly the same number as for all other countries combined.

"Two months after taking office, in its annual human-rights report, the Biden State Department re-introduced the term “occupied territories” to refer to Judea, Samaria, and even parts of Jerusalem. However one envisions the contours of a final settlement to the territorial disputes in the area, branding Israel a foreign occupier of land to which it has no claim is factually false and legally misguided.
"The Jewish people have been indigenous to those territories beginning some 3,000 years ago and have maintained a presence there for millennia. Prior to Israel’s capture of the areas in 1967, they had been deeded to no other sovereign nation. Labeling Israel an “occupier” also undermines Israel–Palestinian negotiations, as it is impossible to reach agreements when the claims of one side are denied. Moreover, such terminology offers cover to those using anti-Semitic tropes to portray the Jewish state as a malevolent usurper." . . .

Princeton Students Chant Call For Murdering Jews; "Something is very twisted on America's university campuses"

Pray that God will intervene in behalf of his people he chose centuries ago. TD

Our youth want to see this done?

 George Soros Funded Anti-Israel Groups Behind Riot at DNC HQ › American Greatness (   "The radical anti-Semitic protest movements that were responsible for a violent attack against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters in Washington D.C. have been funded by far-left billionaire George Soros.

"According to the Washington Free Beacon, the groups IfNotNow, Jewish Voice for Peace, and the Democratic Socialists of America were the culprits in the incident on Wednesday, where roughly 150 rioters blockaded the entrance to the DNC building out of protest of the party’s tentative support for Israel amidst its conflict with the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas." . . .

Princeton Students Chant Call For Murdering Jews | The Daily Wire

. . ."
At MIT, another highly prestigious university, students at a campus protest chanted “One Solution, Intifada, Revolution” at a rally.

One Israeli student pursuing her PhD at MIT told Fox News: “Intifada is not a call for resistance. Intifada is the name of acts of bombing and killing civilians in Israel … It’s the name of taking civilian lives in terrorist attacks in Israel. That is what intifada means. That is how it’s defined. … My feelings are shifting a lot more towards anger because their [Hamas victims’] blood hasn’t even dried yet, and our campus is allowing, promoting, funding organizations that are calling for murder of Jews actively on campus, calling for demolition of Israel. And I wish I would have known that, I’m not sure if I would have come here.”

Harvard for Hamas? Something is very twisted on America's university campuses   "It’s hard to wrap your mind around: The social justice warriors on college campuses around America have come out in support of terrorists who last weekend raped and murdered and beheaded innocent people (including children, women and the elderly) in Israel. 

"These are the same students who need safe spaces from those who may talk about race or gender in a way they find offensive, or who will shout down and demand the cancellation of speakers with whom they disagree." . . .

WARNING, VERY GRAPHIC! Video out of Israel shows room full of children massacred by Hamas   Please share this video that is guaranteed to be banned.

'Idiocy’: Douglas Murray on TikTok users praising Osama bin Laden's ‘Letter to America’


Comments to this video: "People taking a terrorist’s view as a life compass is beyond foolish."

"These kids will follow any trend, any challenge, anything TikTok tells them to, and then they turn around tell us to think for ourselves whenever they watch something new. THE most conforming, predictable, simple-minded generation ever thinks they’re the deepest thinkers, and constantly looking at everyone born before them as idiots."

Responding to Bin Laden’s Letter to America
Osama Bin Laden was unworthy of the proper Islamic burial he was afforded by U.S. military forces that captured and killed him in the nation of Pakistan that was hiding him in 2011. It is an unfortunate shame that among the many sins of our American educational system, one must include the current minds venting on Tik Tok that their ‘eyes have been opened’ by Bin Laden’s letter to America. Such foolish ravings are what impressed young fools in Germany who read Mein Kampf and found themselves ready to unleash one of humanity’s most dreadful crimes: The Holocaust.

It’s time to prosecute America’s new generation of al Qaeda lovers for treason - American Thinker   "One of the most disgusting trends that has followed Hamas’s murderous attack against Israel and Israel’s response is a bold new respect for Osama bin Laden and, of course, by extension, for al Qaeda itself. What these new al Qaeda followers might not know is that we’re still at war with that terrorist organization, and they’re giving aid and comfort to a combatant against America, which is, by definition, treason and, technically, punishable by death.

"On September 18, 2001, the 107th Congress issued a Joint Resolution authorizing military force “against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.” In other words, as of September 18, 2001, the United States was officially at war against al Qaeda, the organization that was responsible for the attacks on September 11." . . .

TikTok removes hashtag for Osama bin Laden’s ‘Letter to America’ after viral videos circulate (  . . ."In its violent extremist or criminal organizations policy, YouTube says that content “intended to praise, promote, or aid violent extremist or criminal organizations is not allowed” on the platform. It tells users not to post “content produced by violent extremist, criminal, or terrorist organizations.”

"X’s guidelines also say the platform “will remove any accounts maintained by individual perpetrators of terrorist, violent extremist, or mass violent attacks, and may also remove posts disseminating manifestos or other content produced by perpetrators.”

"Instagram’s community guidelines note the platform “is not a place to support or praise terrorism, organized crime, or hate groups.”

"As of Thursday afternoon, the link to the removed document was listed as one of the most viewed on The Guardian’s website." 

A tale of two headlines -CNN offers up more unintended humor

  Ken LaCorte (  

1. The ground jumped up and hit him; This CNN headline is perplexing:

"Why is someone being arrested if this man fell and hit his head? The way this headline is worded, it sure sounds like it was the guy’s own fault. Until you consider this headline instead:" . . .

LGBTQ and the Palestinians… spread the woke! -


Islamic State group targets gays with brutal public killings | AP News   ..."The Islamic State group has reserved one of its most gruesome methods of killing for suspected gays -- throwing them to their death from building rooftops.

. . .“ 'I’d prefer it if you shoot me in the head,” 32-year-old Hawas Mallah replied helplessly. The second man, 21-year-old Mohammed Salameh, pleaded for a chance to repent, promising never to have sex with a man again, according to a witness among the onlookers that sunny July morning who gave The Associated Press a rare firsthand account.

" 'Take them and throw them off,” the judge ordered. Other masked extremists tied the men’s hands behind their backs and blindfolded them. They led them to the roof of the four-story hotel, according to the witness, who spoke in the Turkish city of Reyhanli on condition he be identified only by his first name, Omar, for fear of reprisals.

"Notorious for their gruesome methods of killing, the Islamic State group reserves one of its most brutal for suspected homosexuals. Videos it has released show masked militants dangling men over the precipices of buildings by their legs to drop them head-first or tossing them over the edge. At least 36 men in Syria and Iraq have been killed by IS militants on charges of sodomy, according to the New York-based OutRight Action International, though its Middle East and North Africa coordinator, Hossein Alizadeh, said it was not possible to confirm the sexual orientation of the victims.

"The fear of a horrific death among gay men under Islamic State rule is further compounded by their isolation in a deeply conservative society that largely shuns them." . . .