Saturday, November 18, 2023

West Coast, Messed Coast™: We Found 'Em! Here's Where Gavin Newsom Hid the Homeless From Xi


AF Branco

Victoria Taft  "We found Gavin Newsom's hidden homeless! Welcome to the West Coast, Messed Coast™ update where the news is decidedly fulsome and authoritarian. Paul Pelosi's hammer attacker is tidily put away, the I-10 torcher called from inside the building, the tolerant left moves to close crisis pregnancy centers, and an Islamic professor is arrested in the death of a Jewish protester. Hoo whee, there's a lot going on. Let's get started. 

"And they pretended not to notice where the homeless went.

"So where did they go? The San Jose Mercury News has at least partially answered the question. It turns out the homeless "people were just forced to go to the alleys,” said Javier Bremond, a human rights organizer with the San Francisco advocacy group Coalition on Homelessness. “And a lot of people are under the freeway.”

"An APEC representative from Thailand told the Mercury News he was still shocked at the number of homeless street addicts that remained after the so-called cleanup. “I didn’t believe it at the time until I witnessed it myself... it’s sad to see, especially since I lived here before. It was a romantic city.”

Under the bridge

"PJ Media's Stephen Green, Vodkapundit, has been covering the fire that destroyed part of I-10 in Los Angeles. He discovered that "Some unknown arsonist is believed to have started Saturday's blaze..." The situation is complex but goes something like this: California leases space underneath freeway overpasses. The entity that leased the space "filled the underpass with wooden pallets and containers of alcohol-based hand sanitizer." . . .


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