"He says that Biden is a good man, and may even be a great man, yet he gives no examples. Do great men hunt down their daughters in the shower? Do great men refuse to acknowledge their own grandchildren? Do great men raise crack-addicted tax cheats who can’t stop buying prostitutes? I didn’t think so."
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Jack Hellner - American Thinker "Repeating something over and over again does not make it true, and Brad Bannon’s “Joe Biden is a good man” essay at The Messenger is just plain embarrassing. As Bannon suggests in the title, “Democrats Have Much To Be Thankful For This Year” thanks to a “level-headed leader” at the helm. Yes, Bannon is being completely serious.
"Below are a few excerpts from Bannon’s campaign ad—oops—I mean, honest press piece, for Biden.
Excerpt 1:
Only history will determine whether the steps that Biden has taken to revitalize our economy and guarantee America’s prosperity in the future make him a great man — but in my view, he is unquestionably a good man. I see Trump as neither great nor good — ranking as our second worst president behind James Buchanan, according to U.S. News polling. Some of his own relatives have called him ‘vindictive, selfish and dangerous.’
"He says that Biden is a good man, and may even be a great man, yet he gives no examples. Do great men hunt down their daughters in the shower? Do great men refuse to acknowledge their own grandchildren? Do great men raise crack-addicted tax cheats who can’t stop buying prostitutes? I didn’t think so." . . .
I could go on and on, but the narrative holds true: most journalists are more than willing to prostitute themselves to keep Democrats in power, consequences be darned.