The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
. . ."But of Chamberlain’s predecessor, Stanley Baldwin, a Conservative, who refused to respond to Germany’s rearming and thereby made sure that the Nazis would nearly run the table in 1940 and 1941— of Baldwin, Churchill said “it would have been much better” had he never been born." . . .
"Last week, Chuck Schumer called for regime change in Israel. Using language reserved for petty despots around the world, he called for the removal from office not of the bloody, orgiastic Hamas thugocracy, not of Prime Minister Barbecue, not the blood-soaked mullahs of Iran, whose coffers he collaborated in filling, but of a constitutionally chosen prime minister who leads a wartime coalition whose policies enjoy supermajority support of a country united by the hellish atrocities of Oct. 7.
"Schumer is responding to the looming disaster of Biden’s incoherent Israel policy. Both Schumer’s and Biden’s first instincts were to throw their full support behind Israel, heeding the better angels of their souls.
"But even before they spoke, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was chumming up with Turkey’s would-be sultan, accomplished despot and kleptocrat, Recip Erdogan. Before one Israeli set foot in Gaza, before the blood of the raped and dismembered women had dried, the two issued a call for a ceasefire.
"A ceasefire? Israel hadn’t begun cleaning out the 400 miles of top-grade military tunnels under the hospitals, schools, and mosques of Gaza, tunnels which Hamas denied the citizens for whom it was responsible use for shelter, so what Blinken meant was that Israel had to pound sand. The atrocities were condign punishment for having the gall to refuse to offer endless concessions to those who seek its total elimination. Or in the words of an inexcusably honest member of this administration, a “final solution.”
"The Democrats are instigators of the disastrous Obama turn to Iran, by which, slice by slice, the Israel alliance is being severed. Obama guaranteed economic relief for the mullahs, enabling them to fully fund their violent clients, from Gaza to Yemen to Syria. Only a few Democrats were brave enough to buck Obama, Alan Dershowitz, being the most eloquent. (Look out for your back, Dr. D.) Schumer hung tight. Giving cover, he kept a reputation as a friend of Israel, helped in no small part by the loyalty of so many American Jews to a party that used to share their concerns before it went full woke.
"As the betrayal of Israel gathers steam, propelled by Biden’s fear of losing the River to the Sea vote, Jews are being trotted out to try to make this all seem kosher. That man of unparalleled integrity, Adam Schiff, oozed gravitas before the cameras as he declared that Schumer’s will affect Israel like an earthquake. A suitably violent image, indeed, for a verbally violent assault on America’s bona fides as an ally and on respect for the choices of a working democracy." . . .