Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Maelstrom: Hooded figures break into Columbia buildings, take hostages; UCLA protestors block Jewish students from classes - UPDATED

The useful idiots belong to somebody, most likely those who are providing the financial wherewithal. That should include George Soros, leftist financiers, and perhaps friends of some Democrats in Congress. TD

Monica Showalter   "It's getting to be a maelstrom out there, with weak university responses emboldening pro-Hamas campus protestors.

"Columbia University bought itself a boatload of trouble by ignoring its own deadline yesterday to make protestors clear out, although suspension notices were reportedly issued to some.

"Now pro-Hamas protestors are taking over school buildings and taking hostages. Last night, hooded men crawled up the university building known as John Jay Hall where the administrators work and got out hammers to smash glass to break into the building, barricading it with junked furniture, and taking three maintenance workers in the building hostage. And like the Munich Olympics terrorists of 1972, they put on their black masked skinsuit ensembles and crawled up into a freshman student dorm full of 18 year olds called Hamilton Hall and took it over.". . .

. . ." It's definitely an escalation, and coming at the same time, happening at the most prestigious universities in the largest cities in the U.S. has the feel of a directive given.

If this were a peaceful protest, as these university leaders are treating it, the protestors would have made their point and gone home. But it's not. It's a coercive thug action, as if might makes right, and never mind about the debate of ideas that a university is supposed to be about. The Columbia president is going full 'Clark Kerr' and allowing protestors to crawl all over her. Claudine Gay must be breathing a sigh of relief that at least one university president at these antisemitism-plagued schools is doing worse than she is. The Columbia president, Minouche Shafik, has pleaded, pleaded, with the protestors to leave the premises because graduation is coming up and the kids graduating had already been denied their high school graduations due to COVID lockdowns.

They say they'll clear out the day before the graduation, meaning, Columbia is taking their word for it and good luck if they change their minds. They already know that there are no consequences for them for failing to heed Columbia deadlines:" . . .

A feminist wonders,  Why Are Women in America Cheering for Hamas and Iran?

These pro-Jihad protests are one way to escape the ongoing female realities in the West.   

"Have you noticed that young women all across America are demonstrating for Hamas, Iran, and Palestine? Why would such privileged and educated women, the heirs to the #MeToo movement and to Second and Third Wave Western feminisms, cheer for male rapists and male killers, arguably the most blood-thirsty and sadistic misogynists this side of Ghenghis Khan? Why side with Islamist barbarians who have jailed, tortured, and executed their own women over a slipped Islamic veil, and who would forcibly convert their Western female admirers to Islam, veil them as well, and coerce them into polygamous marriages?

"They are privileged political opportunists posturing as victim-pariahs who feel that they are “occupied” by Western patriarchy.

"Do these educated daughters of affluence understand that were they to express any views deemed dissident in Gaza, Teheran, or Kabul or, were they to announce that they were “queer” or gay, (which is how some of these activists identify themselves), that they would be instantly honor killed?

"In the months since 10/7, in addition to the odious, faux-feminist silence about the gang-rapes of both women and men, the torture of babies and whole families, the kidnapping of civilians — a terrifying tsunami of hatred towards Israel, America, and Jews has exploded into non-stop jihadi-style, belligerent mobs, whose goal is to disrupt civil society and gain both attention and followers for their reprehensible views. The news of Hamas’s pogrom on steroids, unleashed their Jew hatred, and whetted the mob’s appetite for more of same." . . .

UPDATE from the parodigal child, the Babylon Bee | Fake News You Can Trust

9 Reasonable Demands From Students Occupying Campus Buildings | Babylon Bee   The old raised fist routine.

The mindless chanters allowed to rule the nation

The Antifa Generation throws an uneducated tantrum.

 The Morning Briefing: 'Free Palestine' Brownshirts Need a Heavy Dose of Consequences – PJ Media

This is a good start, but a start is all it is. We got to this point because these kids are from a generation that was raised practically without the experience of consequences.

. . ."Students at the University of Wisconsin are the latest bunch of college kids camping on school grounds to declare support for Hamas as they fight Israel, and apparently, they really did start saying "Heil Hitler" at a group of Jewish students passing by." . . .

Laura: Everything you're seeing is the result of the liberal establishment   . . ."In a scathing commentary, Ingraham lamented the erosion of traditional values and the promotion of anti-American sentiments among students.

" 'They have taught these kids to hate their own country, hate law and order, and oppose anything that is good, anything that is decent," remarked Ingraham, reflecting on the ideological divide fueling the protests." . . .

Columbia protestors throw world's biggest toddler tantrum when the cops show up - Monica Showalter   . . ."Look at them taking dives and pretending to be ‘injured’ for resisting arrest. Hear the squalling and screeching.

"Overgrown toddlers, princelings, spoiled brats is what we have here, throwing extended tantrums all the way to the pokey. They acted like toddlers in one way after another through this sorry charade, and with the university having a big graduation to put on, it was time for them to go.

"But toddlers they were until the end, in one way after another.

"After smashing their way into a building, taking it over, and holding three janitors hostage, they demand the university to keep up with their feeding schedule: . . ."   Including, one assumes, vegan meals with almond milk. TD

Obama-connected professor who led radical group that bombed US speaks at anti-Israel encampment (  "A retired professor with connections to former President Barack Obama and a history of involvement in far-left militant activism spoke at an anti-Israel encampment at the University of Chicago.

"An anti-Israel encampment formed on the Main Quadrangle or "Quad" of the University of Chicago Monday was visited by Bill Ayers roughly seven hours into the demonstration, according to reporting from the Chicago Maroon and the Hyde Park Herald.

"Ayers, listed on the University of Chicago's website as a creative writing lecturer in the school's Division of the Humanities, is best known for his co-founding of the far-left Weather Underground, a militant organization classified as a Domestic terrorist organization by the FBI that operated throughout the 1960s and '70s and sought to overthrow the U.S. government." . . .


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Jew Hatred at Columbia Would Make Hitler Proud

 Bauer and Rose: Just The News   "In this episode, join Gary Bauer and Tom Rose as they discuss the alarming resurgence of anti-Semitism on American university campuses, the chilling reality of "Gaza zones" at Columbia University, where Jewish students are being barred and intimidated, and the deafening silence of the administration in response to such blatant discrimination.

Later, Tom and Gary talk about the moral courage needed in the face of rising hatred, drawing a parallel to the inaction of the 1930s and the urgency to stand against evil today. They discuss the concerning moral equivalence made by President Biden, equating the anti-Semitic protests with the Palestinian cause, and the dangerous implications of such rhetoric.

Also, Gary and Tom speculate on the hostile legal pursuit of former President Donald Trump in New York, suggesting that the real objective may be more sinister than mere prosecution. They lay bare the double standards in our justice system and the media's role as an incubator for one-sided narratives.

Finaly, Tom and Gary touch on the disastrous impact of identity politics in higher education, the erosion of due process, and the concerning legislation aimed at stripping Secret Service protection from those convicted of crimes, hinting at a veiled threat to Trump's safety."

An Assembly of Fools: Morning Joe on MSNBC

  The Lid (

Not a single panel member spoke up about Scarborough’s illogical statements. Rather, they agreed with him wholeheartedly, nodded, and proceeded to discuss his points as if he had been accurate to the penny. It was sickening. WTH

Speaking nonsense to power

"In my quest to gain current political information from different sources, occasionally I force myself to watch MSNBC. One morning, I flipped on to Morning Joe, and gosh, is it abysmal. The panel of five is an echo chamber. A topic is tossed around and, in total agreement, the panel members offer their two cents. No one ever displays any critical thinking. 

The Ringleader of Nonsense

"Joe Scarborough is the ringleader of this political nonsense. During the show that I watched, they were discussing Tim Johnson, the Speaker of the House. The panelists all agreed that Johnson is difficult to work with, under-qualified for the job, and not good for the nation.

"One panelist called him an election denier, as if Hillary Clinton and countless Democrats did not deny the Republican victories for president in 2000, 2004, and 2016. How quickly they forget! 

"On this show, Scarborough went even further. He said that Johnson pushes for everything that Americans don’t want. He then ran through a series of issues and could not have been further off the mark. For example, he said that the Republicans want to dismantle the FBI. 

"Republicans might want to dismantle the top tier of the FBI, reorganize it, or reconsider the funding. Everyone recognizes that an effective, impartial law-abiding FBI is necessary. We have not had one for nearly a score. On almost any issue, Republicans who have sided with Donald Trump potentially find themselves in the cross hairs of FBI stings and planted information." . . . 

A Group of Female Athletes Boycotted an Event Against a 'Trans' Athlete. Here's What Happened Next.

States Beginning to Refuse to Abide by Joe Biden's Radical Title IX Trans Rules - The Lid 

 Led by the state of Florida, some states are beginning to line up pledging not to implement Joe Biden’s radical attempt to eliminate girl’s sports by forcing every school in the nation to admit boys pretending to be girls onto their girl’s sports teams.

 Madeline Leesman (   "Five middle school girls who protested the inclusion of a so-called “transgender” athlete in a track and field event have been banned from competing in future events, according to a report from the New York Post. 

Earlier this month, Townhall covered how several middle school girls who were forced to compete against a biological male who thinks he’s a woman “stepped out” during the shot put and discus competitions. Footage of the event obtained by Outkick went viral. 

. .Riley Gaines, a former NCAA athlete who competed against Will “Lia” Thomas, a so-called “transgender” athlete, reacted to the news on X.

“Rather than banning the boy from girls sports, they ban the girls from girls sports. You can't make this stuff up,” Gaines wrote."

One has to feel sorry for the trans child; wiser adults may have prevented this trial for the child. I would hate to think of the child as a trophy for "woke" parents.

Transgenderism as a Totalitarian Ideology - Moonbattery


Employers are actually required by the government to refer to men as “her” and to allow male perverts to invade private facilities intended for women. Stalin himself never imagined a form of totalitarianism this intrusive. 

"The sick cult of transgenderism has metastasized into a truly totalitarian ideology, imposed by the government on every aspect of society.

Women’s sports are the most obvious example. We can’t have them anymore — because transgenderism:

The Biden administration’s pro-transgender rewrite of Title IX rules is hiding rule changes that could end single-sex K-12 sports as soon as August 2024.

Typically of totalitarian societies, we are required to explicitly reject objective reality in favor of the ideology being imposed:

At issue are the segments that seem to require schools to use the “pronouns” demanded by trans identifying kids in schools.

"Compelled speech is a violation of the First Amendment. But the US Constitution is easily dismissed as transphobic.

"Transgenderism is important to our ruling class because it can be used as a sledgehammer to smash Christianity and conscience:

In a wide-ranging final rule released Friday, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) strengthened the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) rules that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, in certain health programs and activities.

"By defining any resistance to transgender depravity as “discrimination on the basis of sex,” liberals can steamroll over religious objections to inflicting sex change atrocities on children:

The final rule comes at a time when GOP-led states are curtailing access to gender-affirming medical care.

"Note that this is from the liberal outlet The Hill and is therefore written in Orwellian Euphemese. “Gender-affirming medical care” means “gender-denying sex change procedures.” . . .

The Travesties of the Trump Trials; Victor Davis Hanson

 Victor Davis Hanson › American Greatness (

Tragically for the country, to stop this left-wing madness, the Trump travesties may not be the end, but the beginning of precisely what the Founders feared.

Bragg had to torture the law to fabricate a federal campaign finance indictment against Trump. But Hillary Clinton clearly violated federal campaign statutes—and was variously fined—when she tried to hide her “opposition research” payments to Christopher Steele as “legal expenses.” 

"Do not believe the White House/mainstream media-concocted narrative that the four criminal court cases—prosecuted by Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Jack Smith, and Fani Willis—were not in part coordinated, synchronized, and timed to reach their courtroom psychodramatic finales right during the 2024 campaign season.

"These local, state, and federal Lilliputian agendas were designed to tie down, gag, confine, bankrupt, and destroy Trump psychologically and physically. They are the final lawfare denouement to years of extra-legal efforts to emasculate him.

"Indeed, the nation is by now worn out by these serial assaults on constitutional norms: the Hillary-funded Steele dossier subterfuge; the pre-election Russian laptop disinformation campaign; the two impeachments without special counsel reports; the impeachment Senate trial of a private citizen; the effort to remove Trump’s name from state ballots; the ongoing attempt to emasculate the Electoral College; or the radical opportune changes in state election laws to ensure massive mail-in balloting.

"Recently, Andrew McCarthy has reviewed in depth this coordination between White House personnel and prosecutors, long known and long denied by the left. Biden, for example, had complained to aides about Attorney General Merrick Garland’s tardiness in getting special federal prosecutor Smith appointed—and thus apparently ensuring Trump was convicted before the election.

"Nathan Wade, Fani Willis’s now-fired paramour prosecutor, visited and consulted with the White House counsel’s office when he was acting supposedly as a purely local county prosecutor. The January 6th left-wing-dominated congressional committee consulted with the Biden administration in sending forth its criminal referrals about Trump’s purported role in the protests. And to handle his pseudo-indictment against Trump, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg hired Biden Justice Department official Vincent Colangeio.

"Two, the prosecutors’ delayed criminal indictments and E. Jean Carroll’s civil suit were predicated only on Donald Trump running for reelection. After his 2020 defeat, the loss of the two Republican senate seats in Georgia, and the January 6 demonstrations/riot, Trump was written off by pundits as politically toxic." . . .

The lesson from Columbia; The protest is not getting much traction for several reasons.

 Don Surber (

"Times have changed. In the 1960s, colleges were seen as places of scholarship. People revered the Ivy League schools. Over time, the schools shed their reputations in favor of promoting bad science (climate change) and bad policy (DEI) and outright racism (critical race theory)." DS

. . ."The first reason is nobody cares. Jim Carville had a rant on Twitter and he said of 15 issues people under 30 were asked to rank, young people listed the Palestinian war as No. 15.

Rep.Tlaib, Democrat.
"I am pretty sure Vietnam was the No. 1 issue among young people from 1965 to 1973, when our participation ended. A generation of young men had draft cards which meant we had skin in that game. History says the protests worked but history is written by idiots. Nixon carried 49 states while the antiwar George McGovern carried Massachusetts and DC in 1972.

"We do not have 500,000 troops stationed in Jerusalem. We do not have 5,000. American involvement is all CIA and a few menacing ships at this point. This is not our war. The well-funded communists who organize these protests may as well be talking about the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict.

"Unlike the Vietnam protests,
these protesters are siding with the bad guys, Hamas, the people who raped, tortured, murdered and then mutilated the bodies of 1,400 people on October 7 — taking another 240 people hostage. You cannot say you are antiwar if you take a side.

"Which leads to the third reason the protesters turn people off: anti-Semitism. America may be the last nation in the world that’s not named Israel that still opposes the hating of Jews. The Holocaust still bothers many Americans and swastikas remain evil in our country.

"Indeed, polls show Americans overwhelmingly side with Israel." . . .

The reality is the protesters are indoctrinated and misled [and financed by George Soros to name one. TD]. Jews do not occupy Gaza; Palestinians do. The cruelty of the Palestinians — whose numbers increase at the highest rate in Arabia — is that they now have the people who were nearly wiped out by the Holocaust portrayed as genocidal Nazis.

In this photo: While Jews demonstrate on behalf of the young woman lying dead in this truck, those with "Palestinian" flags chant and wave to support the men around her body.

The Aspen beat   "Speaking to German news programme ‘Hard But Fair’, Roni recalled: “We saw her bleeding, we saw that she had a head injury. We saw these people around her being happy and cheering and singing that she was hurting.”

Why Chinese Nationals Are Crossing Southern Border

 6 Reasons (

When illegal aliens are released in San Diego, the city offers “this massive nongovernmental organizational network system that’s going to provide free bus tickets [and] shelter,” he said. 

Chinese nationals are crossing America’s southern border at a rapid rate. On Wednesday alone, the U.S. Border Patrol encountered 206 Chinese nationals crossing into the San Diego sector, Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin reported.  

But the illegal entry of Chinese nationals into America through the Border Patrol’s San Diego sector isn’t new. Chinese individuals long have worked with criminal cartels to get into the U.S., former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott says, but the numbers have shot up.  

"In January, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported over 3,700 encounters with Chinese nationals on the southern border, nearly all in the San Diego sector.

"But back up to January 2021, when Joe Biden became president, and CBP encountered only 17 Chinese nationals at the southern border. So what changed? 

"To find out why so many Chinese nationals are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in the San Diego sector, The Daily Signal spoke to Scott as well as to Derek Maltz, a 28-year veteran of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and to Michael Cunningham, a research fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Asian Studies Center. (Heritage founded The Daily Signal in 2014.) 

"They point to six main reason

The Left Wants to Play Stupid Games

 Derek Hunter (

. . ."The problem isn’t that so many on the left set up these dumb paradigms, it’s that the ripple effect of their stupidity ruins so many things for normal people who just want to be left the hell alone. They’re the fat kid cannonballing into the hotel pool while everyone else is simply relaxing in the sun. One dumbass can make a whole of people wet. It’s what Democrats do.

"That’s why I love the idea of making every single one of these campus mutants as famous as possible. They wear their little masks, possibly because they’re immunodeficient – life in the basement between riot seasons – which just so happens to coincide with election years when Democrats need help motivating their drone army leads to a serious vitamin D deficiency – or because they’re hoping their faces will be covered to prevent them from being identified by any potential future employers. 

"If it’s the former, that explains a lot. If it’s the latter, that explains almost everything else, with the remaining slice of the possibility pie being they are simply so physically repugnant to the naked eye that not to cover as much of is as possible with an N95 mask or a “Yasser Arafat Doily” (technically called a keffiyeh, it is commonly used in civilized countries to indicate involuntary virginity) would violate the decency of even the people who have no decency." . . . 

 OnlyFans star Farha Khalidi claims she was paid by Biden administration to spread 'political propaganda' to her thousands of social media followers | Daily Mail Online 

 "OnlyFans star Farha Khalidi said President Joe Biden's team paid her to spread 'political propaganda' on her platforms.

"Specifically, the social media personality said that by the time she graduated college she was doing paid posts for everyone from Planned Parenthood to the Biden administration to dating apps.

" 'I was doing full-on political propaganda,' Khalidi told commentator Richard Hanania of working with a team commissioning an ad with her for Biden. 

"Khalidi said that Biden's team didn't want her to disclose to her hundreds of thousands of followers that they were paying her for the content." . . .

Biden's Walter Mitty interview with a sycophantic Howard Stern

Howard Stern TONGUE BATHES Biden In Interview - Bing video

. . .Another suspected "lie" was Biden's claim that he was "runner-up in state scoring" in football during his high school years.
The original interview here with material from - surprise!- CNN!  'NO EVIDENCE': Biden mocked for stretching the truth on shock jock Howard Stern's show | Fox News

On the - at that time -upcoming interview: If Howard Stern's not a coward, he should ask Biden these 7 questions ( . . .   7. Millions of people have entered the country illegally since you took office. House Republicans passed H.R. 2 last year, but it died in the Senate. The three main points in the bill include resumption of border wall construction, reinstating the Remain in Mexico policy and imposing limits on asylum eligibility, among other things. Specifically, why do you reject border wall construction, the Remain in Mexico policy and imposing limits on asylum eligibility?

"I predict that none of these perfectly fair and germane questions will be asked by Stern, of course. His interest, as it is with other activists with national platforms like Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers, is to make Joe Biden look good and Donald Trump look bad. 

"So don't look at this as an interview that should be remotely taken seriously. Instead, treat it for what it surely will be: PR for the president. And nothing more." 

Joe Biden Saying Women Sent Him 'Salacious Pictures' Raises Eyebrows (

Biden’s obsession with the sycophantic ‘Morning Joe’ | The Hill   . . ."No matter — Scarborough is smitten with this particular version Biden. Or at least he says so, rather convincingly, on television. But is it Biden himself, or the job Biden holds that so enamors the MSNBC host?

"Biden has an “obsession” with “Morning Joe,” according to an Axios report last month. “Biden’s years-long love of MSNBC’s staple morning show affects how the White House runs — and who Biden listens to,” Alex Thompson wrote. “The president often calls co-host Joe Scarborough … to get Scarborough’s take on issues and sometimes vent about media coverage, according to people familiar with the relationship.” . . .

Howard Stern lost any remaining edge with Joe Biden interview (