Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Left Wants to Play Stupid Games

 Derek Hunter (townhall.com)

. . ."The problem isn’t that so many on the left set up these dumb paradigms, it’s that the ripple effect of their stupidity ruins so many things for normal people who just want to be left the hell alone. They’re the fat kid cannonballing into the hotel pool while everyone else is simply relaxing in the sun. One dumbass can make a whole of people wet. It’s what Democrats do.

"That’s why I love the idea of making every single one of these campus mutants as famous as possible. They wear their little masks, possibly because they’re immunodeficient – life in the basement between riot seasons – which just so happens to coincide with election years when Democrats need help motivating their drone army leads to a serious vitamin D deficiency – or because they’re hoping their faces will be covered to prevent them from being identified by any potential future employers. 

"If it’s the former, that explains a lot. If it’s the latter, that explains almost everything else, with the remaining slice of the possibility pie being they are simply so physically repugnant to the naked eye that not to cover as much of is as possible with an N95 mask or a “Yasser Arafat Doily” (technically called a keffiyeh, it is commonly used in civilized countries to indicate involuntary virginity) would violate the decency of even the people who have no decency." . . . 

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