Monday, June 3, 2024

Never, never forget the sexual violence committed by Hamas

 Members of the Congressional "squad", you have defended and flown the flag of those who committed these acts! 

RealityBites by Broc Smith

Released hostage recounts being raped by Hamas (
"Executive Director of the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel, Orit Sulitzeanu, speaks to i24NEWS on the first time a released hostage has publicly spoken about their treatment in captivity."

Israeli doctors suspect female hostages being raped, may return from Gaza pregnant   Comment to this post: "And Western feminists still remain silent about the violence against the Israeli women. Their silence is disgusting."

From the river to the sea, this will happen to Israelis living there if pro-Palestine killers dominate and the ignorant sheep on campuses cheer them on. TD

"Israeli investigators say there’s growing evidence Hamas unleashed repeated rapes and sexual assaults against women during their October 7 attack. Hamas has denied committing sexual crimes against women. NBC News’ Hala Gorani reports on the chilling eyewitness accounts and the investigation."

"The terror attack on Israel by Hamas has been a divisive—if clarifying—moment for the left. The test that it presented was simple: Can you condemn the slaughter of civilians, in massacres that now appear to have been calculatedly sadistic and outrageous, without equivocation or whataboutism? Can you lay down, for a moment, your legitimate criticisms of Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, West Bank settlements, and the conditions in Gaza, and express horror at the mass murder of civilians?. . .

"In corners of academia and social-justice activism where the identity of the oppressor and the oppressed are never in doubt, many people failed that test. In response to a fellow progressive who argued that targeting civilians is always wrong, the Yale professor Zareena Grewal replied: “Settlers are not civilians. This is not hard.” (She has since locked her X account.) Chicago’s Black Lives Matter chapter posted a picture of a paraglider, referencing the gunmen who descended on civilians at a music festival near the Gaza border from the air." . . . 
Our Antifa generation, if I may refer to the campus youth, employed by wealthy leftists and guided by professional instigators, who appear to have no original thoughts and appear grossly ignorant of why they do what they do.TD


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Biden's evil smirk and the left dancing like demons about Trump's punishment, their imaginations afire

 M. Walter - American Thinker  

Today, Saturday, my stomach is turning at the heavy, pervasive evil we’ve seen emanating like a poisonous fog from the progressives on television — and I don’t even have cable! 

 "By now, we’ve had a couple of days to absorb what happened in lower Manhattan on Thursday.  Many of us were unsurprised at the verdict, but if you are like me, you are surprised at your reaction to it.

"To be clear: I, like most capital-C conservatives, do not fall in love with my candidates. I regard them as dispensers of policy.  That’s it. If I like their policy, their personal peccadilloes mean very little to me. They affect me only to the extent they may affect policy. So this isn’t a lament that one Donald John Trump got a railroading. It’s a lament that a former American president — albeit the most conservative of my lifetime (yes, more than Reagan), whom I’d like very much to win in November — was so clearly lawfared by the sitting president into facing over a hundred years in prison for … something.

"We’re still not sure what the predicate crime to the expired misdemeanors was. It wasn’t even on the verdict form the jurors returned! We’ve got 34 expired misdemeanors which required a predicate crime in order to be alive again like Frankenstein’s monster and we’re left with a whole lot of thunder but absolutely no animating lightning! 

"How is this possible?

"But putting that minor (bitter sarcasm) detail aside, the following video reactions to the verdict made me sick. 

"Physically nauseous." . . .

"This morning. I wasn’t this way yesterday. Thursday I was angry. Friday I was sad." . . . 

I guess the only thing to do is congratulate the teachers' unions for producing half a country full of people who have absolutely no idea what the Constitution is or what it means to be an American and who have no healthy fear of government having too much power.  And also to congratulate the garbage media for keeping that half and who knows how many more well-meaning Americans in the dark about what’s actually going on.  It’s a one-two punch that made me feel sick this morning and well, misery loves company.

Hillary Clinton Condemns Trump For Paying Hush Money To Political Liabilities Instead Of Just Killing Them | Babylon Bee

. . .As of publishing time, Clinton had called her friend Guido to see if he could do anything about Trump.

Cryin' Adam Kinzinger Reminds Us Why He Is a Laughingstock

 Jeff Charles – RedState  

What Kinzinger and his ilk don’t want to confront is that, regardless of their criticisms of the former president, the Democrats are clearly trying to leverage the state to influence the outcome of the presidential election. 

"Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger is at it again. After former President Donald Trump was convicted, Democrats and their anti-Trump Republican comrades have been making the rounds, trying desperately to convince the nation that the politically motivated prosecution effort has nothing to do with politics. In essence, they are begging the public to ignore what their eyes and ears are telling them.

"During a recent appearance on CNN, the former Illinois representative said he was “very disappointed” in House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) for speaking out against the verdict in the Manhattan trial.

"After the verdict was announced, Johnson, along with other Republicans, issued a scathing rebuke against the decision.

Today is a shameful day in American history. Democrats cheered as they convicted the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges, predicated on the testimony of a disbarred, convicted felon. This was a purely political exercise, not a legal one.   

The weaponization of our justice system has been a hallmark of the Biden Administration, and the decision today is further evidence that Democrats will stop at nothing to silence dissent and crush their political opponents.   

The American people see this as lawfare, and they know it is wrong—and dangerous. President Trump will rightfully appeal this absurd verdict—and he WILL WIN!

Johnson also said the verdict “will probably guarantee” that Trump wins reelection in November, which seemed to rankle Kinzinger’s feathers.

Scarborough Makes Doomsday Prediction for Trump Second Term: Trump Will ‘Execute’ Anyone ‘He is Allowed To’


“He will imprison, he will execute whoever he is allowed to imprison, execute, drive from the country.” Scarborough said. “Just look at his past! It’s not really hard to read. Again, the only thing that stood between him and the destruction of American democracy was the federal judiciary.”

 "After mocking the political victimhood behind Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign, Joe Scarborough used ominous terms to predict how the former president’s reelection would look.

"Morning Joe started Tuesday off by focusing on the vengeful motivators driving Trump forward, and why it’s fair to compare his politics to fascism. Scarborough wound up taking the conversation up a notch by saying the media cannot treat Trump like a normal political candidate because “He is running to end American democracy as we know it.”

He’s an authoritarian who a court in Colorado two days ago ruled that he led an insurrection against the United States government. He is charged with leading schemes to help overthrow the United States government.

So if they want to frame it that way, that’s fine. If you want to be fair, if you want to be fair, you will frame this as Joe Biden being the candidate that supports American democracy and Donald Trump, a candidate who supports a new form of government here that’s authoritarian. It’s really that simple.

By the way, when people yell ‘Oh, you can’t compare him to past Nazi leaders or that past fascist leader, because he hasn’t done that.’ Well, what hasn’t he done? He hasn’t done the things that the American judicial system did not allow him to do last time, but may very well allow him to do this time, or a judicial system that will be ignored by Donald Trump and ran over by Donald Trump to create the greatest constitutional crisis of our lifetimes.

"This led to Scarborough’s point “Just because [Trump] hasn’t done it yet doesn’t mean he won’t do it when he gets a chance to do it.” That’s when Scarborough darkly predicted what Trump will do to his political foes if he has his way." . . .

Our Revolutionary Times; Victor Davis Hanson

  Victor Davis Hanson ( 

The shenanigans of prosecutors like Fani Willis, Letitia James, and Alvin Bragg, along with overtly biased judges like Juan Merchant and Arthur Engoron, only reinforced the reality that the American legal system has descended into third-world-like tit-for-tat vendettas. 

"Sometimes unexpected but dramatic events tear off the thin veneer of respectability and convention. What follows is the exposure and repudiation of long-existing but previously covered-up pathologies.

"Events like the destruction of the southern border over the last three years, the October 7 massacre and ensuing Gaza war, the campus protests, the COVID-19 epidemic and lockdown, and the systematic efforts to weaponize our bureaucracies and courts have all led to radical reappraisals of American culture and civilization.

"Since the 1960s, universities have always been hotbeds of left-wing protests, sometimes violently so.

"But the post-October 7 campus eruptions marked a watershed difference.

"Masked left-wing protesters were unashamedly and virulently antisemitic. Students on elite campuses especially showed contempt for both middle-class police officers tasked with preventing their violence and vandalism as well as the maintenance workers who had to clean up their garbage.

"Mobs took over buildings, assaulted Jewish students, called for the destruction of Israel, and defaced American monuments and commentaries.

"When pressed by journalists to explain their protests, most students knew nothing of the politics or geography of Palestine, for which they were protesting.

"The public concluded that the more elite the campus, the more ignorant, arrogant, and hateful the students seemed.

"The Biden administration destroyed the southern border. Ten million illegal aliens swarmed into the U.S. without audit. Almost daily, news accounts detail violent acts committed by illegal aliens or their surreal demands for more free lodging and support." . . .

Jonathan Turley Explains Why the Trump Verdict Is Ripe for Appeal

 Matt Margolis – PJ Media

"They are the reason why many of us view this case is likely to be reversed in either the state or federal systems,” he says.

"While the radical left is celebrating a guilty verdict for Trump for a non-crime, George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley is throwing cold water on their celebrations because, as he points out, the Trump trial was "a target-rich environment for an appeal, with multiple layers of reversible error."

" 'The problem was not the jury,” he insists, "but the prosecutors and the judge."

"According to Turley, "the most compelling problems” are the judge, the charges, the evidence, and the instructions.

"First, there’s Judge Juan Merchan, who was specifically chosen for this case, continuing a pattern of tough rulings against Trump and his organization. Merchan, as we’ve noted before, has not only donated to Joe Biden’s campaign, but to anti-Trump and anti-GOP groups. His bias has long been established. His daughter is a Democratic organizer who raises funds against Trump and the GOP. Legal experts repeatedly observed that Merchan's rulings were pro-prosecution. Turley, who got to observe Merchan in court, noted that his decisions often seemed incomprehensible and conflicted.

"Of course, the next problem was the charges."The Justice Department declined any criminal charges against Trump under federal election law over the alleged 'hush money’ payments,” Turley writes. "The Federal Election Commission likewise found no basis for a civil fine. With no federal prosecution, Bragg decided to use an unprecedented criminal theory not only to zap a dead misdemeanor into life (after the expiration of the statute of limitation) but to allow him to try violations of not only federal election law but also federal taxation violations.' " . . .

( : What's your response to Alex Soros saying that Dems should call Trump a "convicted felon" every chance they get? *Reply to this email to share your thoughts*

The Soros family’s considerable financial clout continues to wield significant influence over the political landscape, ensuring that their vision remains a formidable force in shaping contemporary American politics. 

Some answers from 'Biden infamously smirked after being asked if Trump was a political prisoner. What did you get from that?'

Ken G: 'That Biden knows how to push the Republicans button.'

Mary T: 'The Biden smirk just shows that he's the senile idiot that all thinking Americans have known he was for years. He thinks he can continue to be a puppet for the Democrats and those who seek to destroy this country because of this illegal trial and verdict. The American people on the street are FINALLY getting the picture and have started to rise up against him and his communist/socialist puppet masters. I pray they're not too late with too little.'

Pat C: 'That smirk simply showed me how proud he was of himself. I’m praying that the November 5th election wipes that smirk off his face.'

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Alvin Bragg's Office Accused of Leaking Trump's Potential Sentence to 'The View' — Likely to Recommend a Year Behind Bars for Trump at Rikers Island

  (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

"The office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who is backed by Soros, is now under fire for allegedly leaking sensitive sentencing information about former President Donald Trump to the far-left media.

In the wake of a trial widely criticized as a sham, where Trump was convicted on all 34 felony charges in a ‘hush money’ scandal, sources suggest that DA Bragg’s office may recommend Trump serve a year at the notorious Rikers Island.

Judge Merchan told jurors they did not have to agree on a crime—a practice unheard of in US history. The jury only had to agree that something bad happened.

This, of course, is completely unconstitutional. This was clearly the greatest travesty of justice in American history.

So now we have a convicted US President with 34 felony counts, and NO ONE knows what crime President Trump committed!

The sentencing was set for July 11—three days before the Republican convention!

Now, ‘The View’ co-host Sunny Hostin, who seemed quite pleased with the developments, shared on the air that she had spoken with someone from Bragg’s office.

She described them as ‘street fighters,’ who indicated that Bragg might push for a tough one-year imprisonment, primarily to ensure Trump faces the daunting conditions of Rikers Island.

“I spent this morning speaking to someone from the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. They’re called street fighters. He believes that they will recommend a one-year term in prison. And that is because when you spend a year in prison in New York or under, you serve in Rikers Island,” Austin said.

"According to Hostin, this recommendation serves not just as punishment but as a stern message to society that such conduct will not be tolerated again." . . .

The View's Sunny Hostin Thinks This Voter Bloc Will Save Biden (  . . ."Specifically, black men are hopping on the MAGA train. It kills people like Hostin to rage against Trump daily, only to find that Donald Trump is gearing up to clinch the largest share of the non-white for a Republican presidential candidate ever. It kills them inside, which is why she’s coping hard, thinking that black women are going to bail out Biden and bring their sons, grandsons, and husbands with them. In what world is that going to happen, lady:" . . .

Democrat world: Soros-Backed DA’s Office Gave Free Consultations to Illegal Aliens Charged With Violent Crimes

 Daily Signal

  “ 'Essentially, DA Krasner is rewarding foreign nationals for committing crimes in the United States.” “And he is doing so at the expense of the city he is sworn to protect,” O’Brien said." Jason Hopkins

"Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office provided free consultations and legal assistance to illegal aliens charged with violent felonies in 2023, documents reveal.

"The taxpayer-funded consultations were provided to migrants charged with various heinous crimes—including rape, robbery, strangulation, aggravated assault, and homicide by vehicle—in an ostensible effort to help them avoid convictions that would lead to their deportation, documents obtained by the Immigration Reform Law Institute reveal.

"Krasner created the position of immigration counsel in 2018 to provide consultations and work on cases involving illegal aliens.

" 'He is directly contradicting the purpose of a district attorney—to prosecute crimes—and using his office to help immigration violators evade the law,” Dale Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of the Immigration Reform Law Institute, said of Krasner. “The last thing the city needs is to keep criminal aliens there who may have earned deportation.”

"The Immigration Reform Law Institute outlined issues with the case list and questioned the objectives of the immigration counsel position in an investigative report published Thursday.

"Krasner first won election as Philadelphia’s district attorney in 2017, after left-wing billionaire George Soros dropped well over $1 million to fund a super PAC to support him in the Democratic primary. Like all Soros-backed prosecutors, Krasner ran on a left-wing approach to criminal justice, which calls for ending mass incarceration and shielding illegal aliens from deportation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement." . . .

Celebrity Supporters Abandon Biden Quickly As True Colors Are Shown


. . ."Even people who don’t support Trump see this as blatant election interference. Even Mike Pence, the former fallen-from-grace Vice President, announced his disapproval of the court’s decision.

"The conviction of former President Trump on politically motivated charges is an outrage and disservice to the nation," Pence told Fox News. "No one is above the law, but our courts must not become a tool to be used against political opponents . . . To millions of Americans, this was nothing more than a political prosecution driven by a Manhattan DA who ran for office on a pledge to indict the former president and this conviction undermines confidence in our system of justice.". . .

. . ."These voices are just a few of the rapid loss of support for the Biden administration.

"Douglas Murray recently said in a great analogy that sometimes “a flare goes up, and you see exactly where everyone is.” That is what has happened with this trial. Biden and the Democrats have shown their true colors. They have shown that they desire dominance, not democracy. And there is no way to unsee what we have seen.

"Hollywood has historically backed the left in a unified front. Like so much that has changed this year, the pulling away from the Democrats is a signal of the historic and changing times we are living in. If Trump’s win in November was still up in the air, the left’s attempt to defeat him by dishonest means has only pushed many over the edge. This trial has made this election one of the most important in our nation’s history. We will see if democracy will win or not, and it’s in the hands of the people who are starting to sober up."  

I Was In The Courtroom When Donald Trump Was Found Guilty. Here's What You Didn't See. UPDATED

 HuffPost; (

Trump remains under a gag order, which ostensibly prevents him from making negative comments about figures in the case while he awaits sentencing, although he repeatedly toes the line and sometimes crosses it. I can’t help but wonder what he will say when the leash comes off.

"The description I’ve settled on when people ask what it was like seeing Donald Trump in court every day for seven weeks is that it was like watching a cartoon character come to life.

"I was in the courtroom pretty much every day of the trial, chronicling the proceedings on HuffPost’s live blog from my spot on the unforgiving wooden benches that felt like church pews.

"Security protocols in the courthouse meant that reporters were barred from coming close to the former president — we had to sit still while he moved between rooms so as not to pass him in the hallway, and the aisle seats in the public gallery were blocked off to put more distance between him and the people sitting there. He was no ordinary defendant, to be sure.

"So when he sauntered up and down the aisle, reporters watched him carefully. The man most Americans have only seen on their TV and phone screens walks with a slight stoop, arms usually dangling, face usually steely — although he occasionally found somebody in the gallery to single out with either a greeting or a glare. (He was particularly pleased to see Fox News pundit Jeanine Pirro, a staunch ally, seated in court one day. He was particularly displeased by MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell.)

"On the day of his verdict, Trump left looking flushed. His face, already such a unique tone, was darkened." . . .

Exclusive — J.D. Vance: They 'Cooked Up These Prosecutions' to Distract from Joe Biden's Failures (  . . .“ 'In fact, they were upset that Alvin Bragg brought this case because it gave credit to the

idea that this was all a sham, political prosecution. … They didn’t want the Alvin Bragg case at all because it revealed how much this was all about politics and not justice,” he said, pointing to the fact that this ended up being the only case going to trial. Because of that, they have suddenly decided that it is “the most
important trial of the century here, even though we had every single piece of data pointing out that this was politically biased.”

“ 'You have the judge donating to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. You have the financial interests of his [Juudge Juan Merchan’s] daughter. You have the prosecutor funded by George Soros who ran on getting Donald Trump, right — not exactly an objective administration of justice,” Vance said, highlighting the fact that Merchan continually intervened to save the prosecution’s case.

“ 'It was just obviously all about politics. I think the American people see right through it,” he said.

"While Vance said that Democrats “got what they wanted out of this,” he does not think it will end in their favor." . . .

Hamas had command tunnel under U.N. Gaza HQ, Israeli military says

 Dylan Martinez; (

GAZA (Reuters) -Israeli forces have discovered a tunnel network hundreds of metres (yards) long and running partly under UNRWA's Gaza headquarters, the military says, calling it new evidence of Hamas exploitation of the main relief agency for Palestinians.

Army engineers took reporters for foreign news outlets through the passages at a time of crisis for UNRWA, which has launched an internal probe and seen a string of donor countries freeze funding over allegations last month by Israel that some of its staff doubled as Hamas operatives.

The Palestinians have accused Israel of falsifying information to tarnish UNRWA, which employs 13,000 people in the Gaza Strip and has been a lifeline for the aid-dependent population for years. The agency runs schools, primary healthcare clinics and other social services, and distributes aid, describing its activities as purely humanitarian.

UNRWA Headquarters is in Gaza City, among northern areas that Israeli troops and tanks overran early in the four-month-old war against the governing Islamist faction Hamas, sending hundreds of thousands of civilians fleeing southward.

Reporters on the closely escorted trip entered a shaft next to a school on the periphery of the U.N. compound, descending to the concrete-lined tunnel. Twenty minutes of walking through the stifling hot, narrow and occasionally winding passage brought them underneath UNRWA Headquarters, an army lieutenant-colonel leading the tour said." . . .

Shark Tank star KEVIN O'LEARY reveals the shocking impact Trump's verdict will have on your family's finances

 Banana republics are bad for business: Shark Tank star KEVIN O'LEARY reveals the shocking impact Trump's verdict will have on your family's finances | Daily Mail Online   "We are in uncharted waters. Donald Trump is a convicted felon. The whole thing is perverse.

"The American brand has been dragged through the mud, sunk to the level of a banana republic where rulers take their political enemies out to the jungle to disappear.

"This great nation now stands diminished in the eyes of international investors. And the economic consequences for ordinary Americans could be dire.

"No doubt, this sordid trial – brought by partisan Democratic prosecutors in Manhattan – has already done serious damage to America's credibility.

"I was in London speaking to investors when Stormy Daniels was testifying on the stand – and all the audience members wanted to know was: 'What on Earth does a porn star's use of condoms have to do with campaign finance law?'

"They were right.

"The unjust persecution of Trump discredits the United States – and sends an urgent message to powerful business owners everywhere that, in Biden's America, they too could stand trial on purely political grounds." . . .

. . ."I, like so many others with sizeable investments, managed just two hours sleep Thursday night. For now I have to seriously consider: Do I move my money?

"I certainly think there could be a real drag on investment in New York State – and City.

"The trial has wounded New York's once sterling reputation as the safest and most attractive finance capital of the world.

"Real estate mogul Grant Cardone has already said he'll never do business in New York City again after the Trump verdict.

"He rightly questions why anyone would invest in the city if they can't ensure fair legal treatment.

"Why take the risk?"