Sunday, June 2, 2024

Biden's evil smirk and the left dancing like demons about Trump's punishment, their imaginations afire

 M. Walter - American Thinker  

Today, Saturday, my stomach is turning at the heavy, pervasive evil we’ve seen emanating like a poisonous fog from the progressives on television — and I don’t even have cable! 

 "By now, we’ve had a couple of days to absorb what happened in lower Manhattan on Thursday.  Many of us were unsurprised at the verdict, but if you are like me, you are surprised at your reaction to it.

"To be clear: I, like most capital-C conservatives, do not fall in love with my candidates. I regard them as dispensers of policy.  That’s it. If I like their policy, their personal peccadilloes mean very little to me. They affect me only to the extent they may affect policy. So this isn’t a lament that one Donald John Trump got a railroading. It’s a lament that a former American president — albeit the most conservative of my lifetime (yes, more than Reagan), whom I’d like very much to win in November — was so clearly lawfared by the sitting president into facing over a hundred years in prison for … something.

"We’re still not sure what the predicate crime to the expired misdemeanors was. It wasn’t even on the verdict form the jurors returned! We’ve got 34 expired misdemeanors which required a predicate crime in order to be alive again like Frankenstein’s monster and we’re left with a whole lot of thunder but absolutely no animating lightning! 

"How is this possible?

"But putting that minor (bitter sarcasm) detail aside, the following video reactions to the verdict made me sick. 

"Physically nauseous." . . .

"This morning. I wasn’t this way yesterday. Thursday I was angry. Friday I was sad." . . . 

I guess the only thing to do is congratulate the teachers' unions for producing half a country full of people who have absolutely no idea what the Constitution is or what it means to be an American and who have no healthy fear of government having too much power.  And also to congratulate the garbage media for keeping that half and who knows how many more well-meaning Americans in the dark about what’s actually going on.  It’s a one-two punch that made me feel sick this morning and well, misery loves company.

Hillary Clinton Condemns Trump For Paying Hush Money To Political Liabilities Instead Of Just Killing Them | Babylon Bee

. . .As of publishing time, Clinton had called her friend Guido to see if he could do anything about Trump.

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