Sunday, June 2, 2024

Jonathan Turley Explains Why the Trump Verdict Is Ripe for Appeal

 Matt Margolis – PJ Media

"They are the reason why many of us view this case is likely to be reversed in either the state or federal systems,” he says.

"While the radical left is celebrating a guilty verdict for Trump for a non-crime, George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley is throwing cold water on their celebrations because, as he points out, the Trump trial was "a target-rich environment for an appeal, with multiple layers of reversible error."

" 'The problem was not the jury,” he insists, "but the prosecutors and the judge."

"According to Turley, "the most compelling problems” are the judge, the charges, the evidence, and the instructions.

"First, there’s Judge Juan Merchan, who was specifically chosen for this case, continuing a pattern of tough rulings against Trump and his organization. Merchan, as we’ve noted before, has not only donated to Joe Biden’s campaign, but to anti-Trump and anti-GOP groups. His bias has long been established. His daughter is a Democratic organizer who raises funds against Trump and the GOP. Legal experts repeatedly observed that Merchan's rulings were pro-prosecution. Turley, who got to observe Merchan in court, noted that his decisions often seemed incomprehensible and conflicted.

"Of course, the next problem was the charges."The Justice Department declined any criminal charges against Trump under federal election law over the alleged 'hush money’ payments,” Turley writes. "The Federal Election Commission likewise found no basis for a civil fine. With no federal prosecution, Bragg decided to use an unprecedented criminal theory not only to zap a dead misdemeanor into life (after the expiration of the statute of limitation) but to allow him to try violations of not only federal election law but also federal taxation violations.' " . . .

( : What's your response to Alex Soros saying that Dems should call Trump a "convicted felon" every chance they get? *Reply to this email to share your thoughts*

The Soros family’s considerable financial clout continues to wield significant influence over the political landscape, ensuring that their vision remains a formidable force in shaping contemporary American politics. 

Some answers from 'Biden infamously smirked after being asked if Trump was a political prisoner. What did you get from that?'

Ken G: 'That Biden knows how to push the Republicans button.'

Mary T: 'The Biden smirk just shows that he's the senile idiot that all thinking Americans have known he was for years. He thinks he can continue to be a puppet for the Democrats and those who seek to destroy this country because of this illegal trial and verdict. The American people on the street are FINALLY getting the picture and have started to rise up against him and his communist/socialist puppet masters. I pray they're not too late with too little.'

Pat C: 'That smirk simply showed me how proud he was of himself. I’m praying that the November 5th election wipes that smirk off his face.'

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