Sunday, June 9, 2024

Remember this action back in 2023: Speaker Kevin McCarthy blocked two Democrats from serving on a key House panel


McCarthy is also considering a vote to block Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from sitting on the Foreign Affairs Committee over her comments on Israel, which drew criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike.

"Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell accused House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of "political vengeance" for blocking the California Democrats from serving on the House Intelligence Committee.

" 'This is, I think, not an unexpected but nonetheless, destructive move by Kevin McCarthy," Schiff said during a press conference Wednesday morning.

"McCarthy rejected a request from House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries to keep Schiff and Swalwell on the committee. Both members previously served on the panel — with Schiff serving as chair from 2019 to 2022 — and both were involved in the investigations and impeachments of former President Donald Trump.

"The move comes as the new Republican majority is outlining its plans and priorities for the session, which include a focus on oversight and investigations of President Biden's administration.

"As House speaker, McCarthy has authority to approve or reject spots on the intelligence committee because it is a "select" committee, while positions on standing committees ultimately require a vote of the House. Republicans who support the move cited former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's refusal to seat several members to the select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

"In a letter to Jeffries, McCarthy said the intel committee under Schiff "severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." On Tuesday, McCarthy cited a report that Swalwell was targeted by a Chinese spy in 2014." . . .

See who isn't on the committee today: House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence -   "Members are listed in order of their rank on the committee and its subcommittees."

I look forward to the day Elise Stefanik moves ever higher. TD

Indeed, Reagan’s ardent warning is coming to fruition. A blanket of tyranny and fanaticism is covering America

"Tragically, the children have diluted their liberty inheritance and become shamefully indifferent to good and evil. Indeed, Reagan’s ardent warning is coming to fruition. A blanket of tyranny and fanaticism is covering AmericaAlexander G. Markovsky"

 Must watch: Leftist can’t explain Trump ‘crimes’  "Video from Piers Morgan Uncensored has the whole panel laughing at a leftist who can’t even answer the basic question: what crime did Trump commit?  Since the D.A., Alvin Bragg, and the judge in the case, Judge Merchan, failed to articulate a crime in the case, Michael Knowles challenged her to articulate the “crime” of which President Trump was “convicted.” 

"Hilarity ensues as she ends up rambling around in circles, desperately trying to come up with a cogent answer, unable to explain his “crime.”

"Then it gets even better, when Mark Geragos, famed defense attorney and admitted lifelong Democrat, who is no fan of Trump, who says he never voted for him and never will, systematically demolishes her answer." . . .

The United States Reincarnates Communism and Stalin’s Trials - Alexander G. Markovsky   "Following the announcement of the verdict, Donald Jay Trump labeled the New York trial as a “scam” and “a rigged trial,” and proclaimed, “I'm willing to do whatever I have to do to save our country and to save our Constitution.”

"Given Trump’s tenacity and determination, he will likely win this round. He may even succeed and become President again, but he cannot alter the trajectory of this nation—the course has already been set.

"The reality is that America did not defeat communism; she adopted it. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn astutely observed, “For us in Russia, communism is a dead dog, while for many people in the West, it is a living lion.” Expelled from Russia, this dead dog acquired a new life in the United States and regained vitality to become a living lion within the Democratic Party. The Party has gained almost absolute dominance over the media, electoral process, federal law enforcement, and the judicial branch, and it’s infused the educational system with Marxist ideology.

"Trump is a symbol of resistance and instills an inordinate fear in Democrats who aspire to socialism. Their concern is not so much that he can reverse the trend but that he will potentially impede the process and slow it down. The Democrats have gotten very close to imposing complete control over this nation politically, economically, and ideologically. This is their moment; they want socialism now." . . .

The Bidens Are A Horrible Bunch Of People. And Democrats are their enablers

 Derek Hunter (

"History will not be kind to Joe Biden, as he has supplanted Jimmy Carter as the worst President in history.  But it should also be unkind because he’s a horrible person, and the head of a horrible family."

Jill didn't mind what Joe did to Tara Reade?

"History is full of horrible, evil people – Charles Manson, Adolf Hitler, Hillary Clinton – but only one of them comes from a family completely devoid of any members with any redeeming qualities. While that may seem a bit harsh on Chelsea, the truth often is harsh. With that in mind, we have to acknowledge the unvarnished truth that atop that list is the Biden family. 

"Is there anyone in that family who isn’t repugnant? The only people associated with the family who run risk of not being total sleaze, and therefore run risk of having any redeeming qualities are the two women who are disconnected, maybe even excommunicated from it: Hunter’s ex-wife and his youngest illegitimate child.

"Those two just so happen to be the ones the rest of the family seeming hold in contempt. 

"First is Hunter’s ex-wife, Kathleen. She ditched the Biden name soon after her divorce from the junkie hooker-loving scumbag, after he’d not only been cheating on her with prostitutes but also her own sister-in-law. Gross. 

"Speaking of the gross sister-in-law, Beau’s widow Hallie, who got a surprise witness-tampering visit from President Biden a week before testifying about how big of a sleazeball the man who got her hooked on crack was, just got remarried last weekend. I bet having the testify about stealing your dead husband’s brother from your sister-in-law while, smoking drugs while he’s screwing every hooker human trafficked from eastern Europe while still picking the wedding rice from your hair is a healthy way to start a marriage. 

"The whole Biden family should enter an endorsement deal with penicillin. 

"Joe broke up Jill’s first marriage, Jill was a willing participant. Then they both lied about it, which is an acknowledgement of them being away of how gross they are." . . .

"Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be." . . .

If you vote for Joe Biden ... Eric Utter  . . ."If you vote for the current president who is trying to destroy a former president for far lesser offenses than he himself has committed, you are a hypocrite. If you vote for the man who is currently attempting to imprison his political opponent, perhaps for life, for the sin of standing in the way of his continued power, you are an ignorant fool. If you vote for the man who has labeled nearly half of your countrymen “domestic terrorists,” you are a cad of the highest order. If you vote for the man who is clearly beholden to at least one -- likely more than one -- of America’s enemies, each with totalitarian governments, you cannot claim to be a patriot or defender of democracy.

"If you vote for the man who clearly—and in so many ways-- favors illegal immigrants over American citizens, and those who break the law over those who abide by it, you are voting for chaos, pain, and societal destruction." . . . 

The Clooney Shakedown of Biden gets worse: Biden caves to Clooney on the ICC - Monica Showalter   "It's bad enough that actor George Clooney had the temerity to call the White House to complain about the U.S. foreign policy stance on the International Criminal Court's planned arrest warrant of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, a U.S. ally.

"The guy, after all, is an actor. He did it to make his wife happy, the wife apparently dispatching him to do it since she helped write the plans for the warrant, and faced sanctions. Perhaps the loudly liberated woman was too cowardly to call them up on her own.

"But now we learn that Biden actually caved to Clooney, changing U.S. foreign policy to suit Herodias, or rather, Amal Clooney." . . .

How Joe Biden’s personal aides got involved in his relatives’ business dealings - POLITICO    . . ."It is unclear whether the president’s current or former staffers are presently involved in his relatives’ business affairs. Neither the White House, representatives for Jim and Hunter Biden, nor the president’s current or former aides responded to requests for comment." . . .

The Hunter Biden Case Is Solid. There’s Something Rotten About It Too.   . . ."On top of that, any time the government’s key witness in a criminal case is effectively the defendant himself, things are not looking good for the defense.

"Unless something very surprising happens, the jury is likely to convict Biden in a matter of days.

Bill Maher's New Rule for Pro-Hamas Activists on College Campuses Is Perfect

  Matt Vespa (

. . ."So, good on you kids for following your instinct to protest social injustice. Just remember, when it comes to finding a cause, pulling your head out of you’re a** is an important right of passage.”. . .

"Last Friday, Bill Maher tore into the pro-Hamas activists who took over college campuses for most of the spring. It’s a commentary I’m surprised he hasn’t issued earlier, though he’s sprinkled his mockery and disdain for these little terrorists since the October 7 attacks. So, his new rule for these kids is that you can’t side with the people who carry on a dehumanizing and degrading regime against women without getting a taste of that medicine.   

"The HBO host encouraged these activists, applauding their idealism as they dismantled their encampments and absconded back to their internships at Goldman Sachs. The world would be poorer, just like their parents who dropped $300,000 on sending their kids to these idiot factories. They picked a cause, yes, but they “missed the boat by a f**king mile.” 

"Maher added the systemic failure seen with these ignorant kids takes a village and rests blame on our education system, over-indulgent parents, and social media. He also torched these little communists for protesting the wrong apartheid. They might have heard the word, especially when celebrities talk about past great leaders in civil rights— like Nelson Mandela—but as with anything touched by the far left, they drew the wrong conclusion." . . . 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Pro-Hamas Supporters Sulk Over Rescue - Israel Shows It Knows What It Is Doing


 It should also be noted that none of this would have gone down if Hamas had simply released the hostages—or never taken them in the first place. 

These are the people that thousands if not millions of demonstrators are supporting with their endless violent protests.

But for now, let's just celebrate the success of this amazing mission and hope that more hostages will taste freedom again in the future. Margaret Clark

"In a triumphant moment of the Israel-Hamas war, four hostages were rescued overnight. Celebrations have erupted all over the world. It’s a moment where we remember why the IDF has persevered throughout this war, and how thankful we should be that Israel didn’t listen to Biden and others who tried to pressure them to cease. 

"Criticism was quick to erupt over the mission that was carried out in the center of a refugee camp, in a marketplace where the hostages were held in civilian homes. Misleading reports are surfacing about the number of civilians killed in the operation that rescued the four hostages who had been held for 8 months. In almost every other incident, it takes time for authorities to accurately assess casualties. However, Hamas is notorious for throwing out inflated numbers almost instantly." . . .

. . ."The victory overnight that rescued the four hostages shows what can be achieved. If President Biden had his way, Israel would have cowered back and continued on with the back-and-forth conflict that has spread over decades. He would have them win the battle but not push to end the conflict for good. Either it's a lack of foresight, cowardice, or apathy but the foreign policy Biden has shown is weak and foolish. It’s a good thing Israel has a strong conservative leader to navigate these perilous times and push forward for Israel’s victory. The world celebrates with the hostages who are now home with their families." . . .

George Stephanopoulos Says it’s ‘Journalistic Malpractice’ for a Reporter to Interview Trump Live on TV (VIDEO)

 The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Not a journalist. A Leftist advocate.

"George Stephanopoulos, the former Bill Clinton staffer who is now the political director of ABC News for some reason, said recently that it is journalistic malpractice for a reporter to do a live TV interview with Trump.

"You can tell that Stephanopoulos is greatly worried that Trump will win because he has increased the number and severity of his attacks on Trump in recent months.

"He has even lectured his audience about the importance of the election.

"FOX News reports:

ABC’s Stephanopoulos claims airing Trump interviews live is ‘journalistic malpractice’

During a recent interview, ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos claimed it is irresponsible for media outlets to air live television interviews with former President Trump.

The anchor and former President Clinton adviser spoke to Mediaite editor-in-chief Aidan McLaughlin for the inaugural episode of the outlet’s “Press Club” podcast airing on Saturday. The two journalists spoke about covering the presidential election this year and how the media need to approach reporting on the former president.

“I mean, I think it’s journalistic malpractice to do a live interview with President Trump on television,” Stephanopoulos told McLaughlin during the remote interview.

The Mediaite host brought up the topic, stating how Trump is difficult to handle because “I have long felt that Trump’s superpower is a lack of shame.”

“Huge,” the ABC man chimed in.

McLaughlin continued, “And you see it when, you know, when he’ll be up on a town hall stage or a debate stage, or in an interview with a reporter, and he’ll say ‘Two plus two equals five,’ and he’ll get fact-checked and we’ll just keep barreling through. Or, when there’s a controversy and he doesn’t apologize for it when any other politician in the history of politics would.” . . . 

"Crooked Hillary Clinton came out of hiding on Thursday to take a nasty shot at President Trump on the 80th anniversary of D-Day. As Gateway Pundit readers know, D-Day was one of the great turning points in World War II and the start of the liberation of Europe from the control of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany’s control On June 6, 1944, roughly 156,000 American, British, and Canadian forces stormed five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the ferociously defended coast of France’s Normandy region. The invasion was the largest amphibious assault in military history. At least 4,400 soldiers and Marines perished during the operation.". . .

MSNBC's Morning Joe Had a Total Meltdown Over This WSJ Piece About Biden

 MSNBC's Morning Joe Had a Total Meltdown Over This WSJ Piece About Biden (  

"All three issues don’t help or assist American working families who’ve been crippled by inflation in any way. This is classic political class nonsense. It’s also another sign that this president can’t get anything meaningful done because he was never meant for the job."

"MSNBC’s Morning Joe went apoplectic over The Wall Street Journal’s article about Joe Biden’s mental decline behind closed doors. The panel got their orders from the Democratic National Committee, though likely the Biden White House, and torched the publication for supposedly running a hit piece on Biden based on accounts from Trump acolytes.

"Co-host Joe Scarborough screamed how Kevin McCarthy is the source for the entire piece. That’s not true. At least 45 people, Democrats and Republicans, were interviewed; even liberals noted that the president had lost a step. Still, they couldn’t negate that Biden is 81 and probably not what he used to be 15 years ago, which confirms the basis of the piece. Willie Geist said that at the beginning of what became a complete meltdown on the panel. There was no disagreement about Biden being slower.

"Mike Barnicle was especially heated over the article, noting that five-time married Rupert Murdoch, who owns the paper, probably ordered the piece. Okay, well, the Biden White House ordered Democrats to call the WSJ back and ensure their accounts were that of a strong, vibrant president. Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) is quoted admitting as much when he said, “They [Biden WH] just, you know, said that I should give you a call back.” . . .

HUGE: Israel Rescues Hostages Despite Biden Insistence They Leave Gaza (VIDEO INCLUDED)

 It's a Good Thing for These Rescued Hostages That Israeli Leaders Didn't Listen to Biden and Blinken – Twitchy  "Former Obama-era Defense Secretary Robert Gates once claimed in a book -- and later doubled down -- that Joe Biden has been wrong on foreign policy his entire lifelong political career (Biden's been wrong about everything else too): . . .

Bonchie – RedState

"The operation to rescue these hostages happened despite a relentless effort by the Biden administration to force Israel into a "ceasefire" that would remove the IDF from Gaza. Given the success of this operation, Israel's resolve will likely only be strengthened to forge ahead until the mission is completed, and that includes the destruction of Hamas as a military and governing power." . . .

"In some of the biggest news to come out of the war between Israel and Hamas in months, four hostages were rescued from Nuseirat, a "refugee camp" in the middle of the Gaza Strip. 

"The operation was conducted jointly with the IDF, the ISA (Israel's intelligence agency), and Israeli police forces. The rescued hostages were three men and one woman, all taken during the Nova Music Festival on October 7th. Their names are as follows: Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv."
October 7th Survivor Recounts HORRORS Witnessed at Nova Festival by Hamas  Noa Argamani was kidnapped at this and was spared being killed by the gleeful terrorists, supported by the stylish scarf people on American campuses.

Inside Israel's dramatic hostage rescue: IDF helicopter snatch squads came under heavy fire as they freed Noa Algamani and three other Hamas captives in raid that was months in the planning but left one soldier dead after deadly firefight | Daily Mail Online  Israel conducted a fearless raid of two Hamas buildings in Gaza to rescue four hostages kidnapped by terrorists on October 7 - extracting them via helicopter whilst taking fire from militants.
"The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed Noa Argamani, 26, Almog Meir Jan, 21, Andrey Kozlov, 27, and Shlomi Ziv, 40, were rescued following the daring operation, the largest of its kind since the war with Hamas began, earlier today.
"Argamani became known across the world when she was taken hostage by Hamas on the back of a motorcycle at the Supernova music festival on October 7.

IDF operatives were able to secure her and her three fellow festival attendees in what military chiefs branded a 'complex daytime operation' at 11am (8am GMT).

"Aerial footage released by the IDF showed a group of around 11 people running along the ground in Gaza and into the awaiting helicopter to escape.

"It later released footage showing Argamani, in a flak jacket and helmet, being rushed into a helicopter before it takes to the sky. 

"But the mission left one officer, father-of-two Arnon Zmora, 36, dead - 'mortally wounded' during the firefight with Hamas terrorists. " . . .

Joe Biden has forgotten what happened on Oct. 7 — but Israelis can’t (   . . .Tali heard the unmistakable thud of men’s boots, chasing young women — the same women she’d been dancing with minutes earlier.

"She heard their screams.

"She heard them cry for help and beg their attackers to stop.

"She heard the gunshots that took their lives.

"When the terrorists finally left, Tali came out of hiding, and what she saw was even worse than she imagined.

"Her friends and fellow concertgoers were butchered.

"Many women had been raped. Some had their genitals mutilated." . . .

 I also visited Nir Oz, a once beautiful kibbutz now filled with ruins, where neighbors were tortured and burned alive. The terrorists who perpetrated those crimes have promised to do it again.

Those Muslims who did those acts had video cameras to record what they did. Those videos were shown to the people gathered in Gaza and recorded their cheers, laughter, and applause. Now here, scarf people wearing their cool, designer scarves chant, live on campus in tents, demand food and water be supplied to them and their faculty allies.

Israel shows footage of Hamas killings ‘to counter denial of atrocities’ | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian   . . ."In another scene Hamas attackers entered a house and spoke to a girl hiding under a table. “After some talking back and forth they shoot and kill her,” tweeted Jotam Confino, one of the correspondents at the screening. “Hard to say how old she is but looks like 7-9 years old.”

"Another scene showed a father and his two sons, aged approximately seven and nine, running in their underwear to what appeared to be a bomb shelter. A Hamas attacker threw a grenade, killing the man. The boys emerge bloodied and run. “Dad’s dead, it wasn’t a prank,” one shouts. “I know, I saw it,” replies his brother, later screaming: “Why am I alive?”

"Other sequences showed a militant with an agricultural tool hacking at the head of a man lying on the ground, gunmen killing wounded female Israeli soldiers and a jubilant Hamas fighter calling his family: “I killed 10 Jews with my own hands. I’m using the dead Jewish woman’s phone to call you now.”. . .

Palestinians store weapons and munitions in childrens rooms.  Douglas Murray.

The prophet unhonored; In his novel “The Camp of the Saints,” Jean Raspail predicted the destruction of the West by the East.

 Phyllis Chesler Organization (

But many of us in the Diaspora are traumatized. We are in free fall. How could it come to this? Where can Diaspora Jews run to now? Must we start thinking like this? How can we help Israel to survive such hatred and its many military challenges?

 "Is Joe Biden on Hamas’s payroll? If not, why is his administration withholding promised military equipment to America’s most reliable and stable ally in the Middle East? Does Biden fail to understand what Israel is up against?

"Clearly, his administration is acting as if Iran and its proxy armies, beginning with Hamas, are “good” people, no different from the rest of us. He thinks they are “reasonable” people with whom he can negotiate or even outwit.

"I strongly beg to differ.

"Long ago, I was held captive in Kabul as a young bride. When I managed to get out, I understood in my bones that the West and the East are very different places. Other Americans do not understand this.

"Although I loved many things about the Muslim world—the awe-inspiring mountains, the ancient bazaars, the ceremonial aspects of dining, rose petals in the pudding, the biblical barefoot nomads tinkling as they walked together with their sheep and camels—I saw that the East was very wild. It was rife with unending blood feuds, vigilante (in)justice, illiteracy, poverty, disease, cruelty and above all hatred.

"Hatred of infidels, especially Jews, Christians and Hazaras who are Shiite, not Sunni Muslims. Hatred of women. Hatred of servants. Hatred of daughters-in-law. Hatred of their own political dissidents and free-thinkers. Hatred of Americans. But respect for Nazi Germany and German products.

"One cannot blame any of this on imperialism or colonialism. These customs were all indigenous. It is crucial to understand this.

"Why? Because this is the neighborhood in which Israel lives. The Jewish state has weathered every storm. We are an eternal people and will always survive. But the cost in blood has been high. The IDF is now fighting brilliantly. The Israelis are miraculously resilient." . . .

Israel's neighbors drop by for a visit:

Hunter Biden trial live: Daughter Naomi's texts with father are read out in court

 Hunter Biden trial live: Daughter Naomi's texts with father are read out in court | Daily Mail Online   

Jill Biden watches as granddaughter Naomi Biden is ambushed on witness stand with her own text message to Hunter saying: 'I'm really sorry dad I can't take this'

"Prosecutors rested their case and Noami Biden took the stand to defend her father on another dramatic day in Hunter's federal gun trial.

"Naomi told the court she visited her father in rehab in 2018 and was then ambushed by the defense with a series of text messages she sent her dad.

"Jill Biden watched from the public gallery after flying 4,000 miles from France to be in court.

"Her husband, President Joe Biden, continued to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day with a speech at Pointe Du Hoc - the clifftop where one of the most daring American missions of the Normandy invasion took place.

"Late on Friday, the judge who oversaw Donald Trump's hush money trial sparked drama when he notified both prosecution and defense attorneys of a Facebook post by a user claiming they had contact with the jury." . . .

Hunter Biden's baby mama Lunden Roberts reveals her heartbreak at Joe's five-year-old granddaughter being 'purposefully' left out of the the White House Christmas tree stockings | Daily Mail Online

"In 2023 - after the acknowledgement of Navy Joan - the stockings were left out of the Christmas decor.  

" 'That's hurtful to see a matriarch of a family who's supposed to bring a family together, purposely exclude someone part of that family and part of that the bloodline,' Roberts said. 'And that's something that someday my daughter will read and my daughter will see.' 

" 'It breaks my heart to know that it will break hers to read and see the things that she's going to see about being excluded,' Roberts continued. 'And she's gonna wonder why and all I can do is be there for her when she's old enough to understand these things.' 

"Roberts revealed that when she talked to Hunter for the first time since being pregnant 'that was somehting that I brought up to him.' 

"Kelly didn't pry for the first son's response.

"She followed up by asking how Roberts planned to explain to exclusion to Navy Joan, who has yet to meet any Biden family members." . . .

Hunter Biden's Stripper Baby Mama Says Joe Biden Has Never Reached Out to His Granddaughter - While Hunter Has Never Even Met Her! (VIDEO)

Over One Million United Methodists Ditch Church Overnight Following Sex Rule Change


She again criticized the UMC Book of Discipline’s description of homosexuality in April 2024 as “incompatible with Christian teaching,” a clause which has now been removed, according to the Christian Post.

"More than one million United Methodists have left the church in response to new rules regarding homosexuality, marking a dramatic overnight exodus.

"The United Methodist Church, a global Protestant denomination based in the US, amended its regulations to permit gay pastors and same-sex marriages during a conference in early May in North Carolina.  

"The move sparked a firestorm online, with various X users calling the exodus a result of “progressive” Christianity.

"Homosexuality has long been a contentious issue within the church, which previously upheld bans on same-sex marriage and the inclusion of homosexual pastors.

"The Christian Post reported that the Ivory Coast division, which boasts an estimated 1.2 million followers, accused international leaders of “deviating from the Holy Scriptures” and “sacrificing its honor and integrity to honor the LGBTQ community.” 

VIDEO: You can burn an American flag, but if you deface the gay flag, the regime will put you in prison... - Revolver News   "In America, you can spit on Vietnam veterans, defecate on the US flag, threaten the lives of US Supreme Court Justices, mock Christianity, and burn entire cities to the ground in the name of a career felon. But if you dare to trample on the rainbow flag, oh, there will be serious hell to pay, mister.

"That’s what three teenagers in Washington are finding out the unjust, immoral, and hard way, as they face felony charges for disrespecting the national homo religion.

"On Wednesday night, just a few hours after Spokane had given its LGBTQ+++ Pride Mural a fresh coat of paint, three teens made their mark—literally. Ruslan Turko, 19, along with two other underage teenagers, left scooter marks on it. For this most heinous crime against humanity, they were arrested and charged with 1st degree “malicious mischief,” a felony that could land them up to 10 years in jail. And if that’s not punishment enough—and of course, it’s not—the prosecutors wanted $15,000 bail for these budding serial killers." . . .

Meanwhile, the left can torch Old Glory—a flag that men and women have literally laid down their lives for—without batting an eye. In fact, for a left-wing Marxist, burning the flag, spitting on it, and even defecating all over it is considered a badge of honor, no matter how deeply those actions hurt veterans and law-abiding Americans who deeply love their country.

On Biden's Child, Hunter:

 WATCH: Journalists Cry for Widdle Baby Hunter Biden, 54-Year-Old 'Child' of Sleepy Joe (    "Journalists keep referring to Hunter Biden, who went on trial this week for lying about his crack addiction to buy a gun, as the "child" of President Joe Biden.

"Fact check: Hunter is a 54-year-old man. He has a 30-year-old daughter, for crying out loud.

"We understand why members of the mainstream media might struggle to accept this reality. They're still trying to convince the American people—despite all evidence to the contrary—that "Sleepy Joe" Biden is a high-energy intellectual powerhouse. Not an 81-year-old geezer whose physical and cognitive abilities are in rapid decline."

A President's Son:  Teddy Roosevelt Jr.: The Officer Who Stormed Normandy with Nothing but a Cane and a Pistol   “We’ll start the war from right here!” Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. purportedly declared as his Higgins landing craft drifted about a mile from its target destination on Utah Beach the morning of the June 6, 1944 invasion of Normandy.

"At the age of 56, Roosevelt, the son of President Theodore Roosevelt, was not only the oldest soldier deployed during Operation Overlord, but the highest-ranking American figure to storm the beaches." . . . 

Roosevelt is buried in the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial. His brother Quentin, who was killed in WWI, was moved to rest beside Roosevelt and remains the only WWI soldier buried in that hallowed ground.

 Déjà vu: Hunter Biden recycles Bill Clinton asinine ‘definition’ defense - Jack Hellner   When Bill Clinton got caught perjuring himself, his defense as to why he committed perjury and said that he “did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky,” was because it depended “on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” And, since he wasn’t getting a BJ in the Oval Office at exactly the same time as he answered the question, he wasn’t really lying.

"For Hunter Biden, since he wasn’t smoking crack while he filled out the ATF 4473 form and checked that “no” box saying he wasn’t an “addict” he was actually telling the truth:

This is the crux of his defense — that he did not ‘knowingly’ lie on the federal background check form; he acted honestly, even if he was mistaken or misunderstood the question of whether or not he is addicted to or doing drugs, because he did achieve periods of sobriety, albeit fleeting and almost always ending in relapse. . . .

 . . ."When the media spread lies about teenage boys who wore MAGA hats and labeled them as racists, it wasn’t to gin up racial division and hate and to destroy their lives, it was just an innocent mistake.

"When the media showed pictures of kids in cages during the Obama-Biden administration, it wasn’t to spread disinformation that Trump was a racist who hated migrant children, it was just an innocent mistake.

"When Hillary set up a private computer server at her house, it wasn’t to violate the law or hide anything criminal, it was just to make things more productive.

"When she used BleachBit on her computer and then took a sledgehammer to it, there was nothing nefarious on there, it was purely for sanitary purposes. 

"The excuses could be endless. Basically, the media and other Democrats are allowed to spread as much misinformation as they like. The only thing that matters to them is electing Democrats." . . .