Saturday, June 8, 2024

Over One Million United Methodists Ditch Church Overnight Following Sex Rule Change


She again criticized the UMC Book of Discipline’s description of homosexuality in April 2024 as “incompatible with Christian teaching,” a clause which has now been removed, according to the Christian Post.

"More than one million United Methodists have left the church in response to new rules regarding homosexuality, marking a dramatic overnight exodus.

"The United Methodist Church, a global Protestant denomination based in the US, amended its regulations to permit gay pastors and same-sex marriages during a conference in early May in North Carolina.  

"The move sparked a firestorm online, with various X users calling the exodus a result of “progressive” Christianity.

"Homosexuality has long been a contentious issue within the church, which previously upheld bans on same-sex marriage and the inclusion of homosexual pastors.

"The Christian Post reported that the Ivory Coast division, which boasts an estimated 1.2 million followers, accused international leaders of “deviating from the Holy Scriptures” and “sacrificing its honor and integrity to honor the LGBTQ community.” 

VIDEO: You can burn an American flag, but if you deface the gay flag, the regime will put you in prison... - Revolver News   "In America, you can spit on Vietnam veterans, defecate on the US flag, threaten the lives of US Supreme Court Justices, mock Christianity, and burn entire cities to the ground in the name of a career felon. But if you dare to trample on the rainbow flag, oh, there will be serious hell to pay, mister.

"That’s what three teenagers in Washington are finding out the unjust, immoral, and hard way, as they face felony charges for disrespecting the national homo religion.

"On Wednesday night, just a few hours after Spokane had given its LGBTQ+++ Pride Mural a fresh coat of paint, three teens made their mark—literally. Ruslan Turko, 19, along with two other underage teenagers, left scooter marks on it. For this most heinous crime against humanity, they were arrested and charged with 1st degree “malicious mischief,” a felony that could land them up to 10 years in jail. And if that’s not punishment enough—and of course, it’s not—the prosecutors wanted $15,000 bail for these budding serial killers." . . .

Meanwhile, the left can torch Old Glory—a flag that men and women have literally laid down their lives for—without batting an eye. In fact, for a left-wing Marxist, burning the flag, spitting on it, and even defecating all over it is considered a badge of honor, no matter how deeply those actions hurt veterans and law-abiding Americans who deeply love their country.

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