Sunday, June 9, 2024

Bill Maher's New Rule for Pro-Hamas Activists on College Campuses Is Perfect

  Matt Vespa (

. . ."So, good on you kids for following your instinct to protest social injustice. Just remember, when it comes to finding a cause, pulling your head out of you’re a** is an important right of passage.”. . .

"Last Friday, Bill Maher tore into the pro-Hamas activists who took over college campuses for most of the spring. It’s a commentary I’m surprised he hasn’t issued earlier, though he’s sprinkled his mockery and disdain for these little terrorists since the October 7 attacks. So, his new rule for these kids is that you can’t side with the people who carry on a dehumanizing and degrading regime against women without getting a taste of that medicine.   

"The HBO host encouraged these activists, applauding their idealism as they dismantled their encampments and absconded back to their internships at Goldman Sachs. The world would be poorer, just like their parents who dropped $300,000 on sending their kids to these idiot factories. They picked a cause, yes, but they “missed the boat by a f**king mile.” 

"Maher added the systemic failure seen with these ignorant kids takes a village and rests blame on our education system, over-indulgent parents, and social media. He also torched these little communists for protesting the wrong apartheid. They might have heard the word, especially when celebrities talk about past great leaders in civil rights— like Nelson Mandela—but as with anything touched by the far left, they drew the wrong conclusion." . . . 

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