Sunday, June 9, 2024

Indeed, Reagan’s ardent warning is coming to fruition. A blanket of tyranny and fanaticism is covering America

"Tragically, the children have diluted their liberty inheritance and become shamefully indifferent to good and evil. Indeed, Reagan’s ardent warning is coming to fruition. A blanket of tyranny and fanaticism is covering AmericaAlexander G. Markovsky"

 Must watch: Leftist can’t explain Trump ‘crimes’  "Video from Piers Morgan Uncensored has the whole panel laughing at a leftist who can’t even answer the basic question: what crime did Trump commit?  Since the D.A., Alvin Bragg, and the judge in the case, Judge Merchan, failed to articulate a crime in the case, Michael Knowles challenged her to articulate the “crime” of which President Trump was “convicted.” 

"Hilarity ensues as she ends up rambling around in circles, desperately trying to come up with a cogent answer, unable to explain his “crime.”

"Then it gets even better, when Mark Geragos, famed defense attorney and admitted lifelong Democrat, who is no fan of Trump, who says he never voted for him and never will, systematically demolishes her answer." . . .

The United States Reincarnates Communism and Stalin’s Trials - Alexander G. Markovsky   "Following the announcement of the verdict, Donald Jay Trump labeled the New York trial as a “scam” and “a rigged trial,” and proclaimed, “I'm willing to do whatever I have to do to save our country and to save our Constitution.”

"Given Trump’s tenacity and determination, he will likely win this round. He may even succeed and become President again, but he cannot alter the trajectory of this nation—the course has already been set.

"The reality is that America did not defeat communism; she adopted it. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn astutely observed, “For us in Russia, communism is a dead dog, while for many people in the West, it is a living lion.” Expelled from Russia, this dead dog acquired a new life in the United States and regained vitality to become a living lion within the Democratic Party. The Party has gained almost absolute dominance over the media, electoral process, federal law enforcement, and the judicial branch, and it’s infused the educational system with Marxist ideology.

"Trump is a symbol of resistance and instills an inordinate fear in Democrats who aspire to socialism. Their concern is not so much that he can reverse the trend but that he will potentially impede the process and slow it down. The Democrats have gotten very close to imposing complete control over this nation politically, economically, and ideologically. This is their moment; they want socialism now." . . .

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