Thursday, June 13, 2024

The evil of wokeness

 Lime, the new Bud Light, issued a groveling statement condemning the use of their scooters for the desecration of the gay pride iconography.

Pride Decried › American Greatness  
Supporting LGBTQ Pride Month, Kevin Rector, a legal affairs reporter for the Los Angeles Times, insists that “Queer people should not just be accepted but celebrated.”  That is absurd. What willing people do behind closed doors is no one else’s business—not yours, not mine, and not the government’s. But to honor people—for an entire month, no less—for their sexual activity is an insult to us all, gay and straight.

Woke Insanity: Three Washington State Teens Face Ten Years In Prison For Vandalizing Pride Mural (  

Toon added by TD

. . ."The teens got caught after a group of witnesses sitting at a nearby bar saw them acting nefariously, revving their electronic Lime scooters, and intentionally scooting their tires over the mural to create skid marks, court documents revealed, KREM News reported.

"There is little that angers me more than the obvious, disgusting, and unAmerican legal persecution by Democrats of anyone who does not take a knee to their woke religion, and this story is particularly infuriating because these kids were riding scooters on a “Pride” mural that is painted on a road." . . .

Senate GOP Says They Will Block Biden Nominees Over Trump Lawfare

 In a recent essay in "National Review," he argued for just such a dose of karma for Democrats. Yoo states the obvious: that the Democrats' perversion of the American legal system has greatly damaged the office of the president. 

JD Vance and other Senate Republicans Vow to BLOCK DOJ FUNDING, Biden Nominees: ‘We No Longer Cooperate’

RedState   For the last year, Americans have watched as Donald Trump has garnered four indictments in four Democrat-friendly districts, amassing roughly 91 felony charges. It is an overt display of a weaponized Department of Justice the likes of which this country has never seen. As President Joe Biden looks increasingly weak and cognitively impaired, Democrats know they are in trouble in November, and lawfare has seemed their only way to hang onto power for dear life. But it appears that Senate Republicans may have had just about enough and are tired of playing nice.

"On Thursday, a group of GOP Senators led by Sen. J.D. Vance, which also includes Sens. (R-OH), Mike Lee (R-UT), Bill Hagerty (R-TN), Roger Marshall (R-KS), Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), and Eric Schmitt (R-MO), announced they would put a hold policy on several of President Biden's nominees in response to the ongoing "radical lawfare" against Donald Trump. In addition to various judicial nominees, there are also the pending nominations of deputy undersecretary of the Treasury and general counsel for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).

"The Senators' announcement also stated that the nominees in question would apply to those who “supported lawfare or censorship” of Trump, “suggested the Trump prosecutions were reasonable,” or endorsed Trump’s guilt. some of the nominees include Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) to represent the U.S. at the U.N. General Assembly, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy's nomination to represent the U.S. on the World Health Organization Board, and former Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL) to represent the U.S. on the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization. While the nominations are relatively minor, they will force Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to use valuable Senate floor time on things like judicial nominations, leaving the others to languish or not be confirmed at all. The group says the stall will last through the election." . . .

Comment:  GREAT, now do what you say you’re going to do!! As Republicans have a tendency to backslide and do NOTHING!!!

Caitlin Clark in Obama’s America. Is this what you were aiming for, Joe?

 Perhaps this is the Joe Biden/ Maxine Waters/ Joy Reid effect on sports.

Earick Ward - American Thinker 

The Olympics is bigger than the games.  It is a representation of who we are as a nation.  As it is, the USA Women’s Basketball Team will go to Paris and represent (Obama’s and Biden’s) America — race division and strife. 

 "As a long-time (until the LeBron era) Lakers fan, I am grateful that I was around to witness Showtime firsthand — Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, James Worthy, Byron Scott, Kurt Rambis, A.C. Green, and Michael Cooper.

Their rivalry with the Boston Celtics and Larry Bird throughout the eighties catapulted “the game” to unprecedented heights.  So it is with Caitlin Clark and the WNBA, or at least it could be.

But alas, resentment, racism, and bigotry (in this case, against heterosexuality) are (seemingly) more powerful than the competition, and more importantly, the opportunity to catapult “the women’s game” beyond the abysmal ratings that it has experienced since its inception.

In the eighties, during the Lakers/Celtics run, race was all but irrelevant to the game.  That’s not to say that race was entirely irrelevant, but it didn’t cause me (a Caucasian person) to root for Larry Bird ahead of my beloved Lakers.  Magic was my guy.  Showtime was my team.

Today’s game is mired, as is (seemingly) the rest of society, in race and race grievance — Obama’s America.  Envy has taken front-row seats in the Caitlin Clark era.

This past week, it was reported that Caitlin Clark was left off the U.S. Olympic Women’s Basketball Team, with reports that “there were concerns about her millions of fans” being upset that she wouldn’t have gotten any playing time.  This rationale is interesting on two fronts.  One: Those “millions of fans” would have watched the Olympic games, and two: Playing time would have been what it was.  If Clark were put in to help the team, then her playing time would be justified by her production.

What is behind the pro-Palestinian protests at US universities?


. . ."In a letter sent Monday to the state’s public universities, Yost said a 1953 “anti-disguise” law could apply to mask-wearing students protesting against Israel’s war in Gaza. The law makes it a fourth-degree felony for two or more people to commit any crime together “while wearing white caps, masks, or other disguise.”

"At least 40 people were arrested during peaceful protests on Ohio State University’s campus in late April, including 18 students. All protesters were charged with criminal trespassing, a low-level misdemeanor. But under his interpretation of the state’s anti-disguise law, Yost said protesters could face up to a year and a half in prison and $5,000 in fines." . . .
‘We Know Occupation’: The Long History of Black Americans’ Solidarity with Palestinians - POLITICO   Ignorant tools. They should reject the Middle Eastern leaders shaping their unoriginal thought processes. TD
Explainer: What is behind the pro-Palestinian protests at US universities? | Reuters  . . ."Pro-Palestinian protests have drawn students, faculty and outside activists, including of Jewish and Muslim faiths. The groups organizing the protests include Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace.
'The encampments have hosted a diverse array of teach-ins, interfaith prayers and musical performances.
" 'Organizers have disavowed violence against pro-Israel counter-protesters, although some Jewish students have said they feel unsafe on campus and unnerved by chants they call antisemitic.
"Some city leaders and university administrators have said activists from outside campus have co-opted or orchestrated protests. The University of Texas, Austin, for instance, said of the 79 people arrested on its campus on April 29, 45 had no affiliation with the university.
"Campus counter protests have been led by Israeli American and Zionist groups as well as fellow students and Jewish-American community members.
"Hundreds of people attended a counter rally at UCLA in Los Angeles organized by the Israel advocacy group the Israeli American Council. A Jewish student activist at UCLA posted video of himself being barred from an area of campus by pro-Palestinian protesters.
"A scuffle broke out at the University of California, Berkeley on May 1 between the co-founder of Zionist group Students Supporting Israel and a pro-Palestinian protester.
"At Arizona State University student counter protesters helped police dismantle a protest encampment on April 27. Hundreds of students at the University of Mississippi, some waving U.S. flags and banners supporting former President Donald Trump, chanted against pro-Palestinian protesters on May 2." . . .
Michael Ramirez Comic Strip for May 05, 2024
But there she is...
"These folks have promulgated this lie that Israel is the oppressor in Gaza," he added. "Meanwhile, the real oppressor is Hamas, a terrorist organization that uses civilians indiscriminately as shields to try to protect themselves. They need to be eliminated, period. The fact that we have sympathizers as members of Congress is so unbecoming and so horrifying."

 Sickening: Homes of Brooklyn Museum's Jewish board members targeted with menacing messages from pro-Hamas vandals -Monica Showalter   . . ."The effort was led by one Nerdeen Kiswani, a wild-eyed fanatic who was last seen harassing child cancer patients at New York's Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, so she's not new to foul tactics. I wrote about that here.

"Now unnamed vandals have struck in what they called "retaliation" for those arrests, targeting museum officials in their homes as Hamas military targets." . . .

Two wounded as Hezbollah fires 150 rockets at northern Israel -

This is probably just fine with the people mentioned above. Why are our pro-Pals not upset over this? TD

EXPERIMENTING with Olive Honey Over Gunmetal PAYS OFF (Oddly Amazing)

 DipYourCar - YouTube

"As someone who's done "costume jewelry" (non-precious metal jewelry pieces) for a metalwork class, the olive honey seems to hit every shade of brass. in the mixing beaker it looks like yellow brass that's started to tarnish, and on the stick it looks like freshly cleaned brass maybe even with a bit of fire scale (where annealing or soldering the brass brings some of the copper in the alloy to the surface). When it flashes on the gunmetal it hints at an old worn brass look, which it could probably hit with a warmer grey behind it." Comment

Questions raised about medically juicing Biden for debate

 Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner (  "With President Joe Biden physically drained by one long European trip and now off to southern Italy for the annual Group of Seven economic summit, expectations are growing that he will return for a long Camp David rest to prepare for the first 2024 debate on June 27 with former President Donald Trump.

"Some are speculating that Biden, seen Monday night standing stiff and unconnected to the White House celebration of Juneteenth on the South Lawn, may be medically revitalized during his visit to the Maryland presidential resort.

"Kellyanne Conway, a former White House adviser to Trump, suggested on Fox on Wednesday that Biden might get juiced.

"I wonder what's going to happen with him medically at Camp David for 10 days because we have no hard evidence that Joe Biden can stand anywhere, let alone at a podium, intimidated by Donald Trump feet away from him for 90 minutes without a teleprompter," she said, according to a post on X.

"Similar suggestions were aired after Biden's recent State of the Union address, in which he appeared engaged and lingered long after to socialize with politicians in the House chamber.

"Trump, for example, rumored that Biden was on stimulating drugs. At one point, when the president verbally stumbled, Trump said on social media, "THE DRUGS ARE WEARING OFF!" He has also called for pre-debate drug tests.

Related video: Democrats urged to 'be honest' and drop Joe Biden from Presidential campaign: 'Trump derangement syndrome is so strong!' (GB News) cartoon:  

. . ."As his laptop showed, he is a thoroughly degenerate man who was a drug addict who used prostitutes, some of them very young.  After his divorce from his first wife, he had an affair with his sister-in-law, the widow of his deceased brother.  He introduced her to cocaine.  Both his wife and sister-in-law are mothers, of his own three daughters and his niece and nephew.  How sick is that?  Dysfunctional hardly describes how unstable the Biden family is. 

Being the snobs they are, they continue to ignore the child Hunter fathered with Lunden Roberts but embrace the son by the newest wife.  In a semi-normal family, wouldn’t some of those adult children want to know their half-sister in Arkansas?  Guess not.  They are all without a shred of class or grace.  They are all grifters.

"Now convicted of the crime of lying on a gun-purchase form, will he be actually held accountable?  Not likely.  He has never been held accountable for his bad behavior in his life." 

On the same day that Hunter gets convicted on gun charges, Joe tries to talk tough at a gun control conference - Olivia Murray

This is also the guy who personally fathered Hunter Biden, a drug addict who lied on ATF forms and was so irresponsible with a firearm that he left it out to be discovered by his sloppy seconds bedmate who then threw it in a garbage can across the street from a school, and who also took naked pictures of himself while holding a gun…with his finger in the trigger well, and excuse the gross little censored-out cornichon:

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Democrats' Lawfare Proves Politically Impotent, Apt to Boomerang

 Josh Hammer (  "Nearly 14 months after the first of four unprecedented criminal prosecutions against former President Donald Trump commenced in earnest, the Democrat-lawfare complex got its man: The Soviet show trial in “Justice” Juan Merchan’s dingy New York City courtroom produced its preordained “guilty” verdict.

  • It is perhaps hackneyed to observe that, in convicting and seeking to incarcerate a former president and current leading presidential candidate, we have “crossed the Rubicon.” Well …
  • Did we not cross a Rubicon when the demonic Obama administration sued the nuns—yes, literal nuns—of the Little Sisters of the Poor to try to force them to subsidize abortifacients?
  • Did we not cross a Rubicon when Democrats threw out 4,000 to 5,000 years of “innocent until proven guilty” civilizational norms to try to derail the U.S. Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh?
  • Did we not cross a Rubicon when then-vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris solicited funds to bail out anarchic Antifa-Black Lives Matter street hooligans?
  • Did we not cross a Rubicon when the American Stasi—sorry, the FBI—raided Mar-a-Lago over a document dispute?
  • Did we not cross a Rubicon when myriad Trump attorneys, including the renowned scholar John Eastman, were prosecuted for practicing the legal profession?
  • Did we not cross a Rubicon when Peter Navarro or Steve Bannon (just now) were ordered to jail? . . . 

Report: Joe Biden Says Hunter Is Victim of Weaponized System of Justice (    "President Joe Biden reportedly believes Hunter Biden is a victim of the weaponization of justice following his gun conviction on Tuesday.

A Delaware jury found Hunter guilty of all three gun charges. He faces up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 in fines.

The octogenarian pledged last week in France he would not pardon Hunter. He has not, however, spoken about whether he would deliver a commutation.

The president feels guilty over Hunter’s legal predicament, two people not authorized to speak publicly about private conversations about Hunter told Politico. They also told the outlet Joe Biden believes he contributed to Hunter’s plight."

“If I weren’t running for reelection, he would have gotten the plea deal,” Biden told a confidant earlier this month, a person familiar with the conversation told Politico.

"Rep. Maxine Waters (D) explains why DEI is so important: Black prosecutors are going after Trump

  End Wokeness on X: "Rep. Maxine Waters (D) explains why DEI is so important: Black prosecutors are going after Trump


Which Joe runs this nation?


Good and Evil - Lars Møller   . . ."In the West, people are negligent of the evil that threatens them from without. Yes, against their better judgment, they even doubt the existence of evil in the world. Many years of peace have obviously dulled their senses and made them mellow. In addition, they may have lost some of their courage to speak out against unfairness and defend themselves. Therefore, they hesitate to respond appropriately when the enemy blatantly lies to them and tests their resolve." . . .

Biden Still Thinks He Can Win a Civil War – RedState  . . ."If you thought the first one was horrendous, a second one would be even worse, with far less organization and neither side having any modicum of respect for the other. There would be no "north" or "south." It would be a street-to-street conflict that has so many factions that you'd lose track of them all. In the end, it wouldn't be a "war"; it would be a horror story that wouldn't officially end at some courthouse." . . . 

What makes the difference between these two Joes?

Doesn't it have to be some sort of medication?

Is this Joe, or a cardboard cutout?

Anti-Israel mob chanting 'Long live Intifada' lights flares outside NYC exhibit that memorializes Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival victims

 NY Post (

I assume this is what they were cheering:  

"The demonstration, organized by pro-Palestinian group Within Our Lifetime, began in Union Square, where some protesters unfurled a “Long live October 7th” banner, according to social media footage."

"A mob of anti-Israel protesters chanted “Long live the Intifada” during a depraved celebration Monday night outside a downtown Manhattan exhibit that memorializes the murder and rape victims of the Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival, where 364 people were killed by Hamas terrorists.

The work of Palestinians
"The deranged pro-terror crowd lit flares and waved a flag associated with the Iran-backed Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah in front of the Nova Music Festival Exhibition on Wall Street during what was billed by organizers as a “citywide day of rage for Gaza,” according to video from the scene." . . .

“ 'There’s only one reason why these protesters would march in front of a Manhattan exhibit in memory of those killed at the Nova music festival on October 7th,” Joel Petlin, superintendent of the Kiryas Joel School District, said in a social media post.

“ 'They support the terrorists who perpetrated it, and they want it to happen again.”

"Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in April that a call for intifada is to “call for violence against Israelis and Jews and Israel.”

 "Video released by the Israeli Police and the Israeli Security Agency appears to show the moment of rescue for three hostages inside Gaza. CNN cannot independently verify the authenticity of the video which was pre-edited and released to the media with blurs already in place. CNN political and global affairs analyst Barak Ravid shares his thoughts about the footage and CNN’s Paula Hancocks reports on what she has learned from a doctor leading the team treating the four rescued Israeli hostages."

Hostages Rescued, and Many Truths Revealed - American Thinker  . . ."Timing is everything in politics; there have likely been times in recent months when Gantz’s admonishments and self-righteous withdrawal from the government would have had some political sting.  But now?

"He chose the very weekend when so many of Netanyahu’s instincts have been proven correct, a weekend when Israeli forces heroically freed four hostages, a weekend when both “uninvolved” Gaza civilians and Arab reporters were proven to be active hostile combatants, and a weekend when the foreign sponsor of the latest sham agreement — America’s pretender-in-chief Joe Biden — embarrassed himself even more than usual on the world stage, demolishing what little moral high ground his administration ought to be able to boast in such peace talks.

"This was a good weekend for the Netanyahu government, and any good weekend for Israel is a very bad week for the global Left.

"With courage, tenacity, talent, and an incontestable moral high ground, Israel knows how to behave as a leader of the free world.  If only these United States, which used to own that title, still remembered how."

Combatting Our Homegrown Enemy

 Ed Thompson - American Thinker

Tocqueville’s Democracy in America was written at a time when the United States was still a relatively young nation. He pondered the future of democracy and the potential challenges it faced. He believed that democracy was a fragile and imperfect system, and that it required constant vigilance and effort to maintain. He was right. The time for that vigilance and effort is well past due.

"There is a War on America. This isn’t a threat of nuclear missiles from some foreign adversary like Russia or China. It is not about the Ukraine, Gaza, or Taiwan. This war rages right here on American soil and is being fought by home-grown and sometimes hidden armies dedicated to destroying all that is right and good for America and frankly, the rest of the planet.

"Before you conjure up visions of armed white supremacist militias sporting shaved heads and Swastika tattoos stockpiling weapons on a remote compound in the hills of Montana, stop. That is the fever dream the enemy is pitching, a misdirection flanking tactic in the War on America. J6 was never an insurrection at all, certainly not worse than 9/11, Pearl Harbor, or the Civil War. The Proud Boys were never seditious conspirators hell-bent on armed rebellion. Donald Trump is not Satan, Putin, and Hitler combined, an evil fiend determined to put all people of color in chains. That is, as Biden might shout out angrily in non-sequitur fashion, malarkey, another bill of goods that the real enemy wants to sell you to justify tightening the noose around those few freedoms that we have left. Those big lies are meant to push you cowering into a corner where you will hand over your freedoms, always for the greater good, as civilization dies with a whimper, not a bang.

"The homegrown enemy are not foreigners, although the open border may provide millions more recruits to the cause. No, this army was trained right in our universities and schools. You are paying for your own destruction. Neat trick if you can pull it off. The enemy has been busy.

"Over the past four years we have been subjected to severely altered and unreliable elections that bear little resemblance to the standard of elections from just a decade ago. We were forced to take an unproven shot, forced to cover our faces and stand six feet apart, forced to stay in our homes, all based on lies and exaggerations fed to us by our own government. We are force fed lies by the mainstream media on a nearly continuous basis, while the government censors the truth. The national debt clock spins out of control while the ensuing inflation drives more Americans into poverty. Any attempt to get injunctive relief disappears into a gaping abyss where the once-vaunted American legal system used to be." . . .

Ed Thompson is a podcaster, columnist and author of educational and fiction books with over 25 years experience as a tutor and teacher. Learn More