Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 "Video released by the Israeli Police and the Israeli Security Agency appears to show the moment of rescue for three hostages inside Gaza. CNN cannot independently verify the authenticity of the video which was pre-edited and released to the media with blurs already in place. CNN political and global affairs analyst Barak Ravid shares his thoughts about the footage and CNN’s Paula Hancocks reports on what she has learned from a doctor leading the team treating the four rescued Israeli hostages."

Hostages Rescued, and Many Truths Revealed - American Thinker  . . ."Timing is everything in politics; there have likely been times in recent months when Gantz’s admonishments and self-righteous withdrawal from the government would have had some political sting.  But now?

"He chose the very weekend when so many of Netanyahu’s instincts have been proven correct, a weekend when Israeli forces heroically freed four hostages, a weekend when both “uninvolved” Gaza civilians and Arab reporters were proven to be active hostile combatants, and a weekend when the foreign sponsor of the latest sham agreement — America’s pretender-in-chief Joe Biden — embarrassed himself even more than usual on the world stage, demolishing what little moral high ground his administration ought to be able to boast in such peace talks.

"This was a good weekend for the Netanyahu government, and any good weekend for Israel is a very bad week for the global Left.

"With courage, tenacity, talent, and an incontestable moral high ground, Israel knows how to behave as a leader of the free world.  If only these United States, which used to own that title, still remembered how."

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