Thursday, June 13, 2024

What is behind the pro-Palestinian protests at US universities?


. . ."In a letter sent Monday to the state’s public universities, Yost said a 1953 “anti-disguise” law could apply to mask-wearing students protesting against Israel’s war in Gaza. The law makes it a fourth-degree felony for two or more people to commit any crime together “while wearing white caps, masks, or other disguise.”

"At least 40 people were arrested during peaceful protests on Ohio State University’s campus in late April, including 18 students. All protesters were charged with criminal trespassing, a low-level misdemeanor. But under his interpretation of the state’s anti-disguise law, Yost said protesters could face up to a year and a half in prison and $5,000 in fines." . . .
‘We Know Occupation’: The Long History of Black Americans’ Solidarity with Palestinians - POLITICO   Ignorant tools. They should reject the Middle Eastern leaders shaping their unoriginal thought processes. TD
Explainer: What is behind the pro-Palestinian protests at US universities? | Reuters  . . ."Pro-Palestinian protests have drawn students, faculty and outside activists, including of Jewish and Muslim faiths. The groups organizing the protests include Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace.
'The encampments have hosted a diverse array of teach-ins, interfaith prayers and musical performances.
" 'Organizers have disavowed violence against pro-Israel counter-protesters, although some Jewish students have said they feel unsafe on campus and unnerved by chants they call antisemitic.
"Some city leaders and university administrators have said activists from outside campus have co-opted or orchestrated protests. The University of Texas, Austin, for instance, said of the 79 people arrested on its campus on April 29, 45 had no affiliation with the university.
"Campus counter protests have been led by Israeli American and Zionist groups as well as fellow students and Jewish-American community members.
"Hundreds of people attended a counter rally at UCLA in Los Angeles organized by the Israel advocacy group the Israeli American Council. A Jewish student activist at UCLA posted video of himself being barred from an area of campus by pro-Palestinian protesters.
"A scuffle broke out at the University of California, Berkeley on May 1 between the co-founder of Zionist group Students Supporting Israel and a pro-Palestinian protester.
"At Arizona State University student counter protesters helped police dismantle a protest encampment on April 27. Hundreds of students at the University of Mississippi, some waving U.S. flags and banners supporting former President Donald Trump, chanted against pro-Palestinian protesters on May 2." . . .
Michael Ramirez Comic Strip for May 05, 2024
But there she is...
"These folks have promulgated this lie that Israel is the oppressor in Gaza," he added. "Meanwhile, the real oppressor is Hamas, a terrorist organization that uses civilians indiscriminately as shields to try to protect themselves. They need to be eliminated, period. The fact that we have sympathizers as members of Congress is so unbecoming and so horrifying."

 Sickening: Homes of Brooklyn Museum's Jewish board members targeted with menacing messages from pro-Hamas vandals -Monica Showalter   . . ."The effort was led by one Nerdeen Kiswani, a wild-eyed fanatic who was last seen harassing child cancer patients at New York's Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, so she's not new to foul tactics. I wrote about that here.

"Now unnamed vandals have struck in what they called "retaliation" for those arrests, targeting museum officials in their homes as Hamas military targets." . . .

Two wounded as Hezbollah fires 150 rockets at northern Israel -

This is probably just fine with the people mentioned above. Why are our pro-Pals not upset over this? TD

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