Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Which Joe runs this nation?


Good and Evil - Lars Møller   . . ."In the West, people are negligent of the evil that threatens them from without. Yes, against their better judgment, they even doubt the existence of evil in the world. Many years of peace have obviously dulled their senses and made them mellow. In addition, they may have lost some of their courage to speak out against unfairness and defend themselves. Therefore, they hesitate to respond appropriately when the enemy blatantly lies to them and tests their resolve." . . .

Biden Still Thinks He Can Win a Civil War – RedState  . . ."If you thought the first one was horrendous, a second one would be even worse, with far less organization and neither side having any modicum of respect for the other. There would be no "north" or "south." It would be a street-to-street conflict that has so many factions that you'd lose track of them all. In the end, it wouldn't be a "war"; it would be a horror story that wouldn't officially end at some courthouse." . . . 

What makes the difference between these two Joes?

Doesn't it have to be some sort of medication?

Is this Joe, or a cardboard cutout?

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