Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Kamala must have spent too much time with Joe "Walter Mitty" Biden the past four years

Kamala Harris Mocked for Claim Grandmother Promoted Abortion in India  "Harris relayed that she comes from “a long line of tough, trailblazing and phenomenal women,” recalling how her grandmother would visit villages armed with a bullhorn, promoting access to abortion.

“ 'My grandmother would go into villages in India… with a bullhorn talking with the women about the need to have access to reproductive health care,” she recounted, in what was considered a revolutionary stance in a culture where women’s rights were often suppressed.

"The 2024 Democratic presidential candidate noted that her grandmother persisted despite facing backlash and her grandfather’s concern that her activism might end his career.

“ 'She was an extraordinary woman,” she added."  Video

Comrade Kamala's Tie-Breaking IRA Vote Broke Medicare; She’s Covering it Up with a Taxpayer-Funded Bailout  . . ."Americans know that everything has become more expensive under Biden and Harris – gas, groceries, housing. But perhaps the worst impact the IRA had was breaking health care for America’s seniors, spurring the biggest spike in Medicare Part D premiums ever. The IRA re-wrote Medicare Part D, changing it from a program that relied on markets and competition to keep costs down, to a command-and-control style program with price controls set by bureaucrats in Washington, DC. And the consequences have been devastating." 

"For the 50 million Americans enrolled in Medicare Part D, after 15 years of stability, premiums went up more than 20 percent in 2024 and are expected to increase by almost 50 percent in 2025.

"And here’s the latest. To temporarily defray the premium hikes on seniors right before the election, the Biden-Harris administration is bailing out Part D insurers with billions in taxpayer dollars to conceal the increases. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is calling it a “premium stabilization” for stand-alone prescription drug plans, the full details of which have been spelled out in an excellent report by Paragon Health Institute."...

Harris just confirmed that packing the Supreme Court is DEFINITELY on the ballot... - Revolver News   "The US Supreme Court isn’t perfect, but it hasn’t been completely weaponized… yet. In fact, the court has recently come through on several key issues, voting in favor of truth and justice. One recent ruling, which affirmed presidential immunity, was a huge victory for President Trump—and for the entire country. But don’t get too excited, because the entire US Supreme Court is on the ballot this election season.
"VP Harris made that painfully clear when she was asked about “stacking the court,” something the American people clearly don’t want—but her radical, extremist base would love to see.
"Americans don’t like the idea of messing with the US Supreme Court because, let’s be honest, there’s literally no reason to do it—except for a blatant power grab.
"The only reason Dems are pushing to “stack” the court is because they don’t like some of the decisions it’s made. Sorry, but that’s not a good enough reason to upend our entire system." . . .

Victor Davis Hanson: Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris in 70 Days?

  American Greatness

Harris is not so much a flip-flopper as a padder, who supports anything, without any worry about framing each new position by renouncing her original and opposite one.

Trump’s challenge is to expose Harris for the radical she is; Harris’s is to mask the radicalism that she once proudly asserted and will do so again immediately upon election. 

AF Branco

"An Opportunistic Mediocrity"  "In theory, it should be hard for Kamala Harris to win the presidency of the United States.

"Under pressure, Harris just completed her first “live interview”—a disastrous performance that was mysteriously taped, edited, and emotionally supported by her co-interviewed running mate. During the interview, she claimed that her values remain the same even though her manifestations of them have admittedly changed. Translated, that means for the next 70 days, she will advocate for popular policies antithetical to her own values, which will inevitably resurface after the election once the current façade fades away.

"She is a Berkelyite who, as attorney general of California, had a proud far-left tenure. The lifelong large corpus of Harris’s left-wing enthusiasm and causes are only now being unearthed. But they are singular in that her riffs of embracing wokism, being a radical, erasing ICE, doing away with private health insurance, or being the last person in the room when Joe Biden made his disastrous decisions were all given to sympathetic media or pandered to crowds.

"As a result, she often doubled down. Her emphatic statements were intended to stun audiences. Unlike other leftists, she really was a proud woke, radical and wanted everyone else to be one as well—broadcasting her leftism as openly as she is now cloaking it.

"In one respected survey, Harris’s voting record was rated as the most left-leaning in the United States Senate. If she voted to the left of the admitted hardcore socialist Bernie Sanders, what exactly does that make her?

"Otherwise, Harris was undistinguished, and often overtly so, as she was exposed as inane in Senate hearings. Her envisioned 2019-2020 primary bid proved an utter disaster. When liberal Democrat voters nationwide were first made aware of her radical record, her left-wing agendas, and her weird wash/rinse/spin word-salad chats, they ran.

"Harris’s well-funded 2019 campaign quickly blew up early. Indeed, she never entered much less won a single primary–and captured no delegates through voting.

"In the frenzy following George Floyd’s death, and the mayhem and nationwide rioting and violence of late spring and summer, panicked 2020 nominee Joe Biden announced in advance he would select a diversity candidate as a running mate. And in no time, and under increasing pressure to trump his braggadocious promise, he boxed himself in by assuring his handlers that his running mate would be preselected as a black woman.

"Given there were then no black female governors and only two black women in the Senate, Kamala Harris was a choice of last resort—even though, as a candidate and competitor of Joe Biden, she had condemned him before a nationwide audience as a veritable racist who had habitually cozied up to segregationists. When she labels her own running mate a racist it becomes hard to take her charges of racism against Trump seriously." . . .

UPDATED: Thought for the Day: Bonhoeffer on Stupidity vs Evil

  Power Line (

"The great theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer offers a useful observation:

Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leave behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall of deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed…  For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than a malicious one.

Case in point: Greta Thunberg and mentors.

UPDATE: Greta Thunberg Arrested at Copenhagen Palestine Protest

. . ."Around 20 people blockaded the University of Copenhagen on Wednesday morning, leading to six arrests as police cleared the institution. Among those seen being arrested was green extremist Greta Thunberg, who was photographed wearing the distinctive keffiyeh scarf and being led in handcuffs to a police van." . . . 

Harris Hangs On To Overall Lead, But Trump Maintains His Hold On Vital ‘Swing States’: I&I/TIPP Poll

"With just over 60 days until the election, no single poll is definitive. However, contrary to claims made in the media, the election remains too close to call. It’s vital to understand, as we noted above, that Trump has outperformed his polling numbers, for a variety of reasons." . . .

 Issues & Insights "Presidential candidate Kamala Harris still holds a slight lead over former President Donald Trump, but will it last after last week’s interview with CNN? Harris still enjoyed an edge with prospective voters as Labor Day approached, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll suggests, but it might not be sustainable as Trump consolidates his strength among swing-state voters.

"In a head-to-head matchup, Harris holds a 48% to 45% advantage over Trump in the September I&I/TIPP Poll, with 1,386 registered voters answering the survey from Aug. 28-Aug. 30. The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.8 percentage points.

"Harris appears to have solidified her Democratic base by continuing to run a campaign without a real policy platform that could be discussed or debated by voters, instead appearing at staged events with vice presidential candidate and current Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz in tow. She has 92% of the Democratic vote, while just 5% of her party say they will vote for Trump.

"Trump retains a solid 88% of all Republicans, but his support shows some leakage in the latest poll with 9% of GOP party members saying they will vote for Harris. That’s a net loss of 4% for Trump, compared to Harris." . . .

Blame should be on Hamas, not Israel! Why is that not obvious to the scarf people in the streets?

 . . ."In 2010, Tim Smith wrote a book entitled The Strong Horse, and in it he posited that Arab culture decrees that when faced with the choice between a weak horse and a strong horse, an Arab will always select and follow the strong horse. Israel: Stop acting bat s–t crazy and be the strong horse!" 


. . ."One can arguably posit that Israeli security was inadequate on October 7th. But Israel’s initial wrong-headed response to the tragic attack was shaped by tradition and societal expectations. 

"Consider the slogan “Bring them back.” Those words placed the burden on innocent Israel and not on the drugged-up psychopaths who had perpetrated the horrors.

"Moreover, Israelis expected the IDF to bring home both the living and the dead; even if it meant that some Israeli forces might die bringing back a corpse.

"All of this focus took the onus of responsibility away from the perpetrators of unspeakable crimes. “Release them” should have been demanded of Palestinians and Hamas, rather than “Bring them home” which was the Israeli cry." . . .

Sadly, Israel seems to be required to please the United States which tends to require a wimpish, democrat-influenced response that will satisfy MSNBC and "The View" ladies.

Minister Ron Dermer says blame should be on Hamas, not Israel - The Jerusalem Post   . . ."Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer directed the blame for the failure to reach a hostage deal at Hamas, stating that they have failed to accept any of the hostage deal proposals brought forward by Israel, the US, and other Arab mediators, according to an interview conducted on Wednesday on CNN.

"When asked whether the Israeli government is "moving the goalposts" regarding the hostage deal, Dermer responded, "The government is doing all it can, returning 150 of the 250 hostages taken by Hamas, with 110 of them returned alive."

"When pressed about the anger felt by the Israeli public over the execution of six Israeli hostages, Dermer said, "We should all be angry and outraged, but at Hamas, not the Israeli government. It was Hamas that killed the hostages, it was Hamas that invaded Israel and murdered twelve hundred people in cold blood.' ". . .

Hamas? Because this is what Hamas does! Israel Eliminates Hamas Terrorist Who Murdered Father in Front of Kids on October 7 (

"Hamas terror commander, who murdered an Israeli father in front of his small kids, was eliminated in an Israeli airstrike, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) disclosed Tuesday.

"Ahmad Fauzi Nasser Muhammad Wadia, the commander of the Hamas terrorist Nukhba forces, paraglided into the Israeli border community of Netiv Ha’asra and oversaw the massacre there. Wadia was captured by a security camera drinking Coca-Cola before the bleeding kids, aged 9 and 13, while their father lay dead.

"Gil Taasa, a 46-year-old firefighter, was killed when he jumped on a grenade to shield his sons, Koren (13) and Shai (9). Gil’s 17-year-old son Or was murdered by Wadia’s Nabuka terrorist forces. Koren and Shai managed to escape along with their mother despite severe injuries. Shay later lost his eyesight from a shrapnel wound during the attack." . . .

Hamas vows to kill hostages at 'risk' of rescue, and Biden ups his pressure on Israel (   "Hamas has now basically admitted it killed those six hostages rather than risk their liberation — indeed, all but boasted of it.

"Meanwhile, the Harris-Biden administration seems to be taking the tragedy as license to push Israel into a cease-fire deal that could let the terrorists re-supply." . . .

Feckless Biden and Kamala have thrown Israel to the wolves with their ignorance and betrayal - Michael Goodwin  

"As fate would have it, the 79th anniversary of the formal Japanese surrender in World War II came on the same day that Joe Biden all but encouraged Hamas to keep fighting and holding hostages in Gaza.  The contrast suggests that had Biden been president back then instead of Harry Truman, America would have lost the Second World War."

Trump’s rhetoric vs. Harris’s policies

"[Harris’s national security adviser Phil Gordon]'s pro-Iran and pro-Hamas positions are shared by his colleague and fellow Harris adviser Ilan Goldenberg. Both men are expected to receive senior foreign policy positions in a Harris administration." Caroline Glick

Trump’s rhetoric vs. Harris’s policies -  . . ."Since Oct. 7, Harris has been the most outspoken critic of Israel in the administration. Just three weeks after the Hamas invasion, and in the midst of the worst eruptions of antisemitism in the United States in 90 years, Harris announced on X that the Biden administration would develop “the first ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia.” She then added, falsely, “As the result of the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, we have seen an uptick in anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab and Islamophobic incidents across America.”

"Last week Harris raised concerns about her commitment to Israel’s security when she met with the heads of the most viciously anti-Israel and pro-Hamas group in the Democratic party ahead of an election rally in Michigan. 

"Harris spoke with the heads of the so-called “Uncommitted National Movement,” the group that convinced thousands of pro-Hamas voters in Michigan to vote “uncommitted” rather than vote for Biden in the Michigan primaries. According to the Washington Free Beacon, the two leaders in the conversation with Harris were Abbas Alawieh, former chief of staff for Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.), and Layla Elabed, sister of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.). Tlaib and Bush, of course are outspoken in their hatred for Israel and for American Jews who support Israel. After losing her Democratic primary in a landslide defeat on Aug. 6, Bush committed herself to destroying the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. In her words, “AIPAC, I’m coming to tear your kingdom down!”

"Alawieh and Elabed told Harris that they want the United States to impose an arms embargo on Israel. Harris reportedly responded that she is “open” to a discussion on the issue. While Harris’s aides have breathlessly insisted that she never expressed any support for an arms embargo and that she opposes an arms embargo, Harris supported the administration’s decision to block shipments of several critical weapons systems to Israel."

For the past hundred years, Jews have favored Democrats over Republicans by averages of over 60%. This week pollster Richard Baris released a survey that found Harris’s support among Jews stands at a mere 52.7%, with 45.9% favoring Trump. Trump has a narrow lead against Harris among Jewish voters in New York. 

Trump’s rhetoric is doubtless hard for liberal Jews to absorb. But Harris’s policies and positions on Israel and on Jews are much worse.

Kamala Harris visits black audience in Detroit, slaps on a brand new 'Foghorn Leghorn' accent

 Monica Showalter  "Kamala Harris has often been criticized for the rote quality of her speeches on the stump.

"She's actually made herself a figure of fun for giving the exact same speech in each city she visits, going word-for-word:

But while her words are the same, Harris does change one thing around now -- the regional accent she uses to deliver them in, according to how she thinks the audience speaks. 

In Detroit, she spoke with this brand new accent:   

  "Omg listen to how Kamala Harris says “64 days” in Detroit vs. how she says it in Pittsburgh just a couple hours apart.. The accent change is insane" / X

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

US announced terrorism charges against Hamas; FM Katz urges countries to sanction Hamas and Iran

 World Israel News   

"Attorney General Merrick Garland announced terrorism, murder conspiracy, and sanctions-evasion charges against six senior leaders of Hamas."

"US Justice Department charges Hamas leaders with terrorism as Israel’s Foreign Minister urged countries around the world to condemn and issue sanctions against Hamas and Iran.
"Attorney General Merrick Garland announced on Tuesday the unsealing of terrorism, murder conspiracy, and sanctions-evasion charges against six senior leaders of Hamas.
"Hamas was charged with playing a “central role in planning, supporting, and perpetrating the terrorist atrocities that Hamas committed in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.”
"Garland continued, “Hamas terrorists … murdered nearly 1200 people, including over 40 Americans, and kidnapped hundreds of civilians.”
"He added, “This weekend, we learned that Hamas murdered an additional six people they had kidnapped and held captive for nearly a year, including Hersh Goldberg-Polin, a 23 year old Israeli American.”
"Garland said, “We are investigating Hersh’s murder, and each and every one of Hamas’ brutal murders of Americans, as an act of terrorism. ”
"Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz urged embassies around the world to influence governments to sanction Hamas and Iran following the news that 6 Israeli hostages were executed shortly before their bodies were discovered by the IDF in Gaza.
" 'An execution is crossing a red line, a shocking war crime by a murderous terrorist organization,” he wrote.
"Katz added, “Israel demands the international community categorically condemn the heinous murder of the six hostages and take all possible measures, including sanctions and legal measures, against Hamas and its supporters, led by Iran.” . . . 

The American blueprint for failed negotiations in the Middle East -

 CarolineGlick  "The White House is pressuring Israel to throw in the towel, but will Prime Minister Netanyahu give in to the unprecedented pressure?

"While it may seem that America is trying to protect Israel from an attack by Iran and its proxies, the truth is that the Biden administration is also containing Israel and preventing a victory.

"I discuss the U.S.’s game plan and how explains the difference between Donald Trump’s foreign policy and the foreign policy we’ll experience if Kamala Harris is elected."

“Harris and Biden need to acknowledge Hamas is a terrorist organization and treat them like it, rather than pressuring Israel.”  
"Former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, who served during the Trump administration, slammed President Joe Biden for claiming that Israel is at fault for not securing a hostage deal with Hamas.
"When asked by a reporter if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is “doing enough” to bring about a deal, Biden clearly answered “no.”
"Biden’s comments, made just hours after the IDF discovered the bodies of hostages brutally executed by Hamas terrorists, sparked outraged.
"Haley wrote on social media platform X that U.S. pressure directed at Israel for a ceasefire had emboldened the terror group.
" 'Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an American citizen, was executed in Gaza. Seven Americans are still being held hostage by the same terrorists who murdered Hersh,” Haley posted on her X account.
“ 'It’s unacceptable. America should demand Hamas and their funders, Iran, release the hostages immediately. Harris and Biden need to acknowledge Hamas is a terrorist organization and treat them like it, rather than pressuring Israel,” she added.
"Haley also posted a video of Goldberg-Polin’s mother, Rachel, speaking at his funeral on Monday.
" 'How many more of these funerals have to happen before Kamala Harris and Joe Biden start playing hardball and put the sanctions back on Iran?” she wrote as a caption to the video.
“Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, none of these terror groups take this administration seriously. Cut off their money so the horror stops.' ” . . .

Joe Biden is a laughingstock around the world; a ridiculous man and just the type today's Democrats elect. TD

Joy as a form of politics has quite a Nazi history; Phyllis Chesler    "About #Kamala's Party of #Joy. Joy as a form of political activism has quite the #Nazi history. #Tax incentives and #bread and circuses was what the KDF offered the masses. They called it NS Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude (Strenth through Joy) and it was a Nazi operated organization which began in 1933 and lasted until the outbreak of the war, after which, their mandate was transformed into caring for and entertaining Nazi soldiers. The KDF was under the sponsorship of the National Labor Front. It provided sporting events, mandatory physical exercise, gymnastics, dancing classes for women, free or low-cost concerts, theater, and art exhibits, improved hygeine at workplaces, tax incentives, and government sponsored holidays, including cruises for the masses. The films and plays were pure propaganda.

Tax incentives for the masses? Does the Democrat Party know this history? If they do, why would they choose such a tainted brand? Or, is their model the "black joy" movement, a "joy that no #White man can steal." (Read Tracey Michael L'Lewis Giggetts in "Black Joy." But maybe the Democrat Party does not know about this either.

"Oh America, America, you/we are so lost.

"Please Democrats: Find another inspiration for political activism."  

AF Branco

Kam's push for Palestinian statehood   . . ."Secondly, if the incompetents in D.C. hadn't been trying to court Hamas-supporting constituents —on the grounds, as Biden said at the Democratic National Convention, that "they have a point" —they might have behaved like the allies of Israel that they've been professing to be since Oct. 7. Yes, had they not kept trying to block it from entering Rafah, or withholding weapons shipments as leverage, Goldberg-Polin and many others might well have been rescued by now.

"This brings us back to Harris, who made sure, in her inarticulate fashion, to stress that she'll toe the party line on Gaza: nodding slightly to the Jewish community by purporting to back Israel's right to be upset about the atrocities of Oct. 7, while attempting to appeal to progressive antisemites.

" 'We have got to get a deal done," she told Bash. "We were in Doha [the capital of Qatar, where some of the ceasefire negotiations were held]. We have to get a deal done. This war must end. And we must get a deal that is about getting the hostages out. I've met with the families of the American hostages. Let's get the hostages out. Let's get the ceasefire done."

"Bash interjected, "But no change in policy in terms of arms so forth?"

"Harris said a perfunctory "no," repeating, "I —we —have to get a deal done. Dana, we have to get a deal done. When you look at the significance of this to the families, to the people who are living in that region, a deal is not only the right thing to do to end this war, but will unlock so much of what must happen next."

"Not a mention of Hamas's refusal to accept any deal that doesn't guarantee its continued reign, nor of the inconvenient fact that it never agreed to release all the hostages." . . .

"Harris was admitting that, from the day after Palestinian terrorists committed the worst atrocities against Jews since the Holocaust —before Israeli boots even touched the ground in Gaza, but while rockets continued to be launched from the Strip into the south, and Hezbollah in Lebanon fired missile barrages on the north —Team Biden was promoting a narrative of moral equivalence between perpetrator and victim." . . .

Another Chinese Spy Busted in the US; Former Aide to Cuomo, Hochul Indicted

 Jennifer Van Laar – RedState

"A former aide to former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and current Gov. Kathy Hochul was arrested Tuesday morning on charges of violating and conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), visa fraud, alien smuggling, and money laundering conspiracy. The former aide, Linda Sun, is accused of acting on behalf of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party, to further their interests in the United States. Her husband, Chris Hu, was also arrested and charged with money laundering conspiracy, as well as conspiracy to commit bank fraud and misuse of means of identification.

Sun was the Chief of Staff for Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY) when Meng was a member of the New York State Assembly, then worked for Cuomo in multiple positions: Director of Asian American Affairs, Deputy Chief Diversity Officer, and Deputy Superintendent for Intergovermental Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer. After Hochul took office in August 2021 Sun became Deputy Chief of Staff, then left that job in November 2022 to become the Deputy Commissioner for Strategic Business Development at the New York State Department of Labor." . . .

Hamas savages taunted families of the six executed Israeli and American hostages by releasing haunting new footage of the victims

 Bare Naked Islam (  

Hamas today taunted the families of the six Israeli and A merican hostages executed by Hamas in a Gaza tunnel by releasing haunting new footage of the victims — and warning that the gut-wrenching clips were only a teaser to their “last messages.”

"The hostages, looking gaunt and exhausted, identify themselves for the camera before the footage transitions to still frames — including one threatening to release the captives’ full statements in a matter of hours, according to the terrorist propaganda video posted on Telegram.
"Hamas previously released similar videos of Oct. 7 hostages — footage that the Israeli government has denounced as a form of psychological warfare. Israeli media outlets did not carry the traumatizing video clips.
"Past Hamas videos included a brief message from Goldberg-Polin. It was released in April. In the video, Goldberg-Polin identified himself as Israeli and said he had been held captive for “nearly 200 days,” which suggested that the video was taken shortly before it was released.
"The dual American-Israeli citizen was missing part of his left arm, which was blown off by a Hamas grenade when the Palestinian terror group descended on the Nova music festival in southern Negev during the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel. His body and those of the five other slain hostages found Saturday were released to their families over the weekend." . . . 

Screenshot from the Hamas video. They have no fear of public pressure on them, but enjoy the benefits of it on the Israeli government.  Comment to the post:
"Hamas operatives embedded in the groups of protesters in America have certainly done their job. They have tried to make this look like it is an Israel problem, when really, it is a Hamas problem. Israel has every right to wipe out Hamas after what happened on October 7th, and I sympathize obviously with the families of the hostages, but you cannot let up in terms of destroying Hamas or else October 7th will happen again and again. This is particularly true given that Hamas now sees that they have sympathizers in the West who won't care if they do so. The world has gone crazy. Trump cannot be elected soon enough, this is Biden/Harris's mess."

15 Radical Rules Kamala Harris Makeover Follows

Victor Davis Hanson (  

"Banish all thoughts that she is an incumbent vice president and co-owns the last four years of the Biden administration". . ."She is always to be from Oakland—never Berkeley."

Earl of Taint

"How do accomplished radicals elect a mediocre far-left presidential candidate?

"The task might at first seem impossible.

"Kamala Harris is currently a radical incumbent vice president. For more than three years, she was second in command to an unprecedentedly unliked Democrat president, his failed policies, and his unpopular record.Harris herself had compiled a hard-left trail over her own entire career while loudly boasting indiscreetly to leftist audiences of being proudly “woke” and “radical.”

"Most challenging for a Harris candidacy makeover was the long, entrenched Democratic Party’s reluctance to remove a debilitated President Joe Biden from the Democratic ticket.


"Because Harris was deemed such a liability that she had become a Spiro Agnew-like insurance policy for a failing Biden.

"Until just recently, Democrats had considered an unpopular and enfeebled Biden nonetheless far preferable to an incoherent, lightweight, and widely ridiculed potential replacement Vice President Harris.

"After all, she had never before entered a presidential primary. She never won a single delegate by voting. She failed miserably as a candidate in 2020.

"And she co-owns the unpopular record of an even more unpopular president.

"The complete Harris makeover requires 15 radical rules followed to the letter:" . .  .

Read this list and recognize it is all happening as we speak!