Friday, September 6, 2024

Kamala Caves ... And Plays 'Let Me Speak' Card Anyway


“I let him talk—I’m going to let her talk,” Trump told Hannity. “There are those that say that Biden is smarter than she is. If that’s the case, we have a problem.”

. . ."Well, that's more access to Kamala on the record than they've had since July 21! Harris has been on the record with the media for a staggering 26 minutes over the last 45 days, and eight minutes or so of that time got absorbed by her equally reticent running mate Tim Walz. In contrast, Trump and J.D. Vance have spent hours and hours taking questions in interviews and pressers, holding such events almost at a one-a-day pace since Harris got nominated. 

"Of course, we all know why Harris wanted the mics unmuted for this debate. She wanted to bait Trump into interrupting her and speaking over her, so that she could do what she did to Mike Pence -- embarrass him by scolding over interruptions. Harris got some mileage out of that four years ago, mainly because Pence is a genuinely courtly Midwestern man who wanted to avoid looking overbearing. 

"Trump really doesn't have that problem. If Team Kamala thinks that will work against Trump, they're about to be sorely disillusioned, especially because Trump (like everyone else) will see it coming a mile away. "If Kamala can't deal with an interruption," he'll likely proclaim, "then how can you trust her to deal with America's enemies?" And so on." . . .

Georgia high school shooting suspect's father faces judge after murder charges

  CBS News 

"The father of Colt Gray, the teen suspect in the Apalachee High School shooting, was arrested, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation announced Thursday.

"Colin Gray, 54, is being charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children, the GBI said. The 14-year-old shooting suspect has been charged with four counts of felony murder.

"GBI Director Chris Hosey said at a news conference Thursday night that the charges against Colin Gray stem from "knowingly allowing his son to possess a weapon."

"Georgia law prohibits minors from possessing handguns, but there is no minimum age to possess a rifle or shotgun in Georgia.

"During a brief court hearing Friday morning, Judge Currie Mingledorff II told Colin Gray he faced up to 180 years in prison if he was convicted on all counts. The judge also advised him of his rights, and the father said, "Yes, sir," in response to some questions from the judge." . . .

Father of Georgia high school shooting suspect charged with murder, child cruelty 

 "The fact that Mr. Gray bought his son a weapon of war as a present – months after being investigated for making threats to shoot up a school – is a complete and utter dereliction of responsibility, both as a gun owner and a community member," said Suplina, adding that the verdict against the Crumbleys "should have sent a clear message to people like Mr. Gray." 

"I did it"


Wake Up: Hamas Is the Barbarian


"Americans need to wake up. The so-called "peaceful" protests we've been witnessing in public spaces and on our college campuses throughout the United States are led by pro-terrorist sympathizers who have no regard for the innocent Palestinians caught in the crossfire. These sympathizers are driven by a deep-seated hatred for both Jewish people and the United States." 

"Hamas has once again showcased the terrorist group's barbaric intentions, as six innocent hostages were brutally executed before Israel could rescue them from the group’s terror tunnels in Gaza. 

"Now, in a chilling and cruel move, Hamas is releasing images of the slain hostages and threatening to release more, further torturing the families already grieving the loss of their loved ones at the hands of Hamas terrorists. These barbaric acts highlight the true nature of Hamas and its commitment to the destruction of Israel.  

"Yahya Al-Sinwar, Hamas’ chief, knows releasing images of the slain hostages and videos will divide Israeli society and the world. He doesn’t care because he hopes this propaganda war will turn against Israel and the United States as people forget it was Hamas who launched an unprovoked attack against Israel on October 7, 2023, and recently executed six hostages hours before they could be rescued.  

"Whether we like it or not, Americans are being targeted by the same evil forces attacking Israel. Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin became the latest victim when he was executed by his Hamas captors. Since Hamas’ brutal attack on October 7, 2023, the terrorists have killed more than 30 Americans." . . .

. . ."The conflict is not merely a regional dispute; it is a battle between forces that seek to uphold human dignity and those that wish to erase it. Standing with Israel is not just about defending a sovereign nation; it is about defending the very principles that form the bedrock of civilized society. It is about ensuring terrorism, fueled by the Iranian regime, does not go unchecked and that those who seek to destabilize the world are met with resolute opposition." . . .

Spoiled brat’: Greta Thunberg arrested at Gaza protest in Copenhagen

 Sky News (  Climate activist Greta Thunberg was arrested at a Gaza protest in Copenhagen. 

“Honestly, she is a tragic person,” Ms MacSween told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio. “She’s a spoiled brat.”

'Doom Goblin' Greta Thunberg:  "Kevin O'Sullivan and Isabel Oakeshott discuss Greta Thunberg's shift from climate change to protesting over Gaza, criticizing her lack of logic and the financial benefits they claim her family has gained from her activism. They express alarm over Ed Miliband's extreme green policies, which they believe will drive the nation into poverty."

Greta is ongoing fodder for satire at the Babylon Bee:
Having Solved Climate Change, Greta Thunberg Turns Attention To Middle East Peace   "People around the world sounded a celebratory cry this week, as having completed her quest to solve climate change, Greta Thunberg turned her attention to achieving peace in the Middle East.
"The renowned climatological expert and professional activist rested from her finished work fixing the earth's climate problems and set her sights on bringing all nations of the Middle East together in lasting peace and harmony.
" 'You thought I could only tackle climate change? How dare you!" Thunberg said as she sternly admonished reporters gathered at an anti-Israel protest in Malmo, Sweden. "Nothing can withstand the onslaught of Greta Thunberg. All those who stand in my path will be destroyed. I eradicated climate change in a few short years simply by giving some speeches and sitting in the road to block traffic. I will now focus my full power on bringing about lasting peace in the Middle East. Look upon me, ye mighty, and despair!"
"Upon hearing about Thunberg turning her attention toward resolving the ongoing conflict in Gaza, Israeli leaders scrambled to convene special meetings to discuss their options. "We were not expecting this," one high-ranking Israeli official said under the condition of anonymity. "We thought we had the situation well in hand, but as soon as we heard the name ‘Greta Thunberg,' our hearts froze. THE Greta Thunberg?! The impish creature that solved climate change? We may need to surrender and give Hamas whatever they ask. What other choice do we have?"
"At publishing time, a coalition of Middle East nations was preparing to negotiate a peace agreement on the condition that Thunberg promises never to visit the region."
Much more at the Tunnel Wall

Alone at the helm: PM Netanyahu is the sole world leader who is standing against radical Islam.

 Phyllis Chesler  

Dare I dream? Why not. It is time for the Sunni Arab countries to join us on the front lines as well. It is in their interest to do so. Perhaps Jewish progressives will also begin to wake up, not only use their money-power but also take to the streets. Heroic alliances are our only option. Netanyahu, stand strong.

And mal-educated students get to wear designer scarves in public; 
today's iteration of the Che Guevara t-shirt. TD

"As I've long feared, the entire world is now electrically pre-wired with Jew hatred. From coast to coast, on every continent, every day, pro-Hamas demonstrations disturb the world's peace.

"It has only gotten worse after 10/7. At every conference, on every holiday, and on every campus, the hoarse cries of "Free Palestine" pierce the air. The surging, keffiyeh-masked pro-Hamas mobs are seemingly everywhere. They are not stopping anytime soon, even if Democrats try to claim they are. They constitute Iran's bought-and-paid-for global army.

"Iranian, Qatari, and left wing billionaire funding of both Jew, Israel, and America hatred for the last fifty years have accomplished this. Everyone absolutely refused to see the danger coming. One cannot blame only PM Netanyahu for this blindness, the entire world is guilty as Hell. This time, the Gates of Vienna have fallen and Europe has already reaped the deluge.

"Think of it: Hamas massacres and wounds thousands and kidnaps many hundreds of Israeli civilians--and Israel gets cursed for fighting back.

"Hamas sadistically executes six completely beaten-down, still shackled, Israeli hostages in cold blood--and pro-Hamas demonstrations take place in Bled, Slovenia (!), at a global conference which is just ending." . . .

Prof. Phyllis Chesleis an Emerita Professor of Psychology and the author of 20 books, including “Women and Madness” (1972), “With Child: A Diary of Motherhood, (1979) and” “The New Anti-Semitism” (2003, 2014). She conducted and published four studies about honor killing. Her latest books are “An American Bride in Kabul, which won a National Jewish Book Award and is now in Arabic; “A Family Conspiracy: Honor Killing,” “A Politically Incorrect Feminist.” She is a founding member of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME).

Will New York Times, Washington Post Return Pulitzer for Misleading Russia Collusion Stories?

Dumbass Photoshop

 Hans A. von Spakovsky; The Heritage Foundation  "In 2018, journalists from The New York Times and The Washington Post won a Pulitzer Prize in national reporting for their biased and inaccurate coverage of Russia’s alleged collaboration with the Trump campaign to interfere with the 2016 election, a claim we now know was a hoax. So when are they going to return the prize?     (Emphasis mine, TD)

"If this sounds familiar, it should. This is not the first time the prize—which is supposed to recognize outstanding achievement and public service in journalism—was awarded for misleading and discredited coverage.

"In 1931, The New York Times published 13 articles by its Moscow reporter and Communist sympathizer, Walter Duranty, praising the Soviet Union and dictator Joseph Stalin’s government. These articles relied solely on official Soviet communist sources, ignored the evidence contradicting the government’s propaganda, and covered up the genocide Stalin was committing in the Ukraine.

"Consequentially, Duranty’s work was explicitly and knowingly misleading. Columbia University history professor Mark von Hagen said in 2003 that Duranty was "a disgrace in the history of the New York Times."

"Throughout the series, Duranty glorified Stalin’s policies and peddled Soviet propaganda. Most notably, he rejected reports by fellow journalists describing the catastrophic consequences of collectivization.

"Beginning in 1929, the Soviet Union’s collectivization policy replaced private farms with large state-owned cooperatives. In the face of resistance from Ukrainian subsistence farmers, Stalin forcibly drove farmers off their land and deported 50,000 farm families to Siberia.

"Because of the Ukrainians' rebellion, Stalin purposefully set unrealistic grain quotas and, when farmers failed to meet those quotas, confiscated all of the grain and the food produced in the region. By 1933, the man-made famine had killed millions of Ukrainians who starved to death. Some even resorted to cannibalism.

"Despite the overwhelming evidence of mass starvation in Ukraine, Duranty denied it was occurring. "Conditions are bad," he conceded, "but there is no famine." His reaction to the forced collectivization and genocidal policies of Stalin was "to put it brutally—you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.". . . 

Now on to recent times with Democrats, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, and pretty much
everyone on the Democrat side of the Senate Judiciary Committee:

"Today, the New York Times and the Pulitzer Prize board have fallen into a similar scenario.

"In a series of 10 articles, Times reporters propagated a narrative detailing fictitious connections between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign, the president’s transition team, and the administration." . . .

Election Law Reform Initiative Manager, Senior Legal Fellow  Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues—including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration.

You MUST watch Tulsi Gabbard’s video about the Harris-Biden administration’s Stasi-style governance

 Andrea Widburg - American Thinker  "When all my conservative friends suddenly start sending me texts and emails telling me that I must watch a video, I take that seriously. That was the case with a video that Tulsi Gabbard published yesterday on X detailing how the Harris-Biden administration has been using law enforcement, the DOJ, and a completely complicit media to silence (and, if possible, destroy) anyone who threatens the Democrat party’s hold on power.

"I’ll add only one thing to Gabbard’s pithy 14-minute-long summation of what the branches of government under Democrat party control have been doing: Most have no mandate under the Constitution. The weaponized bureaucracy has become a fourth branch of government that must be constrained." . . .

More on this here:  Tulsi Gabbard: "Kamala says she believes in freedom, but I was put on a secret terror watch list after I publicly criticized her. No one will be safe from political retaliation under a Harris administration. I put my life on the line for this country. Now the government calls me a terror threat.

They aren't even mediocre

Don Surber (

   You can see why the deep state is so fearful of Trump’s second term. The Republican ticket is two men who accomplished greatness in the private sector, who both wrote best-sellers and who are smart enough to figure out the bureaucrat game.

"Mad TV was a sketch comedy show on Saturday nights that ran on Fox for 14 years. Unlike SNL, it was often funny. As a running joke, it ran commercials for a dating service for the “Desirably Impaired” called Lowered Expectations.
"I look at the Democrat presidential ticket for 2024 and think of those sketches. Kamala and dum dum are the least accomplished candidates that I can recall. JFK may have been a playboy son of a millionaire, but he did serve in combat in World War II. Quayle’s resume was thin as well and was no Jack Kennedy, or so I have heard, but he was young and grounded in American values.
"Kamala is 59 and Walz is 60. What have they done? What do they really stand for? They won’t say.
"Thanks to her, um, mentor Willie Brown, she held a series of political appointments to overpaid government jobs. The Good Old Boys network backed her later in two races for DA and then for state attorney general and lastly the U.S. Senate.
"Her main selling point was being black and she does not seem to be very good at that. Hillary dropped her G’s better when she talked at black churches.
"In the 21st century, being black or a woman should not be a big deal because it is no more an accomplishment than being white or a male. But Biden said he picked her only because she was a black woman.
"And she picked Walz only because he was a white man. That’s called balancing the ticket. I cannot call them mediocre because they have not risen to that level yet.
"Walz taught social studies for decades while serving in the National Guard — and making annual pilgrimages to Red China. He said it was 30 trips including a year as a teacher and his honeymoon.
"Why the Chinese Communist Party approved having a member of the American military repeatedly visit their country is anyone’s guess but the best one is they liked him. They really, really liked him.
"Unlike JD Vance who went to Iraq after joining the Marines, Walz suddenly left the Guard after 24 years when he learned they were headed to Iraq the next year. He holds the distinction of being called cowardly by his battalion chaplain.
"As governor, his greatest accomplishment was putting tampon dispensers in the boys’ restrooms in schools." . . .

Thursday, September 5, 2024

REVEALED: Hamas Plan To DIVIDE Israelis Over Hostages Discovered By IDF

 REVEALED: Hamas Plan To DIVIDE Israelis Over Hostages Discovered By IDF (

"Exactly why should there be a divided anything? There was no Palestinian state but the Jewish state before Rome and before that it was the kingdom of Judea.Since then it's been run over by a multiplicity of people the last being the Brits who called it Palestine which was the Roman name for Judea. And the Arabs just arrived as invaders and they've been run in and out by Crusaders and others. Israel historically has the best claim to the land both historically and morally especially after ALL their attempts at peace have been broken by their antisemitic neighbors."

Dramatic Day in Trump’s January 6 Case, as Judge Says She Wants a Trial To Start Soon and Insists Election Is Not a Factor |

  The New York Sun (   Special Counsel Jack Smith recently filed a slimmed-down indictment in response to the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling on presidential immunity.

On behalf of his client, Mr. Lauro reiterated that Trump was pleading not guilty to all charges. 

"The prosecution of President Trump at Washington for alleged election subversion restarted with a courtroom meeting on Thursday, the first convening since the Supreme Court ruled that presidents have broad immunity for official acts in discharging their duties. Special Counsel Jack Smith — who recently filed a new, slimmed down indictment to accommodate the Nine’s ruling —  took the time to file a document containing classified information that is, for the time being, hidden from public view. 

"In a major development, the presiding judge, Tanya Chutkan, said that she would move to schedule a trial as soon as possible, and that the upcoming election would not factor into trial scheduling. Prior to Thursday’s hearing, many legal observers had said they did not believe it was possible for the trial to take place before the election. Whether that’s now changed is unclear.

"On Thursday, prosecutors and Trump’s defense attorneys appeared — without the defendant — in Judge Chutkan’s courtroom to discuss issues of immunity and scheduling for the trial. At one point, Judge Chutkan grew frustrated, according to MSNBC, when Trump’s attorney, John Lauro, tried to argue that Mr. Smith was illegally appointed to his position — an argument that was convincing to Judge Aileen Cannon in Mr. Smith’s other prosecution of Trump, in Florida, over his hoarding of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. Judge Cannon threw out the entire case and Mr. Smith is appealing.

"Judge Chutkan, whose rulings have been overwhelmingly favorable to the prosecution — unlike Judge Cannon’s — rejected outright the idea that Mr. Smith was appointed illegally. " ...

. . . "Mr. Lauro asked Judge Chutkan to delay the trial even further, possibly for several weeks, given the election and Trump’s campaign schedule. She said that because the case has already been going on for more than a year, there was no need to slow-walk the trial any further. When Mr. Lauro claimed the judge was rushing to trial, Judge Chutkan shot back: “This case has been pending for more than a year. We’re hardly sprinting to the finish line here.' ” . . .

IDF finds shaft to tunnel where bodies of hostages found in a kids' yard

  The Jerusalem Post (  

"The tunnel was hidden in a child's yard, a place where a child should be safe, and not used as a human shield for Hamas."

"In a published video, a soldier explained that the IDF received clear intelligence about the location of the tunnel shaft, leading the IDF to operate in that precise location."
No shame?

 Details of the operation

"The IDF retrieved the bodies of the hostages from a tunnel under the city of Rafah in Gaza. They were likely slaughtered by Hamas shortly before the IDF got to them in Rafah.

"The bodies were found only one kilometer from where Kaid Farhan al-Alkadi, age 52, from Rahat, was found last week. Since Alkadi was found, the IDF put out instructions to be extra careful in the area, but it is possible that Hamas killed the six, knowing that the military was close by and that the hostages might be taken by the IDF alive.' "

IDF Video Shows Entry To Rafah Tunnel Where 6 Slain Hostages Were Found| Children's Yard Hamas' Den?

"Do You Hold ALL Palestinians Culpable?" Douglas Murray on Israel-Hamas, Riots & More (    
Douglas is steadfast in his belief that Hamas is the central cause of the conflict, stating that the aim of Hamas is not a ceasefire, but the destruction of Israel; but Piers holds his feet to the fire. Piers makes the point that many Palestinians aren't supporters of Hamas but are dying anyway. Douglas concedes that he doesn't blame all Palestinians, but says that 'they elected Hamas'.

Joe and Kamala struggle.

Biden Goes Full-On Incoherent in Pittsburgh, What He Says About Kamala Is Incredible – RedState  "Joe Biden is back before the cameras. 

Ian Macfarlane
"In some ways, it would be better if he stayed on vacation, as he may do less damage then when he's actually before the cameras and talking. How wrong it is that the Democrats have put us in that position with him, by not being honest about his condition. Kamala Harris is chief among those who has not been honest with the American people about Biden's issues. 

"After making bizarre comments before and after a meeting in the Situation Room about the situation in Israel, Biden went with Harris to Pittsburgh for a campaign event with union people." . . .
Kamala’s Campaign Is Flailing So Badly the DOJ Just Tried to Toss Her a ‘Russia Collusion’ Lifeline     . . ."The DOJ wants voters to believe Russia is spreading disinformation, and Russia wants Trump to win. And, as a good red-blooded American, you must vote for Harris instead.
"Putin, however, has said he’d prefer to see Biden defeat Trump. And that likely extends to Harris now as well, considering she would represent a de facto second term for him.

"All of this spells absolute doom for Kamala’s campaign. She has no original policies to speak of, no platform posted for the American people to read. She just has the same tired "disinformation" and ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ shtick we all saw play out in 2016 and 2020.

"It sounds like a desperate last-gasp effort by the Harris campaign after realizing she earned a negligible post-DNC bump in national polling and hasn’t even moved the meter in battleground states.

"The American people are too intelligent to fall for this nonsense. The Russia meddling narrative is dead."

Putin says Russia prefers Biden to Trump | AP News   "President Vladimir Putin said that Russia would prefer to see U.S. President Joe Biden win a second term, describing him as more experienced and predictable than Donald Trump — even though Moscow strongly disagrees with the current administration’s policies.
"Putin’s comments during an interview with Russian state television Wednesday were his first about the upcoming U.S. presidential election, likely to pit Biden against Trump. They were rare praise for Biden, a fierce critic of the Russian leader who has frequently lauded Trump.
" 'Biden, he’s more experienced, more predictable, he’s a politician of the old formation,” Putin said, when asked which candidate would be better for Russia. “But we will work with any U.S. leader whom the American people trust.”
"Putin’s motives for saying Biden is a better choice for Russia were unclear, but the assertion was eyebrow-raising given prior U.S. government assessments of the Russian leader’s support for Trump and of Kremlin efforts to tip American elections in his favor." . . .