Friday, September 6, 2024

You MUST watch Tulsi Gabbard’s video about the Harris-Biden administration’s Stasi-style governance

 Andrea Widburg - American Thinker  "When all my conservative friends suddenly start sending me texts and emails telling me that I must watch a video, I take that seriously. That was the case with a video that Tulsi Gabbard published yesterday on X detailing how the Harris-Biden administration has been using law enforcement, the DOJ, and a completely complicit media to silence (and, if possible, destroy) anyone who threatens the Democrat party’s hold on power.

"I’ll add only one thing to Gabbard’s pithy 14-minute-long summation of what the branches of government under Democrat party control have been doing: Most have no mandate under the Constitution. The weaponized bureaucracy has become a fourth branch of government that must be constrained." . . .

More on this here:  Tulsi Gabbard: "Kamala says she believes in freedom, but I was put on a secret terror watch list after I publicly criticized her. No one will be safe from political retaliation under a Harris administration. I put my life on the line for this country. Now the government calls me a terror threat.

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