Friday, September 6, 2024

They aren't even mediocre

Don Surber (

   You can see why the deep state is so fearful of Trump’s second term. The Republican ticket is two men who accomplished greatness in the private sector, who both wrote best-sellers and who are smart enough to figure out the bureaucrat game.

"Mad TV was a sketch comedy show on Saturday nights that ran on Fox for 14 years. Unlike SNL, it was often funny. As a running joke, it ran commercials for a dating service for the “Desirably Impaired” called Lowered Expectations.
"I look at the Democrat presidential ticket for 2024 and think of those sketches. Kamala and dum dum are the least accomplished candidates that I can recall. JFK may have been a playboy son of a millionaire, but he did serve in combat in World War II. Quayle’s resume was thin as well and was no Jack Kennedy, or so I have heard, but he was young and grounded in American values.
"Kamala is 59 and Walz is 60. What have they done? What do they really stand for? They won’t say.
"Thanks to her, um, mentor Willie Brown, she held a series of political appointments to overpaid government jobs. The Good Old Boys network backed her later in two races for DA and then for state attorney general and lastly the U.S. Senate.
"Her main selling point was being black and she does not seem to be very good at that. Hillary dropped her G’s better when she talked at black churches.
"In the 21st century, being black or a woman should not be a big deal because it is no more an accomplishment than being white or a male. But Biden said he picked her only because she was a black woman.
"And she picked Walz only because he was a white man. That’s called balancing the ticket. I cannot call them mediocre because they have not risen to that level yet.
"Walz taught social studies for decades while serving in the National Guard — and making annual pilgrimages to Red China. He said it was 30 trips including a year as a teacher and his honeymoon.
"Why the Chinese Communist Party approved having a member of the American military repeatedly visit their country is anyone’s guess but the best one is they liked him. They really, really liked him.
"Unlike JD Vance who went to Iraq after joining the Marines, Walz suddenly left the Guard after 24 years when he learned they were headed to Iraq the next year. He holds the distinction of being called cowardly by his battalion chaplain.
"As governor, his greatest accomplishment was putting tampon dispensers in the boys’ restrooms in schools." . . .

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