Weasel Zippers "“It is the biggest loss for the party … and it is our people and nation’s biggest sadness,” an anchorwoman clad in black Korean traditional dress said in a voice choked with tears. She said the nation must “change our sadness to strength and overcome our difficulties.” "
From the Council on Foreign Relations,October 25, 2010; Succession and Stasis in North Korea "However daunting all of this may seem, and however dim Kim Jong Un’s prospects appear, several factors, both internal and external, will work in his favor. He will rely on the system designed by his grandfather, the founder of North Korea, Kim Il Sung -- a system that, as Daniel Byman and I have
written, was designed for resilience."
Thomas Lifson: North Korean Communist dynasty goes into its third generation "Power is passing to the youngest of his three sons, Kim Jong-un, now known as the "Great Successor," formerly labeled by the regime as the "Brilliant Comrade."
Sounds like a title for the head lemur in "Madagascar". But I digress...
Oldest brother Kim Jong Nam reportedly "had been the favorite to succeed his father but reportedly fell out of favour after being caught trying to enter Japan on a fake passport in 2001 to visit Tokyo Disneyland." Second brother Kim Jong Chul was also passed over. Information is fragmentary, but a Japanese sushi chef who worked for Kim Jong il left North Korea and wrote about the Kim family. He is reported to have indicated:
Kim would often bemoan that Kim Jong Chul, his 23-year old son, would never rule because he had turned out to be "like a girl." ....
Bloviating Zeppelin
"The news came as North Korea prepared for a hereditary succession. Kim Jong Il inherited power after his father, revered North Korean founder Kim Il Sung, died in 1994.
"In September 2010, Kim Jong Il unveiled his third son, the twenty-something Kim Jong Un, as his successor, putting him in high-ranking posts."
The funeral dinner will consist of stale bread and water.