The Blaze "By attacking Romney’s tax records, Obama’s socialist cabal creates a problem that doesn’t exist. Is the U.S. Senate Majority Leader making up stories out of thin air? You decide. But the reason for this baseless attack is clear- make Romney defend, so not only is he “off message” but it helps the media ignore the real Obama scandal.
"My answer for Romney? Call Obama’s bluff.
"My answer for Romney? Call Obama’s bluff.
"Romney should call a press conference and issue a challenge in front of the nation. He should agree to release more of his tax returns, only if Obama unseals his college records. Simple and straight-forward. Mitt should ask “What could possibly be so embarrassing in your college records from 29 years ago that you are afraid to let America’s voters see? If it’s THAT bad, maybe it’s something the voters ought to see.” Suddenly the tables are turned. Now Obama is on the defensive."
Via Rush Limbaugh Quick Hits page, in which Rush went on to read from Root's
"If you could unseal Obama’s Columbia University records I believe you’d find that: A) He rarely ever attended class. B) His grades were not those typical of what we understand it takes to get into Harvard Law School. C) He attended Columbia as a foreign exchange student. D) He paid little for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreign students like this kid Barry Soetoro from Indonesia."If you think I’m 'fishing' then prove me wrong. Open up your records Mr. President. What are you afraid of?