Monday, August 6, 2012

And why should we, the citizen taxpayer, be more concerned with what Romney does with his money, and less concerned with what Obama, Pelosi, and Reid do with ours?"

How the Obama Campaign/Media Alliance Works    "So do you wonder why Harry Reid is going around telling everyone who will listen that he heard from someone (name not revealed) that Romney did not pay taxes for ten years ? I think it is because the new Obama attack campaign is designed to make Romney look like a slimy tax cheat. Harry Reid has no shame. He is a millionaire many times over.  
And the Media is complicit in all this.  "Anyone who doesn’t believe Obama is behind what Reid is up to, doesn’t want to. The media knows Team Obama is behind this, but won't say so. Because saying so isn't part of a sleazy plan that was formulated and rolled out in this way…"

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
American Thinker; Why is Harry Reid riding the mail pony?  "And why should we, the citizen taxpayer, be more concerned with what Romney does with his money, and less concerned with what Obama, Pelosi,  and Reid do with ours?"  More...

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