Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Liars, Damned Liars, and Harry Reid (Updated with great irony)

American Thinker  "Deriving from legal sources like the United States Constitution, Article I, Section 6, this "safe harbor" to slander and defame shamelessly is known as the "legislative privilege."  At its finest, the legislative privilege exists to assure unfettered debate, permitting robust criticism of government without fear of being sued for tortious defamation.  However, Harry Reid does not embody its finest.  Note that Harry Reid, when speaking outside the safety of the legislative chamber, speaks of having heard rumors about Mitt Romney but never states outright that Mitt Romney cheated on taxes except when Reid is on the Senate floor, artificially protected from being sued as a "dirty liar."  Thus, he not only is a "dirty liar," but he is also a coward.  If the lines at Chick-fil-A are too long, you can always find at least that one chicken in the United States Senate."   (emphasis added. TD)
Hat tip to Margi Hawks; Liberty, MO
Cartoon by Bruce Plante - Harry Reid's source

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