Monday, August 6, 2012

Aftermath of the Sikh Temple shooting (Epilogue added)

Who could ever have a grudge against Sikhs? Only a few idiots who think that their turbans mean they are Muslims, perhaps? One Sikh storekeeper was murdered after 9-11 by some simpleton who thought the man was a Muslim.
The killer was called a "right-winger" and so he may be. But I am what MSNBC calls a "right-winger" as well, yet I utterly condemn this vicious act perpetrated by a man with twisted, sub-human thought processes and I mourn for his innocent victims.
What makes me a right-winger is my fear of what liberalism will do to our once-great culture. Why this man is called "right-wing" I hesitate to say, but utterly reject the term being synonymous with murderous hate and ignorance; I've seen too much of that in the Occupy movement. TD

Wisconsin’s Sikh Temple Shooting: Despicable Liberal Political Ammunition?
"Salem has a very large Sikh population, and I’ve had the privilege of interacting with a few during my daily adventures. Every one was very kind, polite, and friendly. I heard about the shooting on the way back from my own, Christian church early this afternoon, and I couldn’t help my thoughts from drifting to my own church and place of worship. I can’t imagine a sanctuary being defiled like that. The fact that our local Sikhs are such lovely people makes it even more shocking that someone would want to do them harm."
...."Control the narrative. Stand for something. The moment the left starts to pull that crap, set the record straight and don’t shut up about it. That’s all for now, and God bless the families and friends of those who were killed and injured in this senseless act."   Generation the Great

Muslim attacks on Sikhs: Islamic Jihad against Sikhism   "Muslims believe* that Islam must be supreme among religions. Members of all religions other than Islam are classified as 'Kuffars' - infidels who must be humiliated and in some cases exterminated. Jews and Christians who accept the supremacy of Islam are dhimmis who are allowed to live in subjugation, although the Koran requires that all Jews must be exterminated eventually."
* Muslims who are serious followers of the Koran that is. I maintain that the more committed the Muslims to the Koran, the more warlike they are. TD

Hindu-Sikh Minorities in Pakistan: The Vanishing Communities....
Hindu Children do not get admission into schools.The migrating Pakistani Hindus in India also face various troubles to get long term visa.Hindus are converted into Islam by force.Hindu Girls & Women are abducted, molested & raped.Hindus and Sikhs are forced to pay Jizya Tax by Talibans.Hindu Employees are beaten to death in the factory complex. More...
Back to the subject with an article corroborating the two previous links:
Sikh temple shooter said to be white supremacist
"Potok said there's no research showing white supremacists hating Sikhs, indicating that Sunday's attack was almost certainly an example of someone mistaking Sikhs for Muslims."

Shooter Identified As Former US Military Member   No, we cannot condemn violent, racist heavy metal bands because then we'd be accused of a racist attempt to attack Rap as well.
Better to attack conservatives and TEA Partiers.
You can be sure that news networks are combing this murderer's words to find any trace at all of words sympathetic to Republicans, Christians or the TEA Party.
Epilogue: Today, we are all American Sikhs   ...."Tragically, the turban meant to represent a commitment to service and justice has since marked Sikh Americans as targets in hate violence. Our family, alongside Sikh families who arrived in a wave of immigration after the 1960s, became American in law but not necessarily in the eyes of our neighbors. I was old enough to remember racial slurs and shattered windows after the Iran hostage crisis, the first Gulf War and the Oklahoma City bombing. Still, none of this could prepare me for 9/11."....
.... "But this time, something new happened: The whole nation paid attention. Thousands of people posted messages of love and support in the face of unspeakable tragedy. They knew that the Sikh community gathered to pray on a Sunday morning just like millions in churches across the country. They knew that the terrible loss of life so recently after the shootings in Aurora shocks the conscience and violates our deepest values. They knew that this is not a Sikh tragedy but an American tragedy."

Sikhs in UK Facebook site paid this tribute to two heroes of the temple shooting

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